I Vc.ume'Xvni. No. U; AtVZ;:vperova '.: CrbstgaCrowd In the historic village of Belvidere the celebration of the 1861-1951 or ganization if the - Whiteville Grove Baptist Church' Sundays August 19, : brought to the - onea v present, who i shared in this event, an awareness of the strong Christian faith and actions of these people who have carried on in the past and spiritual vigor and enthusiasm to the present generation of members. ' The anniversary program commit- tee consisting of the pastor, Carl E. Bjork, Mrs. Thelma Riddick, Mrs. Thelma Rogerson and Mrs. Deleie Howell, prepared a program of inter ' est and instruction for the day, which gave inspiration to the 275 members ' .and friends who gathered at this ' shrine for the occasion. ' - . V" ' Outstanding on the program was the church history presented by Mrs. " Blanche Chappell Matter of Norfolk, Va, a vivid picture of the past linked with the present. - v'J; T-The, older folks were reminded of things which had slipped their mem ories, younger folks gained something of times they had never known. In the anniversary .sermon there was presented a brief sketch of the church universal, founded on the church established by Christ Himself and His injections .to His followers to carry on throughout the ages. The speaker said Roger Williams, believ ing this, established - what is now known as the Baptist Church, in Providence,; Rhode Island. The basic belief being religious tolerance. The music presented by members, friends from Norfolk, Va., Elizabeth City and the Warwick Swamp quar tet, added much inspiration to the ' program.. ,-;v.'w. " ' ' ' ' ' During the7 intermission at noon all enjoyed a most generous lunch, pre pared and graciously shared by pres ent members of the church. r In the happy fellowship, old friend ships and acquaintances, wen revived . by common memories and interesjts. ... -,. . THIS C&ft . headlines The Senate - Finance Committee wrote a new formula, this week for ' personal income taxes. The commit tee changed the measure as passed by the House, and according to reports from Washington, this new formula will lessen the proposed increase on higher brackets while increasing pay- ments in lower brackets.- Also from . Washington, it was announced, the House will take a three week recess , hnt itW Aenfi.&- which ia far behind schedule, will continue work on ma jor bills now under consideration. Ktllinjf ? of a Communist patrol leader in the neutral zone, near Kae song, last ' week has caused another bitch in the peace taJKs in A-orea. Thn RflHfl have demanded United Na tions to account for the killing, but thus far UN omciais nave aeniea re sponsibility. The Kaesong confer ence is continuing but little progress has been reported since , ine, oreaic down over the buffer zone problem, ' . A; mighty hurricane, which devas tated areas in Jamaica earlier this week was headed toward Mexico Wed mesday, and reports indicated heavy damage was expected from the 1,30 mile per hour : wind. More than 75 '(deaths resulted from the hurricane ',striking in the West Indies and prop rty damage was reported huge.. . I- :''' r- f i.V': - Home Ec Teacher . Chairman Of Group Mrs. Anne A. Nowell, Home Ec teacher at Perquimans High School, was elected chairman of the home economics group representing Cho wan, Perquimans, Pasquotank, Gates, Currituck, Tyrrell and Washington counties, at a 1 meeting held last Thursday at Edenton. Other 'officers of the group are Miss- Miriam Scott, program chairman; Mies Doris 'Mit . chell, secretary; Miss Carolyn Brink ley, FHA advisor; Mrs. Helen Xing, reporter. MISS ANNIE V. IFOSTE& Miss Annie Virginia Poster, 29, died Tuesday at 5 P. M. at her home In the Bethel community after a long Utaesfc' vv , A native 6f Virginia, she had lived in Perquimans County only a short while. JShe was a daughter of .Mrs. Mildred Sutton Parron, and, the late Luther -Noblet -Foster, formerly of " Norfolk. pvivv-fc--'tr-f-i .Besides her ; mother, surviving are her. .grandmother, Mrs. Daisy. Bond : Sutton, and her stepfather, W. C. I rron, both of Perquimans ' County. . The body was removed to the Lynch Funeral Home pending arrangements. Lunchroom Bias ed ' Be Opened Sept (7th Bids for the construction of two lunchrooms . at elementary white schools in Perquimans will be receiv ed and opened by the Board of Educa tion on Friday, September 7, it Was announced today by J. T. Biggers, Superintendent of, Schools.' ' Plans for the new lunchrooms have been completed and approved by the State School House Planning Com mission, and . are on file in the office of the Board of Education, Mr. Big gers stated. " :-t'".i Work on the buildings will be start ed shortly after the' Board accepts bids on the projects, and it is the de sire of the Board to have the build ings ready for use before the end of the next school term. Construction of the lunchrooms will complete, the school building program started by the Board of Education two years ago, and which included five .projects.' ? . ' .; . OPSKsetingfclled QizMCity .Business analysts from the Eastern Carolina Office of Price Stabilization will be in Elizabeth City again today (Thursday) to assist people of this area with reports and OPS regula tions, G. C. Meads,' secretary of the Chamber of Commerce has announc ed. Residents of Edenton are urged to meet with the OPS representatives Elizabeth City has been selected at the location for a monthly field trip by OPS. The OPS representatives will have an office at the Virginia Dare Hotel which will be open from 10 A. M. to 12:30 P. M. and 1 P. M. to 8 P. M. This is the second trip to Elizabeth City. As a public service, the East ern Carolina OPS has scheduled regu lar trips to cities throughout, the dis trict under the auspices of chambers of commerce and merchants associa tions. ,.. -r "These visits giving on-the-spot help and information to the business men of Eastern Carolina are a part of our program to do everything pos sible to fee- of service p the public," Director J. G. - Clark said, ''and we urge people to meet with these spe cialists for any assistance they may need.. Our previous visit; to Eliza beth City was enthusiastically receiv ed by the public, and we will continue these trips as long as the people want US to."" The Elizabeth City visit is planned to serve people of this McMty-attd the following counties: Pasquotank, Hertford, Gates, Chowan, Perquim ans, Camden and Currituck r Softball League To Conclude Schedule The Hertford softball league will wind up its season of play with three games -on tap for next week. The VFW outfit,, with three victories last week, continue to top the league standing. The Independents climbed back into second place, followed by the Javcees and Lions. Games scheduled for next week are: Monday. Lions vs. Independents, Wednesday, VFW vs. Independents, Friday, VFW vs. Jaycees. . .'Standing of Qubs W. L. Pet VFW Independents Jaycees ...... Lions v.. ..12 .. 6 .-4 0 7 8 9 1.000 . .471 .333 .198 Negro, Homemaking Classes Organized . Adult Negro homemaking' classes m vocational home economics are be ing organized .throughout the. county under the direction of Vivian J. Har ris,, home ec teacher at Perquimans Training School, it was reported to day. :' '' J. Residents of the " Willow Branch area have organized and held their first meeting yesterday at the home of Mrs. Zell White. A group in the Belvidere-Nicanor section met Wed nesday for organization. ' .v'.;V,; r;v, .., Persons interested in becoming a member of any of the classes are re quested to contact the new home ec teacher at the school building in Win fall. . Local Firemen At State Convention , Two members of the Hertford Fire Department, Mayor V. N. Darden and Charles , Skinner, attended the State Firemen's Convention, held this week at Carolina Beach. The two: local men acted as official delegates for the loca ' department : The convention opened Monday and closed Thursday. V ' " ' MASONS TO MEET'! , The Perquimans Lodge, No. 106, A. F. A. M., will meet at the lodge rooms in the Court House next Tues day night at 8 o'clock. Visiting Ma sons are invited to attend - Fcr August 23 At licrtfordtoquiaana County, North teltcnFrciccrs CltUaurLOEiT Farm Bureau Official Says Market Will Be Strengthened R. 'Flake Shaw, Executive Vice President of the North Carolina Farm Bureau, encourages U cotton pro ducers m the State to put at least 60 per cent of their 1951 cotton crop un der loan "to prevent further weight on the declining market during the next few weeks and still provide some cash to help meet their past and cur rent operating costs of this year's crop." .. .V ' The farm leader pointed out that the House Committee on Agriculture is requesting that the Secretary of Agriculture stockpile two million bales of cotton to stimulate export markets and build up a strategic re serve in the event of all-out war. He said that the ' committee also urged that the department arrange with the Export-Import Bank for im mediate resumption of loans to for eign countries for the purchase of American cotton, and that everything possible be done to expedite such pur chases during the next few weeks in order to remove from the market the temporary surplus which might prove disastrous price-wise to farmers com pelled to sell their cotton during this period. Shaw said that the current cotton: crop has been one of the costliest ones in history, and that the average farmer has had to pay from 8 to 9 cents per pound more to produce this year's crop. Shaw said that during a recent meeting of Farm Bureau cotton lead ers and members of the Delta Council, which he attended in New Orleans, experts predicted that the current slump in the price of cotton would be only temporary, but pointed out "with many cotton farmers, especially the small ones urgently in need of money with which to psr-their high produc tion and harvesting cpsi, the Tush pf cotton to market may force the price down to th support level unless jfte loan la used.'' . ' "? OThe Farm Bureau official pointed out that with the cotton loan program it would: 1. Promote orderly market ing of a big crop. 2. Strengthen the market and protect prices, and 3. Provide needed cash immediately. ' Shaw said that even if the cotton crop this year turns out to be some what more than 17 million bales as predicted by the Department of Ag riculture, the carry-over would still be relatively light on the basis of an ticipated " domestic and foreign con sumption. Revival Services Start September 2 A series of revival services will be conducted at the Chappell Hill Bap tist Church, beginning Sunday, Sep tember 2, it was announced today. Services will be held daily at eight o'clock with the Rev. R. N. Carroll of Edenton as guest minister. Special music will also be rendered each night The public is cordially invit ed to attend. NEW LIBRARY BOOKS Forty new books were received in the Perquimans' County Library this week. In addition to a numbr of new westerns, mysteries and juvenile books some of the new titles are: Keith, White Man Return; Irwin, Golden Hammock; Coit, John C. Calhoun; Gallancz, Man and God; Carson, The Sea Around Us; Russell, Unpopular Essays;-- Bass, - Umberte's .Circus; Early, New York Holiday, Lefts. Es ther; Sumner, Sudden Glory;' Zara, neuei null. , , - -' . .t.ii.. It V. 8. MILITARY FORCK LANDS -h , '.; J """"" lIMIaW.lW.WWWWWWMWMM - ' ; v.- V , . .' '! ' ;.v . :tr t ' . I "' . 'A ' ?m ; . . .: X" i. I' 1 r p i - i II- - --- fi T-Jt . ! 1 r 3. lIcGaw inspects part of his trobps upon their arrival at'Seflavflc, ' ? Iceland. The force Is composed of elements of the U. S. Army, Navy ' Iceland to cooperate with the island republican carrying eut fb! ' ' provisions of the North, Atlantic'Treaty to which' Iceland Is a signattw 1 Carolina, Friday, August IViiness Found In Dy Recorder Judge Fifteen Cases Heard at Session Here Tuesday ; Morning Elsie Harris. Negro, prosecuting witness in a hearing: which her hus band, Garland Harris, was charged with assaulting her, was found in con tempt of court by Judge Charles E. Johnson in Tuesday's session of Re corders Court. She was ordered to pay the costs of court and given a 60- day jail sentence, suspended upon condition she remain of good behavior for 30 days. Other cases disposed of during the court session this week included the cases of Henry Maksimowicz and Olian Spencer, who entered pleas of guilty to charges of speeding and paid the costs of court. Robert Byrum, charged with speeding, entered a plea of guilty and paid a fine of $10 and costs of court. Haywood Welch, Negro, charged with assault on Lizzie Williams, Ne gro, with intent to commit rape, was found guilty of assault on a female. He was given a 60-day road sentence, suspended upon payment of a fine of $25 and costs of court. Roosevelt Brown, Negro, charged with driving with improper lights, en tered a plea of guilty and paid a fine of $10 and costs of court. Francis Spivey, charged with reck less driving, entered a plea of guilty and paid a fine of $10 and costs of court. 1 Doulas Farmer was ordered to' pay a fine of $10 and costs after entering a plea of guilty to passing a vehicle on a curve. Walter Parker was found guilty on a charge of reckless driving. He was ordered to pay a fine of $125 and costs, $100 of the fine to be paid Richard Roscoe, Negro, for damages done Roscoe's car. Octavis Long. Negro, was taxed ifith the costs of court after pleading frailty to - chance of parking on a highway. ? The, casA-Pf Queenie Vthhi Negro, charged'wlth laixieny, Was dismissed following presentation of evidence of fered by the btate. Lillian Riddick, Negro, prosecuting witness, was taxed the costs of court in the case in which she charged Nor man Gatling with assault with a dead ly weapon -; James Riddick and Roosevelt Har vey, Negroes, entered pleas of guilty to charges of assault and paid a fine of $5 and costs of court. Elexander McDowell, Negro, was fined $2 and costs of court on a charge of being drunk and disorderly. The case of Roosevelt Sheard, Ne gro, charged with driving without a license was nol pressed by the State. Belvidere Ruritans Hold Meeting Thursday Bill Sutherland, Scout Executive for this area, was a guest at the meeting of the Belvidere Ruritan Club last Thursday night, at which time the civic organization discussed plans for organization of a Boy Scout troop at Belvidere. Clifford Winslow, secretary of the club, reported the group has complet ed all arrangements for organizing the Scout troop and it is hoped the organization can be completed some time next month. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Junior Stallings an nounce the birth of a daughter, Le ondra Faye, bom Sunday August 19, at Albemarle Hospital. Mrs. Stal lings is the former Miss Eleanor Faye Howell. . ; . . : bm. Aiim pimdI ON ICKLANn ni n. ii Gciitemirt Of Court r 24, 1951. focou; Koad Work Planned In Perquimans County Perquimans County will share in road work specified by the State Highway Commission for letting on August 28, Chairman Henry W. Jor dan announced today. The local project being advertised calls for grading and sub-grade rein forcement on 9.95 miles from Winfall to the Chapanoke-Parkville Road and from a county road 1.8 miles east of Belvidere to a county road 2.2 miles north of Winfall. The Commission rejected bids re ceived on this project at its May 29 letting and will review low bids re ceived this month at its next regular meeting on September 1. Program Launched Rights Under Act The Eastern Carolina Office of Price Stabilization is launching a pro gram to inform the public of its rights under the National Defense Production Act, it is announced at OPS headquarters in Raleigh. 1 "Three times the amount charged over the legal ceiling, or a minimum of $25, whichever is greater, together with reasonable attorney's fees and court costs may be granted by the courts to a person victimized by over ceiling selling," District Counsel George K. Snow stated, regarding the treble damages provision of the act. A housewife, for example, if over charged $3.00 for an item, may collect not just $9.00, but the $25.00 mini mum, plus court costs and reasonable attorney's fees, Snow explained. In many sections of the country the public is bringing suits for over charges, it was pointed out, and couTt actions awarding thousands of dollars are now pending. There is no limit to the amount of damag-jfi. .that, can be. collected, it was stated. In urging the public 6f Eastern Carolina to be alert for over-charges, Snow said the legal staff of the Ra leigh OPS is ready to give advice and information to the public -where the matter of over-ceiling selling is in volved. Rites Held For Mrs. Elizabeth J. White Funeral ervices were conducted at the family home on the Hertford highway Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock for Mrs. Elizabeth Jackson White, wife of Woodrow White, who passed away in the Albemarle Hos pital last Thursday after an illness of three days. The Rev. Z. V. Cowan, pastor of the Mount Hermon Metho dist Church, officiated, assisted by the Rev. G.' M. Singletary, pastor of the Corinth Baptist Church and the Rev. D. B. Cruise, pastor of the Peoples Methodist Church. During the services Robert Givans sang "Sunrise" and "Safe In the Arms of Jesus." Interment was made in the New Hollywood Cemetery with Charlie Bartlett, Bill Jennings, Howard Banks, Carol Jackson, Edward Sand ers and Cecil Perry serving as pall bearers. County Men Taking Part In Maneuvers Two Perquimans County soldiers, Cpl.' Gerald D. Perry and CpL Matt Spivey, both of Duants Neck, are taking part in the huge military ex ercise, Southern Pine, according to a report released by headquarters of the 28th Division. Perry and Spivey have been sta tioned at Camp Atterbury, Indiana, but arrived at Fort Bragg last week to participate in the maneuvers now under way. ", CARS COLLIDE Damages amounting to $500 result ed from a collision which occurred Sunday .on U. S. 17 south of Hert ford, it was reported today by Patrol man 'B. R, Inscoe. The wreck hap pened near the Hertford Livestock concern, Mr. Inscoe stated, when Le mian James, Negro, driving a 1947 Plymouth, struck the rear of a '41 Chevrolet, driven by W. D. Landing, Sr. James was charged with driving after; his license had been ' revoked, and following too close behind anoth er' vehicle. 1 ROTARY MEETS TUESDAY - Hertford's Rotary Club will meet Tuesday night at 6:15 at Hotel Hertford.-' President Jack Kanoy urges all members to attend. Gi;R',10.l$EPTEOEfl5 ToAdvisePeopleuf 5 Cents Per Copy Principals' Meeting Is Called For Next Mon day Morning School bells will ring in Perauim- ans County Wednesday, September 5, marking the opening of the 1951-52 school term for the more than 2,000 school children of the county, it was reported today by J. T. Biggers, County Superintendent. In preparation for the opening of schools a meeting of the principals of the schools will be held in Vie of fice of the superintendent on Monday, August 27. Principals of the white schools will meet during the morning hours, while principals of the Negro schools will meet in the afternoon. School programs and the school cal endar for the year will be discussed at these meetings. All of the school buildings have been cleaned and renovated for the new term, and there will be some changes in the . system. All Negro schools north of Perquimans River will be consolidated into the new building at Perquimans Training School. Work of constructing a new unit at the Hertford Negro school has not been completed but all schools south of the river will be con solidated at this building when con struction is completed sometime this Fall. Seven new school buses will be plac ed in operation in the county this Fall transporting children to and from school. Five of the buses were purchased for use in connection with the consolidation program and two were replacements for worn out buses. School bus routes will remain about the same for white schools, Mr. Big gers stated, and announcements will be made regarding bus routes serving the new Perquimans Training School. The Perquimans County Selective Service Board has received tw8 cell for the month of September, accord ing to Mrs. Charles Campen, clerk' of the board. One call is for five men to take pre-induction examinations and the other call is for two selec tees to be inducted into the armed forces. Mrs. Campen reminded youths of the county that Selective Service regulations require 4hem to register for the draft at the local board office within five days of their 18th birth day. She also requested all regis tered to notify, the board of any changes in address, and any change in the status of their classification. These latter two rules are Selec tive Service regulations and must be adhered to by all registrants. Demonstration Well Attended By Farmers r A demonstration on the treatment of fence posts, held at New Hope on August 15, was attended by 34 Per quimans County farmers interested in wood preserving. The demonstration was conducted by W. T. Ellison, District Extension Forester, and included methods of peeling as well as treating. A chain type peeler was used and the cold soak method of treating was dem onstrated. Firemen Answer Rural Call Saturday Hertford firemen answered a call to the Stallings sawmill near Whites ton last Friday afternoon, when fire of undetermined origin burned a ncrap wood pile.. Loss from the fire, which burned more than two hours, was reported as light, however. The Hertford firemen and the Gatesville departemnt which also answered the call, prevented the blaze from spread ing to the mill. REVIVAL SERVICES BEGIN AT ANDERSON CHURCH TONIGHT Anderson Methodist Church will begin its revival tonight (Thursday) and continue through 'Friday, August 81, according to the pastor, the Rev. R. M. Gradeless. " The Rev. Clyde Blackstock of Lo cust Grove, Ga., will return for the second year as guest evangelist The music will be under the direction of Mr. Gradeless. Services will begin at 8 o'clock and the public is cordially invited to at tend. :, CLUB TO MEET The Methodist Men's Club of Per quimans Charge will meet August 80 at 7:30 o'clock at the Epworth Church in Winfall. Jasper Smith, Confer ence lay leader of Bethel, will pre sent the club charter. All members are urged to be present Smz!lDraftCalls Listed For County

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