:iY.fcrr" r.c tryvr, November t,mi. PAGE THREE .-I - V A v Helpless veterans who may fee en titled to the new increased pension rate of per month when they need the regular aid and attendance of t anoiher person will .have to apply by 'letter to receive it, Veterans Admini stration'' said. ' ..." There will be no automatic review of cases now on the pension rolls to determine whether they qualify for the increase from the present rates of $80 and 72 per month, VA said. The new rate results from Public Law 149, 82nd Congress, and becomes effective November 1, 1951," for claims filed prior to that date. Where .claim is filed after that date; the award becomes effective as of the date of filing. Pension is payable to war veterans, subject to certain limitations, who become permanently and totally dis abled from .causes not due to service. . The basic rate is $60, which is increas ed to $72 after ten years of con tinuous receipt or when the veteran res-Lea t0e C3, ' The new $f20 rate is not applicable during periods when .the. . veteran Is being hospitalized or furnished tomi caryarety VA"V' ,. .; ,V"f ' club sieitts The Whiteston Home Demonstration Club will sponsor sv variety show fea tUrtag- local talent Friday nigmV No vember 9, at 9:00 P. 11, t the Whiter too. Community .House, y There wili be no admission charge, but a free will offering will, be taken at the door to help equip the Community House. The public is cordially invited to at tend. ,;.iN3- 9Vr'H':-i'.- vi;;. - CLASS MEETS - , The Willing Workers Class of New Hope Methodist Church met at the nome oi Jean ana Ann stalling on Wednesday night, October 24, with 12 members and one visitor present Taking pant on the program were Philip Bunch, Jean Stallings, Barbara Butt and Billy Baker.' After the business session games were played and refreshments were served by the hostesses. ATHEY'S FAMOUS LITTLE PAINTER SAYS! MATBEr9m . - BAKEUTE . JfTT B VARNFSHF- . For all floors, furniture and woodwork - Inside or outside vsel It willnot tum white! .,, , ' Manufactured by Waterproof V ; v TKECM.ATKET PAINT CO. ViZEEStf---- ... A' I ;NicIiel3 For Know-How" Sample Ballot SAMPLE OFFICIAL BALLOT ''Klickels for KnbWrriow1 program for Expanding ' 1 Agricultural Research (At authorized by the 19bl session of the General Assembly of ,. , North Carolina a . . r" x Vote for one For' adding &4 per ton to the price of feed and fertilizer ' for a period of three years for supplementing an expanding agricultural research and educational program in North ' ' V .' Carolina. , D Against adding 61 per ton to the price of feed and. fertilizer for a period of three years for supplementing an expanding - agricultural research and educational program in North Carolina. - - . . Ballots like the one shown here will be used in the "Nickels for Know-How" referendum in which farm people will decide whether they are to contribute five cents per ton on feed and fertilizer to support .expansion of agricultural research and teaching in the State. All persons who use feed or fertilizer, including wives and husbands "as well as 4-H, FFA and NFA members with crop or livestock pro jects, are eligible to vote. The plan ntust be approved by two-thirds of those voting to become effective. Proceeds would be turned over to the Agricultural Foundation, Inc., at State College to promote re - search,- education and extension work for the benefit of farm people. 7Y11- 1 1 V J 1 (V i 1 T -i me rcierenuum win De nem oaxuraay, iovemuer a. Hertford Wufciziz & Supply Compay "Trade Here and Bank the Difference" PHONE 3461 , HERTFORD N. C. i.. 'vr' ..,.... .....: ... ;v.. ,. "' J it's a - 4 ALL SAINTS', ALL SOULS' DAYS', SUNDAY SERVICES Thursday November 1, Feast of All Saints, Holy Masses in St. Ann's Catholic. Church, Edenton, at 7 and 11 A. M., each including Sermon on "The Saints in the Liturgy of ., the Church," stated Rev. F. J. McCourt, Rector, who invites everybody to all Services. ' . Friday, November 2, All Souls' Day. a Religious Memorial Day, Masses 7 9 and 11 A. M., in Edenton. Sunday, November 4, Mass in Ber tie County Court 'House court room, Windsor, at .9 A. M., Edenton 11 A. M., each including Sermon on "The Liturgy of the Dead." Holy Com munion, followed by Sunday School. Other week-days: Mass, Rosary in Edenton at 7 A. M. Confessions for half hour before every Service. .v . MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER i Mies Alma L. Eaves was given a miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs. Charles E. White, Jr., Tuesday night, October 23rd, with Mrs. John D. Coston, and Mrs. Hudson Butler, joint hostesses. , ' "Upon entering, the bride-elect was presented with a camelia shoulder corsage by the hostess. Bingo was played and enjoyed by those present, and wishes were writ ten in the bride's book. . Those remembering the bride-elect with lovely and useful gifts were: Mistress W. V. Brabble, Edgar Rid dick, Sybil Proctor, Charles E. White, Sr., British Ward, Minnie Derring, Frank Ward, William Parron, Sidney Cppeland, Moody Mathews, Shelton Long, Ruben Stallings, Louis Eaves, W. J. Farmer, Charles Ward. Sidney Layden, W. D. Perry, Sr., Will Har- rell, Emmett B. ' Long, Joe 3We White, Marshall J. White, T. T. Har- rell, C. T. Phillips, Charles E. White, Jr.r Tom Harrell, Clarine Shean, Roy Ward, D. W. Simpson, E. T. Phil lips, William Stallings, John D. Cos- ton, John Danchise, V. L. Proctor, E. Y. Berry, J. B. Perry, Winston Lane, E. A. Byrum, Sarah White, Hudson Butler, Joe White, A. T. Lane, Car roll Holmes, J. R. Simpson,' Wallace Hobbs, Edgar Long, J. C. Hobbs, Irv ing Whedbee, Percy Rogerson, , John C. Bracy and Misses Blanche Goodwin, v:;;- Join TWIPORD'S Mutual Burial ASSOCIATION Eunice1 Long, Frances DaiL Anne Madre Mary . The house was decorated with fall flowers and a sweet course was ser ved. - CARD OF THANKS I, wish to- express my heartfelt thanks to friends and neighbors for the many cards and flowers 'sent me, and especially thank the friends who assisted, in housing my crop. . - LINFORD L. WINSLOW. Tb Relieve Misery oL mm. uOMtMWSUTS-SAMiMnaaia . Ill lihlMMililL f'l' (liH:'3ii.ilHi End Chronic Doslngl Regain Normal - Regularity This AH-Vegetable Wayl Taking hush drugs for constipation' can 'punish you brutailrl Their cramps and griping disrupt normal bowel action, make you feel in need of repeated dosing. fptbutMW(die Take Dr.atd well s Senna Laxative contained in Symp Pepsin. It's dU-ngrtabU. No salts, no harah drugs. Dr. Caldwell's contains an extract of Senna, oldest and one of the finest nsttmd laxatives known to medicine. Dr. Caldwell's Senna Laxative tastes ' good, acts mildly, brings thorough relief tmftrtabh. Helps you get regular, ends chronic dosing. Even relieves stomach sourness that constipation often bangs. N.M,N.r. SENNA LAXATIVE C Snlnad hi pi swiHasHm Synr Pspsts II VS . Pyrelul is premiiun quality-iLl7S , It's so good ; " it meets e ll requirements even where "heavy-dutyJJ ' ' v" oil is recc- rAn. by passenger car manufacture . . ': ' ' ers. It's so long-lasting it saves you money on the "quarts you don't add! . , Clr.e over now for a cttaner, more efikient .. i ' 'motor with a lcr:r, happier running life ! w.iv.'S'Vi.j ,'.': 11 r L-3 f ni'.:i ell . " r , - .'I.-..,. ,: v.-.?: v Hertford, N. C. UNO DISTANCE ) Vhizr.:3 Cell? Service is JFastest When Yoti Coll By" Number . . ; Yonll save time and get your - party more quickly. If you make ,;. s, your long distance catl by num ber. Keep a list handy of the long -' distance telephone numbers most ' frequently called. . .' Tho, give the operator the ' numbtf and you'll avoid unnec- . . essary delay. . TELEPHONE A TELEGRAPH TES NORFOLK At CAROLINA COrPANY Elizabeth City CJenton Maritee Hertford Sur.bury - s DCPCNDABILITY OW"0""-1"". GUIDING this nation thru the worst crisis Sn Its history, Abra ham Lincoln was e man who could, be depended on. A faithful friend and a generous, forgiving foe, all could well emulate him, Be guided by our reputation for dependability when need for our services arises. Faith ful adherence to our pro fessional duties, and a sincere desire to be of rajl assistance are an integral part of every ceremony. 8 0 St jj Own Your Own Home 8 trVi jia.iii ' 'Sfffe' JL-- - JjS " "f- Mil I III I" ....Ht.f...fMK START SAVING TODAY FOR YOUR HOME TOMORROW! OUR 63 SERIES OF INSTALLMENT STOCK IN THE HERTFORD BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Goes On Sale Nov. 3 Dated November s, 1951, each share of stock at 25 cents per week will mature at $100 in 356 weeks at the present .rate of earnings. This is -in excess of three' per cent simple interest on your savings. See us today and make arrangements to carry as many shares as you can. There is no limit as to the number of shares an individual may purchase. Hertford Building & Loan Association A. W. Hefren, President Max Campbell, Secretary OFFICE A T THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY CT All THE KZ7-PZICSD CLE optional of MtVo cod. Fordo- MCMC OVOftobsv Wffh wmv otity. i FORDOMATIC ml US Most cars offer one of two different tvnat at automatic dnvftl ... a iliiMiiili. ei..:J T r.rf . or JUB. I IVIU IV1MW ..viit.iivi . . . v. Automatic Mechanical Gears. But, Fordomatlc offers both blended into one for smoothness, savings and GO( - ' . - int J - - VeVfVC IV QMbtBO Wllmiajf ISVIHV mi II L cr ' --- i ' nt KrsJ "V. LI fc i3 L ir. Ford Overdrive lets your engine loaf ' elong at 35 m.pJk. whRe your eorTs g, Slobg 501 II saves you up to 15 on ; 90s . . . keeps your engine younger, ' soxger . . , end makes driving wonder M'f.;:y smoom end silent. And hist a step ' ee the accelerator gives you e spurt of eJra GO for safe passing. - ' - cc:ivt:rnc::AL Fofdi ConvfjnHonol drlv li ot mooll atknl ond o$y to shift 01 yovN find In any cor ot any prica But, stop In, "Tatt DrWt your favorito drlve Come) In for a 'Totf Wv" and trwiMsre out roto ervts atosci e 100-ar. v-a ot tsu. TOO Al r. aooj