PAGE FWE secure bids on furniture for the five best advantage.. ,..,.' Superintendent was authorized to purchase basketball ' goals for Per quimans Training School ' Board voted -for sale, Bethel and Chinquapin Schools subject to occu pancy when the Hertford School is completed. . ' ' ' J. T. BIGGERS, Secretary. .3 ...;: classrooms at the' Hertford Colored School and for the cafeterias at Hert ford Colored, Hertford Elementary and Perquimans Central Schools. -Superintendent was authorized to Wv- J.I negotiate a 'change frora electric to gas for hot water and stove m Hert ford Colored School lunchroom to the XY, tnzr.Tror.3, r.- a, feiday, October 26, 1951 With the opening: of the hunting season on deer, squirrel, bear, rac coon and opossum . last Monday, Oc ;Toberv15, local hunters took to 'the woods in eearch of their share of the game. A better hunting season, ia anticipated this year as report point to more game than in several years. Seasons -and hag limits on various species of -game, were .announced this week-by, Hugh Robertson, Perquimans County Game Protector, who urged r ail sportsmen to use caution with firearms and to observe all game laws. - ' Bear:. Open season, October 15 to January J; bag limits: 'daily, 2; pos session, 2;- season, none. ' Deer: Only male deer with visible' . antlers may be taken open ' season, October 15 to January It, bag Hraits: .daily, 1; possession, 1 season, 2.' Raccoon- and opossum (with dog and gun only): Open season, October 15 to February 15; no bag limits. - Squirrels . Open season, October 15 " to January i; bag limits; daily, 8; . possession, 16; season, 100. ; '". l Rabbit: Open season, , November You can't eat a gold watch! , , t DivU of Dtfau Photo. U. S. MARINES PRACTICE NEW BATTLE TECHNIQUES LEARNED FROM KOREAN FIGHTING; Left, Infantrymen dash for cover during training exercise at Marine Corps schools at Quantico, Va. Bight, a flame thrower and phosphorous bursts annihilate a simulated enemy emplacement during realis tic battle training. These are examples of the newest combat tactics lately introduced in modern war fare. :".- . , 22 to January 31; bag limits: daily, 5; possession, 10; season, 75. Quail? Open season, November 22 to January 31; bag limits: daily, 8; possession, 16; season, 100. Wild turkey (gobblers or toms only): Open season, November 22 to' January 81; bag limits: daily, 1; pos session, 2; season, 3. Foxes may be taken with guns when the season is open for any other game bird or animal, except that in counties, which have special laws gov erning the season, the local laws shall prevail. There is no hag limit on foxes. , ' It's better to prdvide adequate ly for your retirement yourself ... with a low cost Farm Bu reau retirement income plan. . Your local Farm Bureau representative can quickly work out a plan to combine with any niko. WMlelnnc vnli mnv hftVA . . coming so. that you'll have an , ' adequate . retirement Acorn ? Calls--. ; Herbert N. Nixon HERTFORD, N. C. " r Defense -Bond Sales Reach Halfway Mark Acccording to an announcement to day . by R. M. Riddick, Jr., County Chairman of the U. S. Savings Bonds Committee, sales of U. S. Defense Bonds in Perquimana County at the halfway period of the current 10-week Defense Bond Drive total $5,887.50. The sales represent 46.2 per cent of the county's $12,000.00 quota in Series E, F and G Bonds. The drive began September 3 and continues through November 13. ' In urging additional Defense Bond purchases by citizens of the county, Mr.Riddick said: - All of us must recognize, that the; dollars we save today are building power for -the na tionnot only economic power to back up our great defense effort, but a reservoir f of purchasing power for the future stability and prosperity of our nation when the present emer gency is. over.' . ' .j V :Tt"j : ,-J. .', " '. Tf ": ' : . People l,whbt..wqry about the end of the, J world won't , be around when 't occurs. ' t ., - ' CLUB MEETS The Belvidere Home Demonstration! Club met Wednesday, October 17, at the Community House with Mrs. Merle Yow and Mrs. Flora Hurdle as joint hostesses. , ' - The meeting opened by singing, "Holy, Holy, Holy.", Mrs. Bertha S. White gave the devotional using the 19th Psalm'. , After several business matters were discussed, Mr. .White gave a very interesting demonstration on "Using Modern Kitchen Devices For Greater Efficiency." The citizenship leader, Mrs. Bertha S. White and the poultry leader, Mrs. Lola Copeland, gave reports. The music appreciation leader, Mrs. Merle Yow, conducted a contest on music, with Mrs. White. Mrs. L. J. and Mrs. Oliver Winslow winning the prizes. xne Hostesses served delicious re freshments. MINUTES OF MEETING BOARD OF EDUCATION --NOW ATI , , LOUIS WINSLOW C.ousGuarming Time featuring Famous Duo-Therm Home Heaters The Board of Education met in regular session Monday, October 1, 1951. George Caddy was absent. Minutes of , the last meeting were read and approved. The superintendent presented a summary of preliminary reports show ing attendance figures and compari sons of schools in county for the first half school month. ;. After a review of available funds the superintendent as authorized to c:0niuiip NOTICE During the remainder . of 19511 will not'observe office hours on Wednesdays. A. B. BONNES DDS according to a nationwide . survey of doctors in every branch " . of medicine 1 7r I ' Jm I ' ' I Luxurious Mahogany Finish! Complete Home Heating Comfort! New! Exclusive Auto matic Power-Air Blower saves up to 25 on fuel bills gives you far more even heat in every room, automatically! (Optional) Exclusive Duo-Therm Dual Chamber Burner gives you more heat from every drop of oil. Waist High Heat Control Dial lets you dial heat easy as you tune a radio; I See us now for years of low-cost heating comfort Use Our Lay - Away Plan Convenient Terms If Desired Lou is Wins lo w v Belvidere, Xorth Carolina n - n . KRYST.LAC QUICK DRYING ENAMEL mm 1 n MAM" HURT AN One 'coat covers and goes fartherl No brush marks smooths itself outl Dries to mirror finish in four hourd Fourteen modem, cheerful colors! . viiyQU CAN I rf,n Stays washable alwoysl . - tU&Y SURFACE . r.jr.-f2rturetfby . . flVevttfelVe,WOk l m 1 .--a i'r . t. J) I " J! I w j v . ... 1 .TrC?vD,N.C. , 9 J KJ2 . to do more work for your money! 1 l I . m wm-,' """ frr- t 1 -1 " :.. ' w I iJ!i.'-TmMIIM' ' " l'""t"1"""MI1" ; """'''"LiIjmIIZ lOS-h.p. Leadmaiter vaivB-liMd raglne HMvy-duty channel type frames Synchro-Mash ' transmUslen (Continuation ef rfoodorrf qu)pnrt ond Mm BWrptad n dtptfldtnt on avaflabOry of anMofJ Hauling big loads? . Then . Advance Design Chevrolet trucks are exactly what you need. Big 105-horsepower Loadmaster engine ... extra-rugged Chevrolet frame L smooth shifting Synchro-Mesh transmission ... engineerecMo-last rear axle -. . . and many other outstanding features make Chevrolet trucks your best buy. Come In and see the big, brawny Advance-Design truck- that's ust right for your Jobl OH CKVSOtn trucks n BSi nun ANT othu un Hypold rear axles leclrculatlng SaU-Oaar steering , adva;:ce-cisis:i TilUCKS Battlethlp-centtmctlen 4oeblawana4 cabs H7eM: Chevrolet Company Phcna 2151 Hertford, N.C