'HV2 1 i t 1 t f I . I 1 J 1 J M J U:: M.rd, Jtvinisraa County, North Circling, Friday, November 16.1951. - ' 5 Cents: . Per Copy Tovn norrJi gcjjsldzis cgiistiiuctio;! 0Fr;a7f,;uCi?rcu:LD:;;sraEXTYEAR :.vcv.:ji7 1 j 1 r j At C - 07 71 1 j t er- ' i TTeel.Iy's cJrcu'.v f i ciir.p;. , y.'l L&s been' con- ! ' -i duriuj i" b past seveju. weeks, v .1 come to a final .close Saturday t.ernoon, November 17, at 2 o'clock, and the judges, C. P. Xorris, iR, M. r.IJdick and E.kl Miller,' selected to make the final connt and to certify the winners of the six- prizes' offered to workers entered in the drive, will make those awards aa soon as they have completed the final count of the votes cast for each candidate. tCofitc.'ants, still active int.. the drive, are worklrj diligently to pile up as many votes as, poscLble before the closing hour Saturday afternoon to make a 'stand for victory toward winning the big first prize of $400 in cash. In addition to the first prize, 'second- place winner will receive ' a prize f of $200,' third ' place- 15Q and bonus checks,, will be given fourth, fifth and sixty place winners." -Each of the workers have been paid a" 20 per cent commission, on all business reported during .the campaign. Win- f ners of the first three prizes, how ever, do not receive bo their -Commission" and a prize, the commission being deductible from the total prize 'off ered"'A ; It was announced laie last , week by the .publishers Of The Weekly that the third prize, to be awarded in the subscription campaign, - will be f 150 instead of $100 as originally an- , nounced. ; f ,'..,''. A final tabulation of the votes and subscriptions will be. . made , by the committee of judges, and the manage ment of The Weekly will not handle any of this week's business reported by. the workers. - Workers will, make their final report on Saturday, plac ing their subscriptions and votes in an envelope . and then place the enve lope in a sealed ballot box which will be located at The Weekly office, prior to the closing time of the campaign. "This box will no be orned wl, afn ter the Judges have dec. -red t . eon- test closed at - 2 o clock. The - an nouncement of the . winif v'V in -made just as soon" a"s" tre 'judge Ve able to make the final count and ceW tify the winners.-'' r Every contestant must have a cash report in the ballot box in order to be eligible for a prize or commission. This is One of the first, rules of the campaign and in all fairness it must oe aanered to strictly, workers are warned not to fail having their final report in the sealed ballot box by 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon. ..- k4 The United Nations, meeting in . Paris for its European session, before returning to Convene itt" New JYork, this week voted down a, proposal to admit Bed China to UN membership. The action was 52a as; a-.dcfitt for Russia, .who has been attempting to get Bed China into the U.l- in place of the Chinese NationaH3ts-u Eeports from Paris state th UN meeting has made no Lua4way ' toward an. agree ment proposed by the United States on disarmament -' 1 - - In Korea, "reports this week state, pece talks between UN and Com TT' iiot ofrkials appear heaJod for ami r tr idown. - Allied leaders 1 s siocl Crm on cT-rj rtrdirj a i Anient, but Ce Comn.ts, - r i say, continue to char.-a t..u:r t 'j ovr the points under consid e, 'ii'l'.-jii'A the Allies are T '-' r " v3 and keeping the r " . t i i d ' i T r 1 c ( Atr: 'j , 1 ! ( r 1 ) 1' . ; ' -. I'-j r i '7 i "t - - -1 I I 1 . .. V:.- - -,B ru 1 S hool . . . ' on .s ;. , .. ntwnity t ; The Candidates . ' '- Listed below, in alphabetical or der, are' the names of the active workers remaining in The Weekly's circulation drive that conies to its official close' Saturday afternoon at two o'clock, " """ The position of the names does not; necessarily denote tihe stand ing Jn the race. . V - p Mrs, Tom Cox . ' . s .Mrs. J. C. Howell - - - Mrs, Naomi HcDonnell 'Miss Julia Weston' - ' i Mrs. BehtoA White ' Mrs. Joe Towe 'White, i. Mrs! James Wilder - i Miss Delia Window , Only a few hours remain of the campaign, and workers . should strive to make ;the inost of every hour that is left in' the drive to build up the greatest possible vote total before the drive "closes.' t.'' Rcc:rd Promotion lnGc:nCrgl!:rc Rc;:ridHiis7es: Some new highea in corn production has been reported in Perquimans by the County Agent's Office, and it ap pears . the new records came 'about through friendly competition among members of the Buritan Clubs. ; t What barled out ai friendlycorn contest among the members of the Durants Neck Buritan Crab has result ed not only in a State record yield, but has turned into a: friendly corn war between two .townships;; in tva Jngh Agent. At a recent meeting of the Durante Neck Club, fiarj ToTnar re- port-- a .com Joel Hollowell and Floyd 3Jsthews of the Parkville Buritan Club.who chal lenged the Durants Neck Club to a high-corn-yielding contest. Each club put up $25 ta go" to the 'highest indi vidual producer," and the lpsing club must give the winner a fish fry,, says Topping. In the Durants Neck con test, all but two entries had over 100 bushels per acre, according to Top ping. , lien Chambers naa an estimaitea 151, bushels of Dixie 17. -Melvin Col son bad a yield of 121 bushels of Pio neer 510, Nathan 'Spivey, 116 bushels ol j. . w, jaarvm ja(jay, n nusn els of N.'C. 27 Robert Spivey, 113 trasneb of N. C. '27, Carson Spivey, 109 bushels of Woods 211: , -., w - George Brooks Wheooee, 72, died at the Chowan Hospital Monday after noon at 4:39 following a long illness. -Funeral services were held at the graveside in the Whedbee family plot in Cedarwood Cemetery, in (Hertford, Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock with the Bev. Charles Wulf off idatmg Mr TTiedbeewh was a riattvend life-long resident of Perquimans Count ty was the youngest son of the late Penelope Blount and Seth Sumner Survivors are one daughter, - Mrs. John Jertsnev of Arlington; Va.; one sVv. Mrs. Helene Whedbee Newby, of Hertford, and several nieces and nenhews. Pallbearers were J. T. Perry, Guyi Newby, Sam Uourmousls, M. G.J Owens, Silas Wheee and -Charles; F. Cumner. , K.-t; r.!-:-y Ni-ht .e Parent-Teacher" Association of rtnuimans Cour.ty Ccstr&I ! hold its rejular meet';:: y r'-ht, Jloven,uer 19, t 1 vs r ' . J. 1 cf ' e rro- fuarreu as ; T "w.Cw-on''. is 1 tj la present ---11--- Committee Hopes To Close Drive Next . Saturday Contributions to the ' Perquimans County band fund, being sponsored by the Hertford Junior Chamber of. Com merce, reached the total of $511.60 up to .last Monday, ib was reported by George Fields, chairman of tiie Jaycee committee hancumg this project. : Mr. : FielJs pointed -OuC-that ithis amount equalled only one third of the quotar set at the begimtinir of I the drive, and deed to finance .the band during the present, year. iHoVever he added, this total vws-turned in by only two of the solicitors working wiih the Jaycees, and reports from' the other solicitors are yet to be received.. , The Jaycee committee composed of Mr. Fields, B. J. Holleman, Jr., and Talmadge Rose are hopeful the drive can be brought, to a successful close by Saturday night-of this week, and the; committee 1 urges an solicitors working -on the project to contact prospective contributors and make re ports bjt the end of the week.. 5 Individuals who deBire to, donate to the band .fund, and who have not been canvassed for donations can make a contribution by handing do nations; to any member of the com mittee or to A. W. Hefren, J. Edgar Morris D. M, Jackson, Mrs. D. . M, Uackson, Mrs. . Fred Mathews, Mrs. W. C Cherry B. B. White, Sljeve Perry, Mrs A. B. Cook orr.Charlie Umphlett. f The first step taken by the' Jaycee committee in assisting in a reorgani zation ahd building up of the band, was to 'order; new. tjniform.s for 'the band members. - This expenditure will use tip lnost .of the funds . . being sought in the current drive, and it was reported. Tuesday, the nvtr. uniforms will arrive here in- time for the band to i use ttiBm on' Thanksgiving Pay when ithe participate, in. tiwlaotiieji at the Perquimans-Elizabeth City foot ball game. ;The public ia urged to cooperate w'rhe. - Jaycees jo, .this eonKnunhy project'and to make donaftons immedi ately and at generously ab possible. , &d Sg;!;s To Discontin'js Tros The Norfolk Southern Railroad, which without permission discontinu ed its trains No. 1 and No. 2 on No vember 1 and- was served with an in junction 'restoring this service,' is now seeking authority to . suspend these trains, it was announced Wednesday by the State Commissioner of Utili ties, . - The- railroad , was given permipsion to suspend, passenger, service on these trains during 1948, and when on No vember 1 the Government cancelled its mail contract with 'Norfolk Southern, the company sought to discontinue its express service. Officials of the" railroad have' filed a petition seeking permission of the -Commission to discontinue these trains and a public hearing on the matter has been set for November 19 at 10 A,' M. The hearing will be con ducted in - the Commission's hearing room located in the Library Building in Raleigh. Business Houses To Observe Thanksgiving . . 'Hertford stores and business houses will observe the Thanksgiving holiday here next Thursday by staying closed all day , . . J. T. Riggers, superintendent' of schools, announced the resumed school ItnlMsv or1l fai4. tin WntnMutnv nH Monday, . 'vi ' W. W. White, Hertford postmaster, stated the local post office will be .closed all day but' mail will Be -re-ceived and;, dispatched on a. holiday schedule. - - - s . ., f Christmas ibaviiij! C:cc!:s To Be Mailed TLa Jlertford uikirr Company will, early- next w k, mad but cliecks to county resider' 1,' totaling $C0,C0O, it wss announced ( iay ty 1 I ! Z'.i re ' nt of .'.e fcanK, . J . . . f ':. L " .iste 1 the cecl-s repre s t i'virrs ma ) dui'-j 1' 5' rant ; r-1. , ,Ji fc, bank's Christmas ? C ' s. ba-i's new y. xds w;n o" ' ;r r, LTr. i "2 Ch"-' -'-nas Savr it. I , v ..I r. Two Games Remain On Local Schedule For This Season Coach Ellie . hearing's Perquimans Indians ran roughshod over Scotland Neck, -in aa- Albemarle Conference footbaii game, played fast Friday night, at Scotland Neck. The final score ' was Perquimans' 64, Scotland Neck 0.;.;.; .'...; K'r' ri -' ': '.-''-.Hv : ;;. The victory was the seventh for the season for the Indians as against two Josses', and places the Indians in a1 three-way tie for the Albemarle Conference championship. ' The lighter Scotland Neck team was no match for the Indians who Scored at will in every period. ; John Morris threw three touchdown passes in ; the first Jialf with B-3n Thatch on .the receiving end of two of them. Garland Walker scored on the Other pass in the first quarter. ' ': In the final minutes of the second period A. L. Lane went around end for 40 yards to take a 24 to 0 lead at half time for Perquimans. Early in the third quarter ;Tommy Sumner took a pass from John Morris and scored. Walker tallied soon af. terwards on a 25-yard run off tackle, In the fourth quarter Walker returned a punt for 60. yards and the seventh touchdown;'' Preston Morgan added another score When he went' around end for 32 yards. The ninth tally came when Sumner took a pass front Mor ris. ' r--- r. , .ir. j Howard Williams, Perquimans full back was out of ; action due to t shoulder injury. - - : Two more games remain on thJ Indian schedule for, this season. The local team will journey to Ayden Fri day night for a contest with Ayden High, and on Thanksgiving, the In dians' will meet the Elizabeth City Yellow Jackets on Memorial Field in Elizlbeth City.? t . -. r . The Mid-Year Council: Meeting .of the North Carolina Federation of Bust ness and Professional Women's Clubs, Inc., was held in Gre'ensboro, Novem, ber 10 and 11, with tie Sta,te Presi dent, Mrs. H. Pat Nixon, of Sanf ord, presiding. The theme used through out the meeting was "FulJ Partnership For the Job Ahead." The High Po'.nt Club was hostess to the luncheon on Saturday with Miss Helen Graham, president, presiding. lMrs.Lucy R. Duncan, of Smith field, State membership Uhairman, and Mrs. Mamie O. Cook of Chadbourn, State Legislation Chairman, had charge of the program. u h-'.-V-'- j The workshops and business sessions were held in the ' auditorium ' Civic Center with Miss Beevs Fomey of SKelbyv First ; Vice-President, Coordi nator, when the main speaker for the afternoon was 'Sarah Boyd Weaver, State Defense Chairman, who was in troduced by Miss Elsie G. Riddick, of Kaleigh. , " - The Creensboro Club was hostess to the banquet .with Miss Lorene Weaver, ; president, presiding. ; The speaker was Miss Marjorie Frazier Webster, who chose for her address, "The Sunny Side of the Hill." The Gibsonvflle Club, was hostess to the Sunday morning breakfast with its president, Mrs. Jayne Hite Bryson, presiding.; Mrs, .Ruby C. (Blythe of. Rocky Mount, Second Vice-President, led the devotion services. Mrs. Blanche Lewis of Gibsonville, 4th District Di rector, gave an impressive program on "Armistice' ay during which time the. pledge of the. flag was given and at the 11 o'clock hour 60 seconds of silent prayer' was offered for World Peace. - s,.':..v'- k - Miss Hulda Wood, Perquimans BPW Club president,, and' Mrs. Alice M. Towe. 8th District Director, were among the 180 officers present. EcjiV LjaI lzz Due to Observance of Thanks-' giving Thursday of next week, V ! The Weekly wl be printed a day .' earlier tn order to provide a holi I day for. employees. A,if:.f . , Any advertising or news matter ' should, therefore, be in the IWeek-f ,' ly office a day earlier.. ' : ' & .' BAZAAni TOuAY -V . The ladies of the Episcopal Church will hold tlw'r bsrsar at HarshaU's on Friday of this week. In addition to numerous and varied hand-made ar- .,.Ie8 c- j f r Christmas gifts, t .e ladies wiil al 'o cfer home-made p " and c -s. Va sale will begin j' '.0 c ' ' - '--v.' - Sp:ss WtrnedJ Following a lengthy discussion dur ing their meeting on Monday night, memDers or tne Hertford Town Board issued a warning to motorists of this area that the town's speed laws will be strictly enforced, and instructed members of the police department to issue court citations to all violators. Complaints about motorists speed ing within the, town have been numer ous for the past year, and while a number of arrests have been made, the violations have continued, and the Board members expressed themselves as determined to put a stop to the willful breaking of the speed laws. According: to most comDlaints. the violators, most frequently seen and recognized, are a group of young teen agers who are bent on making a race track of the town streets. To curb the violations Mayor V. N. Darden, late Monday night instruct ed the local police to issue court ci tations to all drivers" found breaking the law. Light Docket In Recorder's Court Here Last Tuesday A docket consisting of six cases was disposed of in Perquimans Eecorder's Court here Tuesday morning with Judge Chas. E. Johnson presiding. . 'Benjamin Leon Harrell, charged with reckless driving, following an accident last Sunday morning in which Harrell's car was demolished when it turned over near V. L, Proctor's on the Harvey Point road, entered a plea of guilty to the charge, : Judge John-; son ordered Harrell to pay the court costs, andsuspended a 30-day road sentence upon condition the defendant voluntarily surrender hisVdrjver's li cense for a period of 60 aays. ;,Hoke Smith Eason,. Negro, entered a $lea, of guilty to a 'charge of reck less .driving. He was ordered to pay the costs of. court. Thomas Felton and Charlie Welch, both, Negroes, charged with driving without - a license, entered pleas of guilty and paid fines of $25 and costs of court.-: : Hilton Eason, Negro, entered a plea of guilty to a charge of hit and run and illegal registration of a vehicle He was ordered to pay costs of court and damages caused by an accident A fine of $25 and costs of court were taxed against Deverne Emery who entered a plea of guilty to a charge of speeding 75 mils per hour. Hog Production Study. Plciined By State CG!ege Dept. . The Department of Agriculture Eco nomics of North Carolina Sta Cot lege this week' announced plans for a study of northeastern North Carolina on hog production under various types of Bantal arrangements. ; r Counties to be included in' the study are Bertie, - Chowan, Gates, Halifax, Hertford, Martin, Northampton, Per quimans, and Washington. Plans include interviewing a7 num ber of farmers in .the area to -determine present, at rangements. under which hogs are produced. :, The information obtained will be used to make recon mendations to other farmers who are interested in -porducing nogs with some kind of rental arrangement. I The study is being made under 'the' North CawUna Agricultural Experi ment Station with cooperation of Soil Conservation . Service Farmers Home : Administration, Department of Voca tional 'Agriculture and State College Extension Service. "The interviewing, of farmers Wfll be under the direction of Moyle S. WilKams, extension farm management-specialist. : t , ; Cartwright Funeral Ccaducted Sunday P. M. Charlie. Cartwright. 6. died -last Friday morning at 60 o'clock at Butner Hospital, near Durham," after a long illness. . . ; ' The body was taken from the Lynch Funeral Home to the graveside in the family plot at Belvidere Sunday af ternoon at 2 o'clock where' final rjtes were conducted by the Rev. M. L. Chr 'L SmJ Low Cost Project To House Governmental : Offices Only - Hertford's Town Board has reopen-' ed the possibilities of constructing a municipal building for the town gov ernment, it was reported following the regular meeting of the Commis sioners last Monday night During the,' meeting the Cohimissioners dis cussed the project, and reached agree ment to obtain preliminary plans and estimates as to the cost of the build ing.' ' Under the present plan, the Board considers the construction of a small, low cost , building, to be located on the town lot on Grubb Street. The building, if and when constructed, will contain offices for the Mayor and Council, town clerk and police de partment , It was the opinion of the Board, the project can be completed from surplus funds accumulated during the past several years, and a small sur plus expected during the current fiscal year. The plan, according to the belief of the Commissioners, will not entail an increase in the town's tax rate. . The voters of Hertford rejected a measure earlier this year calling for a bond issue to finance the construc tion of a municipal building on a larg er scale. ; . ; Reconsideration of the proposal was brought about by the needs of the town for sufficient space to "house the offices of the town officials. Pres ent facilities are not adequate for the handling of the three main town departments, and it has been agreed by the Commissioners the construc tion of a municipal building is a neces- , sity. ; ;; ' If arrangements are completed for : the construction ' of the building, it was reported that the Board hopes to have construction started about 1 next March. Other business handled during the meeting Monday night included the approval of the election to the Hert ford Fire Department of three new members, ; George Fields, Bobby El liott and: JChafles Harrell.;, , 'A delegation, representing the Hert ford Junior Chamber of Commerce, appeared before the Board requesting a contribution to the Perquimans Band fund, and this request was granted in the amount Of $75.00. ' Oil Mill Operation Halted By Strikers ast Monday Night Operations at the Southern Cotton Oil Company's mill in Hertford were hatted last Monday night at 6 o'clock when a majority of the employees of the mill walked off the job in an ef fort to obtain recognition of a local union . C. P. Morris manager of the .mill, stated Wednesday morning a few of the firm's employees are on the job, but the strike had stopped complete operations. . , ' ; ' He announced that representatives of the workers . had presented his company with a request for recogni tion of a union affiliated with the United Mine Workers, , the employees claiming organization of their union last August Officials of the Southern Cotton Oil Company, were expected in Hertford late Wednesday for a conference on the situation. ' . ' A number of the employees started a picket line at the mill located on Grubb street early Tuesday morning. ' The pickets carried placards demand ing recognition of their union. No disturbance was reported from the pickets, who returned to the scene Wednesday to take up their marching back and forth in front of the com pany's office. - v .'' J -" New Mail Schedule T Giveif For Hertfonl '"'Following the installation of a High way Post Office, serving this area, W. .W.;, Whjte, . Hertford Postmaster, announced today the new schedule for. mail service from the local ofHce. . ' Outgoing mall new leaves Hertford, north bound at 6:30 A. M, and 4 P. M. incoming mail is received at the following hors: 6:80 A. Ml, 8:14 A. . M;,0 P. M.. and 4:20-P. M. fParcel Post is received at 11:53 A. M.' ' 1 South bound wail leaves Hertford at 8:14 A, It, and 45 P. M. t. ' " . ; In , connection with t':e 1 v r Tied- . ulei,,T,r- T7r'- a'- r pa , i ' : .:ml- I to ; " . , 1 : nas - 'fl " 1 t

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