ATTEND DISTRICT :.ZTINa s The 8th District of lis North Caro lina Federation of Budness and Pro fessional Women's Clubs met at the V -"'Try- VA 7) Motethaaaadaiooawei P. Lj mumble oioMcrioo. Yom i Vj mvi 4 moqen yoa gt . V. acij.iiieB6aid com, V 'immirif 6-mosth taaewsl f VJ -and ixoap adoo-wide Yjk SI claim Mtvico Why fray j atoit whea yoa cam sat the ' ua pioMcdoa for low? mat, imt n ntr tiut (Ai (Herberts. rA yf . Nixon K jy HERTFORD, N..C. Foc'ff.'jr.:jmu - hmmamip niaimiMAr ftsrtaMf rWltiwinii kvWMnnvt InnNf ml OKICtt Kilma Country Club in Tarloro, lost SuncL for its fall meeting tm cluis represented. - x :; . Thoo representing t&a Perimans BPW Club were: Mrs. Lawrence Towe District Director; Mrs. 3. II. CssKy,' Acting Secretary-treasurer; Kiss Hul da Wood,: dub President, who gave the response to the welcome; Mrs. R. M. Riddick, Jr.; International Re lations Contact Chairman,, who con ducted one of the workshops; Mrs. E. M. Perry, Mrs, C. F. Sumner, and Miss Nell Wilson. Leslie Perry accompan ied them to Tarboro.- - i i OHIO &Z7J7f7Z7ZJl .SOCIETY BESETS The United Society of Friends Wo men of Up-River Friends Church met Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. Luther ; Winslow with Mrs. R. K. w oite ; as co-nosteas. "We've a Story to Tell to the' Natiofas" was used as the opening song. . Mrs.. Elmer Ray Winslow' conducted the devotion- al with- Mrs; Arba Winslow assisting. Mrs. Elizabeth White offered prayer. Minutes of (he last ' meeting were read and approved. Members an swered to their name at roll call by calling the name of a missionary now in the field. Fifty-two visits o She sick were made, 461 chapters of the Bible were read and several donations of flowers I made during the past month. Mrs. Charlie White gave the lesson in a most, interesting manner, using maps and fsupplem'entary material as aids in her explanations. Nineteen members and one visitor were present. Delicious refreshments were served. 4 V ' Makafhe sensible ' dqareffe mildness -tesfc- (not-jusf-fl puff or a sniff). Mate your own 80-day V . 1 Keep Up To 700 lbs. Of Food Safely Stored in a Freezer You can Trust,. . n night at t i iiue . .. - . ., . night wl ! ' I - 1 Wakon L' it ho: f Th me.-;ar was; ' ' uig nymn, rAU liau t.e i : Jesus', wa'nes,- joliowea i -ts from the. 63rd Fsalm and r . r by the new. pr-' iit, r'-.. r - Lay den, St. . lie new w... was repeated ia unison. . . . J Minutes were read &li r 'l cJled, with two new mesVbers a i Z i orts from the community missies kder was hoard and jhe Quarterly r"ort as was read by . the new . v jxf, Mrs. Joe Ayscue, Jr. s . ft " ' The programleader, Mrs. T.'instoin Lane-gave a. very interest: pro gram on "Preparation , for the Pur pose 'of (Hi'.iAVt-Vfil Mrs. .Walton Lane gave De-' '.ional Thoughts on Matthew' 13$' 3-9 .and 18-23. Quartet,' "Drifting Too Far From the Shore," by Mrs, Irvin. Whed bee, Mrs. Sidney Layden, Mrs. Harold Shean and Mrs; . Sidney . Copeland.; Several: ' readings on' Gie subject were given by members.' The projrram closed with hynin, "The Evening Pray er. :,' ENTERTAINS BRIDGE CLUB Mrs. M, R. Campbell entertained her bridge club Tuesday night at her nome on vnurcn iscreet. a nose pres ent were Mesdames W. J. Kanoy, Jr., H. C. Stokes T. L. Jessup, C M. Williford, G. W. Barbee, C. R. Holmes, J. T. Biggers and Miss Hary Sum ner. The high score 3rize went to Mrs. Williford. - Refreshments -were sered by the hostess. ' ',' " 1 t'-ef rii r - " iJa''9 and Toiiiiuie liuwtowd, T2 c: . . i re-r t t r.I sacrcutry, treasurer.. ,- . - . During C.e business jaeeL. r pi; is were made for s K&Uoween party to be held tWeinesday, October 81. After the in iness e '-n, "r. Tal was master of ceremoiU for a nuui' ber of stunts and, contests,, after which the hwttees served r a, sweet Course and kt i .drinks. , .-,' TRY A WErSLT CLARIFIED AD I T VilL. Xwk...J 1TV U t c---y ji 1 - ' c:... . Leri. : t I 4 K. NOTICE ' During the . remainder ; o 1 95 1 I will not observe office rhours on Wednesdays. . A. B. BONNER, DDS . . fBGMMti . .BIV lVsiffkV jp0G&f BBf " li I ' I I - - I I V . 1, i. I ff ' t pi V 'LA RESIDENTS OF HERTFORD ' The Hertford Junior Chamber of Commerce will pick ; ' up scrap paper every first Sunday of each month. ; - , . , . , . , ' " - - r v m , , Please help our paper drive "by placing your old news, - , ' , ' . , . ,-- ,( . ' - . , t ' papers, magazines and other scrap paper jon your, front porch this coming Sunday afternoon. - ; . YOUR COOPERATION WILL BE APPRECIATED! The Hertf oi:id Junior,;: GhambeF Of Commerce uoon W-1W MI 40 u CrtKeIriiMtar;..aiidyogel Sofa 4roM coldt froi storK jon eaa trattl ' BlWrinator 1 the oolr fnsoer Handy forg batkatal baekad by 37 years of expert . tmm as dM oldesl saakw f Nw KacH betrl rtrfriccmtfcra for die kmaa. YoVb sare of deperul- AutomoMc Interior UflMI aUUty...atMl yoaVa sore of : tetra vahw la faaMNs'llko A tj U whh ImU Ssporole fM-fiMxlng mo lawo dapendublo fold. Hon, extra coUs on bottoml - of Cold-Molttrl - , , M tM lor Miiwy It ytw kHehw irtth Iln-TMr Pretaettoa Stat REASONABLE - TERMS Ueattora nbXot to ctwut tHUMOt , - , . (PhitManlraciMUs) .'. Louis Winclou) BELVIDERE, NORTH, CAROLINA . L I! H 'III 1 1 I I I F -. I III I I 1 II I t I p n Q'n II. f II I I it i . 1 I.. i i j i i i i f i i i r uu u u u r w u WILL J5E THE PINAL HOUR iTO. TORN IN SUBSCRIPTIONS AND RECEIVE BIG j f1fl1ATr t''fcW'W-rsrtfrt. yxriiTn r mtmif ttTAitinrt vvvnrv v vtrvw a r a jtv i nr i vwntin 't -trtn-l URDAY. VOTES WILL WIN THE BIG PRIZES AND VICTORY OR DEFEAT IS ONLY THE DIFFERENCE OF A FEW SUBSCRIPTIONS. . BETTER BE SAFE THAN J SORRY! GET EVERY POSSIBLE . SUBSCRIPTION f- RV GATTTPTVAV T. ' UJ,.- Milt AVAA A p 6 P.M. COMESTAIITS ,. r . f , j -. , ...... .. . . Now is the time for each worker to get real results in canvassing for subscriptions. The-' preliminaries of this contest are over and the home stretch has been reached. The active -workers remaining in the race are out to win and that means every participant must obtain good results. if she expects to be among the big winners on November 17. Time is flying and only a few hours remain before the votes will drop- again, c Take advantage opportunity to. win a big prize and work; to ward that goal. S Success comes work for it. ,j: ntage of your 1 to those who ' A Which c&mFwz&WQ EYo?-f FIRST PRIZE J " .:P-.' y .Winner - Must . cal I Daily ComKiiccisns- i f - ' r SEGOnO PRIZE . "P CvUvU.-."- ' - ' . i- " Xf inner Must. Return . D.dly ,Ccrjr.:rc::r..i . TIIinD POIZE FOURTH PRIZE FIFTIIrPRIZS 1 .JO, OU l. Winner Must Return y ; Dully : Ccr!iimi r3 "