1 . c 'V j j IlxiirIsPkn kvv. r.:-j Determine In tercut cf Public ; 1 H Due to lack of attendance on file .WW of the public, at meetinr call- . ea lasr uonaay nigra y ue neraoro . Junior Lhamber of Commerce, to de termine public interact la the Per- ouimans High School Band, the Jay. ees postponed a definite decision n whether or not the. organization will sponsor the band, and an annual drive to finance the band. ' i Because of Its Intereat in community , 1 rejects tne Jaycee organization has , under consideration a proposal to eponsor the band and assist it to growl and excel in public music, however, Before adopting the project members of the Junior "Chamber of Commerce ueairg xa aewjnnine u mere flaz- J f -i. V J i, . J. . il . a . merit the sponsorship of the group. At the meeting Held last Monday in the Court House most of the Jay ; see membership was present but only ,a . few interested men and women turned out to voice an, opinion on the matter. While disappointed at the i turn-out for this meeting, it was the opinion of those present that other .v meetings being conducted at the same - time bad cut the attendance at the Dana meeting ana n was agreea mat a second meeting will be called for the purpose of learning the extent of in terest in the high school band. '' During tne discussion Monday night the-Jayceea were advised by E. C, Woodard, school principal and RJch . ard David, band director, in regards to the organisation of the band, and - i ? f 1 J i i i . a . its imaneiai neous. aupennienaero 01 Schools J. T. Biggers and Edgar Mor Tis, chairman of the Board of Edu cation spoke for the Board, stating it approved the band organization and appreciated the interest shown by the Jaycees. - - -- & ' -w:- ' -Nothing definite icame from the meeting but the decision to call a second meeting at which the public Will be asked to attend, and during whichj problems of operating a band will riven, by eom visitor; the Notice as to date and -Iacevrf tiitel "coming : meeting win be anounced '.: .later.;::SV:;'-'i:-V"''WV:t;': P ll:rtfcnlli:nslb Snsriscr FcsUvd Arrangements have been completed -by the Hertford Lions Club for the opening of their Fall Festival , next Monday, September 24, it was an nounced here today by F, A. McGoog- an, president of the club, who stated that the , local Lions have secured Sherman Husted and his Central . Amusement Company, to provide rides and shows on the midway for the festival. "We hope to provide the people of this area with, a week of good clean fun and entertainment," Mr. McGoog an said, "and we have waited until a , late date in the year to present the show because we desired to have the " Central Amusement Company furnish the shows and rides." T v , . Headed by Sherman Husted, ' the Central Amusement Company , hag v showed in Hertford on several occas ions, sponsored by the Hertford Lions some fun for those attending. The festival thie year Mr. McGoog- ' an announced, will be located on the lot, located at the corner of Grufcb and Edenton Road Streets. The festival ''will open on Monday, .September 24, and continue through Saturday, Sep tember 29. The Lions will conduct children's day on Thursday and Fri day afternoons from one to six o'clock. v me cnirni Anr , t vompiuir mi furnish a la-s r."'1"' r of rides for both adults a J r' n,' have adJed more attract!s l k '.own Ce prev- : ions times le. A feature cf t!.e f roe act pie..':l e. AmiuuHnanit flnT " -r V Inl wiH be a i rt'ikt fcy ,the iS act is one of the best that can te secured and . promises to provlie much entertain mens xor att. Cotton TTi',i " jt4rc . . S"077s Gee , JiVcrco Cotton picking Irunderway in Per quimans County, an 1 t!;e yield for this year's crop, : -nr, f td local 'pro ducers who have Bu.j some of their cotton, is much t"t;:r Can the produc tion last year. - A hun.lar' of ' wto h- sold cotton at t" t Co'.i-i C Comr'y it ''i-yi,c; '"'!! T T frv h ' t t l ".-' -." J i . - 7 11 tic . - 1 1 a ; I . 3. D.tc Clirtcil I-c? CIHrCh IlwutkltS i .) ',)' . . S. . ,.f. MWM ?; ; . "f.-1 rV ' A change in the date for pne-day institute on family Ufa and marriage counseling, sponsored ty the Metho dist churches of this dVrict was an nounced Monday ' by the T : v. Alfred L, Chaplin, pastor of , tlie ' Ilsrtford Methodist Church, which Will o host iot tne institute. ; -. ; . Mr. Chaplin announced f-e insti tute will be held in Hertford) today, Friday, ' September 81, instead of the date previously announced. The ses sion will open at 10 A. 114 and lunch will Tbe served by the church between the morning and afternoon sessions. dPTAi:;:Js first C:3u2 Of C;v Schod Yetr! .The Perquimans County Central Grammar School Parent-Teacher As sociation held its first meeting of this school year on . Monday night. Sep tember 17, in the school auditorium. The meeting opened with singing "America the Beautiful.'': An impres sive devotional Bev. Carl Yow. -was conducted by the' lor the extra point was no good. Man . ; r , r : t , jteo,' receiving 'the ban1 again; failed Mrs.. Wendell Matthews,' president, stated that all chairmen of standing committees would - receive the State Bulletin, and . she urged that these bulletins be read.s.M.t.'';'u.tc'i -. " v Reports from the '" various com mittees were given,' including (1) membership, Mrs. Elijah White re ported that the membership drive would be conducted soon and urged that all mothers, fathers and inter ested persons become members of the association; (2) Magazines, Mrs. Carl Yow stated that she had been eiyen a number of PTA magazines to ft distributed and asked that parents hand in their subscription to her as soon as possible: (3) Room Represen tative, Mrs. Elwood White read the names of room representatives for the ; various grades; (4) Ways and Meant, Mm. B. F. Bray stated that some form of entertainment would be givenvet Hallowe'en and asked that everyone cooperate in making this occasion success. , - The treasurer reported, that $24.95 had beea"pent since the -last report and th Wancajiow on hand amounby principal of thef chock was introduced. After his m- trodfotioih he informed . the meeting that' Dr. B. B. McGuire will visit the school this week to examine the children in ; the- first and third srrades. He urged that- parents be present for the examination of their children. He praised the work being done in the lunch room and stated that from 368 to 381 are eating in the lunch room daily; He also informed the association of the distribution of students in the various class rooms. At the conclusion of Mr. Maston's talk he introduced the five new teachers. J. T. Biggers spoke of the crowded bus situation and said he hoped some plan would soon be worked out to re lieve this conditjon; He also stated that work on the lunch room had be gun and he believed it would be ready for use bv Christmas. The president announced that the district , meeting would oe neia in Robersonville October 25, and she urged, that as many as possible .at tend,, : J '1' i ': vi. t ;;''V ' .' " ' , Mrs. Jack Benton, program chair man, announced the theme for lvol 1952, "The Citizen Child, a Healthy Personality, Top Priority" and the topic for the October meeting will be "Physical Health" with New Hope community in : charge. Mrs. G. W- Baker is chairman of this committee, assisted by Mrs. Robert Robbing and Mrs. Earl Morse. . ' "'vj , The seventh grade won the attend ance oriie. The president announced that any room V winning tbia prize three times during J the, year would receive a worth Carolina nag. Peraisiiaans FPA Team Exhibit Vins Award The Wauimans FFA exhibit won first nlace aa best educational ex hibit at the seven county fair, held last week at Elizabeth City, it was re ported today fcy iG. C. Buck, Agricul ture teacher and FFA advisor a Per- nnimana ITiffh SSchooL i '. V .''.i'".' S'- - In addition "to fee blue ribbon. awarded for first plwsvthe local FFA group rceived a f 25 cash award and an a . 'onsl tZ5 cash award for the exhl-.t leinx .taiged third best of the fair, ,.-, V ' ' Given Per August ' Dere bnnd sales m Perquimans County for the mortur of' August to taled according to a report re leased tiis v ek by the Treaaury De- 'rtarsnt. ( t!:e .!c mace during e mr'S, ,Xh are counted towcrd tne qnoia rerquimans County iall-e r '.rie I . Campaign, E bond i 's st. ' 1 to $13,45? end G bond first S:scnfrcQiu3 Farmville Eleven To Play Indians Here Friday Night Coach Ellie Pearing'a Perquhnana Indians'. opened their lS8l football season here last Friday night, before a fair sized crowd of fans by trouneV ing the Manteo eleven by a score of Thd score failed to Indicate the u periority of 'Jhes'Perquiwianr team over the 'visitors as $osn Fearing used reserves freely,: ivUig his en tire bench : an opportunity to gain valuable game exlepce. ;t ; . v Manteo won the tosl ' and elected to receive the kkk off from there on the contest was all Indians. Man teo failed to gain and kicked to Per quimans. Joe Towe swept in the punt and raced . 60 yards , to Manteo' 10 yard stripe. . Walker, on two' plays, carried the ball pyer the goal to give the Indians a Six-nothing lead. Try to dent the Indian line and had to kick; : In the- firBt scrimmage for the Indians . Walker raced SO yards to the 10 yard line, but a penalty against the Indians moved the ball' back to mid field.' Williams then carried for the Indians and on, two tries covered the distance, scoring the Indians' sec ond TD. Try for the extra point was no good .and the Indians lead by a score of i2-0. The first period, ended with Manteo having the ball but fail ing to gain from scrimmage. . ' -mm. f A ' - rerquimans scorea again in uie sec ond Period when Williams carried the ball to the Manteo 20 yard line and Walker, on a reverse, went, the dis tance to score. Joe Tow converted the extra point and the half ended with the Indians leading 19-0. - ; Manteo scored its tone TO . in tne third quarter when Perquimans fum bled near tree mid field and- Hasnignt scoopejftip' the ball and ran 60 yards for a TO. ; This made the score 19-6. Manteo kicked off to Perquimans and Walker d a beautiful jHeee of run4 ning the ball back for TD, a dis tance of 85" yards.''; "The -score, now stood n 25-6 for PewnHmaiig,. d ' .; Williams' opened the'fourth quarter with nice dash to Manteo'e 10 yard Hne Aut a penalty on the Indiana made it 25 yards to go. . John. Morris toss ed a 25-yard pass to Tommv Sumner, . ... . i ji. . T II i.L at tms point xo give me maians mr fifth touchdown. Joe Towe convert ed the extra point and th score mov ed to sz-6 for f erauimans. Perquimans marked up nine first downs while Manteo had rive, fctana ing out in line play for the Indians were Tommy Sumner, Harrell, Perry and Mathews. The Indians will play their sec ond home game here tonight when thv meet the Farmville Hign scnooi, Game time is eight o'clock and fans are urged to turn out and back the Indians. Accent Fafcl To J. Rogcrson r Uaniftl J. Rosrerson. 70. of Perquim ans County,' died Friday at 1;10 A. M.t at the Albemarle Hospital in EHiabeth Citv from an injury sustain ed in an auto accident last Wednes day night on the Beech Spring road, near his horned ' He was driving the car and failed to make a turn, running into an. em bankment, nolice said. "Services were conducted Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Lyncn Funeral Home in Hertford. Burial was made in the family cemetery near the home; t i - , Surviving are two sons. Darnel I of Portsmouth, Thomas' N, of rer quimans; four daughtemMm. Eddie Boyce, of Princess . Anne, Va, ,Mrs. Sinirleton Lane. Mrs. Ellie Forehand, f Perauimans County. Mrs. Willie Reynolds, of Norfolk; three sisters, xr T tr HomVmMl nf Edenton. Mrs. Kate Elliott of Norfolk, Mrs, Law- Mice Perry, of Route 1. Hertford; a brother, David Rogenon; 12 grand- children; six great-granocniidren ana several nieces ana nepnews. , ,., . - Rlembers Initiated Into School Oab : ' Fifteen hew members ; were intiti ated last Friday bv the Perquimans Chapter of the National Bate Club, a club for students 'aviraging 90 or above during their first two years of high school. The new members of 'the local club are: . Fritz Wulf Billie EUnner, Margaret v Symons, Faye " 't, Billy Charpell Knbel' Martin v -Jbee Shirley Euro, Letty Davis, l:uilie Lu Yeates, Kay Stanton, Jlari lm Baker, Emily Anne Sumner, Ruth Dawson, Jsnle Winslow and Nan Ella VMte. . . , xlina, Friday, September 21, 1951. TCiiy-ixGc:3s Heavy Docket Follows . Recess; Three Cases Are Continued ' . Business was on the uuswuur in Perquimans Recorder's Court here Tuesday after the court had a week's recess., Twenty-six cases were dia- posed of and three cases were held oveSuntil next Tuesday..., r' a pleas of guilty 'to charges of ceding, the following defendants were? ordered to pay the costs of court! . Leo Goldfarb, Crabtree. John Son C. H. Isbell and WilHam Wal- therl. A. nol pros was 'taken, in the case in which Johnnie Ryan was charged with, larceny. : . : Willie Simmons, . Negro, 'charged " .v J..I ... OO -1 1. 1 1 wiu. uriving wiui iimuiucient dfokcb, entered a plea of guilty and paid the costs of court. A fine of S25 " was taxed aarainst John Skinner, Negro, on a charge of , reckless driving. ; ; James Fuller, Negro, entered a plea of guilty to a charge of following a car too closely. He was ordered to pay the costs of court. , : : ' Arthur Felton, John Felton, Mild red Spruill and Alberta Jones, all Negroes, charged with , assault, were taxed with the costs of court. The latter two defendants were , found guilty and the two Feltons entered pleas of guilty. "'- Lemiah James, Negro, entered a plea of guilty to driving without ft license and paid a fine of $50 and costs of court. Oscar Littlejohn, Negro, charged with passing a car in face of oncom ing traffic, was fined $10 and costs of .court. On motion for a trial by Jury, the case of T,, J. Bass, charged with being-drunk on the highway, was sent up to Suoerior Court 7 V John Phillips, Negro, charged with dring with insufficient brakes, en tered a plea of guilty and was fined Snnd costs. ? Ittnry Copeland paid a fine of $25 andt? on a charge of driyihg on feaiieft side of the highway icausing proBPrty damage. - - - . ; ' 4m White, Negro,?'clMrged with driving on the left side -of the high way, entered a plea of guilty and paid a nne of a ana costs. James Wilkins, Negro, charged with reckless driving, and driving .with insufficient brakes, entered a plea of guilty and paid a fine of $25 .TJh Ynunir entered a nlea of smiltv to charsres of passinsr a car on a curve and speeding. ' He was fined S10 and costs. James Brickhouse, Negro, charged with larceny, was found guilty; He was sentenced to the roads for 60 days, sentence, to he suspended upon roavment of a fine of $50 and costs. Christopher and Lois m, Negroes, entered a plea, of guilty to a charge of creating a ' disturbance and paid the costs of court. ! Jack Williams. Negro, was fined $5 and costs : on a charge of being drunk and disorderly. Herbert Forehand entered a plea of guilty to a charge of reckless dnv insr and nald a fine of S25 and costs. John Brown was fined $10 and costs on a charge of speeding. John Lane was found guilty on a charge of assault and judgment was suspended upon payment of costs. Perso'd Changes InLcsdPcstOffice Two changes will be made in the personnel of the Hertford Post Office about November 1, according to an announcement made here this week by Postmaster W. W. White. ' , Mr. White announced that James E. Newby, employee11 of the Post Of fice for the past 16 years, will be as signed as a rural route carrier for Route two, succeeding James Boyce, who is retiring. ' : :; .1 Eldon Winslow has been named by Mr. White as in ,. employee of the Post Office' and his appointment has been filed with the Post Office Depart ment Mr. Winslow, who has served as Perquimans County Game Protec tor for the past several years, will assume the vacancy ' caused by Mr. Newby's transfer to a rural route. Youth Injured In Football Game Here Billy Elliott, son of Mr. 'and Mrs. Freeland Elliott, ' member of the Perquimans football, team, sustained a fracture of f the j, right leg in the Perquimans-Manteo game played here last Friday 'night. The youth was, taken to the Albemarle Hospital for treatment, and is reported getting along as well as can be expected with an injury .of this type.. PIL3 Seniors Elect Year Book Staff - The- senior class of Perauimans High School held its first meeting of tne current year Monday for the pur pose f electing the year book staff. Those, elected were Manruerite But ler, editor-in-chief; Joe Towe, busi ness manager;. Barune unappeu, cir culation- manager; Frits Wulf, senior editor; XAurence Sutton, class edi:or; Tommy Sumner, art editor and Julian nau. i . ine stan is pianninr to send a group Of delearatea to Columbia Uni. versitjl'for the 11th annual short coursefin year books on October 12 throu 14th. ChlCiebToOiiSGrve CiMnsss Women's Vd; Starts Sunday The Perquimans Business and Pro fessional Women's Club gave Mrs. Nettie Lee Caravello a surmise House Warming Friday night, September 14, when the club met with her for its regular; business meeting in her new home on the Hertford-Edenton High way when bouquets of brilliantly tint ed summer blossoms accented, the decorations of the entire lower floor. Miss Hulda Wood, president, pre sided. She welcomed Mrs. Sallie M. Lane and Mrs. Laura M. Hollowell, new members, into the club., Mrs. Pickett Tumner, recording secretary, read the minutes and Mrs. Essie Bur bage, treasurer, gave her report. Miss Nell Wilni teacher in the Perquim ans County Grammar School, was ac cepted as a new member. Money was contributed toward the home of re tired business women, which is the state project. The club' will observe National Buai ness Women's Week September 23 through September 29, using the theme, "Full Partnership for the Job Ahead." They will start the week by going in a body to the Hertford Methodist Church on Sunday; "Wo men in' Uniform Day" will be cele brated ion Monday; Monday night, Mrs. Alfce M. Towe, District Director, and Miss Claire Hunter, District secretary-treasurer. Miss Hulda Wood, president, MistfiKate Blanchard, Music (airmatd Mrs. National Security guests of the Scotland Neck Business and Professional Women's Club at its Charter Niirht banquet when Mrs I ... 1 . 1 ' " JlZTZw Wednesday night, the members will meei lor ixs ;"rf e memoersnip vaw ... charge of the program and table dec- I orations consisting of the following: Mrs. Grace Coston. Program Coordi nation Chairman. Mrs. Pickett A. Sumner. Memibershin Chairman, Mrs. Grace Morris; Miss Claire Hunter and Mrs. Sarah C. White; Thursday, spec ial attention will be given Equal Rights Day. Posters will be displayed in store windows and soot announce ments will be heard on the radio. At the close of the business session, Mrs. JBurbage assisted the hostess in serving lime .punch, cookies, nuts and mints and in displaying the miscel laneous -gifts. (V " V V Continuance Asked In Local School Case Possibih'ties f that, the Perquimans County school ,suit, entered in Federal Court, will be continued, from the Oc tober term to next March, appeared a reality, according to a Teport made to the local Board of Education by John Hall, Board Attorney, this week. Mr. Hall advised J. T. ' Biggers, School Superintendent, that the plain tiffs in the case, through their -attorney, Herman Taylor, had requested Judge Don Gilliam to continue the hearing until March, 1952. The case is one in which a number of Negro citizens entered suit against the local Board of Education seeking school facilities for Negroes equal to county white schools. . Since the suit was filed he Board of Education has completed one pro ject, and is now in the midst of an other '- aimed, at providing ; facilities sought through the suit The projects were part of a program planned by the Board' prior to 'filing of the suit against the Board, .- Specialist Tp Hold Demonstration Here 1 Mrs. Katherlrie S. Riggle, Exten sion Specialist in housing and home furnishings, will give a demonstration on reupholatering here on Monday, September 24, ft was reported today by Mrs. Nina B. White, home agent The demonstration will be conducted at the Agriculture Building begin ning at 1:30 o'clock, and the public Is Invited to attend. - V EASTERN STAR TO MEET ' The Hereford Chapter of the Order of Eastern Star will meet next Mon day night ft 8 o'clock in the lodge rooms in the Court House. All mem bers are urged to be present' " 5 Cents Per Copy JfV.T1l Err -Ttfft'f is .il w nitf in mi...... WMiaej WSJ DijtrcdThjrsdry lit In fl;;rali:3 New Equipment Gires Residents Additional fire Protection Perquimans County's new fire truck was delivered here last Thursday and was accepted by the county, after it had been tested by the Hertford Fi Department. t The new truck, euuinned with a MM) gallon water tank, is as modern as tomorrow, according to local firemen, who took part in the testinar. New equipment, which provides more ef ficient operation by the firemen, is part of tne truck. Constructed by the Orem Corpor ation of Roanoke, Va., the tank and equipment is on a Ford chassis. The large capacity tank is equipped with two fire hose lines which permits 12 minutes of fire fighting with the wa ter being thrown at high pressure. Fog nozzles, also a part of the new equipment provides the firemen with equipment to fight fires under modern methods. placing of the new truck into opera tion here provides residents with greater fire protection. The truck will be operated by the Hertford Fire Department under agreement with the County Board of Commissioners. Mayor and Fire Chief V. N. Darden stated this week that the local fire department has worked out' a . plan whereby the department will provide fire fighting service to the town and county with use of both trucks. . Under its agreement with the coun ty hoard the fire department will use both trucks on fires within the town, and will send only the county truck to rural fires. Keeping the county truck, at all timea in readiness to an swer calls to rural areas. In cases of emergency, where the Town of Hertford is requested to give assistance to departments in neighboring towns, only the Hert ford truck will be sent, the county truck remaining here for local calls. Freedom Crus&b A two-unit motorcade which wfll show the people of Perquimans Coun ty how America gets its message of truth through the Iron Curtain has started a tour of the state, and will visit Hertford on Saturday, September 22, at nine A. M., it was announced today by D. F. Reed, Jr., president of the Hertford Junior Chamber of Commerce, which is sponsoring the Crusade for Freedom drive here. This motorcade will demonstrate the work of the Crusade for Freedom and Radio Free Europe, Mr. Reed said, the American people have made it possible to pierce the Iron Curtain with radio messages and freedom bal loons.. 'They, are being asked to help carry on this great work. This is their opportunity to see how their support 'is being used. At each stop, made by the.-niotor-cade, it will present samples of types of broadcasts which Radio Free Eur ope uses to fight Communism in the Russian-controlled nations of - Eur ope. " . v - It will also give a demonstration launching of the two types of balloons which have been used in recent weeks to carry millions of messages of hope and encouragement to the captive na tions. . 'The motorcade-consists of a sound car and a truck. The truck carries a replica of the Freedom Bell which now hangs in Berlin, a simulated radio ,tower to represent Radio Free Europe and Radio Free Asia, and a symbolic Iron durtain being pierced by arrows of truth. Prominent Hertford Resident Dies Thursday Isaac Anderson White, 81, died suddenly at his home here Thursday morning at 8:80 o'clock. , '; He was the son of the late Ander son and Lucy Williams White. The body was . removed to the Lynch Funeral Home pending ar rangements. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Mattie Catling White; one son, Rob ert A. White; four daughters, Mrs. Boyd Collins of Red Springs, Mrs. N., C Barefoot of Richmond, Mrs. Ker mit Cowan of Washington, D. C, and Mrs. H, A. Ruddock of Charlotte; one brother, T. S. White and three sis ters, Mrs, Lena Sutton;' Mrs. Jose phine Phillips and, Mrs. Lucy Madre. BIRTH tANNOUMGEMENT ! ' Mr. and Mrs, Billy Winslow,; an- nnnnrn ui mru, Mr nantrnri 11m.'. thia' Ann, born Prlday," August ii, at the Albemarle Hospital v ; (,Vs Mrs. Winslow, before her marriage, Hertford Sept 22nd waa juum najuce .Terry. . i

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