3. V7FT7T1TnaK Y I I 4.. J Volume XV11I. No. 41. It lV:::.;s feSSaiKb fit j;;rs C;-it"Jy Growing Short For New Entries; First Standing This Week The Perquimans Weekly's big sub scription campaign is getting of f to ." splendid Start as the second week . of the drive cornea to a close. The campaign offers an opportunity to local individuals to tarn their spare time into cash, because each worker in tie drive is paid a twenty per cent cash commission daily. Time, how ever, grows short for . new entries. The drive will com to a close No vember 17," Just five weeks from Sat " unlay. There is still room in the - campaign for more workers, several communities of the county remain ' without a representative and if any individual has been studying the campaign and desires to enter bis or her name as a candidate he should - do so now. -- " The first official standing of the workers is shown- today, elsewhere on this page. The work accomplished thus far, has been good, but no one worker has achieved an outstanding record as yet. There is still time for - even a new candidate to enter the race and win the biggest prize offer ed, v Nothing but a few hours of good hard work separates the leaders in the race as of this time. - . . The prizes offered, by this news paper, to the workers in the drive re 400 in cash to be awarded as first prize, second place .winner will receive $200 in cash arid third place winner, $100. Fourth, fifth and sixth place winners will receive extra com mission . checks . based upon : the ' amount of commissions earned during . the campaign. - At the present time, most of the workers are closely grouped in the number of votes accumulatedto date, and there is still hundreds' of sub ; scriptiona to be obtained, so the race is really Just getting underway. The work that is done between now and .the close of the drive wIH determine ' - the winners. " There are a few ef $hs -- . wnrfeers who need to (ret i Started. 1viheshiuld nor become discouraged! and think it is $o late to actually JhaJr, gin working toward big cemmisslwis w or one of the bisr nrizes. Last, week "' was entry week in the drive arid $dh weeK can propeny, oe lermea siari ing week. ' For those who have shown ood results thus far, we say keepj up the good work and to those whoj nave yex to reauy swin wonung, we say now is the time to begin. Col lecting renewal and hew subscriptions to The Weefly is a spafe time Job ' which can be turned into a profitable one, and it is easy to solicit sub scriptions among your friends . and Tieighbors. , . - - Rotary !ub Acts To Start Oration OfCdfPnpt , A project, which is planned to de velop a new farming industry- in Per quimans County, was voted into opera tion at the meeting of the Hertford Rotary Club, held last Tuesday night at the Hotel Hertford. - Members of the club voted to start a calf project in cooperation with the County Agriculture Department ana 4-H Clubs. This project was adopt-: d by the club last year and study of the proposition has been under con- " sideration since that time. -, At lie meeting Tuesday the Ro tarians voted to; start the project by purchasing two calves to be given to 4-H members for the start of the pro duction chain. It is the plan of the Rotary Club to purchase additional . calves for the project if arrangements for the purchase can be completed. Under the plans for the project a calf will "be given to a 4-H club mem ber who wilt "agree, io raise the calf, and in turn give back to the Rotary Club tha first born heifefc This off spring will then be given another 4-H member" who will become associated with the project, and in years to come the project will' build itself into a large cattle breeding and cattle rais- ; ing industry for the county. ' , A committee of C P. Morris, A.. W. Hefren and R. S. Monds, Jr., is rep resenting the Rotary Club in promot ing the project and this committee isi being assisted by I. C. Yagel, County Agent and E. L.. Topping, Assistant Agent. PTA PLANS PARTY Members of the Ways and Means Committee of the Perquimans County Central Grammar School . Parents ' Tef chers Association are planning a Halloween party to be given at the ' iol, Octv.:.r 2S. I.Iembers of this Tiitt's ?nci' le the coopera cf all r " 3 and irtere'sted peo ii" ' j' i ccer " i a sucf-ss- To X3 Sailers White To Remain As Local Postmaster W. W. (Bill) White, Hertford post master, plans to retain his position with the Post Office Department, ac cording to an announcement made here Tuesday. Mr. White recently purchased the Hertford Oil Company and following this transaction he announced his further plans, insofar as the postal Position was concerned, were u uncer tain. ,;: ' ' ' ' "'' ' h':"': However, on"- Tuesday he stated that after careful consideration he had decided to retain the position to which he was appointed last year. THIS WEEK'S HEADLINES Little headway is being made by a joint, committee of Congress to iron out differences in a hew tax blltTand a report from Washington Wednesday stated , that there is a likelihood no hew tax bill will be forthcoming this year.- Another report stated the mem bers of the committee may return to their respective houses to receive ad ditional instructions. The Congress men and Senators disagree on a num ber of points in bills already pass ed, and seemingly can not reach a compromise. acsr t''- ' " " 4 Another diplomatic breach in world affairs was reported this week! with an announcement that Egypt ' had broken a 20-year agreement with En gland in regards to use and protection of the Suez Canal. An official in London was '-quoted as saying the British will not recognize the break ing of the treaty, which has five years to run, and will continue to maintain troops along the Suez. ' " United Nations troops ih Korea this, week won gains up to a mile ong fcjo-mue front, m, a winter of hawe Btfeinst Red soldiers. The fighting has been stepped up consider. ably, despite renewed optimism for peace as Allies and Communists con ferred this week on renewing of 'Jie peace talks. . . England's Princess Elizabeth and her' husband arrived in Canada this week on a good will tour of Common wealth, and the United States The couple, after a tour of Canadian terri tory, will be the guests of President Truman on a visit to the capitol of the United States. " ' lOPSflovChacIiing Slaughter Houses The. Raleigh OPS joined with its counterparts across the nation last week in a simultaneous check of both operations and sales in slaughter houses in a move to stamp out alleged illegal practices in the slaughtering and selling of beef, it was announced by Alton G. Murchison, Acting Dis trict Director." The survey will con tinue for an unannounced period. Teams of Raleigh OPS agents ap peared in a carefully selected group of, slaughtering establishments throughout Eastern North Carolina at 6 A. M on September 25. The check is being made on weights, scales, in voices and deliveries. ' . The purpose of this investigation is to determine whether or not the slaughters are wilfully paying over ceiling prices for live cattle and then attempting to resell the beef illegally in order to make up for the losses they took in paying over ceiling. Violations have already been uncov ered in slaughter houses- in Chicago, Cleveland, Newark, San Francisco and several other cities according to James F. Latham, District Enforcement Di-, reotor xsf .OPS. . "Should violations be uncovered in the Eastern North Caro lina check, we will submit the oases Immediately to the United States At torney," Latham said. . Murchison pointed out that the pres ent difficulties in meat supply are due largely to the removal of the slaugh tering quotas by the Congress when it amended the Defense 'Production Act in July. " :: "One of the purposes of the slaugh tering quota, system was merely to insure that each section of the United States should receive a normal supply of beef at fair prices," Murchison said. "When Congress removed that quota system, the present difficulties in the distribution system resulted," he concluded. . . EASTERN STAR TO MEET The Hertford Chapter of the Order of Eastern Star will meet next Mon day night in the lodge room, at the Court House, at , eight o'clock. v All menifcers-are urged to be present. . Hertford, Perquimans County, North rZZ3Z Tcni Given 12 f'l.iuis Sentence DyRcccri!3rlL Ten Cases Disposed of At Session of Court Tuesday A verdict of guilty was returned in the hearing given John Gordon Webb, Negro, in Perquimans Record er's Court here Tuesday on charges of being a peeping torn, carrying a concealed weapon and trespass.. Webb was given a 12 months road sentence to be suspended upon the payment of a fine of $250 and costs of court and upon condition he be of good behavior for 12 months , - ;-; i;'' Nine other cases were disposed of during the court session this week and included those of Benjamin Pritchard, Benjamin Harrell and Warren White, each of whom entered pleas of guilty to charges of speeding. Each of the defendants paid the costs of court Foster Wright, charged with speed ing, failed to appear to answer the charge and his warrant. was returned for service. Pantancher Webb, Negro, charged with assault, was released and the costs of court in the case were taxed against Elmer White, prosecuting wit ness. y-; .. ,V .- . V. .:-'' A verdict of not guilty was return ed in the case in which Robert Rid dick, Negro, was charged with lar ceny. : : . ' Julian Broughton, charged with driving on the left side of "the road, entered a plea of guilty and paid the costs of court. i - A verdict of not guilty was return ed in he case in which James Everett, Negro, was charged with possession of non-tax-paid liquor. The case of Bertie Cooper, Negro, charged with possession of non-tax-- paid liquor was dismissed upon pay ment of the costs of court. A verdict of not guilty was return ed in the case in which Rosa Haynes, Negro, was charged with using pro fanity in a public place. - Indians To Play At Plymouth On Friday Coach Ellie Fearing's Perquimans Indians will travel to Plymouth on Friday night of tiris'week to play the Plymouth High School football team, in the first of the Albemarle Confer ence games for the Indians. The Indians will be out to win their fifth straight victory of the season, and the dope sheet gives the Indians, an edge in the contest. - V t Perquimans will play away from home for the next three weeks, meet ing Plymouth, Williamston and Eden ton in that order, and will play its ne,xt,home game on November 2, against the strong Columbia team. Lioness Club Plans County Poster Contest Directors of the Hertford Lioness Club, at a meeting last week, formu- rlated plans for sponsorship of a post er contest in Perquimans White jand Negro schools, the subject being "The Blind." ,The contest is being conducted in connection with the White Cane sale drive, a national project of Lions Clubs, being held this week. Cash prizes will be awarded the four outstanding posters, which .will be- judged by local art enthusiasts. The winning posters will be placed on display in a local store on next Sat urday Members of the Lioness Club also plan to assist the Lions Club in soliciting white cane memberships during this week. j THE SCOREBOARD ' The Weekly's daily commission subscriptiin campaign is rapidly becoming a fast race between the active workers entered in the con- ' test Today we publish the first standing of the contestants, and in r checking the records of each worker, we find enly a few subscriptions separating the leaders, and anyone of the workers still have time to ' put forth the effort and become the final winner in the campaign. l The standing as shown today gives the position of each worker but -it does not reveal how close the race now stands. y "The race is on. There is still A - i. J ... M L 1 1 awarded November 17. Right now is the time for workers to do ef fective work in building up vote scores which will decide the winners. Here's the standing of the workers. Some are tied for various positions and it will be up to the workers themselves to put forth the effort to carry them to the top of the list. .)..:. First Place Second Place .... Second Place Third Place Fourth Placfe .., Fifth Place i. Sixth Place .--Seventh Place '.1 Seventh Place Eighth Place ' Ninth Place :. Ninth Place . Carolina, Friday, October laiteC 0k I, Vi D:;ng Conducted By l!:rtford Lions Club Annual Event Benefit Of Blind; Part of Na tional Drive The Lions Club of Hertford will thisvweek join the other 281 lions Clubs; of North Carolina in the Fifth Annual White Cane Drive. - The North Carolina State . Association for the Blind, a non-profit, lay organization, was created in 1934 through the ef forts of Lions and other interested individuals. The Association renders services to the blind in all areas of th jState where there are no other resources to aid the blind. Once each year every citizen of North Carolina is given the opportuni ty to join this Association, help the blind and express thanks to God for his own good fortune of seeing. The White Cane Drive and Membership Enrollment Campaign of the North Carolina State Association is a State wide project of North Carolina Lions. I ' The white cane walking stick with, ft red tip is used by the blind in travel ing on busy streets and highways. The blind and Only the Blind may, by law, use such a cane. There is also a White Cane Law in North Carolina which is mandatory -and compels a motorist to stop at intersections and street crossings when a blind person, extends such a white cane and sig nals that he wishes to cross the street. Because the white cane is used ex clusively by our blind citizens', the fund raising drive of the Association is termed "The White Cane Drive." FsA. McGoogan, president of the local Lions Club, stated that one third of all funds raised here will be spent for the blind in this community, the other two .thirds will be sent to the Association for its State-wide work with the blind. Hie Association tries to meet the unmet needs of the blind in the State. The Association believes in helping the .blind to help themselves.. The Lions will give you an opportunity k toJsj the North Carolina State As sociation this week. You may buy a share of Happiness for the blind and ' - 1 - TT i ' gain a snare 01 xiappiuess iur your self. . - : Margaret Ann Ban'is New Monogram Queen Miss Margaret Ann Banks was crowned Queen of the Perquimans Monogram, Club at the homecoming football, game here last Friday night. She won the honors in an election conducted by the Monogram Club. The crowning of the new queen by Frances Sutton, 1951 Queen, was a highlight of the half time activities. As winner of the contest the Monogram -Queen received a number of gifts and was guest of honor at the Monogram Club dance held fol lowing the football game. Central PTA Meeting Next Monday Night The Jparent-Teacher Association of the Cemaal Grammar School will hold its regular meeting on Monday night, October 15, at 8 o'clock. The New Hope community will have charge of the program with Mrs. G. W. Baker as chairman. "Physical Health" is the topic for the evening and a film skit, "JKids Must. Eat" will be shown. Special music by several young peo ple will also be a feature of the pro gram. The devotional will be conduct ed by Mrs. John Hurdle. TAU parents are urged to be pres ent. room in the drive for new workers J II.,.. m 4.1. 1. Iw. 4 ..Mrs. James Wilder -.Mrs. Tom Cox , Mrs. Joe Towe White aJMis. Benton White -Mrs. Naomi McDonnell .-i -Delia Winslow JIIiss Julia Weston -Mrs. Carroll Williams Mrs. J. C. Howell . -Miss Juanha Davenport Mrs. Emmett Landing .. ..t.Mrs. Kermit Lane 12, 1951. OLD FARi.1 IIOmE AT DESTROYED DY FIRE ML'ilng ProgressJ Plans for improvement of the Per quimans High School Band are mov ing ahead according to a report from the committee of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, sponsors of the band. The committee has met several times in discussing the needs of the band, but are not yet ready to announce full details of the program. For the present arrangements are underway to outfit the band members in new uniforms, and cost of which will ibe placed in the budget to be raised through public contributions. The drive for funds will be an nounced as soon as the committee can complete its study of band need3 for this year. Town Board Adopts New Regulation On Utility Bills Hertford's Town Board held its reg ular October meeting at the town of fice last Monday afternoon. During the session the Board adopt ed a new regulation in connection with payments of utility bills owed to the town. Under the new rule utility bills are payable before the 15th of each month; a service charge is $1 will be added on each bills not paid by the 16th of each month. Service will be discontinued, without notice, to consumers whose bills are not paid by the 25th of each month, and a charge of $2 will be made to restore the service.-: No action was taken by the Board on applications for the job as town policeman. Commissioner R. L. Hol lowell was absent from the meeting and the Board voted to hold up action on the application to a later date. The police officer's position is open Idtte id the transfer of W.-T.; Miller Ft- il -1 4 in4. 1W w wra iurw nit iKue tuwu pituib. max. Miller will be retained as police offi cer until the position is filled, and will also be used as an officer in cases of emergency. Members of the Board approved a motion granting the Hertford Fire Department the privilege to elect up to five new members to the fire de partment. This motion permits the fire department to have a membership of 25 men. Processing of wage adjustment pe titions approval, denial, or modifi cation went into high gear Monday, October 1, when the Fourth Regional Wage Stabilization Board held its first formal meeting at 21 East Broad Street, Richmond, Virginia. The twelve-man board, composed of equal representation of the public, labor and industry, was greeted by Chair man George E. Strong who, since July 15th, has been serving as Regional Director with the assistance of a small staff of case analysts and attorneys. Set up as one of fourteen Regional Boards throughout the country under the supervision of the National Wage Stabilization Board in WashingtonH the Fourth Region panel of which Dr. J. J. Scherer, Richmond Lutheran pastor, is vice-chairman, will devote its energies immediately toward re ducing the backlog of wage petitions and applications which have accumu lated the last two and a half months. Following WSB procedural, routine, these petitions reached the Regional Board through the Wage and Hour office of the U. S. Department of Labor. All formal requests for wage adjustments of any nature .according to WSB routine, must first be brought by employers or unions to the at tention of the Wage and Hour offices located in various cities of the Region. The Richmond Wage and Hour office is' located at 205 West Grace Street, while another W-H office is at 25 West Church Avenue, Roanoke. The Fourth' Region comprises Virginia, North Carolina,-West Virgina, Mary land, the District of Columbia, and five northeastern counties in Tennes- tatesville Man , New Game Warden Hugh Robertson, of Statesvillo, has been named by the State Wildlife Commission, as game protector for Perquimans County, succeeding Eldon Winslow, who resigned to accept a position in the Hertford Post Office. Mr. Robertson began his duties here last week. He has moved to Hertford and is making his home at the residence of J. P. Perry.- Processing Of Wage Adjustment Begins 5 Cents Per Copy HARVEY POINT DASE LAST TUESDAY P. II Total Loss Estimated In Thousands of Dollars; No Insurance Fire of undetermined origin com pletely destroyed the old farm home, located at Harvey Point, last Tues day afternoon at about 12:50 o'clock. The fire was discovered by employees of the Hervey Foundation which leases several buildings at the old naval base, who immediately called the Hert ford Fire Department. The fire gained headway rapidly and by the time the firemen arrived the house was beyond saving and the firemen confined their efforts to con taining the blaze and saving other nearby buildings. Unofficial estimates of the loss, caused by the fire, ran as high as $20,0,00. Besides the house being a total loss, personal property and household furnishings owned by D. E. Hervey, who resided in the house, went up in flames. The blaze had gained such headway by the time of its discovery, it was impossible to get anything out of the building. Mr. Hervey stated no one was home at the time the fire started u: . its origin was unknown. While the fire burned fiercely, it was almost two hours before the fire men let up in their efforts to contain the blaze and relaxed their work in saving other buildings. The old homestead was a landmark in Perquimans County, being a part of the Harvey Plantation. It was re ported the house was constructed in 1835. The building was owned by the U. S. Navy, which purchased the site and converted it into a Naval Air Station during World War II. While the air station was in operation, the Navy used the old home as the ad ministration building for the air sta tion. When asked if the fire will cause any changes in the Hervey Foundation operations at the base, Mr. Hervey stated that his firm will continue its, operations there. President Of First District BarMn. Walter H. Oakey, Hertford at torney, was elected president of the First District Bar Association at the annual meeting held last Friday at Edenton, at which the bar of Perquim ans, Gates and Chowan counties act ed as hosts. The meeting was held in the Officers' Club at the Marine Air Station. Walter G. Edwards, another Hert ford attorney, was named to member ship on the executive board. Hallet S. Ward, retiring president, presided over the business session and was the principal speaker for the occasion. The main business discussed was the question of redistricting the State with reference to the Judicial District of North Carolina so that there will be one or two resident judges in each district .eliminating the special judges and of including Hertford County in the First District and changing Tyr- f rell, Beaufort, Hyde and Dare now in the First District to the Second District. Under a plan suggested by John Strong, administrative assist ant to Chief Justice William A. Devin, the First District would be composed of the counties of Currituck, Camden, Pasquotank, Perquimans, Chowan, Gates and Hertford. No action was taken on the tentative proposal. The final decision .will be made at the next meeting before the legislature. A gold medal appreciation and per sonal affection of bar members was given Hallet S. Ward, retiring presi-" dent, with brief speeches from a num ber of members. ' New Store To Hold Opening Saturday Hertford's newest business, estab lished this week by Marshal Owens, wjll hold its formal opening on Sat urday of this week, JJr. Owens an nounced today! ' : The store, located on Church Street across from the Court House, will sell sundry merchandise and offers foun tain service. SUFFERS INJURY Linwood Winslow of Belvidere sus tained an injuryv Tuesday morning which resulted in the : loss of four fingers of his left hand. ,; According to a report,' Mr. Winslow was operating a corn picker when an ear of corn . lodged in the machinery and in try ing to remove the corn, his hand was ' mangled by the machine. He was ; treated for the injury at the office of" Dr. C. A. Davenport. - , -'''' nBected 3

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