r-s r I ,"1m Clyde Fur J rr the week-end wki T"r, r liam Tucker aid At State CsBega Carlton Davenport, ' Jr left this week lor Stat Collega when be wiO attend rammer school. , . . , .. Week-end la NerYelk . . Mr. and lira. Louii Taxkington and children apent the week-end with rela tive in Norfolk, Va,'.-H-.- . , . Vkitng Her- "-5 :"." Mrs. Albert Roberta and daughter, Miaa Trudie . Roberta, of Kingston, Tenru, are the guests of If r. and Mr. J. 0. Fetton. Fran Greensboro v' ' Alfred Williama of Greensboro ia spending the summer witfe&s grand mother, Mrs. Isa Tucker, y Returned Hoai ffi-?-?..; V Misa Pat 5 Morris returned home Sunday after spending ; last week with friends at Hags Egwi. " Week-end In Washington Mr. and Mrs.' Charles E. Johnson . and children spent, the week-end in Washington, D. C... .-. -.v.. Weekend At Nag Bead ' Mr. and Mrs. B. J. HoSeman, Jr., apent the week-end at Nags Head. At Jackson , Misa Dianne Holleman ia visiting her grandmother, Mrs. B. J, HoHeman, Sr., at Jackson. ' -. At E. C C Miss Thehna Elliott 4a attending summer school at E. C. G, GreenviHe, for several weeks. Week-end Hera V."- Mr. and Mrs. Keith Haskett spent the week-end with Mrs. Elisabeth Haskett , , Returned From Hospital Mrs. Rosser Brinn returned from Watts Hospital, Saturday and is get ting along nicely: ' From Washington : ; Mr. and Mrs. Granbery Tucker of Washington, . C, Spent the week end with Mrs. Isa Tucker. Week-end Gaests Mr. and Mrs. J. D. George of Ra leigh and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Burleson of Washington, D. C, spent the week, end with Mr. and Mrs. D.S. Darden. Week-end AtjGodwfa -; If mnA Mm lUtT2trtmA Waifa Mid family spent the week-end at Godwin. From Charlesfea ' '. - Mr. and Mm. Guy Newby, Jr and son of Charleston, w. va- are tne guests of Mr. and Mrs, Guy Newby., ... Visiting Parents tlrm. Rmit( StanlieiMmi ' nf Wei. don k spending this week with her parents, Mr. and Hrs..J. u. jreiton. Sunday At WiaterriSle I Mr. and Mrs;- J. T. Biggers "spent Sunday with Mr. and. Mm. Vernon Cox at Winterville. t . . In Cuba , Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ward, accom panied by Mn and Mrs. Herman Ward from Winston-Salem, left Wednesday of this week for Florida and Cuba. From Alexandria J. E. Winslow. Jr- has arrived home from the Eniaconal School at Alex andria, Va., to spend the summer with his father, J. E. Winslow. Week-end Ben :''!:--':: Mr. and Mrs. Shehon -White and children of Raleigh spent the week end with Mrs. K. I Kaowles and Mrs. R. T. White. y!:"vt. . From Boston h-v;-- Mr. and Mrs: Redmond Chitty and children of 'Boston, Mass were week end guests of , Mn and Mrs. Corp Reed. , . ssmmMssmm . Returned Home Harvey Norfleet, Jr- and his moth- I r, Mrs. Harvey Norfleet, Sr., of Holland, Va., spent Sunday with Mrs. Baker Wood and Miss HuWa Wood and they were accompanied home by Mrs. Harvey Norfleet and. children who had spent two weeks here. Friday Gneata "':'. '.I Miss Mitne Green and her mother of Tarboro apent Friday with Mrs. Baker Wood and Miss Hulda Wood. iFrem GreenviSe Mrs. Frank Jolly and cIJ v of Greenville apent Thursy a.i rrf. day of last week wita Jr. and Returned Home Dr. Louise Payne, has returned home to Raleigh after. fpend!; sev eral days last week im toe wev- nd with Mr Jd Mrs. E. E. rtyne. CJa Richard Payne and son rtureJ to their home in Charlotte after spend ing two weeks here. Mr. Payne spent the week-end and accompanied his family home. Attend Reanion 1 ' - Mrs. H. A. Whitley and father, W. F. C. Edwards, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Edwards of Greenville, attended the annual Memorial Service at ' Reynoldson Baptist Church i in Gates County Sunday Returned Home f.l: i'ltf- Mrs. S. F. Pollard andaorl. t'X of Columbia, returned home Tuesday af ter spending several days rwith Mrs. R. O. ElUott, Sr. , ;: ' , . iRatanMd Ham a ..s. 1 ZZ. arjl" i.Z. y spent V r i " - iajeat -3 J finJ Frarn Greav! Mrs. E?a -an i!.J llta wina lIcX;-..n'cf 'Cenv".Ie visited Mrs. w. . rz -t ta weesv 4 In.-. lAAlh" O Mrs. T. B. urqer was hostess to her bridge club Tuesiay everdr at her home. - Those r "r were i-'s- dames BilI7euv? cf 1 oro,-iwin .tcMullsn - of C;envu:e, . Charles Whedbee, W. G. Vr t, B. G. Jloonce, J. O. Felton, tZlti Uary Sumner and fJiiaa Rnby White. The high score prise went to Mrs. Ucraulan and low to Miss Sumner. A sweet course was served. : . wiVvfes ,.v.i!t . vvt!''. . , rocs psty . . Mrs. Crafton Ka'.lws was hostess at a rook 'party last Friday night at Iher home on , Grulb , Street ' Those playing ware Mesdames J T. Biggers, Uohn Coeten Carlton Cannon, Walter Dail, Harry" Hollowell; Archie lane, E. Moms, D.. V. Keed, Sr- C T. CTrs. r" n : - ' ' 'iter iri c'.-b L:t ' j t.ir-j tX zt home. , Thore j'"' : v e 1 3- i T7I' C r Trw J. J. L'snoy, Vl C. T- " t j. air7, Ai Xenton, J. L-Xarrls, VivT ' a 1 .hewt, Trsncis IVjua, D. V. .i5t j?r, Ejary C CULca, Jr- ati .s Loc'-i Tb Uh scora rriae went to Ura. Drake. A sweet course was served. ' - Mrs. W. G. Wright was a delightful hostess at a birthday dinner Tuesday nicht at her home honoring tliss Jo Pat Stokes, on her ISA birthday. The other ' guests besides the guest of honor were Misses Billie Carroll Div ers, Alice Jean Jackson, Joanna Wil- hford. Julia Ann "Etokes, Sue Perry White, May Elliott "Brinn, and Mar Jorie Brinn, ' The guest of honor re ceived many lovely gifts. '; KINNE3 GUESTS Mrs. W. H. Barber had " as her guests for supper on- Wednesday night rr- x a - i : si .e j 1.1 L .1,1 : -"i were met U1.2WS a;ar iJ vivi'-srtr. :t t i.:r lr ; .1 I fcLkhC.-yr ' 1 ri v re thown into Ce CuLj roam ty ILs. George 2k. In tie dlsing room they Tre served punch, ctkf, nux tr.i ?-int ly lira, Tom Perry, I4ra. UXGresory, rs.. Tom l!ifand Mrv Huiion, SuSer, they t'-o were shown the many love'y that weia Csz"tl on eard tables in the dining room." lrs. B. F, Ainsley said the rood-byes to the. 70 truests that called from the hours of S to 10. v Skinner, "Julian White, Anse White. VEJFE"Z?T?V? V,'.. Hl. fSuilV: T1il. lr. ,n jura, jienrj wnw,t u- Ruby Wtate, Mary Sumner and Mil- Mr. and Mrs. W, P. Browner., and drad Re High acore prises were From Charlotte Miss Louise Chalk arrived home last week from Charlotte where she teaches school, to spend the summer with her mother, Mrs. Annie Chalk. . Thursday Guests ; . xtJjfi i v . . Mr. and Mrs. Wright Dixon of Ra leigh spent Thursday with Mrs. Annie Chalk and Miss Louise Chalk. Moved jFrom Church Street , Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Dillon and son, Jay, moved from an apartment on Church Street into the home formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Vann who have moved to Elizabeth City. ;;;- At Naga Hea4jJ-:''-;i:f ;o;:vl '-'hi Mrs. Edward Griffin and children are spending two weeks at the New- bold cottage. Mrs. NewboM spent last week but returned home Sunday. -From Fayenevtlla '" ;' W;iS"M.. if-WallDM aiul Wia tnm Walters of Jayetteville are the guesta oi tneir orotner-in-iaw ana aisier, nr. and Mrs. Bob Smith, at their home on Dobb Street-. From FayfcttevHle - Mr. i and Mr William i Murphy Moore of Fayetteville spent the week end with Mrs.' .John Moore. Miss Tof .v Mnnwt,- rpmnined tn snend the isummer with her grandmother, Mrs. John Jtoore. m - Attending Summer School (Riwvie TWker. Howard Brouehton and' Richard Fatrell left Monday for the University of North Carolina. where" they ; will attend summer school. i.'-:- daughters, Anne and Lnyy, of Lexing. ton, were the guests last week of Mr. and Mr. U Brown. Mrs: 'W.J F. Brown, Sr., also of Lexington, spent several days hist week.;';Jyj;;.. From Itoxkor : Mrs. Bill JesSup and Susan Jessup have returned to their home lnr.Rox boro after spending several day with Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Sumner. . . . At Rex Hospital' - 7 ; Va ' , f Mrs. R. T. White has been admit ted at Rex Hospital, Raleigh, for treatment v"--v :: r:,,i'v'-;' At Chawaa Hoapkak Mrs. Clinton Eley underweht a !- operation at Chowan Hospital, Eden ton,, last week and is getting along nicely. . - , . At Henderson Mrs. L. W.-Norman left last wees: for Henderson where she will visit her son-in-law and daughter, Rev. ; asid jrsk nonieet toarunerr - . ' Attend Meeting ' j h. C Winslow, James Harrell and Ralph .Jordan attended a business meeting at Williamston Monday, . , Retaraed Heme , Mr. and Mr. Henry M. Barber and son r of -: Miami, Fla, returned home raday aitert spending a week wfth Mrs. Herlry -PfirhfTi-'-i i ami, Fla.f 'Mr. and Mrs. Carrol Hill and family of Norfolk, Va.,' Mr. and Mrs. IMuldow Sawyer and family of EUsabetit City, Frank Hill of Mass., and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Barber. awarded to Mrs. Skinner and Mrs. Julian White, floating prise wen to Mrs. Anse .White and the low score prise was awarded Mrs. Hollowell A sweet course was served. - r "T3T A WKS3DLT CLASZZFIZ3 AD FOR RENT 8-4-6 ROOM APAET--ments. Unfurnished;'' Good-'-Idea-' dons. Apply atX A. Harris Store, ' Hertford, N. C. - Junel52 FOR RENT SEC0ND-FL0O2 'apartment, three rooms andbath Apply ' to -Mrs. E.. . A.' Byrum, S Perm., Ave, Hertford, N. C., or phone 3971. '- junel52 Watch For COMMUNITY GALEN DAR : Ti:ri is a emni t;i qy eio -The plant where you send your clothes makes all the difference. At the' HERTFORD CLEANERS, skilled workmen, with the best available equipment, make our slogan "QUALITY CLEANING" a reality. Your clothes receive personal attention, and your satisfaction is guaranteed Your light colored summer clothes will stay fresh and new looking . when cleaned in our plants . : . : ' . - . PHONE 3851 FOR PROMPT SERVICE ..' ;," - A - "THE HOME OF QVAUTY'VkY CLEANING" - ... ' Phone xiKt Owned and Operated by Bernard F. Proctor fT5 1 rTiir 1 CT Today: Friday Matinee S P. M. Night 7-f AVA GARDNER MELVERN DOUGLAS Satordays Show. Opens 1 P. M. CHARLES STARRETT "Streets of Ghost My Forbidden Paste l James Brothers No. s Sunday Showst 2:15-4:15 and 9.13 P. M. ' BILL WILLUmB and JATflTJ IsHCGH I UUiE DUCUD" Monday and Tuesday!: Matinee S P. M Night 7-9 P. M. BURT LANCASTER and ROBERT WALKER 'fX&$:t uxjXAnaAnru-is-u-ii-v-s---i 1- aMwevVvVvvw Wednesday: Matinee 8 P.M. Night 7-9 P. M. DOUBLE FEATURE -v First Feature y 'ALLAN LANE ' EDDT WALKER Second Feature WILLARD PARKER AUDREY LONG "Frisco Tornado 9. "David Harding, Counter Spy Thursday and Friday t Matinee 1 P. M-Night 7-9 P. M. ; " DANNT KAYE and GENE TIEKNEY Week-end Here 1 , ;iVn Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Gibbs 'of Eliza beth Cky spent the week-end with, iux. auu juib. 0. i vjiuub. ' isited Here ' ? . Lt and Mrs. Brooke Read stent several days this week with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Oakey, Jr. Sunday In Norfolk Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Perry, Jr, and on, Donald, spent Sunday with Mr. .sd Mrs. Henry Armstrong of Nor oik, Va. .. . - , Returned Home : v Mrs. F. B. . Stephenson and " chil dren returned to their home in Phihv lelphia, Pa Wednesday after visit ing Mrs. Stephenson's parents, Mr and Mrs. L. N. Hollowell. Mr. Steiw henson spent Tuesday and returned M TT J. 1 : ,. ..... j TT wiui ws muiu vveunesaay. i Friday At Fremont 1 Mrs. J. T. Brinn. Mrs. T. P. Brinn and children, and Jack Brinn spent Friday in Fremont with Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Hooks. From Durham , ; ' Mrs.. Marcus E. Hobbs and children of Durham are the guests of lira. J. C Blanchard at her home on Front Street Mr. Hobbs spent the week end and returned home Sundays Do The Work YOURSELF! , Rent our floor sanding machine, and you will save time and money in renewing your floors. ' ' PHONE 4916 , ' FRIENDLY iPAINT (z WALLPAPER STORE Hertford, N.. : 'f -V SUNDAY, JUNE 17t:"; IS Father Show your appreciation for all that he has done Jot yya by remembering him on HIS day. ; See : us for a grand selection of gifts he can use to help celebrate HIS day. , ;. !' " " 1 1. z v f (). V WejWMwVMwwwwwwwwVVwwVwwwwwVwt: . ;; ' ( , .!:... , KAYWOODBE PIPES, In Many Styles $3.50 up RERHNG1X)N ELECTRIC RAZORS The Nation's: Finest $24.50 , SPORTSMEN RIENS WOLETRIES $1.00 up OLD SPICE SHAVE SETS CAMERAS AND FILM ; Billfolds Pen and Pencil Sets Thenr.cs Juss For' That Fishing Trip Sport Glasses "and Sport Caps -Dad Likes Candy, Too! Bay Him A Box For FATHER'S DAY, JUNE 17th. "1 1 ini7 4 r CIGARS . . . buy them by the box , CIGARETTES... buy them by the carton v , TOBACCO rOUCHES ... and many other Items that he wou'. j 1 3 delighted to have. Select Your Gifts TODAY. t A -TV "ON THE CORNLl PHONE 8o8r IIErxTrOD,N.C. iv-

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