V., C, PTH5AT. OCTOBER 26, 1951 PAGE SEVEN .J i I-P T The Perquimans Business and Pro- ; f essional's Women's Club' held 'Its t regular . monthly dinner meeting , Tuesday niht, October 23. . , The meeting opened wit sinsing , of "America we Be&utafuL" ana re- r" -,'p'eaang- Jthe Club ; Collect to unteotf, with Mrs. Roxannft. C. Jackson, vice president, presiding. She welcomed Mrs. W. E. White, guest, buring the brief session of business, the club , voted the following: To contribute money to the Perquimans County High . School Band, which is being, sponsored by the Jaycees; to meet the . 4th Friday night at 6 o'clock at Hotel Hertford for its; dinner meetings; to ' send a Christmas present to the Ital ian War Orphan, which is being spon- sored by Distnct' Eiirht. Mrs. Jack- ... son announced the -Mid-Year . Council . v meeting of the N. C. Federation ' of BPW Clubs 1b be held at 0. Efehry Hotel, Greensboro, November MO, and urged the members to attend this State meeting. . ? 'i ' ' '? ' ' 7" Mrs. Mae B. Fowler was in charge of an interesting and timely program enUtled, "To Build a . Free World,' using posters to further the meaning and understandinirof the program. -Mrs. Dora T. Riddick gave talks on "The : Reorganization of- the, iAmerf cas" and VThe Marshal Plan." Mrs. Alice M. Towe told of "-The Unity of Purpose," taken from "the report of . Gen.' wight D. -Eisenhower of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. - " '; Mrs. Picket A. Sumner gave a re port of the. District meeting held in Tarboro, emphasizing the Health and Safety Workshop, which she attended stressing Mental Health. - - , BRIDGE CLUB MEETS . , , Mrs. EldoiL WinsW was hostess to her bridge club Thursday night at her home on Grubo Street. Those piay--: ing'were Mesdames D. F. Reed, Jr., Robert Hollowenn, Roy Reed, J. L. Harris, Vivian Mathews, J. W. Dillon, Henry Stokes, Charles Murray, Ed xward Griffin, W. E. Drake, and Miss Dorcas Knowles.- The high score prize went to Mrs. Winslow A sweet course was served. CARD OF THANKS" ' , . We wish to thank each and every one for . the notes, of, Sympathy, and acts of kindness extended to, us dur ing our recent bereavement " " Mr. and Mis. Horace Webb ' Mr. and Mrs Guy Webb and - family ' j " " Mr. and Mrs. AR. Cook. :..'J. A. Copeland of Washington, D. C, spent a part of last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Copeland. Linford Winslow, who had the mtar fortune to lose all of. his finders on his left hand, except his thumb, in a corn picking machine recently,; re turned home Friday from the Albe marle Hospital' and J getting along J Sunday' visitors with the 'r'-Vti W. Chappell family were: Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Chappell, Mr. and Mrs. Mac White and daughter, Carol, Mr; and Mrs. Hilton White of Hertford, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Barber of Winfail, Mrs. Bobbie Jean Cook ; and Mies Ella Cartwrisrht of Washington, D. C. . Mrs .1 J. Winslow spent Monday and Tuesday in Norfolk, Va. Mrs. Jack Symons had as her week end, guest Miss Bobbie Jean Cook of Washington, D. C. 'Sunday visitors with Mrar Jerome Hurdle and -family , included Mr. and Mrs.Torrest Hoffler and three chil dren, Mr and Mrs. Jay Stallings and Bix children of Hobbsville. ' Mrs. E. L. Winslow and daughter of Edenton,' Route 2, .visited relatives here Sunday P. M. ' " -. ' ; ' Timothy C. Perry,' Jr., has enlisted in the" U. S. Navy and left Monday for service. , ' , . Mrs. Lucy Odum and sister Miss Ruth Spivey of Norfolk, Va.r spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Sprvey..; '' Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Dale are the proud parents of a daughter; who ar rived Monday, the 22nd. Baby, and mother are getting along well in the Albemarle Hospital., . Mrs. Carl V. Yow'and five children were Sunday visitors with the L. J. Winslow family. ' Mrs. Jack Benton spent Thursday in Norfolk Va, - - ROOK CLUB MEETS ' Mrs. Archie Lane was hostess to. her rook, club last Thursday night at her home. Those playing were Mesdames D. F. Reed, J.. E. Morris, Carlton Cannon, Earl Perry, Walter Dail, G. R. Tucker Harry Hollowell, C. T. Skinner, Julian White, .Crafton Mat hews, Miss Mary r Sumner and Miss Mildred Reed. The high score Prize went to Mrs. Morris, low to Mrs. Skin ner and floating prize went to Mrs. Mathews. The bingo prizes were awarded Mrs. Skinner, .Mrs Tucker and, Mrs. Reed. A sweet course was served. - ' ENTLTITAINS AT DINNE3 . Mrs. ' Margaret Bagley entertained officers of the Order of the Eastern Star at a luncheon held in the Hotel Hertford Tuesday afternoon. Those present included Mrs. Ernestine Leete, Mrs. Ruth Overman, Mrs. Lucile Win slow, Mrs. Catherine Riggers, Mrs. Maude Reaves, Mrs. Leila Mae' Wins low, Mrs. Margaret Bell, Mrs. Spivey Mathews, Mrs. Irma Vk, Mrs. Hein le Buck and Mrs. Mary White. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY North Carolina ' . in The Perquimans County . Superior Court William H. Hoffler, Plaintiff vs. Savannah Felton and Wiley Felton, Heirs at Law of Mills Felton deceased, and all other persons claiming an interest fa the Mills Felton Estate. I . NOTICS OF SERVING SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION The defendants, Savannah Felton and Wiley Felton, and all other per sons claiming an interest in the Es tate of Mills Felton, deceased, will take potice that an action entitled as above has been commenced , in the superior court of Perquimans County, norm Carolina, to foreclose tax Kens in favor of Perquimans County, as signed for value to William H. Hoff ler, the plaintiff herein, and to sell land listed to Mills Felton heirs to pay said lien's and cost; and the said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear at November, 1951,' and answer or de- on"flie 23rd day of November, 1951, mur to the complaint in said action, at 11:00 A. M., at the Court House or the plaintiff will apply to the court; door in Hertford, North Carolina, of- for the relief demanded in said com plaint. This the 23rd day of October, 1951. W. H. PITT, Clerk of Superior Court C. R. HOLMES, Attorney. Oct26,Nov2.9,16 XT i-i- r Perquimans County. ; NOTICE f er for sale to the highest bidder for cash that certain lot of land lying and being in Hertford, North Carolina, described as follows: Known as lot No. 12 Barrow Lots in the edge of said Town (now Town of Hertford) on Liberty Street (now Dobb Street) and between the lot of Sheppard Douglas and ' Jefferson Knox. Reference is hereby made to' deed from Geo. W. Barrow, Commis- County, made in the special proceed ings entitled N. E.fTiannell v.. A1nnx the office of the Clerk of Superior. Stallings and the unknown Heirs of Under and by virtue of an order of isioner, to Jonas Reed and Abisrail the Superior Court of Perquimans Felton, dated September 4, 1880 re corded in office of Register of Deeds in Book NN. page 565. Court of said countv in the Court' Mattie Kniarht and Jonas Reed and House in Hertford, N. C., within1 all Possible Assignees of such per- uwoul uuys aner me Z4th This 23rd day of October, 1951. WALTER G. EDWARDS Commissioner. wmw wuw uHUiiHisiibu iiUULiiioniiiii will ati.s-n ramr a k i In recognition of-the grand Job Colonial Stores person . - nel are doing by winning and retaining friends and cua . tomers, we have proudly designated this as "Managers and Clerks Week." Their ability to serve you courteously and - faithfully, has been the greatest contributing factor to our growth throughout the past fifty year. Come In today j'and see the many outstanding-values personally selected ! by. the manager of your nearby friendly Colonial Store. CARD OF THANKS " I wjah to expressiny sincere flanks to friends ' nd neighbors for the many acta of kindness shown' to me while I was in the hospital y I appre ciate the prayers, visits, - flowers, fruits, and cards and say thanks to each of you. EFFIE MILLER , ROOK CLUB MEETS Mrs. Cliff Banks was hostess to her rook club Thursday evening at her home. Those enjoying the evening were Mesdames. Lester. Keel, J. A. Leate, Edgar Fields, E. C. Woodard, B. J. Holleman, E. A. Goodman, Louis Jarkington, Haywood DjRers, Burnice Inscoe, Thurman White Noah Ureg ory and Miss Reba Spivey." The high score prize went to Mrs. Keel, second high was awarded Mrs. Thurman White and floating prize went to Mrs. Divers. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess. . REPORT OF CONDITION OF HERTFORD BAL'iO COMPANY Of Hertford, in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business on October 10 1951. ' . . ( ASSETS - 1. Cash, balances with other banks, including' reserve balances,, . - on and cash items in process of collection . $ 439,459.82 2. U. S. Government obligations, direct and guaranteed 969,600.00 .'A 3. Obligations of States and political subdivisions ' 343,879.80 . 4. Other bonds, notes and debentures 63,000.00 6- Loans and discounts - 751,279.61 7. Bank premises owned, $12,522.45; furniture and fixtures, . $5,587.56 '- r 18,110.01 8; Real estate owned other than bank premises . "- - 1-00 11. Other assets : 8,912.11 12. TOTAL ASSETS .$2,564,142.35 . LIABILITIES M3. Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships and corpora tions $1,178,678.68 14. Time deposits of individuals, partnerships and corporations 789,365.76 15. Deposits of U. S. Government (including postal savings).. . 27,332.78 16. Deposits of States and political subdivisions. , .211 981.92 18. Other deposits (certified and officers' checks, etc.) - 14,910.72 19. . TOTAL DEPOSITS , $2,222,269.81 20. Bills payable, rediscounts and other liabilities for borrowed money - , , 100,000.00 23. Other liabilities - '- ' 9,729.86 int ran iverui American ireakait ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL SUSQUEHANNA P?, 8-Oz. Herring Cans Aim a v AMaw D uvir mm ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL LOG CABIN 12-Oz. Bottle ANNIVERSARY SPECUL-PILLSBURY Flour ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL-SUNSWEET JUSSE ANNIVERSARY SPECUL-KELLOGG'S V .Be Ready For Trick Or Treat "M"". - 'Halloween NHtf x Vrlgley's Juicy Frait Gnsn 3 Deech-riat Peppermint Geo 3 10c Fleer's Dcbblo Gam" r: 19c Drcch's Ccndy Corn 29c Crocit's MarshmaUow peanuts 19c I7rf-ley's Docblecilni Gasa 3 10c ma. size 25c 30c START THE 14.DAT BEAUTY PLAN PE1MOLIVE SOAP 3 SXOODS O- RICH WHITI SUDS supeh suds LP" LOVELY AND MILD FOB 10V COMPLEXION GASZrSSnS bouquet 3 : 26c INSTANT SUDS Di ANT WAXIB . va. cn FA3 30c DOCTORS PROVB PAUfOUVX BtACTY PLAN pmr.:cixvS0AP2 a.i 23c BIO BOONOMIOAL OVTAUON - uiur.sny soap 3 BARD WORKING SUDS OCTAGON CSAT:C1ATC3 Soap ULD OENTLS OCTAGON TCHZ7 SOAP LWAT8 PRESH NABISCO PZHT.27I2. CRACKERS Las. SIZS US. pica. ma. iz LB. rxo. 23c 31c 7c 29c I iriTrrnorrTrrp ; Garden o uum n i loiv o jwljl:ju u - L-J aj 1 10c V3rT I mi -Ssr- ioc o ii-or. If,, 36c o 'Zt 51c c 22c O da tmdm 23c All CJ7FC. lllirY Fl OR ID A is Arises 5 39c LARGE GOLDEN RIPE BANANAS VA. GROWN YORK COOKING " APPLES 3 lbs. 25c NO. 1 MEDIUM LIBBY'B NOTRITIOCS DADY FOOD SWIFT'S VITAMIN ENRICHED PEATJUT DUTTEL1 GRAND MAIN DISH SWIFTS PRsXt UBBY'S DELICIOUS VEZ.TJA SAUSAGE PERK CP THOSE APPETITES WITH UBBY'S GCTIZD CZZF 'Z?? 44c SIX READY TO EAT UBBY'S 4-OZ. CAN White Potatoes 10 lbs. 29 CCnriZD EZZF hash NO. t CAN FOB LUNCHES OB SNACKS UBBY'S POTTED MEAT FOB HALLOWE'EN TREAT "EM WITH GEtACUEZl JACILS FOR THE BEST Of FLOUR BALLARD'S czzuzn noun 5 42c 17c 5c 55c 24. TOTAL LIABILITIES (not including subordinated obliga- ' tions shown below) - j ,$2,331,999.67 . ... CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 25. Capital L: '.$ ,48.000.00 26. Surplus - i 110,000.00 27. Undivided profits - . 86,142.68 28. Reserves (and retirement account for preferred capital ) .. 88,000.00 29. TOTAL CAPITAL1 ACCOUNTS 1 .$232,142.68 30. TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL" ACCOUNTS $2,564,142.35 This bank's capital consists of: - First preferred stock with total par value of $23,000.00, total re- i ' tiraWe value, $23,000.00; Common stock with total par value of $25,000.00. - . - Total deposits to the credit of $he State of North Carolina or ? - - anr official thereof $ ' 67,500.60 81. MEMORANDA, Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and fo" other purposes' 389,471.91 I, H. 11. EIJJ:.kt Jr., President of the above-named bank, do solemply swear that the above statement is true, and that it fully and correctly re-T-e"n'T t-e true s'iti of the sev":l rrs nerein contained and set forth. the test of my: knowledge and belief. , ' R. 11. KljDDICII. JR. iV..v - CorrectAttest: I ' ' . r- v. f. c. rnvArvD3, J.W. TAKD, ClIA. E. JOHNSON, ':Sv. by Directors. . i: v " i : J C v r r r r i .-"'tor of t;.'S tober, 1351, and I n J ' m 4 jrr- si i i ss t BONELESS TOP AND BOTTOM DULANEY FROZEN BLACKEYE PEAS 12 oz. pkg. 29c f AA " U. S. COMMERCIAL QA y J7C BUDGET BEEF Lb. 0C o o o DCLANT FROZEN o DEIOGGOLI j DCLANT FROZEN ? cpinncEi io-oz. pica. 14-OZ. rxa. 30i 23c DVLANT FROZEN U. S. CHOICE 'COLONIAL PRIDE Lb. TENDER BONE IN oDJIDY Lir.a15 27c (TfeiiVi Si Hi T7 ' U. S. CHOICE COLONIAL PRIDE - - ' ' cra - u. s. c::c;ce colonial rrj2 u. 5 1 r e u. s. commeroal tpleUp. BUDGET BEEF . Lb. HlC BLADE SQUARE CUT " 74 - " ' u. s. commercial fiftn W EUDGFT RFFP : IK. VFOV o o o o o o o o o lo PICK OF THE NEST MEDIUM GRADE "A" 69 MRS. FILBERT'S COLORED ' 1-Lb. , Qtrs. 32c 'PLATE BONE IN r r t r 1 14 t i m.A u. 38c u, 63c tb-C 4i -Wm-' ;;?fifi!i)r

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