I T ." ' 1 M. -, Pu 1 . f TiULj tX E rd, Nor.i C;--:. , v,.v IIAX CAirrcriL Etor Entered as second class matter November 16, 1934, at Post Office it Hertford, North Carolina, ua der the Act of ttarch, 1879. , Til - v . SUBSCRIPTION BATT3 In Perquimans, Gates,' Chowan and Pasquotank Counties, peryear, $1.60. Outside Perquimans, Gates, Chewan and Pasquotank Countiee per year, $2.00. '.... Advertising rates furnished by request. . - FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1951. The Real War Victims The people of South Korea, accord ing to newspaper reports from Seoul,, are looking for a "black winter" and iTnitad States officers, who have the foh of looVinir after the welfare of the civilians in the war-stricken area, reluctantly admit that "many will die" before the winter ends. The South Koreans have suffered severely from the fighting which has taken place in their homeland. Many of them have subsisted on a minimum diet for months and are without ade quate clothing for the severe winter weather. While civilians 'in the North ern Communist are said to be suffer ing even more, this is little consols' tion for the South Koreans. . Newspaper reporters " also report .that the average Korean looks to the future with disillusionment and des pair. They seem to be losing some pf their loyalty to the South Korean regime. While they want peace, they are terrified at the prospect that UN troops will evacuate their land and that they will eventually be' conquer ed by the Communists, v Too Much To' Understand . Two years ago, a two-stage rocket ascended two hundred and fifty miles from New Sands, New Mexico, and rocket experts assert that such a roc ket might go as high as 22,300 miles above the earthy .- ; ; L1..J, ... , mcr -are, vhen crt, U Jl re (12) L . si larcsr, acr-::s t tree sfc;- , : .' 1$ rear:m.tf , t Pi t twelve (12) inch siove the gene J level of the ground, on the below de scribed land, with one year wi 'n which to cut and remove the same. 2. Land The Itetfben A. Ferry Tract in Bethel Township,' Perquim ans County, North Carolina, contain ing One Hundred and Sixty (16:) Acres, more or less, which Is bounded on the North by lands now or former ly belonging to James Smith; bound ed on the East by lands now or for merly belonging to-Trim Harrell; bounded on the South by lands now or formerly belonging to J. I Fleet wood: hounded on the West by lands now or formerly known as Whitaker Myers land and is land conveyed to Reuben A. Perry by M. H. White' by deed 'duly recorded in Perquimans County-in Deed Book 9 at page 489, to.which reference is had. v , -t The land and timber will be offer- ed for sale separately and hen joint ly and the highest bid therefor ac cepted Subject to any raised bid filed as provided by law. - This, the 18th day of October, 1951. (s) A. PILSTON GODWIN, JR. ' Commissioner. ' (s) HERBERT LEARY Commissioner. Godwin and Godwin, Attorneys, GatesviUe, North Carolina Herbert Leary, Attorney, Edenton, North Carolina. - 'v Nov.9,16,23,30 - NOTICE OP RESALE Under and by virtue of an order of resale of the Superior Court of Per quimans County, made in the Special Proceeding entitled Catherine W. El liott, Admr. of Estate of M. H. El. liott, deceased, et al vs. Marion El liott, Carlton Elliott, Alice Faye El liott, Joseph Elliott heirs at law -of M. H. Elliott and others, ' the under signed Commissioner will on Monday, November 12, 1951, at 11:30 o'clock in, the forenoon, at the , Court House door in Hertford, N. C, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bid der for cash, the following described tracts or parcels of land, Jying and being in Parkville Township, Perquim ans County, N. C, particularly des cribed as follows, Viz.: . Tract No. 1 Beginning at a point on the south side of U. S. Highway No. 17, where it intersects with the old road from Elizabeth City to Hert ford and running thence a southerly course along said old road to the northern edge, of a lead ditch known as the Martin Lead Ditch, thence east erly along the northern edge of said lead ditch about nine hundred feet to the first cross ditch, thence along ; i i -t'J(" r f.r f Cv --t IIoV 3 l" C ?, in I" '., oa t' 3 i. 1..1, rrc c of tr t, t t y r! will, V 3 i.1 ( 1 . 3 "t ly 1 1 ry Lion as 1,. Le'3 Creek, west ty Cr 1 V f ';:' n ta i at r -.rquiuiu . at lt:C ' ,OVn ret". paid d;L 1 beir j ii) Nor-.': Vp, an! b follows: ; id bound f J, I. Per 1, north r by 's. and J. L Ferry, and south ly L'!j of Charlie Email, containing 3 a more or A deposit as rey4rcr Ly. law. will be required of the successful bidder at the day of sale. : , . :- Dated and posted tlil0iS rdsy f October, ICSLv.-Ck-; &;tXIZABETH ,C eALL; fi.''i , ' ' Twtee: .;;, y: Cluui.:k'''jonAnh,' Attocneyv ' -r ' . .-. Octl9,26,Nov2,9 NOTICE OF AD:i..,..UTION .Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of R. D. ElUott, Sr., de ceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims -against the estate of said deceased to' exhibit tiiem to the undersigned at . Williamston, N. C, on or before the 6th day of October, 1852, or this notice will be pleaded in tar of their recovery. All persona indebted to said estate will please, make immediate payment. ; This 6th day of October, 1951. .V, R. D. ELLIOTT, JR. . Administrator of R. D. Elliott, Sr. Octl93Jtov2 9,163 NOTICE OF SALE : Under and by virtue of the au thority vested in" the undersigned by the Perquimans County Board of Edu cation, I shall sell on the 10th day of November, 1951, at-11:30' o'clock A. M., at the door of the Perquimans County Court House, hi Hertford, N. C at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, all the right, title, and interest of the Perquimans County Board Of Education, in and to those certain schools and school sites des cribed as follows: ' 1 No. 1 That certain school and site located in Bethel Township, Perquim ans County, N. C, described as fol lows: Beginning4 at a cedar that stands on the side of the Public Road' that leads from the village of Bethel toward Piney Grove Schoolhouse white race, and running along- this road in a northwest direction to a bridge over a ditch that crosses the laid road 70 yards; thence along the ditch in a Boutnwesteriy course iws yaras to a 'westerly alone said hishwav to the More amazing is .we preaicuon OT!aere8 more or legg Ymown as the those who have some knowledge of I Martin Fork woodland, see deed Book rockets that once the missile reaches 1 32, page 32, Perquimans County Reg- lM UXUlb, Jb Will "V ivugc iuuc inftf . . ... i ' . luel DUt will convert uaeu una . b said cross ditch a northerly course take, thence in a south easterly direc- to U S.. Highway VNo. 17, . thence t0 103 yards to the beginning, the uura une zo yaras long runs parallel with the first line, containinf acre. For chain of title see deed book 12, piece of our planet, becoming a mem ber of the solar system, like a small satellite. , ' . - ; Dr. Willy Ley, author and rocket authority, says that such a station, if it could be manned, would be invalu able as a , research laboratory where a good vacuum was needed. . It would also serve as a fuel supply depot for ships sent out on inter-planetary jour neys. Moreover as an astronomical observatory, it would be superior to any on the earth since bad weather would not obscure vision. . Turning to the military possibilities of, such a base, the expert says that such a series of platforms, scattered around the earth, would not be a sen Tract No. 2 Beginning at lead ditch corner of M. H. Elliott's land and running down said ditch to a farm known as Kennyhook farm; thence a southeast course to Frank Bray's land being the J. P. Elliott line, thence down the J. P. Elliott line to the M. H. Elliott land, thence down the M. H. Elliott line to the place of beginning, 'containing 33 acres more or less and "described in deed from J. P. Elliott and wife to M. H. El' liott as recorded in Deed Book 20, page 504, Perquimans County Regis-J ray. Tract No. 3 Adjoining the lands of the W. J. Bray Estate and J. F. El liott particularly described as fol lows, viz.: beginning at the east years ous military threat "for at least five corner of the Riddick field now be ing part of W. J. Bray's estate at a ditch thence down said ditch to the land known as Babylon; thence down the line of said Babylon land a ditch to C. W. Gregory's line a lead ditch, thence down said Gregory's line said lead ditch to N. C. State Highway No. 342, now U. & No. 17, thence down said highway to the place of begin mug, containing iu acres more or less, and being thd same land con veyed to M. H. Elliott .by deed from J. P. Elliott recorded in Book 20, page 172, Perquimans County Registry; A deposit of ten percent; of the bid price will be required of the sue cessful bidder immediately after the sale. . . ' The sale will be made subject confirmation by the Court. ' Dated and posted this October 19 1951. C. R. HOLMES. Nov2,9 - . . ' ' , Power From Sun" Seems Probable , A sun-powered motor has been-exhibited by the General Motors Cor poration but experts connected with the experimenjadm't that a sun powered automobile might be 100 years, or longer away." The small motor develops f only enough power to spin a balsawood disc by means of photo-electric cells that turn the sun s rays into electrical energy. ; ' - This is a start in the development of a process by which man, eventual ly will harness some of the energy of the sun for his own uses and purposes, It is, as Jonn . Reedy, a company spokesman says, "the hand-writing on the wall.".. Legal Notice MALE HELP WANTED RELIA ble man wanted to call on farmers , in Perquimans County. Wonderful opportunity. $10 to $20 in a day. No experience' or capital required. Permanent Write today. McNess . Company, Dept. C, Candler Bldg Baltimore 2 Md. ' nov9,16pd NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND By authority of an order of the Superior Court of Perquimans County, North Carolina, israed to the under signed Commisi'oners in -hat certain Special Proceeding entitled "Oscar C. Perry, et al, rg. : Jacquelins Perrv, a Illnor," for the purpose of sellins the below described lands and timber, v iall offer for sale by public auc f ' for cash, r ' '" e Court House door ilford, Can" i a, at Noon, r, ICol, the to NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrators of the estate of I. A. White, deceased, late of Perquimans Conner, North Carolina, this is to notify : all per sons having claims against the estate of said deceased to eyhibit jthem to the undersigned at ' Hertford, Norih Carolina on or before the 2nd dav of October, 1952, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment V. This 2nd day of October, 1951. MRS. MATTIE G. WHITE AND . 1 Administrators of 1. A. Wh:.e. ROBERT A. WHITE. - Oct.5,12,19,26Nov2. - - ' NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of tlie power of sale cont ained in a certs in deed of trust execr"! ty J. C. Emi.ll and v'e, Annie 1 t ' Z " r"H, 1 -J, and rp 1 ' ... ; T r e 113, i. ' . 1 1 i 8 . r c i ii 1 tt ci i 3 : j 'i 1: t. . ., dJiriil ', f ar f . r 1 1 " i ct'ii'-tc 1 beir.j ia lie.;! descried as f ,'rt as: Known as la No. 12"E--rr T in the ed of sc'i Town (now of Hertford) on Liberty i.."-t ( Dobb Street) a?i between C e Lt l,'u;Ji V. ON C:7J'13 r Xj 'y rs8 t r, CorsytJ. r J Al-:.: 4,'1C:D re- 1 Knox. r.!r. deed from C j. siofter, to J Feltori,-date ! corded in cZ3n Regit! i- of Dee in Book KN. page 565. . This 23rd day of October,- 195L WALTER G. EDWAOS . - -; ' ' :': j.-.fc.' Commissioner. UCIZQIOVZ,,10 . . - Tor a period cf 30 zys, frcn Octctcr i;t'j t I ... : n 'ter 15th, we x III offer a $5.00 ..z-ce Cr y: r c'J - tire on a trade-in for.a new 6:70 x 15, at. our. service station. . i ; , This of fer expires November igtn. Trade Tires Now . . Ee sure of safe tires in the winter .;-r-."?. . , . months ahead ! yi'y.-r---'': h r:iiTs st;;;:: st;:i :: RAY WHITE, Prop. PHONE 85oi 1 J TAKfE HM OVER I AMI THANK. 1 . . Tl'O HAVB 6tVhl V Vxj I WE PUKE OF HAVtNd k-, i V TO THAT V I OOOPNESa I kiSMACK'i AMYTHISKS TO HAVE WOoLDNT -r--.-.- ' ( TAVERN. J" MAMA6FOT BPIMfi 1 fSVeNTFO. HMVEHAD . 'i.J V ifflw Jpr-vi J! J rrVi fe-- M conchtiontma.twool.dnt , , , .'.' ,''..;. . " ' if . if,- : ' . ;. " - - sfj- mi ... i. : . 1 .: ' u. ... .n ... 1 I. - " -, ' . ' ':. . . f 1 Ii I ... . - v ..,.,. "6U W UVMV UCjlflUl .. , I No. 2 That certain school and site located in Hertford Township, Per quimans County, N. C, and known as the "Chinquapin Colored School," bounded and described as follows Bounded on the south by the Hunter's Chappell Colored Church; bounded on the east by a lane or roadway: bound ed on the north by the Parker pro perty; and bounded on the west by the Mithel. or Elliott property. A ten-percent (10 ) cash deposit will be required of the successful bid der or bidders at the day of the sale, and the said sale will be held open as required by law. " ' Possession of the said above des cribed property will be retained by the Perquimans County Board of Educa tion until buildings now under con struction have been completed: accept ed and the student bodies of the above described schools have been transfer red to the new buildings. The esti mated time that the said school board will relinquish -' possession of : said above described property, -being on or about January 1st. 1952. Dated and posted this October 10th, 1951. ' - ' JOHN T. BIGGERS Sunt Perquimans County Schools. By: inas. U. Johnson, Attorney. , . Ootl9,26;Nov2,9 North Carolina , , In The Perquimans County Superior Court William H. Hoffler, Plaintiff , , . "''r"i"". VS. ':;'-. ;?7'j.';'.'!ii;.'." Savannah Fetton and Wiley Felton, Heirs at Law of Mills " "'" Felton, deceased, and all other; persons claiming an interest ia the Mills Felton-Estate. ' , r,f ' ' NOTICE OF SERVING , SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION ' The defendants, Savannah Fc "ton ahd 'Wiley Felton, and aM other per sons claiming an interest in the Es tate, of Mills Felton, deceased, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the superior court of Perquimans County, North Carolina, to foreclose tax liens ins favor of Perquimans County, as signed, for value to William H. Uoff- Ier, the plaintiff herein, and 'to sell land listed to Mills Felton heirs to pay said liens and cost: and the 1 .". defendants will further take 1 "e that they are required to apt ar at the office of the Clerk of S"- 'or Court of said county in tLe i' i. House in Hertford, N. C, ; n twenty daysv after the 21th if t of November 1951, and answer 'a- mur to the complaint in sr.id t 1, or the plaintiff will apply to the 1 rt for the relief demanded in said o v- -nt.. - ' the ?r J '-y cf Cvober, J flC'U ( 1st Dee 1 ; : f , Cr-.