jn to "-Gbnlir.se I:cut Month of, "nans County's annual March campaign will get underway ' 'londay, January 14, it was J today by Mrs. John T. tLdrman for the drive, v ' s named by the chairman e a house to- house canvass -j to fight polio, and the pub- "ed to cooperate wholeheart - J, quota for this year's cam--.1 be about the same a last , I at Individuals are urgedto con 3 generously to help replenish 'io fund which, "was "depleted the epidemic 'which raged ut parts of the nation last --tors who will conduct the cam era: . Uina B. White, rural chairman,! by Mrs. H. 8. Lane, Mrs. I n Clliott Mm. Effie Miller. Mrs J. Terry, Mrs. Ellis Stalling, Mrs, oy JLayden, Mrs. Howard Warren, , Joe Webb,. Mrs. Wendell Mat nts, Mra. E. J. Proctor. Mrs. N. D. Ch&ppell, Mrs. John Corprew, Jr., and . nn. jack Benton. For the town- of Hertford canvass ers ares : .: v. vv v; "frs. T." P.' Brinn and Mrs. Edward . ..Ifin, 'Front Street: Mrs. IJ. E. New ly and, Mrs, W. C Cherry, Church , Ctreetj V. N. (Darden, Henry Clay1 . bumvan and Talmage Hose, business district Mr. W. C. Dozier and Mrs. , W. L. Jessup, Market Street: Mrs, J. . Satchwell, Mrs. J. T. White, Mrs. ' Jessie L. Harris and Miss Eva Har ris, Grubb Street; Mrs. Robert Hollo-' well and . Mrs. jDurwood Reed, Dobb Street; Ifrs. George Fields, IRailroad Ave.; Mrs. R. K, Lane, Edenton Road Street;. Mrs. Jim BasB and Mrs. E. C. - Woodard, Woodland Circle; Mrs Jack Burbage, Route 17, north of Hertford, Y and Mrs. L. IB. Sitterson, Route 17, -outh of Hertford; Mrs. L. O. Chap pellj iPenn. Ave., Mrs. Ben, Thatch, Academy Street; Mrs. Clinton Eley, . r -vein, yracwsn oirect, 2Ji Solicitation will be directed V e colored residents by 'Rev. J. T ucker, assisted by W. N. Douglas for iiertrord and , W., U. JStiwwd and Mrs. "-ZI. B. Taylor in .the county. No goal for the campaign has been , announced but Mrs. Biggers stated .with the need 'so great she is hope , ful the county will contribute at least the amount raised during the 1951 "drive. TO OTS IZEO Washington was abuzz this week w',,h an announcement by General Ti-ht D. Eisenhower that he Will f t call from the--Republican 1 its Presidential candidate, put 1 t ..i will not leave his present post r j Commander of NATO to- seek the, i ion. likewise the announce- f . Canator Estee Kefauver, of that he is a candidate for xratic nomination ' caused' jiod. . On Tuesday, Presi on stated ha will not place i a a a candidate for the office . Innesota. primary but will " "ator Humphrey there as jn. - I's Winston Churchill and his e still in Washington confer h President Truman and his regarding the state of the . Ho announcements have been ' -.'.ive to the Truman-Churchill i but it has been reported v Ires to obtain for Great tret-r say as to develcjh ne of t?.e Atom Jumb, a i.r Er'tand and iron out l connection with the North j t ,'.ls In Korea have bog- n, wi'Ji tCT-c 2 ' 'i act llie cl.w.en t,r:t:. ;p: :. Cp rpiort Sr" '.. 1 " t t'.e il li f i i 1Ht"i rT""ri ,at tdei .: to tlie UIJ f ' er than continued in the t jt ' a I'-ter-date. I ' i to -con':i-e i -' at its ad -ced at T-!.L-.r':- - w -1 .; 1 r U'll.'f "ill: '.'.WWit WSSMlSSNi WWAWWWSViVWWWWMWVWWWWWWVMVWM WM FOR CIVIL CDU.1T T1!S f,'0:JTII Forty Gases Listed For Trial; Judge Williams To Preside Calendars for the January term of Perquimans Superior Court, which will convene here January 28, and for the special term which opens on February 4, were released today by W. H. Pitt, Clerk of the court All cases to be heard, during the terms will be civil actions. (i.srS-;-!-,:' : ; It was announced Judge Clawson Williams of Sanford will preside at both terms of the court. ; ' The calendar for the Janizary term of Court i an fnllnwn: . William C. Chappell . D.M.White elraJs. i - 1 . . ',- Dallas Gilliam vs. Odell Gilliam. Chesapeake Auto Co., vs. W. L. Bagky. - . Ben F. Lane vs. Seashore Trans. Co. t N. W Chappell vs. Elbert N. Chap pell et als. V fHoland Gilliam vs. H. C. 'Stokes. Thelma Riddick, Adm. ,vs. Raleigh E. White and Fred. Winslow. Hannar Tucker vs. Andrew Tucker. Nathan Turner, Adm. vs. George W. Nixon et als., : Daniel Bonner vs. Elmer Proctor. Eleanor Jones vs. Nor.-Sou. Ry. Co. J. H. dNewboId 'Est. vs. Jessie Phil lips. Hertford Baptist Church .vs. J. Ii Batton & Bro.. J. E, Winslow et al vs. J- J. Alex ander. Dewey Stallings vs. Wayland White, Jr. . J. C. Blanchard & Co. vs. Madison Mebane. . . Hervey Foundation vs. Consolid'ated Ven. Co. . . ' Daniel T. Hurdle vs. Gertrude Cope- land. : Jack Sawyer vs. Robert Ivey. T. J. Bass vs.'L.T. Keel. Clifton Hardy vs. Mildred Hardy. - James E. Skinner vs. Rena Skin ner. 1 ' Jesse Wiggins vs. Ben Chambers. Redman Perry vs. . . Banks. ' J. C. iBlanchard A Co. vs. Grain Dealers Nat Ins. Co. 1 The calendar for the snecial term opening February 4 is as follows: tuarden Bros. vs. Kermit Lane ct als. Jesse L. Harris vs. Mrs. W. H. Bar ber. v m J. C Blanchard & Co. vs. Murden StokeJy et als.:; tc v.., .;; : X C. Blanchard A Ccy m Murden Stokely. . -r :"-;rf. v . Nathan Thompson m ITohn Wade uampion. . Z. A. Harris vs. Clarissa Curtis Est. J. T. Godfrey Est vs. Hazel Jackson and Raymond Levee. . . W. M. Morgan et als vs. fi. C Ber ry. - Mary C Male vs. Charlie Male. Odell Baccus Adm. vs. William Day W. A. Winslow vs. Lucille Jordan. : Catherine" Elliott vs. Mutual Bene- 1 1 IlealCi & Accident Association. Clarine S. Ehean vs. Thomas Shew. kzi7 omen hours are ATTcu,c rc3 local pma New oLIce bourn for the Permiim- t-s II IA were aicrted at a meeting! i Ct'otty Couiru.ttse ILeld last ' on iky,' it was announced today by , . E. vhite, secretary. Erfedtave im 'ately . t" e (TA oce wCl ,fce I on IC-lurJay-t it will be pen nv thror'.h ttriJay eadi week. . h'.;e I'jo announced the ITITA a si r-w "r"rT orders for I c r il, s handed throuri ItUl ); i J TEliiilS OF SUPERIOR RaEASED GY CLERit Season's First Snow Felt Here On Sunday The first snow of any consequence this winter fell here last Sunday af ternoon. While most of the snow melt ed almost as fast as it fell, enough stuck to cover the ground and house tops.;.-' . . Temperatures," after holding below freezing Sunday night and molt of Monday moderated Tuesday and Were higher Wednesday. - FcrThisAreaBy r.TethotuStChurch A series of sub-district institutes to promote the total program of the Methodist Church will be held in se lected areas of the Elizabeth City dis trict January 14-17, according to the Rev. E. B. Edwards, pastor of the Edenton Methodist Church. The pro gram will be under the general direc tion of Dr. F. S. Love, district super intendent, and he will be assisted by his district staff. Leaders in every department of the church's work from every church in the district are in vited to attend the institute which is moat convenient to them. The institutes will be held as fol- low8: ;- January 14 at the 'First Church in Washington, January 15 at the 'First Church in Ahoskie, January 16 at the First Church in Elizabeth City, and January 17 at the Olivet Church In Manteo. The Institutes at Washington, Ahos kie and Elizabeth City will be held from 8:00 P. M., to 9:00 P. M, with the following program: 3:00 to 4.00 Worship Service, ad dress by the Rev. D. E. Earnhardt ,4:00 to 5:10 -Panel Discussion on total pregram" of church, Dr. F. S Love, moderator and district staff. 6:30 to 6:80 Picnic supper. '(Every one is asked to bring a basket). (Fel lowship singing led by the Rev. R. T. Commander. ' ' . 4:46 to 8:00 Group Meetings: 1. Workers with children, led by tiie director. , M'-iA'tff::''-",t''' ". 2. Workers with youth, led by the Rev. and Mrs. K. T. Commander. 8. Workers wHh intermediates, led by Miss Mary Whittle,. 4. Adult Division superintendents, teachers and presidents of adult and young adult classes, led by the Rev, A. 'U unaplin, - 5. General Superintendents and Board of Education chairmen, led by the Rev, D.L. Fouts.- ,.- 6. Woman's Society workshop, led by Mrs. E. R: Meekins. ' 7. Laymen's v Workshop. led by George Jackson. Xlissionary Address by the Rev. E. Wannamaker (Hardin of Spartanburg, aontn Carolina. The Institute at Manteo will meet from 13:C0 A. M, to 8:00 P. M., with tie i ..4lj profiram as listed above. ;- Ittot l of conducting several insti tutes to promote the various phases of the c"rdis program. Or. (Love and Lis tl-:l J.ave chosen rather to have one I:;, tltute to stress the total pro gram hi each of four areas of file dis-t-'-t' T.U leaders from every church i , erj a fu representation feccrtr'sCcurl pub!tetlists27 CssEslastTussday ''." mm . Traffic Violations Make r Up Most of Calendar ; In Court Perquimans Recorder'a Court, which had been in recess for two weeks, due to holidays, disposed of 27 cases here last Tuesday, .with - Judge Chas. E. Johnson presiding. A number of cases were continued until the next term of Court, Tuesday, January 15. .Charged with speeding, Edgar God frey, Charles Bozman, Albert Normon, Angela Hoffler, James Harrell, An thony Pinter, Milton Pell, KuTus 'Fra zier, Benjamin Schwartz, Delton Stal ling. Isaiah Jnnes. Jr.. and Mildred King, each entered a plea of guilty and paid the costs of . court ((Costa of court were assessed against Winson Pettawav. who entered a nlea oj guilty to a charge of being drunk on tne .highway and possession of non tax-paid liquor. ) Jesse Rodgers, Negro, charged with passing a car on a curve was taxed with the costs of court A Prayer for judgment was continued hi the case in which A. H. Ivey was charged with assault (Elias Jeanette, Negro, charged with obtaining money under promise to work and failing to do so, entered a plea of guilty. He was ordered to pay the costs of court and $25 to Alex Long. 1 Horace White, Negro, was fined $2 and costs of court on a charge of being drunk on the streets of Hert ford. White entered a plea of guil ty. ' Probable cause was found in the hearing in which William E. Knight, Negro, was charged with having car nal knowledge of a lemale under 16. He was bound over for action by the grand jury at the April term of court, Knight was also found guilty of non- support and ordered to return to Re corder's Court on April 8, 1952 for further hearing on trig case. 4A fine of $10 and costs were taxed against Walton Boone, Negro, who entered a plea of. guilty to a charge of reckless driving. . aiBoone Lew. Nearro. charsred with Awing with faulty lights, entered ji plea of guilty and paid the costs Tof court Jamej Iver, charged with driving on the left side of the highway, enter ed a plea of guilty and paid the costs of court (Uontinued on rage seven) Local governmental officials believe that taxpayers should know the facts about taxes imposed on their property for the purpose of raising county and city revenue. : Since North Carolina law requires property-owners to list their property every January, the time is ripe for a simple explanation of the law. People who live within the cor porate limits of a city or town pay taxes on their property to both the county and the city or town, but for purposes of clarity this article is writ ten in terms of county taxation. Some of the most common questions about the .property tax are set out below. The answers are designed to help the average individual under stand his responsibility. 1. What is the property tax? The property tax is not a tax on in come front property. Instead, it is based on the value of the property as a marketable item. That is why it is called an ad valorem property tax. This tax must be imposed uniformly on all property according to its mar ket value. .' 2. What kinds ofvproperty are sub ject to this tax 7 In general, all property within the county is subject to taxation by the county. It is important, however, to know that there are two main kinds of property. - One is called "real prop erty," . meaning, tend, buildings, and items permanently affixed to or con nected with land or buildings. The other kind of property is called "per sonal : property," . meaning: movable property. Personal or movable prop erty is divided into two classes: (a) tangible or touchable personal proper ty and (b) Intangible or non-touchable property. Books, rings clothing, mer chandise, ete, art' examples of tangi ble personal property. Money, bonds, notes, stocks,- etc., are examples of intangible personal property. The tax payer should remember that the coun ty does not tax ' intangible personal property. ' The State collects taxes on intangibles. - The county taxes real property and tangible personal prop- etry. Some kinds of property are exempted 'from taxation by North Carolina law; they are discussed in questions 8 and 9. 8. v here, is property taxed? Real property (land, buildings (etc.) is taxed m the' county in which it is actually located. - Tangible personal OFFICERS C0;JTi;;UE liMSTiKl OF SERiES 0 CM-IMOO HERTFORD Building Entered Here Tuesday Night . . Another business establishment in Hertford was broken into on Tues day night, it was reported by local officers- Wednesday morning. The warehouse ; of Hollowell Chevrolet Company, located on the Hertf ord Edenton highway, was entered some time Tuesday night and a used car was taken from the building. Robert L. Hollowell stated Wed nesday morning the car was located a short distance from the warehouse and it was not determined if any thing else had been stolen. The building occupied by the REA was also entered, according to Sheriff M. G. Owens, who stated nothing was found missing from the REA place, The place had been ransacked and some papers displaced but nothing was taken. Personnel Changes In Local Post Off ice Several changes in the Hertford Post Office are to become effective next Monday, January 14, according to an announcement made today by W. W. White, Postmaster. James E. Newby, veteran postoffice employee, has been named as rural mail carrier for Route two, and will take over that job next week. He succeeds James Boyce, who retired several months ago. Moving up to the post as permanent clerk, succeeding Mr. Newby, will be Henry Clay Stokes. Ray Haskett, who has been serving as city carrier for several months, will take the post as substitute clerk inside the post office. Eldon Winslow, who has been named as city carrier, will take over the duties handled recently by Mr. Has kett Mr. Winslow succeeds Captain C. F. Sumner who retired early last year. ... , 1 MASONS TO MEET Perquimans Lodge, No. 106, A. F. '& A. M.. will meet next Tuesday night at 8 o'clock in the lodge rooms in the r!niirf. TTnmo lA 11 members nre hirened to attend and visiting Masons are wel- "come, property, as a general rule, is taxed his residence. An individual's resi dence is the place at which he lives, eats and sleeps his home township. If a property-owner is not a resi dent of North Carolina, the county in which his personal property is lo cated is entitled to consider itself as his residence for purpose of taxing the non-resident's personal property located within that county. If a per son maintains more than one resi dence within North Carolina, his resi dence for tax purposes is the place at which he lived longest during the year immediately preceding January 1. If a person has left one county and moved to a new county shortly before January 1 with the intention of living in the new county, his residence to which he has moved. The residence of a corporation, part nership, business firm, etc., is at the place of its principal office in North Carolina, 4. Where is. a serviceman's property taxed? A serviceman's real estate is tax able where the land is located. A ser viceman's personal property is tax able at his residence. The fact that he Is stationed at some military camp or base does not by itself, have the effect ox. changing the place of his residence. . Another section of tax facts will be published next week. County Youth Held On Federal Gharges Howard ' Eaves, 15-year-old Per quimans youth, is being held by the Elizabeth City police, for Federal of ficials, in connection with the theft of .an automobile and- cashing a gov ernment check, it was reported by Elizabeth City Police Chief W. C. Owens. The youth was arrested last Saturday by the police in Pasquo tank. : He was placed on probation follow ing a hearing in Juvenile Court there Monday on a charge of larceny of the car. Sheriff M. G. Owens wae tailed in Elizabeth City to identify Eaves when the youth refused to reveal his identity to me uuzaoetn luty authorities. EffectiveMonday County Man Taken For $226 By Flint -Flam . Artists Monday Local law enforcement officers are investigating a series of breaking and entering violations, which have occur red in Hertford since last Friday night, it was reported Monday by Sheriff M. G. Owens, who is conduct ing the investigation along with Police Officer Robert A. White. On last Friday night attempts were made to break in the office of the Towe Oil Company, and the M. J. Gregory Store. Successful break-ins were made at Murray Motor Parts Co., where a sum of $15 was taken and the Hertford Furniture Co., where no loss was discovered. On Sunday night two places of busi. ness were entered. A cash register at the Hertford Motor Company was rifled of $4.85, while the place of business operated by Glenn Mathews, next door, was entered and the sum of $6 to $6 was taken. Entries into- all places were attempt ed or made at the rear of the build ings. The officers have discovered a num ber Of clues in connection with the crimes and are continuing their in vestigation. To top off the minor crime wave which seemingly hit the community over the week-end, two flim-flam ar tists were reported at work here Mon day morning. Alphonzo Riddick, Negro, of Route Two Hertford, reported to Sheriff Owens that about 2 P. M., Monday af ternoon that he had been approached by two strange Negroes, shortly after cashing a check in the amount of $226, and the strangers requested Rid- dick to change some bills- for them. During the fast talk which followed the 'strangers took Riddick's money to hold while he went to a nearby store to" get change for a one dollar bill. Riddick told Sheriff Owens the strangers were gone when he return ed to the scene. Riddick described the paifas being about five feet,, eight inches tall, one about 35 and the other about 50 years of age. Boifffif Education At Session Monday Members of the Perquimans Board of Education met here in regular session last Monday night, and acted upon a number of matters pertaining to school affairs. A contract for furnishing milk to all Perquimans County school lunch rooms was tendered to Fenton Hurdle, who submitted a bid of 5 cents per half pint Bids for this contract had been requested by the Board at its December meeting. Action upon a query regarding the availability of an athletic field in Hertford for use of a professional baseball team for spring training, the Board, after much discussion, authoriz ed Superintendent J. T. Biggers to reply to the inquiry that the Memorial Field was available providing the pro fessional team in no way interrupted the school activities or training of the school's baseball team, which re quired the use of the field from 12 noon until 2 P. M. daily. It was learned that the Norfolk Baseball Club had written here to learn if a field was available for its use next spring. On a question of increasing the price of lunches, served at Perquimans High School lunchroom, the Board voted the price of the lunch should remain at 20 cents. Tentative plans for holding a meet ing of the First District 'State School Board 'Association here on March 13 were discussed by the Board, and tills date was selected for the meeting, at which the local board will be host in the event Dr. Messick. of Greenville can be secured as speaker for that date. Farm Bureau Drive Falls Short Of Goal The annual drive for memberships in the Perquimans County 'Farm Bur eau, conducted here las October, No vember and December fell far short of its goal, according to a report given the county Commissioners by I. C. Yagel, County Agent Mr. Yagel told the Commissioners the membership drive netted a total of ' 171 members, while the goal was 800. He pointed out the membership in the Farm Bureau for 1952 is less than it was last year. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Charles Laydea of Belvidere announce the birth of daughter, born December Si; at (Albe marle Hospital -

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