X. Ccntcstcnh jfsTcrT: : Hard C3 Diadline T..e first i ..To j voting schedule of Tln.Perquu.. v 'et.-ly's suhscrip f t?8t wui vae at nine o'clock . f y night, October 27, and af. . 7 .t time fewer votes will be is- . on subscriptions Bold by the woi -as entered in the drive, working for the six big prises to be awarded November 17. ' Competition between the workers in this campaign has developed keen ly, and the race for the biggest prize, $400 in cash still whangs in th ,bal- closely "bunched"- and -any one -of . them may be the final winner of the ... first prize, -i i : - Y."Hh the drop in yotea on Satur- day It can be expected that each of vug nvifkMB iraaa asctw kvw ivvvw ' on Saturday. They; taw doubt, will be striving to. build up a vote score that will enable them to- carry '- through to victory. The preliminary - work of the drive is over and at this time the workers are so closely grouped, as to vote standing, that the final disposition of the prises . wm oe determined y n eiioi? put .. forth during the final days of the contest ': 'l:'i'.'y ::' ' Here is a tip for the workers. Do not try to figure out Jiow many votes it will take to win that $400 prize, for surely you wiu fall to get enough . . . collect all the subscriptions you ; possibly can, for lard work and dili gent effort will count for the most to be accomplished. The prizes in this campaign will be won by those who' work . ; . Tb Weekly woWd like to award each of the candidate with a big prize but to do this would eliminate competition.--. Nothing but the best results "will -come from con sistent honest efforts jmd the worker who covers the territory and works energetically will be the. worker who winds up with the best record and VOt&tOtaL '. ':' ;:V::-:.;: ' . . f, Right now the. race-Ja close,, no "one of the workers have a position . "cinched'! and the wpbjKs Htedej Sat urday may have a lot to do in.deter- muung me outcome : oi : we anve. Workers should strive to make the most of every hour left between bow "and nine o'clock Saturday in order to make the best possible report r : , - II WIS After weeks of preliminary discus sions, the , Chinese ConirauniBts, in ..Korea, nave agreed j- resume peace talks. 'A new meeting place, Punmun jom, has been selected as the site for the conference between UN leaders and Jhe'Beds. Kc nwlla,' fighting in Korea has continued at a fast pace, for the past few ;.'weelsi withreports front the battlefront indicating . the Allies have taken a heavy toll-of Communist ground troops. President Truman announced Tues . day night le plans to iNr appoint- ' ment of an vvyto Ve Vatican. Dur ing the past week the -Issue brou- t ' forth much discussion whence Prpsi dent proposed General llark Clark for ' t' e position.-' ' Since' Congress has ad l .ed, a White House , skesraan r. .-ted, the plans wLl te fcl-clved, un til tie Senate convenes next January. f The. nation's blest tax bill was : naaned by Congress and signed by President Truman late last week. Un der,: the me'i'Te. i?.2ividual Income taxrs will rle t.tween II and 12 per cent Er-' ' j cn a number of Items, it ; Ine, cigarette i. cars, wl.i . i, ) .! .l;.ere,wl.l be ? t"" J i c telegran.j, .-. oi-i i...J a ior cltf . articles. " - - Unrest and mob cf morrat continued in Tjrrt t" t L.i t. -but BritL f - 1 ! ' 1 e area along L s t - c .L "li.e 'ro' !le br; n il.z rrr"an gov lent ir' i i's trf.tit vi h Cr- ' -u'n r- " t!i- use of t a T - z 1, a' J i" " ; trvr v '- t 1. ' t i - .A : . J ov. f-l n'J i t recogni.e j.pt's T'r: "rj ct te treaty. . . .. :f ' W I I III. I Ck. . -. - j - ...J- ; nr. t - "!, It:; I. .A. foin ; .. " 1 r t L x k . - '- - r- -x. n -' "7 -.1 Applicati K.h7 Jkvaai. j ' Taken For Fire Dept Witt- a number of membem of the Hertford Volunteer -Fire 'Department being recalled into military service and moving from the city, Mayor and Fir Chief V. N. Darden announced today that a limited number of va cancies ' exist on - the department rolls. - Residents Of Hertford, who might desire to become members of the Department, should make application for election to these posts to Mr. Darden. The application must be in writing ana snouia oe mailed or handed the Fire Chief at an early date, v DL:3Sc!:citcrsTo At Gcrt f lease Solicitors, assisting the Hertford Junior Chamber of Commerce inthe drive to raise funds for the Perquim ans Band, arerequested to meet at the Court House in Hertford next Monday night at 8 o'clock. The meet ing for the solicitors was called by A. W. Hefren, chairman of this group, who stated plans for completing .the campaign, and bringing It to a suc cessful close, will be made. : : The Jaycee committee, composed of George Fields, Talmadge Rose and B.;' J. " Holleman, reported this week the drive is making progress, and it is expected the goal of 11,600 will be raised shortly. ), ' , s - . In connection with ' the- ' meeting Monday; night Mr. Hefren. stated he hopes toT obtain reports from all so licitors after which plans can be made to expedite the drive and bring it to a close? possibly by November 7. -, The drive, for funds is befng spon sored by the Hertford Jaycees to pro vide' uniforms for the Perquimans Ba The program:rpcted to be an annual - event.-was nlanned with general-improvement and enlarge ment or tha band as the final goal. New uniforms, it was decided, was. thegreatest need for the i present thus the funds contributed tins year will go for .that purpose. ie ui,urnra have been ordered. 'and are exnected to be received here about Thanksgiv ing. ' - .' Additional solicitors, named for the drive since last week; were announced today by the committee. These work ers are S. T. PerryfNew Hope; "Clar ence Chappell, Belvidere; Linwood C. Winslow, Whiteaton; Charlie Umph- lett, " Winfall,' and 'Charles Ward, Bethel. r - Local Firnt Takingi 1A Palt In Contest . . ; ; The Harrell Gas-& Coal Company is participating in a nation-wide con test sponsored by the Crosley Com pany, it was announced today by C. M. Harrell, Jr., owner' of ' the firm, who ; stated a number of prizes wiL be awarded locally, .'and individuals desiring full particulars on the corites; may secure same, by applying for an application blank at the firm's office. . Mjudgesfor the contest which wil. be a statement of 60 words or less, ot. What the -AAericanl ;Wy ois lift Means toXYout will, be S. L. Lowery, County .Agent of Pasquotank; W. J. Taylor, Superintendent of Chowan Schools, and Mat Campbell, Editor of The Weekly.' . - -i Library To OLicrve 1. National CckiVeek , In preparation for Book Week, to be observed by the Perquimans Library November 1J-17." forty-six new books for teen-agers will be added shortly, to the local library collection, it was announced today by . Mrs. . Silas M. "Its: new books for teen-agers In -1 i '"von T 3. horses, ,ro- u. - i, u.J mystewv, and miseel- b.r."s woiis such as Our FDI. The I i 'a Story, A Coy and His Gun, i . .. ::.-..U of Co Uted . States. : A number of new books for adults have tio k"n added to the local collection, i'J. t. . f '-,e inn- -1 it, 2 i .C . v -CCI3 - , New officers for V coming elttb year were selected st meeting ef t-e Eolvidere ' EurX. n Club, held Uur ! y r.'J.t cf k week. Named r "1 t' T.e ' was T Jwin ' -; v" y ' -lorge T.'ins- .' t Euker, and ; " 1. iTse members '-J Li-ord y rl r J -. 1 ' Cc::.i7To:,Vct30n;; FL"qFrc;:3!L:.i ; Or a ' All Farmcf Wives attd Oup r.Ieittbers May Vote on Levy E. Q. White, Perquimans Chairman for the Nickels for Know How Cam paign, today announced -the polling Places lor voting on November 3. Bethel Township C. T. (Phillins Store at Bethel; Hertford Township the Agricultural Budding et Hertford: New Hope Township the New Hope Uoramunity Building at New Hope; Belvidere Township W. S. Winelow's Store at Nkanor and Belvidere Ser vice Station at Belvidere; Parkville Township Fred Winslow's Store at Winfall. These are the same polling places used by the PMA. They will be open from 6:30 A. It, to 6:30 P. M. Any person, whetiier farmer, house wife 4-H Club member, or T, F. A. member who purchases feed or ferti lizer is eligible to vote. Chairman White urges eligible persons to , go out and cast a vote in this election. White pointed out that .they will be voting whether or not theyswil! con tribute five cents per ton on feeds and fertilizers. to help finance expanded agricultural research, supplementing the tax funds now being used for the purpose; The plan is not a federal program but 'fa only Statewide in scope. .; It was originated by North Carolina farm leaders, and will be voted on only by North Carolina farm people an dif approved will apply on ly to North Carolina. It is estintaied that the plan would cost the average farmer 35 cents per Hear. UnTy the largest farmers would contribute more than 11.00 per year. (In the event the proposed plan is ap proved in the November 8 referen dum, any" farmer so desiring can make application and secure a refund on the amount he paid). '",:;:;:J ".fci.: : All money realised by this plan wfll bet turned '.. over to 'the Agricultural Foundation. $iKm at State College to promote raeeareh and the distribution of, research findings. . ' -f .Through the added research funds it '8hoped to leam more about con- trolintf cron diseases and iiuecta oar. tioularly those of peanuts, corn and truck crops. Some help can also be expected in ; Borne, management. 'proV Iems. PTA Halloween Party Plans Are Announced - - The Hertford Grammar School PTA will hold its annual Halloween party Wednesday night. October 31, at the high school auditorium. A parade will form at the Grammar .School at 7:30 P. M., and march to the Court House and back to the : Grammar School where it will disband and all go-to the high' school gym. During the ' parade the' judges will be sta tioned at various places to judge the best costume;' The public is invited to join .the PTA at the gym for an evening", of ; un for all , the family. There will be games and prizes' for all ages. - District Officers To Visit OES Here The Hertford Chapter of the Order of Eastern Star will hold a regular meeting, in the1; ledge' rooms, in the Court House, next Monday night, at eight o'clock. vThe District Deputy Grand Matron and District- Deputy Grand Patron will make their official visit at this time and all members are requested to be present to partici- pate in the, program and. social bxrar, i i i i i rTfiriofirorifWMSrfVTfWfi THE SCOREBOARD ' Only one more day remains of the biggest vote period in The Weekly's .subscription drive..,; Every minute is important to the work era who are striving to win one of the big awards to be presented on November 17.- The ilrat period voting schedule-will Come to close at nine o'clock Saturday night- After that time all subscriptions re ported wiU count for less votes v.' .4 " Workers entered in the campaign should make the most of every opportunity and secure as many subscriptions as possible between now and the end of the first period .tomorrow night The race is very close ' and the work accomplished during the next 24 hours may be a big fac tor in the final standing. , . ' Friends of workers who have promised subscriptions should sub scribe or renew their subscription before nine o'clock Saturday night in order that "the worker may secure the highest number of votes offered. Here is the standing. Help your favorite contestant by giving your subscription today: ' ' -First Place . Second Place . Third Place Fourth Place - Fifth Place . Sixth Place " Sixth Place Seventh Place . . I" .h Flace,. , I ' :b il :e . ::":Tsf":3tr.cos K;:.tenFrK!;yi;;te LoJslo Williamston Re moves Local T earn From League Lead Coach Ellie Fearing's Perquimans Indians, smarting from their 12-6 setback, suffered at Williamston last Frida 'night will tangle with their old rivals, the Edenton Aces on Fri day night The game will be played in Edenton, starting at eight o'clock: f The "rivalry between Perquimans and Edenton runs vback years, with Perquimans holding' a slight edge in games won; however, Edenton can be I counted on to furnish plenty of com petition and fans can be assured of a good contest The dope favors Per quimans to win Friday night, but in footoau, one can never be sure of the outcoine of any game. The1! loss, suffered by the Indians last Friday night at Williamston knocked the Indians but of first Place in the Albemarle Conference but there is still opportunity for the locals to tie lor tne championship. One of the largest crowds ever to follow an Indian team journeyed to Williamston last week for the confer ence tilt and while the loss was a bitter,. one, the fans witnessed a fine game. . The outcome of the game was in doubt until the final whistle. The teams were evenly matched but the Green Wave cashed in on a couple of breaks that meant victory. A fumble by the Indians in the sec ond quarter gave Williamston the balL m Perquimans' 20-yard line, and the Green Wave rolled over for the first touchdown. -. Perquimans came back strong in the third period and scored a TD after a 68-yard march. Howard Williams smashed. over the goal line to make the seore 6-6. i -v ;.y On the kick-off, immediately follow ing tie Perquimans' score, William ston ' tarted a 73-yard march which eadedMn the. Green Wave 'scoring a TD -ldtaking a 12-6 lead in the game. '-.v;'-"-.-' . r Perquimans made a fine come back in the closing minutes of the contest and had the ball on the five yard line but an intercepted pass gave Willianj ston possession, and the Green Wave' ran out the time left ; ' " Eleven Cases Listed In Recorder's Court A varied docket of eleven cases was disposed of in Perquimans Recorder's Court in session here last Tuesday morning. ' ' v Verdicts of not guilty were returned in the cases of Albert Burke, Negro, charged with reckless driving, and Carlton Godfrey, who was charged with failure to give a signal on stop ping on a highway. , A fine of $10 and costs of court were' taxed against Myrtle Neincrwaki, who entered, a plea of guilty to a charge of speeding. . Edward Revella, Negro, entered a plea of guilty .to a charge of follow ing a vehicle too closely. He paid a fine of $10 and costs. ' V Carl Neal, Negro, was found guilty of a charge of using profanity on the streets of Hertford.' He was ordered to pay the costs of court : Malachi Burgess, W. B. Clark, Geo. Perkins, Jr., and Gordon Walker, all charged with speeding, entered pleas of guilt? and paid the costs of court. ; Ashley Dkkerson. charged with reckless -driving, . entered a plea of guilty -d paid a fine of $10 and costs of court -Mrs. Tom Cox Mrs. James Wilder -Mrs. Benton White -Mrs. Joe Towe White .-Miss Delia Winslow. -Mrs. Naomi McDonnell i Miss Julia Weston Mrs. J. C. Howell -Mrs. Carroll Williams . lisa? Jur.fta Davenport V r-m!t Lane ocraiffjDFsupmcounTim COME KM KEXT fXDAY ISG Local Draft Board Gets Calls For Men The Perquimans Draft-Board will fill two calls for men during the month of November, It was reported today by Mrs.. Charles Cam pen, clerk of the board. Orders for induction will be mailed shortly to three local selectees, who will report for induction on November 13. ; The second call is for 10 regis trants to report for pre-induction ex aminations on the 26th of the month. : Mrs. Campen also announced the office of the local board will be closed all day Wednesday, October 31, to! enable the clerk to attend a district meeting of Selective Service officials. County HD Clubs Nutrition Exhibit State Fair Feature . "Are your meals balanced?" was the question asked of all who saw the Perquimans County Home Demon stration Exhibit at the State Fair last week. The exhibit showed that meals can' be balanced by including proper serv ings of all basic seven groups every day. According to a recent survey, in which Perquimans County took part, four out of five people do not eat all basic seven food groups every day. The exhibit on nutrition was composed mainly of a miniature merry-go-round and a life sized clown. The clown was used as an eye-catcher with outstretched arms and a-winking eye. . About the clown Were placed seven foods. .The base of the merry-go-round was composed of seven sections, and in each sec-' tion foods were used to represent each of the basic seven food groups. Charts were displayed on Menu planning ac cording to the Basic Seven Chart and ojrproper aervmgs of eachHp-' All record on the subject was played as the merry-go-round turned. County food and nutrition leaders helped in planning and constructing the exhibit Special mention goes to Mrs. L.r J. 'Winslow of Belvidere who composed words for the recording, to Mrs. Howard and Fred Mathews who sang for the recording, and to Mrs. William Elliott of Hertford, who made the clown. ' Those who stayed with the exhibif Springs, Mrs. W. J. Perry of Beech i Springs. Mrs. M. T. Griffin of Hope-! well and Mrs. Norman Elliott of flert- ford. Mrs. Tommy Mathews helped in putting up the exhibit During the week 254 names and ad dresses were taken of women who would like, a Basic Seven Chart sent to them. Honor Roll Released For First Period Seventy-three students at Perquim ans High School - were listed on the school's honor roll at the close of the first grading period, it was announced today by E. C. Woodard, principal. ' Students excelling in their studies are listed by their classes, as follows: Eighth Grade Bobby Mathews, Cliff Towe, Marjorie Brinn, Janice Stailmgs. Jean StalJings, Lois Violet Winslow, ; Judith Winslow,, : Jo Pat Stokes, Pauline Wood, Wallace Baker, Gordon Chappell, Charlie Umphlett, Jean Long, Sarah Sutton, La Claire Winslow. . . . y '',' '?-riK-y Ninth Grade Daryl - Allen, , Ray Lane, Lois Kirby, Emily White, Jo seph Butt Joseph Layden, Patricia Biggers, Barbara Edwards, IPeggy Harrell," Evelyn Ann Stanton, Ann Thatch, Sue Perry, Joanna Williford, Biltie Carol Divers, Mary Frances Eure, Joan Madre, Julia Ann Stokes, Celia Margaret White. .'."-' Tenth Grade Clarence ' Chappell, Marshall Winslow', John Morris, Jean Butt Ann Stallings, Tilson Chappell, Hudson Fisher- Leo Dail, Margaret Harrell, Jeanne Lane, Mattie Wrae Morse, Katherine Ann Ward. -; f Eleventh Grade James,, , Griffin, Marilyn Baker, Nina Jane Chanpell, Bety Davis. Audrey Lane, Nettie Lee Long, Kay White Stanton. Emily Ann Sumner, Hazel Trueblood, Nan Ella White, Billy Chappell, , Faye .Butt, Ruth Dawson- Shirley Eure, Alice Proctor, Graythel Spear, Mable Mar-' tin Whedbee, Janie Winslow, Mollie Lu Testes. - Twelfth Grade 'Pauline Burbaare. Marguerite Butler, Kathleen Hurdle, Amy Van Roach, llargaret Svmons, Marvina -Whitev Tommy; Sumher, Frita Wulf. Thirty-six Cases on the Docket; Judge Paul Frizelle to Preside The October term of superior court for Perquimans County, will convene here next Monday morning, October 29, with Judge J. Paul Frizelle of Snow Hill, presiding. - Thirty six cases were listed on the docket for the week by Clerk of Court W. H. Pitt, and it appears the Court will be unable to clear the docket dur ing the week. Many of the civil cases are expected to be carried over to the special term expected to be Called in January. Twenty-one cases are listed on the criminal calendar, and include three cases which are expected to consume much time in hearing evidence. These cases are those in which Wilson Fere bee, Negro, is charged with murder; Johnny Myers is charged with break ing and entering, and Isaac Riddick, Negro, is charged with manslaughter. The rest of the docket consists of two cases in which the defendants are charged with using fish pots, five are charged with driving drunk, one reck less driving, two drunk on the high way, two assault with deadly weapons and one assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill. The civil calendar is made up of the following cases: Dallas Gilliam vs. Odell Gilliam. Hannah Tucker vs. Andrew Tucker. Clifton Hardy vs. Mildred Hardy. James Skinner vs. Rens Skinner. Hattie Hollay vs. Gus Hollay. Cora Dunlap vs. James Dunlap. Mary Male vs. Charlie Male. Chesapeake Auto Co., vs. W. L. Bagley. Roland Gilliam vs. H. C. Stokes. J. H. Newbold Estate vs. Jessie " Phillips. J. E. Winslow et al vs. J. J. Alex ander etal. --': T. J. Bass vs. L. T, Keel. Jesse Wiggins vs. Ben Chambers. Redman Perry et al vs. S. D. Banks. 2 Darden Bros. vs. Kermit Lane. For Support Price R. Flake Shaw, of Greensboro, Ex ecutive Vice-President of the North Carolina Farm Bureau, called on all peanut producers this week not to sell their 1951 crop for less .than the support price of $226 per ton . He said' that both the North Caro lina and Virginia Farm Bureau Pea nut Committees, at a meeting last week in Scotland Neck, went on record as being in favor of this move to pro mote an orderly marketing of this year's crop. ' Slyw pointed out that the Farm Bureau organizations in each peanut producing county of North Carolina and Virginia are making plans to sign up all available peanut storage space to receive farmers' stock peanuts un der the PMA loan program, if such space is needed. ' The resolution states: " . ... no pro ducer should sell his 1951 crop of peanuts at less than support price. ' If the peanut shelters and . cleaners do not purchase the crop at support price or better, the government peanut price support program working through the Growers Peanut .Cooperative, Inc., is set up and ready to support the crop by purchasing peanuts at support price at licensed warehouses through out the peanut belts in both States." Shaw said that the loan program on peanuts is available for all eligi ble producers not exceeding the farm acreage allotment, and that the pro ducer would, receive 100 per cent of the support price for his peanuts ade quately stored on or off the farm. - The Farm Bureau Chief said that . many warehouses have already been licensed throughout North Carolina and Virginia for peanut storage, and ; assured all farmers that they would , get the support price for their crop if they complied with the storage reg- " ufations;- - .;.';? ::-A'' -n v.;. ;f Buildin & Loan To 1 Of fer Stock For Sale ..The Hertford Building and Loan Association will offer another aeries ' Saturday, November 3- it was an nounced today by Max Campbell, sec retary , of the association. ;; t The stock :w0I be iold on Ihe sav ings plan, in any number of shares desired, and full information regard- " ing the series may be obtained hy calling at the office of the Building v Peanut Producers Urged To Hold Crop Weekly. - . .