.J 4 " Uore visitors than ever before traveled this year to the Fort Ra legh national historic stte on Roa noke Island, where the first EnglUi settlement in America were attempt ed, yvwi . - " V In the travel year ending Septan ber SO, officials at the site counted 141,265 visitors, Sup. Robert L. At kinson announced. The figure for the previous year was 134.397. . The visitors came from every state, the District of Columbia, and 89. for eign countries and possessions of the United States. , . By ROBERT SCHMIDT In the" , early Mtwenties' many Southern nurseries were using the ad' vertising slogan "plant a few pecan treeB to support yourself m your oia age. Perhaps I should have paid heed to that advice. 1 Although the . slogan was somewhat misleading; the fact remains that a number of cases have been reported in, this State where a few pecan trees in the farm yard have paid the taxes on the farm In addition to the crop of nuts pro ducted, the pecan s a beautiful tree and is as' valuable for shade as any of our deciduous trees. For East ern North Carolina we recommend the Stuart, Cape Fear, and Brake varie ties. For the Piedmont the Stuart is probably best and in the mountains only northern ' varieties such as In diana or Green River should be planted. There is no advantage in getting large trees. A 5 to 6 foot tree is a desirable size and will not cost as much as a larger one. Trees should be set slightly deeper than they are in the nursery and should be at least 60 feet apart so that they will not crowd when they are full grown. ' While preparing for planting take care that the roots of the trees do . not dry out. ; Place them in a tub of water or cover with wet burlap sacks. " Fill in wound the roots with fw r- Lslar. 1 L..t ; ) riwt i r or f . -h i- L" "a an ---"-v -1 . .rl a f j L. : . r: ; a ... the err" J of trails ft the rate of 2 pounds for each ye-ir it sje of the tree from the time of plrnti: For more complete information, write for N. C. Extension Circular No. 842 on pecans. v . - '7 $315.21 Raided Fcr ,K ; Ryan Church Rcp ITS Deacons, officers and members of Ryan's - Grove Baptist Church, of which the Rev. M. A. Riddick is pas tor, have launched a rally in order to raise money with which to repair the church. The plan includes 12 tribes with a captain for each tribes with Mrs. Elizabeth Luton Barnes report ing collections amounting to S345.84. Thanks are extended to all who co operated. ' i ' ,, " " The tribes captains and amounts raised follows ? - 1 Mrs. Viotoria Lassiter, Thomas ...La cf J-Iver. Ii ' metric e tt is L ri r'z f mo 3. At X 5 t; r I i a ; FcrL:.:.:7i. r v ha.- L Vbea kidney frwtJoo down down, maarv folia eempiain ef larau backache, Km of . mi and energy, headache aad dlaaineee. Don't Buffer longer with Umm dtaeomfort tt reduced kidney function is retting jtou down-due to tuch oommoa caueei aa wtnm and etrain, over-exertion or eipoeure t cold. Minor biadder irritation da to cold, : dampneaa or wrong diet nay taoM getting op nignta or mquenc 1 Largest Christmas Tree Lighted Dec 8 'Wilmington and southeastern North Carolina, will welcome the Christmas i season by lighting the world's lar gest living Christmas tree on De cember 8. The lights will remain on through New Years night. More than 100,000 persons from all parts of the nation go to Wilmington each year to see the huge tree, which Wilmington has been decorating each Christmas since 1929 as the center of the community's Yuletide celebra tion. " 1 . " ' The tree, a magnificent live oak estimated to be more than 300 years . Bids for a.rlculil :: terial, to be sfurnUiei r 1952 North Carolina Asmculi'un.1 Con- servaltion Pre-m, x-' b -n '." d to Cquntye t'A Coin...; , c -d prospective bidders. Any pts.ud de siring to bid on the furnishing of lim ing material to counties far NoriS Car line should request a opy of t4 bid form from : G. T. -; Scott, chaioian, PMA Committee, Stat Collect Sta tion, Raleigh, & Bidder may lid . on just one county or . several counties. Under e 1950 program mote than 860,000 tons of- limestone were fur nished farmers through the .Agricul tural Conservation Program. ; Agrono mists have estimated that about 2,- wu.uuu cons-or lime is needed annual 1 r. 15, inv. it i war' - ,' I TIe . J t ( r 't, Zlass will 1 3 t 1 1 9 and. 11. A. ., mon, Jloly . ii. Rosary, Si"4-y r ' -n'.- ' 11 t a Sung r , Co half hour tti.d tvtirst.ij. t' ed Father F. J. Z who invites everybody to t'l T - " " Mass, o. -y ii . . ii 7 A, : Study CiiKUssion, Inquirers', Infor mation and Instructions' Classes Thursdays 7:30 to 8:30 P, 3&, in Rec tory Library, t .)!' t , ' Jc:n TVIFORD'S 7 MutusL Burhi; ... ASSOCIATION iwinai pinii ..... i-rrrnnnnnruuuuuuL. ----- -" .-rr-ini i-iinr-innntu Don't narlast vonr Iddnava If thaaaaondl- ttoaa bother yoa. Try Doan'a Pillaa mild . dinratlo. Uaad (tieeeaafuliy by aiilllona for -over 60 jreara. Wniia oftaa otharwiaa eaueed. it's amaaing how many timea Doan'a give nappy raua uom tnaaa aiaeonuona nip the 16 Bile of kidney tube aad filter oat waaa. uec uoaa a nua toaayi Donrro Pillg 'Telephone Us .. If You Need' Anything" ' '! ' '"' f. i VhJ' f ' f - -f v i'. Pi-lody trHve- their,.,.; ' 'dulorei ith a bioy iluet--con-. fident that if they ste needed, . : they're no farther sway than the telephone." ' Thii typical coofidenca in tt"' value and niefnlneu hu nude . ' low-coat telephone atrvica Kch aa important part of modem Amcri . mtivuia - TELEPHONE ft TELEGRAPH THE NORFOLK ar CAROLINA COMPANY Elisabeth City - Eden ton . Manteo Hertford Sunbnry r '"- rm "7 r -;tjT .l -. -I t i...s i . j ia an Li. ,s la w.y J :s had trust, pnd tj-l'-n s co;nr O ; . ' ; i-rward.'' 'ius, li i-.a . .-nt ff ore mr i'a faith, J '-o" h rrct"icte'' ' i r nar-fre'i cf J" s r, sensed many to n rvel ,hen He -J ' t..e stit. jli ar.cl power wr.' h er! Ji in f;"1! in CH. i t I v t r 3-. according to Botionwld survey of doctor! h ovory braoch of ntdlcloo ' .v no- ,, y , o, ; PE1UT PICIIIIIG TluE Cvaai,. FUw..jt Pllf.aCr " ;.'-V: t:;::r Pots - - , . , Hay . Yire, Peanut Bags ;; Sewing Twine, Needles . f r; Peanut " Picker" Belts, Belt Lacing -- and Dressing, Baskets and Tubs "TRADE HERE ANJ) BANK THE DIFFERENCE HERTFORD, N. C . Sr raS0 anWal I S I I SaWI ll gf aaaaj a aaaaj i arl I VfTTTT nn rrrrrn 'rrtmr, i v wvavvm amw... : j. u. . 1 ' ..v . rviLdj Dii itui FlXNAL. HUUK IV TUICN IN SUBSCRIPTIONS ANH RRPFTTO nrfi V THIRD PERIOD VOTES ON.THEM. VOTES WILL DECREASE AGAIN AFTER SAT- TODAY. VOTES WILL WIN THE BIG PRIZES AND VICTORY OR DEFEAT IS ONLY V THE DIFFERENCE OF A FEW SUBSCRIPTIONS. , HA1 lb ONLY j tr.zt Tczt now hcavy;ly tr.:t:r cil v ; BETTER BE SAFE ! THAN SORRY! GET EVERY V, POSSIBLE SUBSCRIPTION BY SATURDAY ' :6P.M. , " a CONTESTljJTS .. ( Now is the time for each worker to get real results ia canvassing for subscriptions. The V preUminaries of this contest are oyer and tie home stretch has been reacted. ' The active I ; v,7" -"""" .c ie uuixo wm ana. mat means every participant must obtain good rKul if she ejtpects to be among the big winners -on November'1'7: 'l.Time'.is Jying ' . ,.T . 7 .t . vuv u iirtu ui"t j. ate aa vantage ot C3 liji- II IN I "'I aJ kJ ,j ti:i oil t;:at can t:.:;e iti Here's great new heavy-duty motor oil for tractors, trucks, and all-around farm engine lubrication. " , " . New Purol H.D. flow freely in the cold est weather, yet doesn't thia out ia mid., summer beat. It contains additives that fight dust and dirt, and he!? keep engines ; clean . . . that resist oxidation aad corro j ion . . . that suppress foamirj. It's brand-new oil, made in a brand':' new plant, to keep your hard-working, hard-earned farm machinery running likev brand nvwl . 1 . .,,. "' a t Fa J, kl FIRST POIZE your 1 opportunity to win a big prize and work toward that goaU Success comes to those" who - I. J .. . . ' - . I I ,V - z:-! . , w -c U,' i u.v, .iL..cJo , I v 3t li'Jiil3C3'..:kFiC3 aF ; ! - ..O-aJvU. ' Winner Must return ' Daily Ccmm: - - - rjt , segc::3.poize JU5 s r I)-" Ctrir: r r f FOURTH PH FI7III phiz: a-aA . .A , c - 0 - . " ; .7'."..- i. . , . - ,. - - ir?.T70?J, W. C a P