- ... , . V ? viil.- L:iticrd, County, Ncrtli Coliiu, Friday, November 9, 1951. 5 Gents Per Copy N s . I fc t' ft Csn::tc3 Urcd Net To L-; OrJy ;Crt Xi:: Iicrssins Fcr - Lexers to Renew Contestant- entered n The Week ly's circulation campaign have' check- t x ino important dates on their eal- --;. i m. n icy, November .it i - s dates mark i. i Period of the' drive. ,l tr. .Option, aecured during the nerf.two dollars. od counVfor mor votes than later, . S '.: wmv, w u um a im era, wno are souciang new and re- from next Saturday, and the six newal aubscripUona. - fc ' ( awards offered by The Weekjy will be: . Notice u also rfven that no etete. ilf" whose subscriptions expire in -r: t. u"'i omnuuna remaining in the . cam- r:Z X-Tf JV, umT Tem1M oefore the drive will come to a close paign, for only a abort time wmalne1 vr viujr envix time remains ana me awards will be made. It is a time that the active workers should make every effort to forge ahead inJ the race for the ?400 first prize, or maintain a lead which will enable them to be Hated among the prize winners. -j. . Votea will pile up . rapidly during ; the next few days and it behooves . .every worker to secure her share. If v contestant halts now for a single ;, hoar, it may be that she wfl) be over- taken in the race for the big prises, ; and wilLJOse the opportunity to re gain her former standing in the list A -candidate who fails to do her ut most now, will surely bring disap ' pointment upon her friends who are naturally Interested in her success am . .eancMate,.ivv.r'-;v'.''; v - A few mor laps and the race will be over. Only short time remains' before the campaign comes td its final course- and little time remain for; a worker to choose between victory and defeat, . Success or failure, for in the final analysis the -work' accomplWjed by . each worker will determine JherhGariand talker, in a series of nlavs. . Only two days remain of the'Tig- gest vote schedule remaining ot the drive ande advise) each nrtar to number of votes 'during,, those two days in order to awell hex vote Total to the highest possible mark. Time is flying make the most "of it; t I Ms tt. Si- AtCbelif,:::': Two hundred and fifty women at tended the Chowan Associations! , Leadership Conference held Tuesday! . at tne Baptist Church in Hertford, wren mrs. i. A, ward, president, pre siding. A worship service, led by Mrs. Er nest Saunders of Elizabeth City, open ed the conference at .ten o'clpck. The roll call and' announcements followed, .with an explanation of the purpose of the onforeiiea'r;'?- 'Ui-i'J"s Mrs. X T. Biffffera of Hertford.' ffave the introduction of tile hymn tor the , year, followed : by flie congregation ainging the hymn, "All Han the Power pf Jesus' Name." . , tlia. C. C Turner gave a brief but interesting outline of the history of Chowan College. . -. k : arete snres were then held t6r tTa various grocps, witSi the foU low! y Ll?r in carfl-e.of the re-"K-vt rrc L i. ,1. JL Ward, l-a. C. D. Cresrory, L'.j. L. U, Daw- - aon, urs. J.. .P. Amercer, Mrs. H. G. fTr-er, C, W. 7,'ri and lira. :. r. JPinlator. . , . - t r lowinsr lunch, serve J tv fee host ?i In tie assonL'7. rem of tte i, tre afwraoai ' e.:ou was 1 sinking ar.j prayer, fol- loA ; Ti! 5 a gsnerrl f coe, led hr I a ArrociJtior l i re, was 'x u t ledjfcy hell. if i v ft) k - The -we Irar of U:?s I'ary Eeth Perr.oJr-irc Perry, of Lo-lJrl, t ton, cf llr.. anl -1 Lty il. V.'ortSi 'i took place CLurdi Cat . 4-oV Lay' i, t total' urdrr, I-Ta-intlaE' di," . 3 r i. fcrJ-d t' i thef' Ucs .. I.- - V 1 .... xl. C .roll, f d'si' :r ? Cf f -5 ' :r, per- jT 7Lpi !i-:::3:;:itSCiL:y'"' NOTICE TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS Effective December 1, 1951, the Mb j scription price of The Perquimans eaWpatear a $1.60 rate has beL past year a ma u in.-.i. k M.. iZ the do of thew these subscriptions inasmuch ail : Antn'ii tv. i- .1 .1 the rate outside the ere. i. iulv' Subscribed wishing to renew their 8 oe of campaagn work - December or January, and subscribers k..i-i vii- 4.i. 'a,' ,Z our campaign by giving a ,. . i va"ulualCB nnr nimnatim ltr nnna a tniwn.nl wn InLTsVflvor CcluniaTeLiiiy The 'Perquimans Indians defeated the Columbia Wildcats. 19-6 here Mon day night in an Albemarle Conference game. . "': -- The Indians scored' two ' touch downs in the second half after Co lumbia had Jumped to a 6-0 first quar ter lead. After recovering a Per quimans fumble on the Indian 42-yard Hne, Simmons, Columbia fullback, raced 66 yards down the left side line to the throe, after two Perquim ans defenders made hardly any at tempt to stop him. . , Davenport then scored off tackle on (he next play. Then John Morris returned , a punt to the Columbia 86 and Howard Williams, A. L. lane and earried the ball to the 16-yard line. Morris? then fired a pass to Walker, who raced 10 more yards to score.' . The half ended at-6-6. ; - f 5ft;rmrt! fdarole invae third" quartefon the Columbia 30, Morris passed to Lane to carry to the 10. Walker made three and Mor ris scored m a quarterback sneak to take a 13-4 lead. ' The final touchdown 'came in the fourth quarter. Intercepting -a pass on the Columbia 20, Morris of Per-! quimans passed to Ben Thatch for the final marker. A. U Lane played one winlirXH of his best games . along with Howard Williams Williams received a shoulder in fury and was - forced to leave the game in the second quarter. Perquimans plays . Ayden Friday night.'" :tSV- f:.,iy,.'.$& The business of The Hertford Oil Company, local . Sinclair dealer, has again changed bands, this time with Lawrence W. Towe as the purchaser. The new owner purchased the agen cy from W. W. White, who has only owned., the business for a month. Towe, whose brother, J. H; Towe, was the former owner, has been associated with the business for the entire eight een years of Its existence. J -i Asked for a statement" as to the policy of the business tinder the new ownership and management, Mr. Towe a nted that he would endeavor to con tinue to dve the same efficient ser- vice: that the firm has done,, in; the past.- ?'o i 1i'!-iY'yh'---''r'.yi.':r . Hank Christgau. is bookkeeper and salesman; William (Bill) Tarkenton and Edward Barber, truck - delivery and route salesman. Christmas Gab To Ciese S!:g4!7- Us Eertford Banking Company has that the '1951 Christmws ., a Club will class oh the 17i of November, and; have requested that all depocftor who have not paid their club up to please do so by that date. The new club for 1S52 will open at tle closing o the 1951 chrK v - t i .r - - Carl Tcr ' 7 Accepts" rzil L. Tcr;! e- ' '-"-t coui.'y sin'i Jjr j, ; So has serve! as :Jt in Perquimans , end vtio rc'n ""? t' 'i t- 1, L-j t .t srJ-t In "'3, tvl.o 1-ve L- .t to move to Hrjo'ixstTa&y y Tleadin guilty to he charm of yvmung at do miies an nour, ueorge Alicakes paid the cost In Recorder's ! Court Wednesday. ' rf -r Inl&fL &lJ'!Pk' inw speeaer at 165, Joseph Daniel tT S!t .waiter Larry Knight plead 1 amgnt plead guilty I ...? .'r1' 8"ta and was taxed Olea Frederick Dores " nleadinir , costs of court. ' George Roach was found aruiltv of speeding with a truck at 65 miles per hour and paid the costs. . . - In the'ease of Alfred Louis Wrirht- on, Negro, who was found guilty of i ...T". " . lauing xo yieia ngnt-oi-way to ap- prawn iramc, reamung m proper- t tv. J j a . viainngt;. U1V UCtLeilUCUlit . WaS .Bell Itenced to 60 days, suspended upon the payment of a twenty-five dollar .fine and costs. 1 v Robert Burke; Negro, found guilty of assault with a deadly weapon, to- -eKn was sent to the roads for twelve months. A ten dollar 'fine' and costs was imposed upon Bepedict James Cuccia, who plead guilty -to speeding at 70 miles per hour, ' . , - Pleading guilty . to speeding at 65 miles per hour, David L. Watson was required to pay 1 the costs. " Clarence Burnette, Negro, was found guilty of the charge of drunk and disorderly on the streets of Hert ford, and , was sentenced to 30 days. to.be suspended upon the payment ofArba Winslow, Miss Delia Winslow, coin or kyy - e same aerenaant was also round guilty of transporting non-tax-paid liquor ana was sentenced to 60 days on une roaas,to oesuspenaea upon payment of fine of $75.00 and costs. pA-nol pw waa taken in the case of , Annie Goodwto, iNegro, charged wife-possession of non-tax-paid liquor for the purpose v :4, , John Grant was rour-guilty : on both counts in - a warrant rhnroHnor him with yMm--diit'zik the wrWfca&s for perfeel weapon, to-wrt a nfUrTiarrel, and (2) attenaance were awarded at the Fall assault on a femalfr over 18 years, of Achievement Day exercises-on Wed-age- ...?. .: ; v w .: nesday, it was announced that Mrs. ' A ' sentence of 12- months on -the t mio Wiwl. hen not missed roads'wag imposed, sentence to be suspended upon payment of a 25.00 fine, the costs to come therefrom, and. upon the condition that the defendant be of good behavior and stav off property belonging to Mrs. Myrtle e prosecuting witness, , , M. , , . J , Robert Sutton was found guilty of speeding at a greater rate than 20 miles per hour in he Town of Hert ford, to-wit. 35 miles, and ws fined $25 and costs of court. The. defendant apnealed to Superior Court. - Carson Perry Lightfoot. Negro, plead guilty to driving wfth insuffi cient brakes and was required to pay a fine of ten dollars and costs. Rotary Ladies' Night Party Held Tuesday Hertford Rotarians entertained their wives and guest' at an annual Rotary Anne party held last Tuesday night at the Hotel Hertford. A de- liciona ham and turkey dinner was served by the hotel, r C. R. Holmes gave the address of welcome to-the wives and guests and a program consisting of games and music was presented by R. S. Monds and . Dr. A. B. Bonner. ' Bingo was played at the close of the program and the grand prize was won by Mrs. m b, flionas. v THE SCOREBOARD - Just eight days remain for workers entered In The Weekly's big circulation campaign to make the most of their efforts during the drive, for a week from next Saturday the campaign will come to a close- and the six prizes will be awarded the winners. Our advice to each worker Is this:' The work you accomplish dur ing the next eight days is very important for it may be the deciding factor in determining your final standing in the campaign. No one worker has -any position cinched ; . . and it may be possible that change in the standing may take place between now and the cloainir hour. . Do not rest, satisfied with what you have accomplished -thus far, for it may not foe sufficient, to retain your present position. Keep working right up to -the last minute and be safe . . r not sorry. ' ' The success -or failure of a contestant rests entirely upon herself. One must! secure subscriptions in order to add votes to, her score and the votes will determine just who will win the Mg $400 prize. ' . . The standing based upon ail business reported up to Wednesday evening follows: :v , , First Place. : Second Place-. Third Place-'l. '. Fourth Place,. nKh Tlace Sixth Place.'.. ?Bver.'i Place. r !,ti Placed " ,ir..h Tlace I UJ.!,LJtUl..il . DjJDscrvcdDy Mrt. Wealevt V. ClfalnvulM of ElixSheth City, was the speaker at the Fall t Achievement Day of the Per- quimkna County home demonstration club S held at the Central Grammar Schobl, at Winfall, on Wednesday. fifis. Clinkscales was introduced by Mrs.) Eddie Harrell, County Citizen ship t Leader. ' If n. Fred Mathews, president, pre sided with Mrs..N. D. Chappell as ecretary. The devotional was led i by Mrs. E. N. Miller of the Winfall Clubi The county report was given by the Ifallahack Club, and was followed by special music by Miss Mollie Lu MrfcJohn Symons, vice-president of the County Council, presented cer tificates to the following: , Reading Certificates Regular: Miss Lena, Winslow. Mrs. J. P. Chesson, Sr., Mrs. Winston Lane, Mrs. Wade Jor dan, Mrs. Howard Mathews, Mrs. Charles Ward, Mrs. Joe Towe White, Mrs. Delvin Eure; advanced: Mrs. J. Qarehce Dai), Mm. 'Cplon, Jackson, imra. poward warren, Mrs. W. E. Dail, Mrs. Ned Nixon and Mrs. W. T. Lewis. ; Regular and advanced: Mrs. J. D. Yeates, Mrs. J. P. Ward, Mrs. L. A. Proctor, Mrs. Walton Lane. - Mrs. Clarence Dail won first place in -the Garden Contest and Mrs. J. C Howell -won second place in the Garden Contest. , Perfect Attendance certificates were issued to the following: Mrs. J. W. Overton, Mrs. J. C. Wil son, : Mrs. J. Elmer Wood, Sr., Mrs. M. C Boce, Mrs. Colon Jackson, Mrs. uttmim Layden, Mrs. Josiah .proe,. Mrs. Joshua Sutton, Mrs. C. . E Sutton. Mrs. E. J. Proctor, Miss .Blanche Goodwin, Mrs. W. E. Dail, Mrs.A. M. Copeland, Mrs. Jerome ! Hurdle, Mm. J. A. Webb, Jr., Mrs. Wad4 Jordan, Mrs. Ernest Goodwin, , Mrs. Winston Lane, Mrs. E. N. MiUer, .iicigude;. Winslow, Miss Beulah Iprfykt, Mrs. Stanley Blanchard, Mrs. Vi-I- non Mn 3. C. Hobhe. Mrs. r " -n iv. : , ' meetin of her club in fourteen year8a . w - rt wa W announced that both Mrs. Sidney Layden and Mrs. J. B. Basnight have made perfect altend-j ance for thirteen years. Pollowina- the presentation of the certificates, Mrs. J. B. Basnight, County Educational Leader, entertain - ed with a reading. Mrs. Nina B. White, Home Agent, conducted the installation of officers, who are as follows: County Council Officers: President, Mrs. John Hurdle; vice-president, mra. V. D. Chatmell: secretary, Mrs. Josiah Proctor: treasurer. Mrs. f Warner New officers for the various clubs of tne county Chapanbke: ' President, Mrs. Roy Nixon; ' vice-president, Mrs. Roy Pierce: secretary, -Mrs. Talmadge Lewis : , . ? Wlnfalh President. Mrs. E. N. Mil ler; vice 'president, Mrs. Lawrence Perrv: .secretary. Mrs. Irvin True- Ballahack: , President, Mrs. Single ton Lane: vice-president, Mrs. John nie Hollowell: secretary, Mrs. Robert Hollowell. v ' . Home and Garden: President, Mrs. Inaiah Elliott: vke-nresident. Mrs. Riddick Chappell; secretary, Mrs, Wil liam Elliott : ' - - - . . Pu rants Neck: President, Mrs. (Continued on Page Eigntl .Mrs, Tom Cox' -Mrs. James, Wilder -Mrs.. Benton White -Mrs. Joe Towe White Jllka Delia Winslow 3Irs. Naomi McDonnell -ilKra. J. C Howelil ..,--ITJis8 Julia Weston -lira. Carroll Willn. County Commissionsfsln Session On Monday; Tax Ssttlemgnt Is Com Schoolmasters Club In Meeting Here The Albemarle Schoolmasters Club will meet at the Perquimans County High School on Monday, November 12, at 6:30 P. M., when the Perquim ana High School will be hosts at turkey dinner, which will be served by the Home Economics Department. J. T. Biggers, who is in charge of the program, announces that there will be a speaker from East Carolina Col- The topic of the address to be made is "Methods of Presenting Sub ject Matter to Hih School Pupils." The Albemarle Schoolmasters Club is made up of twelve administrative units, composed of the schools in ten counties, and the city schools of Eliza beth City and Edenton. The counties in the club are: Dare, Hyde, Curri tuck, Camden, Pasquotank, Perquim ans, Chowan, Gates, Tyrrell and Washington. The guests, who will .include su perintendents, principals and teach ers, are expected to number 125, ac cording to Superintendent Biggers. Bride Of JoeHill The marriage of Miss Alma Lee matter, the commissioners Eaves, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ,aged approYe " ot the Louis Eaves, to Mr. Joseph W. Hill, cal attorneys for a special term of son of Mr. and Mrs. William Hill, of Bup-?u& be.j!e,.d Ja' Atlantic, N. C, was solemnized on ary "51- This will immediately Sunday afternoon, November 4, at , relTu,ar e to be held on 2:30 o'clock at the Hertford Baptist .JamW ' , n v n tv nu It was pointed out that, due to the ing, pastor, performing the double, of X' w r o I ring ceremony, The bride wore a beige wool suit with brown accessories, and a white orchid corsage. Mrs. Emmett Long, as matron of honor, was the bride's only attend ant She was attired in a lavendar gabardine suit with black velvet ac cessories, and wore a shoulder corsage of white carnations. ;, V. ; : Emmett Long was beat man. The ceremony -was psBnjnfjMW" ence of members of the immediate families', and close friends. Mrs. Hill is a graduate of Perquim ans County High School, and is now emnloyed as stenographer at the Rural Electrification office in Hert ford, Mr. Hill, a graduate of Atlantic Hiirh School, served, in the -U. Army Air Force during World War .II, He too, is employed at tne KiA office. ) Following the ceremony the couple left for a wedding trip to unannounced points. " " One hundred and sixteen Perquim ans County farmers voted in the "Nic kels for Know-How" election held on Saturday, 95 for and 21 against The referendum, which was car ried in the State by a majority of ten to one, was to decide whether North Carolina farmers should pay an extra five cents per ton on seed and fertilizer purchased, the extra nickel to pay the expense of further agricultural research. - The rainy, cold weather prevailing over the state is believed to have been largely responsible for the small vote cast in the referendum. The Perquimans vote by Townships was as follows: Hertford . Bethel Parkville Belvidere ' (Belvidere Precinct) Belvidere (Nicanor Precinct) New Hope County Farmers flnprove Program 15 1 20 2 8 3 11 8 87 2- . -:-'.'.' 9 6 Church Conference Assigns Pastors One change was made in pastors for Perquimans County at the an nual Methodist Conference, held last week at Wilmington. The Rev. J. C. Cha-fWn. naato of PerouimSns Cham. last year was assigned I to Rich Square, Key. uamison oi uaiesvuie was as signed to Perquimans. Rev. A. I Chaplin, pastor of the Hertford Methodist .Church was re assigned to the local church for the coming year. , EASTERN STAR MEETING The H-Hford Chapter No. 187 Or der of Eastern Star will hold tte slated meeting in the chapter room, Monday,. November 12, at 8 ofclock in the evening. Special business will come before he charter at this time and all mem-I Bers ere urged to attend.-' . . iL'eted Earl Topping Resigns As Assistant Farm Agent Here The 1961 tax books were turned over to Sheriff M. G. Owens by the a County Commissioners at their regu- lar meeting today, and Mrs. Jean Chappell White, clerk in the Sheriff's office was appointed collector of de linquent taxes. Earl L. Topping, who has serves as Assistant County Agent in Perquim ans County since January. 1950. ore- sen ted his resignation, to take effect ! on December 1, 1951, to the Board of Commissioners. In accepting the res ignation, a motion was made and car ried that the resignation be accepted with regret. G. D. Towe and C. J. Lane present ed a petition signed by a large number of residents of Parkville Township, requesting that the commissioners rec ommend to the State Highway Com mission the improvement of three and a half miles of road leading from Highway 17, at George Jackson's Store, to Little River. This is a nine foot paved highway, a part of the State Highway system, which the pe titioners wish to be widened. The Commissioners voted to make the recommendation. At the request of the Perquimans County Bar, with W. H. Oakey pre- heavy criminal dockets in recent years, thoro hoira Kaan mm Atml aabab 4-maI 1 there have been no civil cases tried in the Perquimans Court for the past six terms. A special term had been scheduled to be held in October, but this was cancelled because of the hard ship it wouli have entailed upon the farmers at harvest time, since one regular court term was held. , The lawyers further requested that . if the date of January 21 is not avail- able for the special v.term In Per-if quimaiJhat. reesilbe made for Febroary 5; which wonld be' the -weelr following the regular term." Clarence C. Chappell, Jr., has won top prize again. Winning first place appears to have become a habit with Clarence. This time the young Perquimans High School student will receive an award of a trip to Chicago, all ex penses paid, to attend the National 4-H Club Congress, having wjm the North Carolina State prize in Field Crops. Clarence, who is the son of, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence C. Chappell, of Belvi dere, is president of the Perquimans County Senior 4-H Club; he is also president of the county council, which is composed of all the officers of the 4-H clubs of the county. This is the third time Clarence has been state winner of 4jH projects. Last year he won in the meat animal project, and this year he not only won in the field crops project but was winner also in the Soil and Water Conservation demonstration. The youth has won a number of dis trict 4-H Club prizes, also. Elects HsvOfficers The election of officers of the Per quimans County 4-H County Council was conducted at the first meeting of the school year held Monday night with Miss Kimsey Perry opening the meeting, and a 4-H film being shown by E. L. Topping. fine new officers are: President, Clarence Chappell, Jr.; vice-president, Janie Winslow; secre tary and treasurer, Lina Ruth Proc tor; reporter, Tilson Chappell; song: leader, Bobby Smith. dammar JSChOOl iTA Mem Thursday The Hertford Grammar School PTA will meet Thursday night in the au ditorium of the school. Immediately after the business session a film, "Pop Rings the Bell," will be shown, in ob servance of National Education Week. . , Jb. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs.r H. N. Dunstan of Norfolk, Vtu, announce the birth of a son, Stephen Norton. - Mrs. Dunstan is the former Miss Eunice White daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. Joe. P. i White. ' , Clarence Chappell, Jr. Wins Trip To Chicago County Council