TT2 r . ' Put'idied every Friday at Hut ford, North Carolina. MAX GAUPBELLEditor Entered a second claw matter November 15, 1934, at Post Qffict at Hertford, North Carolina, ua der the Act of March, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION RATES - In Perquimans, Gates, Chowan and Pasquotank Counties, per year, 1.60. Outside Perquimans, Gates, Shewan and Pasquotank Counties, per year, $2.00. , Advertising rates furnished ' by request. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1951 Halloween, 1951 . The approach of Halloween reminds us that there are practical jokers wno aeiignt, wnenever raey can, to scare the wits out of -other people. This may be all right with some in dividuals but there are persons, es pecially among the young, whose health can he badly damaged by prac tical jokers and their thoughtless pranks. ' 'Parents who think they know their children pretty well realize that the urge to destruction ranks right along side hunger as a youthful motivation, and they, therefore, aren't too much surprised at anything that may hap pen around the end of October. The witches, ghosts, goblins and other malevolent spirits, they know, can often turn into destructive ele ments unless they are wisely counsel ed and closely guided. : ; - What can Perquimans County adults do to prevent the useless destruc tion and unhappy consequences which sometimes follows- a night of merry making T Well, there are the old time-honored tricks of giving par ties, arranging parades and moving everything movable from the outside into the garage or even the living room. Protection may also be bought bv 'Drovidinsr larsre Quantities of "treats," to take the place of the threatened 'Hricks." For the more serious problems of Wanton destruction, however, such as window-breaking, furniture burning, false alarms, and such, the . police authorities will have to takeover With a little bit of forethought on the part of the adults of Perquimans County, there can be heaps of fun for young and old and less remorse on the morning after ' for unthinking "pranks" committed the night be fore, j Jx' Tax Saving, for Home-Sellers The new tax bill will soon become law and add something like five and three-quarters billion dollars to the potential income of the treasury dur ing the next year. This is much less than the sum requested by the Presi dent and, unless spending for re armament can be curtailed, will not be sufficient to avoid a deficit. '- S Fragmentary reports of the pro visions of the measure do not enable us to pass on the merits of the levies about to be enacted. ;,; Increases are provided for income taxes of indi viduals and corporations, the former running about ten per cent, effective November I and the latter five per cent effective last April 1st. One provision which will cost the treasury an estimated $112,000,000, is fully justified because it is designat ed to protect " those who -sell their homes andreinvest the "profit" in an other home within a year. Thus, one who sells his home, .at a profit, will not have to pay a capital gains tax if he constructs a replacement residence and can claim the exemption if he occupies the new home within eigh teen months. This is retroactive to last January.- ; ' . ; Courtesy Can Save Lives to ' "say something" about such driv ing without remembering similar oc casions when, through an error , in judgment, we have done the same thing Common everyday courtesy is a good thing for. everyday living and it produces the same desirable re sults when put into "practice, while behind the wheel Legion Auxiliary Committees Named The Auxiliary of the William Paul Stallings Post of the American Leg ion held its October meeting at the home of Mrs. Sarah C White, with Mrs. Edla Webb, presiding. V Committee chairmen for the new auxiliary year were named .by the president and plans for the year were discussed. ;::, ;:': , . ' V-"-' Committee chairmen are: Mrs., C. P. Morris, child welfare; Mrs'. Sarah White, J membership; Mrs. ; Wirth Chory, . rehabilitation; Mrs. - James Wilder, finance ; Mrs. Charles Skin ner, Sr., Americanism; Mrs. J. R. Fut rell, Girls State; Mrs. R. R.sWhite, music; Mrs. ...Tom Skipsey, Pan American; Mrs. - Martin Towe,5 pub licity; Mrs. W. G. Hollowell, national security; Mrs. Tom White, poppy sale; Mrs. J. H. Towe, gold star members;! Mrs. A. A. Winslow, community ser vice, and Mrs. C. F. Sumner, hospitali zation. Mrs. Webb requested all Auxiliary members who have not sent their gifts for the hospitalized veterans to do so at once, as the deadline for shipping these parcels is October 31. A social hour was enjoyed at the close of the business session. notify all f en-a I J"-' a against tie eciit-j c' .. . ,t.fto exhibit .thorn tot the pr. ' at 608 Cavalier ElvcL, Portsmouth, ,-Va, on or before' the 19th day of Septem ber, 1952, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 19th day of Sej-tflr-' er, 1951. - DANIEL L. ROCr.SON, Executor of Daniel J. and Elie W. Rogerson. sep21,2SOct5,l2,19.26 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION .' Having qualified as Executor of the estate of Mrg. Mamie E. Layden, de ceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Route 1, Hert ford, N. C; on. or before the 21st day of September, ,1952, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. , All persons indebted to said estate will : please make immediate payment. j: JOSEPH C. LAYDEN Executor of Mrs. Mamie E. Layden Sept280ct5,12,19,26Nov2 ... . ; ... f Delegate-At-Large . Son: "Pop, what is a delegate-alarms!" " 'Pop: ' "A delegate who goes to a convention without his wife." . -y: ; CARD OF THANKS " . . We would like to take this oppor tunity to thank our many friends and neighbors for i acts of kindness and words of sympathy, for floral offer ings, cards sent and cars loaned at the death of our husband and father,, Herman C. West. --"v:: ' - ' THE FAMILY Classified and Legate 5-IN-ONE APPLE TREES 'FIVE Selected Varieties grafted on one tree, furnishing fruit from June until November. 2-year, early-bearing size Special Offer .No. 1-9 $2.75 each; 2 for $5.30, Postpaid. Free copy Planting Guide in color sent on request. Salespeople want ed. Waynesboro Nurseries, Waynes .. boro, Virginia. ; ltc NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a , certain . deed of trust executed by J. C. Small and wife, Annie Small, dated June 23rd, 1941, and recorded in M. D. Book 22. pare 149, in, the office of the Register of Deeds of Perquimans County, -North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness there by Secured and said deed of trust be ing by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, the undersigned trustee will offer forale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door of V Perquimans County, in Hertford; N. C, at 11:30 A. M. on the 10th day of November, 1951, property conveyed in said deed of trust, the same lying and. being in the l County of Perquimans, North Carolina, in New. Hope Township, and more particularly described as follows: Known as the Hampton land bound ed on the east by lands of J. I. Per ry known as Miller' land, .north by Deep Creek, west by Creek and J. I. Perry, and south by lands of Charlie St 11, coi.'.-iu'rj 65 acre more or L.j. A deposit as required by law, will be required of the successful bidder at the day of salej ' " ;. V; . Dated and posted this 10th day of October, 1951. , .- , , . - ' ELIZABETHS." SMALL," y , - - ; - Trustee -. r ' By Chafc'E.' Johnson, Attorney,, . j ! ': y&y.f&. ';;;:'oeti96SNov2,9 N Q.T.I CEO F S A L E ' " Under and by virtue of the . au thority vested in the undersigned by the Perquimans County Board of Edu cation, I shall sell -on. the; 10th day of November, 1951, at 11:30- o'clock A. M., at Idle dolor, of the Perquimans County Court House, in Hertford N. C, at public auction to the highest bidder jtar.cAafc, all. the right, title, and interest of the Perquimans County Board of Education, in and to those certain schools and school sites des cribed as follows: No; 1 That certain' school and site located in Bethel Township, Perquim ans County, N.. C, "described as fol lows: Beginning at a cedar that stands on the side of the Public Road th& leads from .the village of Bethel .toward Piriey GroveSchoolhouse white race, and running along this road in a northwest direction to a bridge over a ditch that crosses the said road 70 yards; thence along the ditch fat a e " .j t "', - "j o a t. ce ..i .ec t!on 1C3 yoi) t s ti'ning, the tliiri line i.Z ya.Jj j runs parallel with the first, conininy 1 acre. For chain of ti-Ii see deed book 12, page 4 Public Re-iary.- . v . f . No. 2 That certv-f school and site located in Hertford Township, Per quimans County, N. C, and known as the "Chinquapin, Colored - School," bounded and - described as f ollows : Bounded on the south by the Hunter's Chappell Colored Church; bounded on the east by a lane or roadway; bounded- on the north by the Parker' pro perty; -and, bounded on the west by the Mithel or Elliott property. A ten-percent (10) cash deposit will be required of the successful bid der or bidders at the day of the sale, ar A r- "J sr"i v I be 1. i i i re L . I.t, cf t" 3 said aloi"! cribedr'-'"' w:'l e retmnei ' Perqui. , -oaiJ t." 1 tion ur i i... . j now t . t . structlun have been completed, accci l ed and the student bodies of the above desoribed schools have been tranGr. r- . red to the, new buildings. - The .J- mated Ome that the said school boa ' -will relinquish possession of saiJ above described property, being on or about January 1st, 1952. -'' -- Dated and posted this OctobeflOtJi; 1951. - '..' 1 " JOHN T. BICfGERS ; Supt Perquimans County Schools.' By; Chas E, Johnson,' Attorney. ' :. ' Oct.19J26:Nov2.9 . WHh 12. lESUS Simply mix with (Md OR SLOP . . . Ko ; ; bum wntM) catcinxif pin. noa on w no m flwilMi CooiWiw b rihetin mam tt Pbanotbiuhia with Amricn Worm d and Ann Nut to da aa cmxmiU-l, t or and mt wonnbia Job. A ate lor mcy BMd . . . Qt tam todny at . HERTFORD HARDWARE & SUPPLY JCOMPANY - Hertford. North Carolina '-' -V NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administratrix of the estate of Watson E. Russell, deceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims, against the estate of sajd deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Route three, Hertford, N. C, on or before the 13th day of September, 1952 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment v This 13th day of September, 1951. -MRS. EULA M. RUSSELL Administratrix of Watson E. S.- RusselL. Sept21,280ct5,12,1926 - ; i ..' NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION TTavinfr niinlifitfwl aa AlminiafMifAM of the estate of I. A. White, deceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all per sons havincr claims atrainat ti Astnfa of said deceased to eyhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford, North Carolina on or. before the 2nd day of October. 1952. or thin notice will he pleaded in bar . of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please maxe, immediate payment.,. .. j.nis zna aay or ucto&er, i6l. MRS. MATTIE Gf WHITE AND Administrators of I. A. White. ROBERT A. WHITE. Oct6,12,19,26Nov2,9 . What else gives so much : ......for so little? . You can ihop, run errands.-Tuit ' with friend -do business just 'by picking up the telephone te ceivrt, What if mote, your tele-' phone is on call, foe emergency fetvice 24 bouts a day. Weigh it fot tiJue and you'll . ' . find that nothing else if so high - in service so low in cot-ii !? yout telephone. - , ( TELEPHONE ft TELEGRAPH THE NORFOLK at CAROLINA COMPANY v , Elizabeth City - Edenton . Manteo Hertford Snnbury . Cl'fUl '. : CAM YOU TELU ME THE QUICKEST, WAY I CAN 6BT.TO THE i1 LOCAL TTUOtMAlKlTw tov;e-7eb6 r.oTonco. s. i KAIOTMB 1 l thbbbT I HEARDOU! LET THEM tve OU ATUWe-UP JOS AND THEM VOUBCAR WlU. BE AT ITS BEST- J I I -THINKS THAl'-V. A SLOVWnDU vOf. .. I TRAFFIC !-WHT5 OQ MAVB?1 A ' I16PEEP acrrr- -' '. j N i ... s If . ..' . : .. V V. I ; Some pf the accidents that occur on Perquimans County highways could be avoided by the exercise of good man-, ners on the part of the drivers in volved. The rush to beat other vehicles to the start and to get ahead in a traf fic jam often lead cultured people to take advantage of other drivers in a manner that does not reflect pro- ' per consideration for others, even in modern traffic snarls. A '. We think drivers should always bear in mir.d the possibility that oth- ; ers, like themselves, ' miscalculate speed and other factors - and some- - times ge in a jam through mental er ror. If we would make an allowance for this possibility, we could definite-, ly add to the .safety of the. high- way"-, ' Too often, -; in driving along the open road, one meets an approach ' ing vehicle which, in passing another proceeding in the same lirection, comes dangerously close to cam ' - a collision. - It is probably nat ' t NOTICE OF ADMINISTR A TION Havinsr Qualified as Exwrntrir of' uib esiaie ox mrs. xuary Alice muovt, deceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having, claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit the.n to the undersigned at Columbia, N. C. on or before the 24th day of Septem ber,. 1952, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. " This 24th day of September, 1951. MARTHA JANE POLLARD Executrix of Mrs. Mary Alice Elliott . Sept28,Oct5,12,19,26Nov2 : - .NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of R. D. Elliott. Sr.. de ceased, late of Perquimans County. jturui Carolina, tnis is to noury, ail persons having claims against - the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Williamston, N. C, on or before the 6th day of October, 1952, or this notice will be Dleaded in bar nt tJiei rrnvrv. - AH persona indebted to said estate will piease mae immediate payment. This 6th day of October, 1951: ; ' R. D. ELLIOTT, JR. -Administrator of R. D. Elliott, Sr. Octl9,26,Nov2 9,16,23 . ; . NOTICE OF AD3HNISTRATION ' Having qualified as . Executor of the estate of Daniel J. and Elie W. Rogerson, deceased, late of Perquim ans County, ft'orth Carolina, this is to DEPENDABILITY aoiw FAR across the . thundering , treacherous waters, the friend- ly beam of the lighthouse guides the mariner to a toft : harbor.' He trusts his ship and the fives aboard to this env . : blsnvof dependability.' ; - You can trust in our reputa i tion for dependability when you ask us to officiate. Our, ceremony is one of quiet dig-, nity, of respectful observance, ' ' and of careful attention to . : detail. We clscn v windshield and wiper blades - V76 clean rear window end licenso plate tires and : tire pressure including ,: spare ; 4 We clean and check headlights and chock radiator - Vo-chsck oil bvcf,'! fen biU, Bs;.;ry-cna , cir cleaner ( -V. For tho - . V i 1 i 1 , W .. .. 'OlHilnJU U coo: your Sinclair Doalor . ' - . ; . .. .. All these courtesies you can expect-- FREE and with a smile -1 when you 1 time in at the familiar Sinclair H-C $Ign. And, of course, you get the.finest in power-packed gasoline, motor oil, and lubrication service, too. 7) SUPPLIER 0? CmCLAIR VZ2?jCI3 phone -:- , nzr.Trc?j),N.a f