Volume XV 111. Ko. fcJ. tiertiord, rerquimans uounty, JNorui uarouna, Jb riaay, juiy zu, moi. o Agents rei id Negotiations foy .-Va ' 'cease-fire in Korea, resulted in a progress report made this week by the UN1 team headed byTj. S, .Admiral C Turner Joy. Reports from Tokyo state the preparation of an agenda is making headway, with", both sides cooperat ing on most of the points. . Most commentators report it appears the Communists truly 'desire to bring about an armistice in the Korean war. ' Meanwhile, on the battle front the UK forces and the Reds continue to hold about the same positions held at- the time the talks started. . Re ports say the Reds have Seen build ing up their forces but UN officials state the situation is weir m hand. Congress passed a measure this -week aimed at rollinsr back the urice on r some commodities. The House -voted to sustain the rollback of ten ner cent on. Price of -beef, and, to permit a 10 per cent cut in the Price of other farm products selling above parity. The farm .' products above parity were listed as- cotton, cotton seed, 'Wool, rice and soybeans. President Truman , this week in spected the vast flood area in Kansas, Missouri and 'Oklahoma,' which ac cording to reports is the worst in the "history of' the. nation. Estimates of the damage from the raging water ranee from .$750,000,000 to a billion dollars. Congress has appropriated a fund of 25,000,OOQ for-flood relief in the area. . ; . ; : . Retaliating the .expulsion of - two "U. Sj. diplomats from Hungary, the ' State Department this week ordered two Huungarian officials to leave the United States. Like the Hungarian orderi the U.' S. demand leaves no -option and the' officials' r must leave this Country as soon as .possible. Thus continues the diplomatic'; battle-be tween th West and Communism with -the U. S. giving out the same treat menfc'as received. f V "" ' North Carolina' has a new prison : director this week. Walter. P.. Ander son, head of the State Bureau of ln- vestigation, "will move to. the prison department on August 1.- Anderson -will suwediJdhnMw-CioHriwho re signed " the position to accept city managership of winston-halem. 1 Frc:2d GgsjS Slight Reaction A change in the collection of trash and garbage In the Town of Hertford, as proposed at a-meeting of the Town "Board, last week, has caused little reaction among the residents of the J town, according to reports heard up to Wednesday of this week. . .r; ,- The Town Board, in oostnoning ac-: tiott on the matter for a period of 30 days, was hopeful in receiving comments on .the proposal' from a large number of residents, in order to provide the type of service desired Under the proposal, if adopted by ' the Board, the Town will dispose of Its team and arts and purchase a truck to be used for the collection' of trash and garbage. A new schedule for collection days will also be drawn in the event the change-over' is made, and possibly some changes made , in .nnnilnfirtn. McratvlintF rlluffan . Several , members of ; the Town Board, contacted this week, stated that they: had received, opinions of eome residents on the , subject but there appeared to- be little reaction one way or the other. ' The Town Board will take definite action on the proposal at its meeting on August 13. " j- - A series of Catholic services tire ' lcj conducted In Hertford this we.i it a motor -chapel located on t' a t let on Cru'-b freet. The mttr t apel, called t!.e tla-ionna of t',e T'lVrs, h f"" 1 ty the Cat'.oU I" " . The fsrvl it... 1 Ul IIu ".y ar 1 v :.l coi.. r' r at 8 o'c' 't ' V ; c f : a i J I i ,e ii i A a 1. f-!f -Or to After -Mi At Ce? Dnrdsn Activities Report Shows Youths Won Several Honors , At, Camp Fourteen Hertford Boy Scouts and Scoutmaster Charlie Skinner, Jr., have returned home after a week's camporee : at Camp Darden Reserva tion, near Sedley, ya. ' : The' group, left' Hertford July 8 W cars, arranged for by J. T. Riggers, chairman of the local Boy Scout com" mittee, . On arrival at the camp the local youflis were, assigned to" the Newton Campsite, part of the huge reservation. ..Early Monday the jun lof leaders- of .-Troop ;lB&t were given instructions in their duties; The jun lor, .leaders . were Talmadge, Byrum, activities -. leader;- Howard reiton, handicrafter; -s Bobby Brown, -camp- crafter: Bobby- Mathews, naturalist; Corbin Cherry and Noah Felton, Jr., pnaanermaaiere. r-r , , The scouts received swimming in- structions each morning, .and had a sreneral swim' period each afternoon. On Friday afternoon, a. water carni val was held .in. which jnembers of Troop 165, teamed with boys of Troop 20, . Norfolk, . representing : iNewton Campsite, competed with tihree other campsites and won the message relay race. , This unique race started with Junior Wheeler -rUJming 300 yards on land carrying $he jnessage to Tai madge Byrum, who then jumped off a pier afid swam' 25 'yardli JiPuding the message to Herbiefixon vho rowed a skiff 100 yards,. at' this point the message was handed a- Norfolk scout who paddled a canoe across the fin ish line to win the team victory, j in this carnival Newton, Campsite , also won the : greased . watermelon poio race. " After some mad scrambling and fierce.' swimniiiiigw' the ' winning team,. 'composed of .scouts Carlton Sutton, Talmadge Byrum, Tommy Mathews and Tony Kvans, of Troop 20, Norfolk, pushed the greased melon across the goal line. Jc. nft -ball ramer between Scouts fronA Hertford and Edenton was a hi AlkhtH&f . Tuesday'- activiet and dn Thursday night members ofTroop 155 were given instructions, and shot bow and arrows on the archery range. -- Friday night a big campfdre was staged with Indian dances and cere monies bemg conducted. ' At tnis campfire, Scout Howard Felton was tapped out for the Honorary ira- ternity The Order of the Arrow.f Thia is one of the highest awards be stowed upon a Boy Scout : for his scouting spirit, leadership and being popular with his fellow scouts. The scouts slept in 2-ian wall tents and. ate an a central mess-hall that accommodated over 200 -boys. Needless to say, all ; members of Troon 155 ouahfied' as "Vhaw Hounds" ? with the top chow hound honors ?gclng to scouts Noah ' Fel ton, jr., and sonny mmurn? Scout 'Bwhy Mathews completed and passed the merit badge in Forestry."- V ' " r ' ' - "i nelieve every scout tnorougniy enjoyed his week at Camp Darden tnrouarn tne leiiowBiuir bjiu vui ideals offered at this camp. 1 am real 1v nmnd of mv bovs from Troop 155 for their achievements and splendid cooperation." Scoutmaster bkinner stated upon returning Saturday af ternoon. , 1 - The Scouts from Troop 155 attend in Camn Darden are as follows: Bob by Brown, rJalmadge; Byrum; Corbin Cherrv. Jimmy . Dozier, Howard ton, Noah Felton, Jr., Bobby Mat hews, afton Jflatnewa, tiazei. 'wap- hewa, Sonny Mathews, Tommy -jua hews, Herbert Nixon, ..Carlton Sut- ton and Junior Wheeler. VF7i:c;JsteadIn Soft Ball League - 'The VFW soft ball team continued to set the pace in the local league try trouncing the Independents, on Mon- day ni.U by an 8-7 cOTnt -The Jay- cees imovea into inira piave oy Tirwio - - . . !.., 1 X. Il of a win this week, leaving me Ldons at the bottom of the list: -;. .;:-';,.. ',v Play in the soft .ball league is show ing improvement e'ch Week, and is rovirar a oopular 8 art for I z r ;. r -tors grow in numr r t 1 ' I 'o a ni. ion. u c ar : t'l pleyed w 1- . : i i i are' invited to 1 11 sir favorite te n. . n -1 etk are : .1 7, Lions . : .'t pJay, VT " -' '.-8 V. 'J- 5 o r V 3 2 - . v-1 8 0 . 4. ' Social Security, Tax . , For.. Domestics Due. Housewives in this area are remind ed this week that -social security tax returns for domestic workers must be filed for the second quarter .of 1951 by July SI. . , r ' Social Security officials in Norfolk, Va., who serve this area, advised em ployers of domestics to get in touch with the collector of internal revenue immediately, if they have not already done so. , . S-:':;'-; ? :-;';f ' " The new law covers domestics on a compulsory basis, and gives work ers regularly employed in a private household the ; same benefits given others covered ny social security. TV be regularly employed, ' a do mestic must work for one employer for 24 or .more days in a calendar Quarter, either part-time or full-time, and be paid. $50 or more in cash wages. CountyTcschersTo GstSui:;!3mentEry Pay ByEndOf Month Ttavinir tTio nmrfc few daVs quimans- County school teachers and I' Judgment was continued in the case principals will receive checks total- lof James Spence, Negro, who enter ling $22,412.55, J. T. Biggers, super- ed a plea of guilty to a charge of lar- intendent of schools, announced to day. ; w-:vivW 's-'V V:.- The money is due the teachers as the difference in the salary they were hired for prior to the opening of the 1950-51 school term and the amount the State Assembly voted to pay them. ' '"':-.; Biggers said that the checks will be made to the'teachers and princi pals soon after July 20. After state action on the pay mat ter the Department of Education compiled the right amount due each teacher nd submitted me state- county schedule to each of the aup? erintendents. Riertreis said . the first action on the part of the ; Assembly: excluded the principals but through reconsldr eration of the bill the lawmakers made the administrative heads elig ible to receive the pay, - Teachers' this year are being em nlnverf under tW newly adopted pay schedule as set forth by the last General Assembly. ., . . , ; Lioness Club Has Urn . - t V New officers' for the Hertford lion ess Club,' for the commg year, were installed at a meeting or tne ciuo neia Friday night at the Hotel Hertford. TTistnlled as resident was Mrs. Min nie W. Hurdle, vice president, Mrs. Edna Eley, second , yice-preBiaeni,, Mra lAila Mae ward; tnira vice-preBi- dent, Mrs. Katherine Biggersr secretary-treasurer, Mrs. 'Ruby White; Tail Twister, Mrs. Irene Byrum; Lion Tamer. Mrs. Annette David; direc tors, Mrs. Helen Woodard, Mrs. Delia Mae WardMrs. Anna Lee McCoogan, Mrs. Dorothy Bass. Following the installation services Mrs. Hurdle named the following to chairmanships of the various commit teegr Attendance and Membership, Mrs. Sallie Lane and Mrs. Irene By rum; Finance, Mrs. Ruby White and Mrs. Lula Mae,' Ward; Constitution, Mrs. Ruby White and Mrs. Minnie Hurdle 'Program, Mrs. Edna Eley; Publicity, Mrs. Jessie uox; iteserva tkm, Mrs. ' Dorothy . Bass; - Courtesy, Mrs. Becky White and Mrs. Annette David; Social, Mrs. Anna Lee Mc Googan and Mrs. Kathrine Biggers; Initiation, Mrs. Delia Mae Long and Mrs. Myra Belle Trueblood; Blind Work and Special Projects, Mrs. Helen Woodard, Mrs. Margaret Lane and- Mm. Lizzie Lee Cox. During the business . meeting, an attendance contest, to , run through November, was announced with the membership divided into' two groups tar this imrDoser The losing side will be hosts to the winner at an event .nIMj j-.. WOT . f tO 11UIIVWWVVM mvvmw Tha Annul: meeting of tile club will start at 6 OP. M., instead of the usual hour of 6:30 P. M. Mrs. Sallie Lane won the door prizejrt the lastj, meet ing. "' - v S- VFV7 To Sponsor (hiting Wednesday ; I!3nrbers of the "Perquimans Post f the VFrV will sponsor a Bruns Stew, at Kemori J Field, next ,.'e4np-iar evening,. J 'y 25, it was . -x .'-ed today by J.r -. Is Ward, Poet .iimar 'r. The bran wick stew will i t n 1 during anl sfier a eoft : r - a I .tween .7 team and l. TLa fJ...is is invited ; t I ,3CLLJTO !. r lie i:, 'Jiodist l-'on's Club of the Che' ' V "1 r - 1 - - 3, 1 t 'to'. , 1". IT., v i" v. C. 4 - r il . 1 ty Ci . S. C B. All -'.a are ur;:d to te p-ent Hicordji's Court Cacket Vaisd At SsssionflnTuosdaY Bigamy Hearing Con- tinued Until Term On SAugust 14th ; varied docket of 11 cases were llstjed on the calendar of Perquini ans recorder's court in session here Tuesday with Judge Chas. E. John son1, presiding. The case of " tddie Felton, Negro, charged with bigamy, was continued for 30 days, when the defendant failed to appear in court to answer he charges. The continua tion was granted by the Court to per mit the bondsman, foT Felton to ap prehend the defendant and turn him over to the county Sheriff. ' ' The Court also continued for one week, the case of Walter Cartwright, charging with driving after his li cense had been revoked. - Cartwngnt, a member of the armed forces, is at large on a bond of $300. " . Pleas of guilty to charges of speed ing were entered by John Verderano and Arthur Cullen, each of whom -Per-maid the costs of court. pceny, upon payment oi n w and the sum of $50 to wunsm.ws- ten. Elma Lee White and Doc Everett, both Negroes, were found guilty on charges of creating a nuisance and jdisturbing the peace. Each were giv en a 30-day road sentence suspend ed tipon payment of the costs of court and further condition that "White is not seen at the home of Annie Hjood- mann and Everett is not seen at the same residence unless married to An- n!o finnHman. ' of $10 and costs were taxed against David - Harrell, Negro, wno entered a plea of guuty to a cnarge of driving with insufficient braKes. Uames . Brickhouse, -Negro, was found sruilty on a charge of operating a vehicle tor nire w-nnoui. jiiuhi license. He was - sentenced to the roads for 90 days, sentence to dc bust perided upon payment of a fine of $85 amlMpsts. "'.,'"' -,; if&nK Whitehurst. Jr.iNegro, pro. secuting witness, was taxed with the costs of court into tne cases in wmcii wiiTohofh Whitehurst and David Moore were charged with assault. Local Youth Wins Trophy In Races Melvin Owens, Jr., Hertford youth, was one of the 11 winners in the mo tor boat races, .held last Sunday at Hertford Beach, it was reported Mon dav hv Jake Mathews, owner of the beach and sponsor of the series of races conducted here. Owens cap tured the third place tropny m tne BU special racing event. - Between 20 and 25 boats were en tered in, the four races, held Sunday and winners were as follows; Class A-BU, R. L. Gray, first, L. Preedy, second; Qass DEF, E. B. Brinkley, first, O. L.' Roberson, second, C Mun den, third; , class CTj' Will . Lowen berg, first, Beverly Rogers, second, C. B. Dowe. third;' Class BU Special, James Hayes, first, W. D. Hogge, second, Melvin Owens, Jr., third. One heat of one race was rained out and rough-water, gave the drivers a hard time. . Several of the boats turned over during the races but no injuries, were sustained. ' ; The largest crowd ever to turn out to witness local boat racing was on hand to see the events, and the spon sors of the races are (planning another series, to be held at ait early date. Perjt tegB i f-t IMV-V IFI 00 1 I Al ii' till J ,1.1 AJIUIW W . The 1951 acreage of peanuts plant ed alone for all purposes in North Carolina is -estimated at 250,000 acres almost 3 per cent above the 243,000 acres 'planted "for all ' pur poses in lpr0.., July 1 reports from growers Indicate that final plantings were about 7 'Per cent greater than in tentions reported in March. .This in crease over March intentions is large ly da to the increase: to edible nut allotments from- 185,451 . to 238,558 acre 1 granted by Congress' after the K: port wa mr je. - , 1 :anut crop as planted under fav i coi '.it: r. 3 ' and stands are 79 -tl e - .t in a few lo caL...i y..e lau of soil moisture eau-i 'rjor germ'atton. J, Thecrop, is grow! ir well and for the most part is ires ef grass and weeds. ' T ' -r the 1950 rop ' i Jied produc Uw ... . ..ds from 31,- CC3 ri.it . . yield of 1,0C5 pou , t .r acre. Bloodmobile Visit ' Scheduled July 27 Another visit, to Perquimans Coun ty, of the Red Cross Bloodmobile has been scheduled for Friday, July 27, it was announced today by C. Edgar White, chairman of the county Red Cross Blood Program. Mr. White stated that individuals, who have donated blood to the pro gram in the past, will be notified of the bloodmobile visit, and will 'be re quested to become a donor again. Re plies to these requests, Mr. White said, will be appreciated. The blood quota for this trip of the Red Cross mobile unit will be the same as last time, 100 pints, and the blood collected here will be used by the Red Cross in supplying free transfusions in hospitals of this area, and also supplying the needs of the armed forces. Headquarters for the Bloodmobile, on -its visit here, will be set up at the Methodist Church, and individuals desiring to volunteer as blood don ors, may do so by applying .at the church on Friday, July 27, between 10 A. M., and 4 P. M. OPS Officials Plan This Area Next Week The Eastern Carolina Office of Price Stabilization will send a tearn of business analysts to Elizabeth City on June 26, who will be located at the Virginia Dare Hotel to explain various OPS regulations and to assist people of this area in preparing re ports, G. C Mead, secretary of the Elizabeth City Chamber of Commerce has announced. 5 The office will be open from 11 A. M. to 12:30 P. M. and 1 P. M. to 3 P. M. Residents of Hertford are urged to meet with the OPS repre sentatives for any assistance thoy may need. ; A series of field trips to cities in Eastern Carolina by OPS representa tives under the auspices of chambers .of commerce and merchants associa tions is planned as a public service of OPS. X "The Eastern" Carolina OPS is anx ious to c'ooperate'with thepeeplejin every way," Director J. G. Clark said, "and it is our purpose to help dusi ness men with their reports and to explain the regulation applicable to tfy;ir business." The Elizabeth City visit is planned to serve people of this immediate vi cinitv and. the following counties: wan, Perquimans, uamaen, urnrucK Pasquotank, Hertford, uates, nw and Dare. Farmers Warned Of New Weevil Crop The cotton boll weevil situation in Perquimans County seems to be pretty well under control in fields on which three or four applications of toxaphene have been made, it was reported by I. C. Yagel, County Agent. On untreated fields, as much as 41 per cent infestation has been found. This week young weevils have been found which would indicate the infestation can be expected to in crease more rapidly from now on. With the fine crop prospect general ly, it is hoped that Perquimans County farmers will continue dusting as long as needed. In some sections of the State, boll worms are report ed. We must watch fields carefully for this pest Regular "boll weevil" treatments are expected to hold the boll worm. It would be advisable to continue dusting cotton as late as the second week in August is infestations are as high as 10 per cent (10 punc tured squares in 100). . .. Some Perquimans farmers, Mr. Yagel said, are .using sprayers for applying toxaphene widi very satis factory results. In this connection two thinars must be ..kept in mind. (1) If 2, 4-D has been used in the sprayer it Must he first De tnorougn- ly cleaned by soaking 0 ' solution of household w,toxaphene emulsion m a 4 per cenx amonia. (2) A must be used. Ordinary dusting toxaphene will not dissolve in water for spraying. Chairman Reports On Scout Drive A total of $101 was contributed n -the recent Boy Scout drive con ducted here: by the local Boy Scout committee, it was reported Wednes day ,by J., T, .. Riggers, chairman of the committee. Mr, 'Riggers stated that the entire amount was forwarded to the Boy Scout Tidewater Council, at Norfolk, Va.. to be applied toward the county's appropriation for the Council activi ties..., V:; uM: ',A' i& 4NNOUNOSMENT ';: : Born to Mr. and Mrs. Forbes Rid dick of Trotville, a baby girl, Pam ela Hoperon July 11, weighing 8 lbs. and 1 os. &T?s. Riddick before her marriage was Hiss Betty Lou Eaaon of Bel-videre. Advisory VisitTo Board Of Education Sets September 5th For School Opening Number of Teachers Elected at Meeting Tuesday Night Members of the Perquimans Coun- . ty Board of Education, meeting in special session here last Tuesday night, set the date of September 5 for the opening of the 1951-52 school term. The Board also passed upon the ap pointment of a number of school teachers. Thomas Maston, a member of the Perquimans High School fac ulty last year, was elected to the po sition of principal at the Central Grammar School in Winfall. The resignation of, H. E. Brown as principal of Hertford Negro school was accepted. -Brown has accepted the principalship of a larger school in Gates County. Applications for this position are still being considered by the Board. Acting on the sale of surplus school buildings, the Board voted to accept bids received on three of the build ings, and will re-advertise for sale two of the school sites. It was voted by the Board to conduct the sale of the Galatia school through -private negotiations. A bid of $1,000 was made on this building, but this bid was not accepted by the Board. Approval of the teachers for the Perquimans Training School in Win fall as recommended by the princi pal, R. L. Kingsbury, was voted by the Board. After some discussion on the jani tor positions in the various schools, the Board voted to make some changes in the system at Perquimans High School by selecting an assistant to W. A. Brabble. The same jani tors were named, for Hertford Gram mar School and" Central Grammar School, while James Newby was nam ed janitor at Perquimans Training School and Stephen Vaughn at Hert ford Negro' school. Mrs. : Graham Wod, Mrs. E. B. Edwards and Mrs., Annie Perry As !lt,le(!ifefi,cVjR Ce'nfral Grammar School, .and Miss Dorca Knowles was elected to the faculty at Hertford "Grammar School. The election of these teachers leave two vacancies at the Central Gram mar School and one at Perquimans High School. . Gaither Residence Being Converted To Funeral Home The Gaither residence, on Dobb Street n Hertford, will become a fun eral home at an early date this fall. Conversion of the building into suitable and modern quarters, for the Twiford Funeral Home, is now under way and is expected to be com pleted within a reasonably short time. Workmen have been renovating ana preparing for new construction at the site, since June when S. A. Twiford, who will own and operate the busi ness, purchased the residence. Mr. Twiford also owns and operates Twi ford Funeral Homes at Elizabeth City and Manteo. ; v ' Remodeling plans for the residence calls for the ground floor to contain a modern funeral home and chapel with living quarters upstairs. x Baptist Assemblies Are Planned In Ju The Sunday School Department of. the Baptist State Convention, L. L. Morgan, Secretary, has announced that the two annual assemblies will be held at iFruitland, near Hender- sonville, July SO-Avgust -4, and at Caswell, near Southport, August 6-11. There are-2,-945 Sunday Schools in the state with a membership of 572,- 716. A challenging program is being planned and a good attendance is ex pected. '. Among the speakers will be Dr. Louie D. Newton, Pastor of the Druid TT.'ll- iTl LI im 1. A ilxnA. . TV- B. ' Weatherspoon, - Professor of Homiletics at the Southern Baptist Seminary .Louisville; Mr. J. N. Bar nette, Superintendent of Sunday. School for Southern .Baptist Conven tion, Nashville; Mr. William P. Phil lips, Field Worker for iB BubJ ' School Department of the Southeru. Baptist Convention, Nashville; Rev. H. H. Stembridge, First Baptist Church, Forest City; Mrs. Owen F Herring, Wake Forest; and Dr. J. L. Conine, Sunday School Secretary, Co lumoia, a. u . -.- w