e: ::iyr:.UCcn:r.:lbLsst Friday UcrrJbcrs Named In an , - hUUU UHU , JIUUIO- Hilton Dail, Sr., was elected chair man of the Perquimans County PMA committee at a meeting of the coun ty delegates, held last Friday at the A-iculture Building in Hertford, it w i announced this week by W. E. WUte, secretary to the committee. Other officer selected to serve on the county committee were: John Q. Hurdle, vice chairman: L. L. lane, member; W. L. Madre, first alternate; and A. L. Godfrey, second alternate. W. E. White was 'reappointed as Secretary and Miss Helene Nixon as treasurer. , ; ' ; In the PMA election held on Thurs day of last week,- and participated In by farmers and. land' owners of the county, the community committeemen for the various . communities were elected ft follows: r, Belvidere J. - M. Copeland,, chair- U1CII1,. V. JUb. AiBItC, VWO V.UB1A lllflUl, Ul ford Winslow, member; P.' M. Cope- i.i 1 . 1. i. . r - . xti 1 1 '; second alternate. kv, ' v: '.. ' Nicanor -Oscar Winslow, chairman: W- R . Bakftr. vlpo ehnirmanA Y. Sl Winslow.-m'ember; A. B. .Whito, first aRrnate;-:EHtt,Stallings, second al-f ternat v ' a ; i w ' f BeiheMWY. Berry, 'ehctorihah; S.the Pennsylvania German in Bethle lips, member; W. JL Vadre, first ternate; and H. B. Mathews, second alternate. -v Hertford V. C. Winslow, chairman; ; this wntry borrows from the prac W. H. Williams, vice chairmanj J. E.jticea oTmany European countries and Hunter, member; A. D. Thach, first, reflect our customs in church and alternate; and L. C. Howell, second alternate. "- V,- New Hope S. D. Banks, chairman; C B.- Spivey, vice Jchairman; W. A. Chappell, member; C. A. Butt, first alternate; and W. J. Benton, second alternate. - ' - t iparkville Winford Smith, chair man: W. W. Bundy, vice chairman; W. R. Stanton, member; E. E. Mor gan, first alternate; and E. L. Mil , ler. second alternate. . : . .The County Committee and the com munity committeemen will play a big part durinjf the '. coming ''year and carrying out the farm program in Perquimans County as It is related to the Production and Marketing Ad ministration. J Civca For Library A schedule for hours for the Per - ciuimana Library during the holidays was announced today by Mrs. Silas I.. v.ieaaee.I4biriaiiuv-'''-,y.:v- -Tie library will be closed from Sat i" '-y, December 21, throiirt Thurs ft December 27. The fcookmoblle 1 1 t make its p-'ir trp through i breads, cakes and .other foods to last , Durants Ne. , A.Vodville.on.for Hiri week of hosuiUlitv and 'rr 27.. For t'.e I w Year's 7 t"-e library will be dosed Sat , 1 .cember 29 through January i. V.Tiedbee also announced that ' sr of new books including: The Greatesi Christmas Story, ' sAhnuaTI951,The Christmas , Feves; Terten's Christmas L wilier: Antiques,- Gordon; i Vildlife and Plants, Mar- ,1 - ; I Clothing fos Children by n, had been received at the :nC::'.!crs l Krquwnaits '1 t 'n Were announced by :i CohmvMa, secre- c.r -rence. 'v j tf t! e various confer- ' " tie ff.' ors of ' ' - f ' T f e t t'9 B 89- 1 A. L. Lars of t' r:i fx" it was of J. A. Leete, county chairman for the annual TB Seal Sale campaign, today issued a reminder to Perquim ans residents that, the seal sale will come to a close on, December 24. A check of contributions received thus far shows that' the county is near ing its goal for 1961, but Mr. Leete makes a final appeal to all persons who have not yet sent in contributions for seals to do so before next Monday night v'-ivv A self-addressed envelope was en closed with the seals when the seals were mailed put, and Mr. Leete urges individuals to use this envelope in re turning the seals of contributions. VrrylnMLiyl.'ations vThe celebration of Christanartn the United States is more or lestj uniform. .JThertftmre some variations, such as Thrcughcut orid al-W Minnesotay and the fireworks of the 'Southern States. LOnthe whole, however; the CMristma celebration in home. - The Italian Christmas is a sacred holiday. There are church ceremonies arid special food,, but it is not custom' ary to give presents to one another. Man of the Christmas customs in France and Scotland are observed on New Year's : Day. Particularly in France, religious features, rather than festivity, are emphasized on Christ mas Day. - ' December 25th Is also a religious! holiday in the 'Netherlands and Bel trfum The feata .of .St., Nicholas U celebrated on December 6th as the children's holiday with most of the feasting and celebrating that we in America usually associate with Christ mas. ' A German Christmas means a home festival and attendance at church ser vices. 'Everything- centers around the Christmas tree with presents piled un-.l & Coal Company, which ended on De der the tree with, the distribution oft comber l, it was announced today by presents preceded,: by the singing' of, Christmas carols. : In the Scandinavian countries, elab orate preparation" are begun weeks in advance of Christmas, including Alftfttiinsr. deeoratinfir and renovatinir fh. onniHmr .nectol ment. leisure.. Christmas celebrations in England, which had lost all inner meaning, were forbidden in 1644. 'Now Christmas hrinra family reunions, gifts; parties,, singingand decorations . . . And. of course, Father Christmas, the English. Santa Claus. . -' y " , While the customs -of celebrating vary all over the . world, Christians everywhere are celebrating, on Decern-1 the 25th. the -Nativitv of Jesus Christ Let us hone-that on this rrea occasion, His spirit of unselfishness will abide with us alL ' Conntv ScIiaoIs Close FcrAgnual Holidays , Perquimans County Schools will fllose- at noon Friday, December 21,' for the Christmas holidays, it announced today by, John T. Biggers, County School Superintendent. . The schools will observe an eleven day va cation this year, with students re v -' i clswes ".':sday, Jan- rrioGHAM nm will bn pre .1 Tzjt Churcl lior 23, at ' A C.i-'.tms prr" sented at Cappcn 1 f -nd-y n' '.t, -1 ' o!m'jc. ";.e pui;.j :?j invited to at- LccdIlosi-:nts FsvcrPlasFor Education Force Between 15 and 20 Perquimans resil dents met at the Court House in Hert ford last Thursday night and- express ed an opinion favorable to the organl ration, of a county unit of the United Forces for Education. The meeting was called by Mrs. Car roll R. Holmes, president of the Per quimans Unit of the N. C. Educational Association, who opened the session by having J. T. Biggers, County School Superintendent, explain the United Forces Organization. i Mr. Biggers pointed out that this organization is made up of the Farm Bureau, the School Board Associa' tion, Federation of Women's aubs,",aai r-1 w smg one vnristmas and the Parent-Teachers Association., selection. : " 1 . . . TVi nniM nf the nraintinn fa tn romote better schools through a imitviec announced by the pastor, the Rev. ed citizens program working toward .yu vuapnii, lur ma . i achievement of the desiren of the or- vitation is given the public to .at- gahlzations. The object of the meeting was to determine if sufficient interest was shown for organizing a county unit of the Allied Forces. The purpose of ; this county unit, will be informa- tioaal inasmuch as the chief aims will be to see that all residents are fully informed " and' aware of programs sponsored on, the state level , -After ''MnsidetAblediscusslon,; the srroun -which met hftwMastTreek decid ed such' an organizatfon within the county will be of benefit to th citi zens as well as schools , and voted to organized a local unit. -E, Q. White was elected president of the group, and the remaining officers are to be selected at a meeting to be called the latter part of January or early in February next year. . - Those attending the meeting voiced enthusiasm for the plan and stated thev expect a much larger attendance at the next meeting, since there were a number of conflicting meetings held on Thursday of last week, which kept the crowd at a smaller number. r.7rs. Matti 3 L. Vhite TCwEr In Contest i Mrs. Mattie Lister White, of Hert ford, was declared winner of an essay, Contest sponsored by the Harrell Gas v. M. Harrell, Jr. The contest, conducted by the Cros ley Appliance Company, ; was , based upon tite writing of 50 Words or less on the subject of "To Me the American Way of Life Means." As winner of the contest Mrs. White received a certificate good for $300 worth of Crosley merchandise, and her church, the Holy, Trinity Episcopal Church, received a cash gift of $100. Plan Yule Service For Friday Night; A Christmas service will be held next Friday night, December 21, at 7:80 o'clock at Woodville iBaptist Church. Special music will be offered by the children and the play, "While Shepherds Watched," will be present ed. The public is invited to atltend. Belvidere Ruritans ; Install New Officers The Belvidere Ruritan'Club held its December meeting at the Whiteston Club House on Thursday night of last week. During the business session new officers' fc the club year were installed and delegates named to at tend the national Ruritan Convention, to be held in Asheville during Janu ary. ' Installed as officers were Edwin S, 'Whit; president; J George Winslow, vlce-presida:'-!:;' Huasell Baker, sec re t ryi and Archie B. White, treasurer. (Delegates named to attend the Con v r.tion were Joe Nowell, Jr., and Spci Progr ' 'All services at the Methodist Church next Sunday will be centered around the fact of Christmas. Special at tention is being given this week to preparations for the most helpful ser vice possible for the 11:00 o'clock hour, of worship. The congregation will join in singing some of the great Christmas hymns, such as "Joy to the World," "The Lord is Come," "O Come All Ye Faithful," and "Silent Night, , Holy Night." Special music Will consist of an appropriate Christ inas solo by Mrs. Z. E. Fearing.' ! The Chancel Choir, composed of children between nine and twelve years of -age, numbering over thirty, in veet- I ments, and directed by Mrs. E. M. ' nuj.'.L t jn : m UUJ - oSVlor 18 Bom, IS thC 8UD- tena. ., i During the 9:45 Church School hour, there will;beeh?nr8 of f1 w "! classes. At 3:30 Sunday afternoon all Kindergarten and' Beginner children will have a Santa party. Sunday night at 7:30 the public is invited to at tend "A White Christmas and Carol Sing,? service, under general direction of Miss Kate Blanchard. ' PartyllcldFriday The Perquimans Business and Pro fessional Women's Club held its Christmas Party in the home of Mrs. Lawrence Towe on Old Neck 'Road Fri day night, December 14, with Mrs. John Costen, Mrs; C. O., Fowler and Miss Claire Hunter, loint-hostesses. The Towe ' home was decorated. throughout for the occasion with holly berries, pine, . lighted candles and a beautiful Christmas tree in the liv ing room. ; ,":"'( , " . Miss Hulda Wood,- president, presid ed over a short business session. Miss Hunter presented the devotional part of the program when she read appro priate Bible verses, led in prayer and the sinsruwr of a Christmas carol Mrs. W. E. Dail read a poem and Miss Thclma Elliott, a Christmas story. Mrs. Costen led in the games and contests assisted by Mrs. Towe when prizes were awarded the following winners: Miss Nell Wilson, Miss Hunter. Miss Kate Blanchard, Mrs. R. M. Riddick, Jr., Mrs. Joe Caravello and Mrs. Joe Nowell. - ; : (Mrs. Riddick was the Auctioneer for the Dutch Auction when . it afford ed entertainment as well as money for 'the treasury.; '; r The gifts were exchanged in a very unique manner. Each gift was num bered and as each person entered the door, a number i with the name of a Christmas toy was pinned to her back. During the course of. the evening; when she discovered who or what sne represented, her number was pinned on the front of her dress vr identi fication and was presented a gift wiui that number. ' ' .Party plates of friit cake, cheeses and fancy delicacies were served Mrs, Ed Newkirk and Mrs. Ernest Guth-j rie, guests, ' and-the following mem bers in addition- to those slready men-' tioned: Mrs. Viola Nachman, Hiss Audrey Umphlett, Mesdamea C. T. Sumner, oje Henry Bagley, T. T. Har rell, Jack Burbage, E. M. perry , and D. M. Jackson. ' Weeklv Office To Be Closed For Holidays j t. .The office of The Perquimans Week ly closed for the Christmas holidays on Wednesday of. this week and will be closed until Saturday, December 29. V , Editor Max Campbell left Wednes day for Shelbyville, Indiana, Where he will join Mrs. Campbell They will spend the holidays with Mr. Campbell's father, who is ill i The office of The Weekly will re-' open. Konday, December 31. County Board In Special Meeting On Monday With Property Tax List Takers Lions Christmas Party Held Friday The Hertford Lions Club held its annual Christmas party at the Bethel Community House last Friday night and the members had their wives as special guests; The Bethel Home Demonstration Club served a delicious holiday dinner to the gathering. A Christmas program was present ed by John T. Biggers, program chair man, who Was assisted by I. C. Yagel and Mrs. R. Ralph White, the . latter presenting a number of musical se lections. At the close of the meeting the Lions and Lionesses exchanged Christ mas presents. Teams Divide Games I! Perquimans High School's basket ball teams divided a twin bill with the Moyock teams in games played here last Friday night. The Indian Squaws won the opening contest by a 26-13 score and the Moyock boys scored a 38,-35 victory over Coach EluV FeaH ings boys" team;. -. . .Mary Saunders and Janice Yagel sparked the Indian Squaws to vic tory. Saunders scored 12 points' and Yagel counted for seven. The game was rather slow with numerous fouls being called on both sides; The local girls gained an 8-2 advantage in the first period and moved to an 18-8 mar gin at half-time. The third quarter was very slow with Perquimans scor ing two points and' Moyock getting none. Perquimans tallied six points in the final period and Moyock girls scored fivev In the boys' game the Perquimans Indians got rolling after three minutes of, play and racked u pa 12-6 lead in the first quarter, adaed eight more points in the second period to hold a 20 to 12 margin at half-time. In the third quarter the Moyock boys came back strong and outplayed the Indians to roll up an 18-7 advantage and take a 30 to 27 lead at th? be ginning of the final quarter. Both teams scored eight points in the final i-ounrtor hut. the etfae , MnvncV had gained in the third period proved too much for the Indians to overcome. ' Thatch, Sumner and Williams led the Indians in scoring, hitting for 13, 8, and seven points in that order. John Morris and Joe Towe were outstanding on. defense. The Perquimans girls and boys tray. eled to Griggs on Tuesday night of this week for their final conference frames before the Christmas holidays. The teams will resume their schedules on January 4, when the Elizabeth City Yellow Jackets come here for return matches with the local boys and girls. Christmas Services At Holy Trinity Church ' A midnight Christmas service will be held Christmas Eve, beginning at 11:30 P. M, at Holy Trinity Episco pal Church. This service will be the celebration of the Holy Communion, or Eucharist, with the Christmas car ols and hymns led by the Holy Trini ty Choir. The Hector of the Church, the Rev. Charles F. Wulf, will be eele brant and make a short address at this service. On Christmas morning at 10:00 A. M.. for those who were not able to attend and make their Communion at the midnight service there will be a second celebration of the Holy Co n' munion with the Rev. Edmund T. Jill- son, Rector Emeritus of the Parish, as eelebrant. - ' COMMUNITY SING SATURDAY : 'A community sing for all the chil dren of Perquimans County will be held on the Court House Green in Hertford Saturday night, December 22, at 7:30 o'clock. The vested junior choirs of the Hertford Methodist and Baptist Churches will lead. Al chil dren are invited to attend. - PerquimansCourt WithMoyockHigh Instructions and Sup plies Issued For Job Next Month Members of the Perquimans County Board of Commissioners met in spec ial session here last Monday for the purpose of issuing supplies and giv ing instructions to the county tax list ers on the duties of the tax listers, Which will begin next month. A special program of instructions, worked up by the Institute of Gov ernment, was outlined to the tax list ers by J. W. Ward, county tax super visor, and this program was supple mented by local instructions from members of the Board of Commission ers. A. T. Lane, chairman of the board, cautioned the tax listers to use care in preparing the property lists, point ing out the importance of the duties and the necessity for an accurate list ing of all property within the county-Tax listing starts on the second day of January, and all property owners must list property for 19S2 under pen alty of the law. Failure to list proper ty by January 31, is a violation of the law and the property owner is subject to a late listing penalty, and court ac tion vr both. . . 1 i The program presented the tax list- few," as.flreppred by the- Institute of I fcSveNitiituvMs somethingviifcw in Vt'' procedure, tut it is believed the in-. structions will lead to better list tak- " ing by the county officials and place . the entire state in equal terms so far ' as tax listing is concerned. It was practically a day lonsr ses sion for the tax listers, as in the after- noon, the list takers, who also act as ' farm census takers, were advised by -farm extension officials on the meth ods of taking the farmv census. The records secured through the farm cen sus program are used by the State Agriculture departments in carrying . out agriculture programs in the state. ContestCreating InterestHere Much interest is being manifested by residents of the Town of Hertford in the lighting and decoration contest being sponsored by the Hertford Jun ior Chamber of Commerce for the Christmas season, it was reported to day by Francis Nixon, Chairman of the Jaycee : committee in charge of the contest. The contest, which is being sponsor ed for the purpose of creating interest in home decorations and lighting ef fects, is open to residents of both the town and county, but residents of the county are requested to file entry blanks at the Western Auto Store, in" order that the judges may have neces sary information for judging homes in the rural areas. Three prizes will be awarded three' winners in the contest, Mr. Nixon stated. First prize will bs $10 jn mer chandise, second prize, $5 in merchan dise, and third prize, $2.50 in mer chandise. v 1 Three judges have been secured to make the final decision on judging the lighting and decorations and they will base the judging on "the points of originality and artistic arrangements. Judging of the entries hi the contest will take place Saturday night, Decem ber 22, Mr. Nixon reported. , Jaycee Decoration Negro Clubs Name County Council J The officers of the Negro 4-H Club met on Derember 15 for the purpose of electing County Council officers for 1952. . Named to te Council were Shelvia White,' president; Barbara Brlckhouset - vice , president; Doris Rodgers, secretary; Ernest. DaiL as-; sistant; Oneda Felton, treasurer; Hat tie James and Ernestine DaiL song leaders; Maude White and Laureen Holden,. program .. chairman; , Oneda . Felton and Mamie Reid, pianist.

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