1 1 rolina, Friday, June 1, 1951. 5 Cents Per C Cjjil of tocction Lets Catrcct For Ccnstruetii Of f'3gro School AGuifcn D-:;-:iat Fined Lor -Prer:rty ,; v A. varied docket, consisting fnine cases, was disposed of by the Perquim ans Recorder's Court, in sesflion.here last TuesJay morning. v. -. $ A ...i; . Nellie Winecof f,' young' white; wo man, charged with being drunk on the highway, resisting an officer and des troying ;county property, entered a plea Of ' guilty, to all three 'counts. Judge Chasl E. Johnson sentenced the defendant to jail for 0 days, sentence to be suspended upon. payment of a fine.nl $75 andosts of court, $50 of the fins to be paid for the destruction of the nropertyrThe defendant was ar rested by B. R. Inecoe,, State Patrol man, at about 6:30 o'clock Jftonaay morning on highway 17, one mile south of Hertford; while enrouteto jail with the woman, Mr. Inaooe testi- fied she bit him in the face-on two -occasions. Later, in jail, tha-defendant tore the water "system apart in her cell, causing the cell bldck to become ftboded with water. .'" -- Roosevelt Harvey and Elsie Feltori, both Negroes, were found guilty of assaulting each other. lEach of, the defendants1 was given a 60 day jail sentence, to be suspended upon pay ment of costs and further condition that they not be seen together for a period of 12 months. , Fred Edwards was found guilty on a charge of driving drunk. , He was -ordered to pay a fine of $100 and costs' of court. ' , Jasper Phelps;: charged with being drunk on the highway and 'allowing "his car to be operated- without a U ' cense, was found guilty and ordered to pay a fine of 1 10 and cost. Nehemiah SpeDapan, Negro, enter ed a plea ot guilty to'driving without1 a license. He was .fined: $25 . and -costs of court. .v';;il..f.t ; v Jeremiah White. NegrolTwas fined . $25 and costs of court fterje'i-4ing .pjesf guilty to- a. charge, ing on tne lert side, or tne roaa, fans-, ing property damage. "C ": J i'i . ;1 --V William Harris "Neroir charged with driving without a license, fatt ed to appear for a hearing. The court ordered the defendant be" held on bond J : ; The case of George Whitehurst, ar rested Sunday bySheriff M. G. Owens, -on a charge of assaulting his father with a shot gun; was continued until June 6. , . Benjamin Pritcnard entered a plea' - .'U. 1.. .4-:n- t.1in..n in face of on-coming traffic, causing property damage.. - He was fined $25 .,1 nd costs of court: Isaac Jones, Negro, in court in a capias, issued jor zatiure to pay court costs, was committed to jail for SO days, for failing to pay the costs. r ' Sharp clashes between UN' troops and Communists on the. Korean 'war front were reported en Wednesday, as P reports from Tcyo told of a build up ' of Red res' a:. ITorth Korea. The Communis i, i -rrj to the rer -ports, have e' ' t. 5!r retreat, de spite a s-"" Allies. -ported ' "while otL . above tS l a drive by the n troops were re 's North Korea, ts had advanced -.JL - ' ' The Cupreme Court, in reviewing a legal quer'rm this week, paved the way for c Jot t 'eviaion by upholJing the rislit of a broadcasting system to use color TV prams-' The action is er--"l tit jet tho-sanda of TV r "3 tax in Lv. -es ovfr the nation. It h-a r'-ortei TV set owners will te t .la to fcava s'j agisted to receive t" "e Kfv elor p rams at coot re ..-jf.trjtJ tj.J.' week r ... 1 r t cn.. cew 1 f : c I : 1 - "-n far uf i ! ' y .'n- fj5, i J 3'' lii i '"-'si r. C a C - ' L ; GEN. BIDG WAV DIRECTS ' ATTACK AT DAW The commander tf with Maj. James H. Lee, of Dallas, Tex., during the former's inspection of Tanks and infantrymen of the U. S. 24th Division move up during early muniat positions. '."..., ' ' . . Perq-ILis (Sites Urge j To Tfte Active Interest In Thad Eure Speaker At Closing Exercises On ; Tuesday Night -Thad C. Eure, Secretary of State of North Carolina; told the 89 mem- ' JPSLS Pr Vade-received promotion certificates jniimans High School that ft was the into Mgh . httle things in life that counted, ai. ... .' . : . JLJZL ,aa rr,, I Perfect attendance certificates were .! in th .h&h -.w ,ut. ' torium Speaking to a capacity audience at the. school's' 26th commencement, Mr. Eure illustrated his point by1 telling of his amazement at the indifference shown by people concerning" Ubtle things that years ago were considered highly important He challenged the graduating class td . do something about the little things in life, and to take an active Interest in the affairs of government in order that life, lib erty and freedom will be preserved. Mr. Eure was introduoed by Calvin Buttdass valedictorian." y ;p ft -At . the close of thedridresa 7, Dttaiploinam-Wjawa J members of she graduatinf class by J-vEdgar Morris, chairman of the Board of Education. Mr, Morris-was introduced by J.-T. Biggers, Superim- tendent of Schools. -Medals and other awards-for out standing activity during the past year were 'presented by E. " C. Woodard, principal of the school. These awards were: 1 Chief medal for scholarship, loyalty and achievement, Calvin (Butt; Ameri can Legion medals, Virginia Gay and Lewis - Dawson; commercial medal awarded ' by BPW Club, Christine Thatch; medal for highest grades for year, given, by Mrs. B. , Koonce, Doris Faye Allen; sportsmanship medal, Lewis Dawsn and- Mary Dunsmoor; activities, Doris Faye Al len and Calvin Butt; citizenship, Mary Sue Cook end Anne Thatch; drama tics, Mary Dunsmoor and Kelly Mil ler; outstanding student below sen iors, Marvina White debates, Mable Martin Whedbee; Glee- Club, Marvina White; band, Jay Duling;- journalism, Mary Dunsmoor; student council, Cal vin Buttt basketball and football, Guy Cannon; gold football, Lewis Dawson; band emblems to Mary Sue Cook, Vir ginia Gay and Mary 'Dunsmoor; book awards to Calvin Butt and Doris (Faye Allen. . j .The commencement "marked .the close of the school's term and clim axed closing exercises yhich started Sunday with the baccalaureate ser mon, which was delivered by Charles Wulf, rector of Holy .Trinity Episco pal Church.' j. -"i. Invocation at the " commencement was given by the Rev.' A. L. Chaplin,' and the " Rev.-' Carl v:Yw gave the benediction. Music , was rendered by the girls' octette.". t' " - r , C)ci&rct tc ITir Two Cc'jrty Reads - Two road projects in Perquimans County were amonj for-vtl!h t9 nV-vtey Co- jri re "-1J LL's on Ti-' 7, tf Cls wec"H and c-'rrr'i fr Cs - 'rulon were let on IL-jtcI.7, according to a re port from K3ofh. ' ; ' TLa loc.4' rx.'jcta' fcduded -f3 n 'Ua of and rJ-graJe r' -' t of I j road from 71 . lo I. " villa ro..!, tlnr-h Char-r s ! ' . i ossty roa J 1 miles ' c2 . " ;'. ' re to ciunty fad 2.2 mik r- i ci T.". JL tl.ierson, Ir.c, ' -j ? I ' .oe, vere low I' -J ; ,r - l- a lid of flSJ,- : Li t - l are v: Affas Of State Whedbee Speaker At School ' Exercises 'Silas M. Whedbee, County Solicitor, was speaker at . exercises, held at Per quimans High School on Wednesday morning when members of the eighth awarded a number-of the students, and buTcertificates were presented 'all 16 drivers of county school buses.'-: Spe cial bus driver's pins, awarded, by the Hertford Lions. Club, were presented to Carolyn Harrell, Elizabeth (Proctor, Winston Lane, .Doris Faye .Allen, Preston Morgan, Billy Hill, Clyde Stallings, Curtis Eure, Robert Harrell and Norma Jean Godwin. V ; The exercises marked the closing of the school term for 1950-51. ;V Eff crt On Fcot To s-David Holton has ' called a meet ihg of the Chowan County Wildlife Club to be held tonight (Thursday) at 6 o'clock in the Court House. Holton, working 'through Leon Thomas, district game protector su pervisor, has interested the N. C Re source Commission in the establish ment of s game refuge in Chowan and Perquimans counties. The State has already sent a man to make a pre liminary hearing, which was found favorable. The refuge now depends largely upon the interest shown by landowners. -... . .- : . . The area contemplated for restock ing is the pocca8in extending from the Brayhall section to Yeopim Station in Perquimans. County, and includes be tween 12 and IS thousand acres suit able for the purpose. At 'present there is no big game at all in the area, but is Ideal for deer. Deer would he stocked by the State' so . that the opinion is advanced that it could. be come one of the best' deer hunting areas in the State. ..The State would not only restock the game refuge, but would protect and. supervise it for a few years. It is estimated that a herd of from 50 to .200 deer would be stocked to start with. " ' " ' .The game refuge is a major project of the Owwan County Wildlife Club, and at the meeting another very im portant " project of vital interest of this section will be discussed. For that reason, Mr. Holton hopes all members of the club, as well as non-members will attend. -. ' . Chinney Fire At . Sheriffs Home Tuesday .Hertford firemen were called to the home of Sheriff M. G. Owens at about 10.-30 Tuesday night to extinguish a fire caused by an overheated chimney. The flames from the chimney blazed hish into the sky and gave appearance of -a bad Are,: but tile firemen soon had the- blase under control. ' Da-n-8 was estimated at several hundred dollars. " - . ' r-i-th Lcir.b Sale Fcr Nczt LIcnday I. Cv-YasoL County Agent, report- c 1 tlJs we-;, that the first lamb sale vf V 3 t:33on will be conducted at . li on ITonday, June 4, with st '-".Is'g at 7 A. M., and com pleted by 12, noon. ' Yajel advised local sheep growers to t&ke advr.nt5e of f sale, as it was '- l.'cf C tr'-' '"I be made . ' n.- '.c" s,I. i . ithis grade le. Crauai-r will be done by the iketin? Division of the State De j -rtment of Agriculture. the 8th Army in Korea talk)' a front line position. Right morning attack against Com LccalTesm Entered Baseball Leaps F ay Here Sunday . baseball team, composed of mem bers and former members of the Per quimans High School teams, has enter ed competition in the league composed of Gatesville, Sunbury, White Oak, Chuckatuck, Va., and Buck Horn, Va., it was announced today by Edward Lane, who is acting as manager, of the local team. , v. The team will play two games each week in the league, on Saturday and Sunday afternoons, Mr. Lane said. All home games will be played on Memori al Field, and no admission will be charged. Collections will be taken,1 however, to assist the team with its expenses. . .. , , ' .. Among the players on' theHertford team are Clyde Stallings, A. L. Lane, Vance Bright, Billy Benton and Vern on .White, members of the 1951 PHS squad, and Billy Winslow, Howard Pitt, Edward Lane, former players for Perquimans, and Richard Hoskins and Kefly Byrum, ACC and Campbell Col-. leJCpejrs , ZS?:' ; -.Hae Hertford team played Sunbury in the league opener last week-end, winning the game here Saturday by a score of 12-2 while losing at Sunbury on Sunday by a 6-2 count. , ' White Oak will furnish thercompeti tion for the local team this week-end with the home game being played here Sunday afternoon. The manager of the local team in vites 'other youths of the , county to try out for a berth on the Hertford team, and arrangements for this try out may be made by contacting Ed ward Lane. County Hubs To Stage IM Show The Home Demonstration and Busi ness and Professional Women's Clubs of Perquimans County will stage a talent show on Thursday, June 21, it was reported today by Mrs. Nina B. White, County Home Agent. : Individuals who dance, sing, play a musical Instrument of any Tcind, or have an entertaining speciality of any kind, are requested ito place applica tions for the-tfliow with Mrs. White, at the Agricultural Building, Mrs. J. D. Yea tea, Mrs. J. D. Coston, pr Mrs. R. M. iRiddick. The numbef of entrants will be limited, so individuals are asked to make application without delay. . A number of prizes will be award ed the participants, and the winner of first place. will have an opportunity to appear on a Norfolk T-V show. Scout Fund : Drive Opens Here Next Week ' A 'fund raising campaign, for the benefit of the Hertford troop of Boy Scouts, under the sponsorship of the Hertford Lions Cfob, will get under way here next week, it was announced today by John Biggers, chairman of the Lions Club Committee. , Mr.' Biggers pointed out only ' one drive will be conducted for funds for the Boy Scouts, and he urges the public to support the campaign in or der that Scouting will be properly fi nanced for the year ahead. No quota has been' set for this fund, however, individuals are asked to be as gen erous'as possible in making contribu tions. ' '4 GliADUAU NAME OIUTTED Through error the name of Guy Cannon was omitted from the list of students graduating from (Perquimans Hich EJiool in the -class of 1951, w- lishrl in last, week's issue of The We . Cay was amonar Ciosa re- cel r i" lomas at commencement exeixidos Tuesday night' ' . ' County Board. To Meet., On Monday The Perquimans County Board of Commissioners will meet next Monday morning at 10 o'clock, for its regular June session. Residents desiring "to present matters before the Board are requested to note time fend date of tne meeting. In addition to the usual routine mat ters, the Board is expected to hear discussions on preliminary budgets for the next fiscal year. Budgets for the Welfare and Health Departments have been passed upon, however, the Com missioners have yet to receive prelimi nary budgets for the Schools, and the Agricultural Service, as well as bud gets for the general county fund, debt service fund and poor fund. Final Report Made On Cancer Crusade A final report released this week by the Perquimans Business and Profes sional Woman's Club on the annual Cancer Crusade revealed a total of $607.93 was raised for this fund in Perquimans County. : Miss Hulda Wood, Mrs. D. M. Jack son and Miss Audrey Umphlett, serv ing as co-directors for the drive, ex pressed their appreciation to the pub lic for its generous response in the fight against cancer, and to each of the volunteer solicitors who canvassed for contributions. "The cooperation and time spent doing a great job to raise the county quota," the directors said, "is appreciated by all connected in the effort to fight cancer." - Contributions reported by the vari ous .solicitors were released as fol lows: Mrs. Anse White, Market Street, $30.50; -Mrs. J. P. : Snipes, PCCGS,, $24.70; V. N. Darden, busi ness district of Hertford, $75.50; Mrs. Ruth Stanton, Winfall, $59.00; Mrs. William 'Boyce, $10.20; Mrs. Addie Jones, Grabb Street, ,$20.00; Mrs. Louis Howell, BeedrBsrings, RtJO: MrsTTSdney Layden,"- Butgess, 43.61 fflias Thelma Elliott, Hertford Gram mar School, $11.85 ., Mrs. Henry Stokes, Front Street, i$ 16.00; E. C. Woodard, PCHS, $12.57; Mrs. Lois Topping, Woodland Circle, $15.75; Mrs. Thomas Rogerson, Woodville, $10.70; Will . Elliott, Chapanoke, $12.50; Mrs. VC. p. Sumner, Grubb Street, $25.95; Mrs. Thomas Tilley, Dobb Street, $14.50; Mrs. Joe Nowell, Nicanor, $11.00; Mrs. Clinton Eley, Covent Garden, Market streets, $7.00; Mrs. Lindsay Winslow, Church Street, $6.00; Mrs. Viola Nachman, Church Street, $10.50; Talmadge Rose, $13.25; American Legion Auxiliary, $5.00; Lioness Club, $5.00; Robert Hollowell, Hertford business district, . $37.00; Mrs. Logan Lane, Myrtle and Willow Ave., $5.25; Mrs. Noah Gregory, East and West Acadamy Streets, $2.00; Mrs. Robert Hollowell, $33.60; cancer cans at Winfall, $7.28; M.rs. Audrey Goodman, Penn and Wood Avenue, $6.42; Mrs. Tom Perry, Edenton Road Street, $8.90; Mrs. Robert White, Church 'Street, $16.10; Katherine Jes sup, Church Street, $6.00; Mrs. C. H. Hunter and Mrs. E. G. Banks, New hHope, $23.60; Nina B. White, Home Demonstration Club, $8.65; J. M. Spruill, colored division, $30.75. VFW Auxiliary To Sponsor Dance June 9 The Ladies' Auxiliary of the VFW will sponsor a "Vacationers Dance" on Saturday night, June 9, from 9 until 1 o'clock at the post hall. The dance will be semi-formal! . A floor show will be presented dur ing the evening with Francis Nixon acting as master of ceremonies. Among those taking part on the pro gram are Mrs. Charles Johnson, Hank ChriStgou, Bobby Jordan, Georgia Perry, May Dunsmoor, R. S. Monds, Ruth Tucker,' Billy White, Charles Skinner, Jr., 'Emmett Landing, Tal madge Rose, George Fields, and Mrs. Blanche Louise Kimbrell. " Tickets may, be purchased from members, of the VFW or the Auxil iary. , To Advertise Town Tax List' On June 8 W. G. Newby, Hertford Town Clerk, today issued a final warning to resi dents of the town, who have not yet paid 1950 property tares. He stated he -had been ordered by the Town Board to advertise for sale tax liens on all property for which taxes had not been paid, and these liens will be ad vertised on Friday, June 8, and the sale will be held on the Becond Mon day in July: t 'Property owners can save additional costs by making payment before the list Is turned over to the printers, Mr. Newby stated. - Total Cost of Project $76,520; Work to Start -Immediately Perquimans County's Board of Edu cation, meeting in special session here, last Friday afternoon, paved the way for the construction of the Hertford Negro School addition by letting con- - tracts for the propect. The action followed opening of new bids for the general construction work on this building. Low bidder for the general con struction was O. W. Godwin of Dunn, who submitted a bid of $55,797, for this work. Others bidders were J. L. Baitton, whose bid was $59,050 and J. N. Bryan and Son, whose bid was $57,026. Total cost tit the project, including . bids for the electrical, plumbing and heating work will be $76,520. By readvertising for bids or the general construction work on this project the Board of Education saved $5,853 compared with all bids receiv ed on the project at the opening of original bids three weeks ago. At that time J. L. Batton was low bidder, for general construction, with a figure of $61,650. Work on this addition to the Hert ford Negro School is expected to get underway immediately, and it is esti mated by the contractor that the building will be ready for use some time in October or early November. Other matters handled by the Board during the special meeting included the employment of Raymond Fusoh, architect of New Bern, to draw plans for the construction of a lunchroom at the Hertford and Winfall Grammar schools. The Board is hopeful that these plans can be completed and con tracts let for the work in about eight weeks. :''f-.;-v The Board authorized county school principals to demand birth certificates of ail pupils entering school for the first time, next September. This au thority is granted under State laws, and is observed to prevent parents entering children in school before the children reach proper age. ? Meet At Nags Head Edmund Harding, noted humorist of Washington, N. C, Dr. Sylvester Green, executive director of the North Carolina Medical Foundation of Chapel Hill will be the principal speakers at a two-day assembly of presidents and , secretaries of the 278th District Ro tary International scheduled to begin here at The Carolinian on June 10, it is announced by Robert Smith of the Manteo and host club to the assembly. Approximately 150 persons includ ing Rotary officials and their wives will attend the assembly which will include J. L. Chestnutt, new president of the Edenton Rotary Club; Robert S. Marsh, new secretary, as well as a number of other club members. Harding is scheduled to be introduc ed by Rotarian Wade Marr of Eliza beth City. The nationally famous Washington humorist is a former dis trict governor of Rotary. He will speak at the Fellowship dinner on Sun day night Dr. Green, also a former district governor will be speaker at the May 11th luncheon and he will be introduc ed by Zeb Brown of Tarboro, a past district governor. Discussions will be led by District Governor Elect Olin Broadway of Hen derson and H. B. Spruill of Windsor, the present District Governor. The host club will provide entertainment features for the assembly including songs by the Dare Club's quartet Crop Planting Nears Completion In County County agricultural officials report ed this week that crop planting is nearly completed in Perquimans, with outlook for the crops bright at this time of year. Blessed with an almost perfect planting season, county farmers have planted most of their peanuts, cotton, com and soybeans,, with results from nearly every section of the county re ported as good. With crop prospects good, County Agent I, C. Yagel, urges all farmers to be on the lookout for crop pests, especially boll weevils, and take pre cautions against these pests to protect the growing plants. i . . . . i. ' . .hi ii " Announces Clinics The District Health Department an nounced today immunisation clinics will be conducted in - Perquimans County on June 14, 21 and 28, at Bel videre, Nicanor and Winfall, and on June 15, 22 and 29 at Chapanoke, Woodville New Had and Webb's store. . ' Officials! n

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