LY, I N. C, FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1952 PAj& THREE Isl-rJ " j f " ation on filing; t me t-x return for 1951 ii a na circular just pub- t j CUta College Extension . .i by an extension farm man t committee representing all ."ern states, the circular has roved by the U. S. 'Bureau of i Revenue. Its title is "Farm' . : . Jl Income Tax" And it is issued Ih Carolina as Extension Circa Si -ons desiring a free copy should t cir local county agent or write worartment of Publications; -State j Station, Raleigh. y - i a circular covers such topics aa 3 must file a return, date return is forms used by farmers, reporting ! t or accrual basis, figuring de- Uiion, sale of timber, development H and other subjects, as well as J . pages of . questions and an- .jveral illustrations are used to rir the correct method of filling in e various foms. V;v ;i-: : I The bulletin points out that if two- Is of a - person's gross Income iom farming and his business year . aria January 1, he has two choices ii filing returns and paying the tax. l.e can file and pay the total on or be fore January 31; or he can file an es timate of the tax and pay this amount Ly January 15, and then file his re tarn and pay any balance due by I arch 15. ra cjlc::i ra v;.v,e rios ,L TT3 WAVE OFFICS5S SCHOOL, located at the Naval Training Tim, Newport, R. L, wm established by the Department of the Nw H Indoctrinate VA vE Lnsigns into f tf Naval . service, 1 heie newly commis-1 s'oned t ' m Te J trained in 1 --' cf tve dut i i 3 be -kXauiit -w ' perform to maintain a strong and efficient Naval force, Upon arrival at the school, the young officer changes from her civilian clothing and environment into the .' smart blue uniform and the exciting life of a- Naval officer. This transition takes tolace, during the four-month semester for the Regular Navy officers. A two month course is pro vided for members of the WAVES of the Naval Reserve. Classes in Military " i ''' -a Justice, Plane and Ship Recognition,' First Aid, Logistics and Naval Structure, History, Economics and Government are a few of the nbiects nrovided the student officers for study. Visits aboard small Naval vessela operating in N"""gansett Bay give the WAVES a CjlkJXjKtacj ed method is. to "buttonhook" them. This is done with a buttonhook or a wood hook by inserting it in the vent iwiaimg to caicn we insure oi you have a long hike before you. The sooner you get them back to your car and dry them out, the better the .flav or of yourgajnewHlbe the large intestine through the vent can be drawn out without enlarging the opening. - This method should be used on all ducks early in the sea son. All dipper or-puddle ducks, such as mallards and pintails, wiH spoil Not enough hunters know how t keep their- .game ibirds once they bag i more rapidly than diving ducks, be-, tnem. xneynaiso aoaot agree on now (cause of the type of vegetation they to" hangirds. About 50 per cent, feed upon. . -.. nang wiem-oy. tne'eaa, ana ov per Most old hunter inakt that the cent by the feet Either way is good.lhpaf wn, fn ti.. oiof. The most important thing is to keep ;or o upland a-ame such as ouail. 1 Vets' Question Fox Q 'What requirements does a recently-discharged veteran have to take i out the new, type of nonconvertible Government term' insurance? A He must have been ordered to . active duty for 81 days or more: ser ved since June 27, 1950, and been re- leased from active service. -- 0 I have a terra NSLI policy on which the premiums were waived dur ing my military -duty. What do I do , to keep it in force after I am re leased from service? A You should' resume payments of , the required premiums to the VA in Washington, D. C, within 120 "days i after your release from active duty. Your best bet is to make the first pay ment as soon as possible. 0 I got a GI home loan three years "ago, when the top VA guarantee was . $4,000. I understand that a law pass ed since then has raised the maximum 'guarantee to $7,500, and that I'm en- titled to another GI home loan guaran 4 the, old and new guarantees. : May I ' Use thin new GI loan in hnild an a A. dition to my house ? & v (' A No, : Under theTaw, your new j 31 loan may be used only to purchase r-or build another house, and not to improve your present one. v New Hope News , 'Rev. and Mrs.. L. R. Jamieson and ; children were dinner guests f Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Turner on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Billie IWinslow and daughter of Whiteston" and Mr. and Mrs. George Field of Hertford spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Per ry. ' ' ' ' : VV; . ':-: , - - Mrs. W. E. Dail has returned home : after spending several days with her children, Mr. and Mrs. Kermit , Bar clif t and children and Miss Celia ail of Washington, D. C, and Mr. and ?Irs. Austin Dail and family in Ar- i Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Banks enter- tain'.J a number of their relatives and friends for Sunday dinner. The c casion being Mr. Bank's fcirthday. osb present were Mr. and Mrs. Ray x U;hard and children of Weeksville, ". and Mrs. A. C. Boyc and Dan nnhlett of Edenton, Austin Dail Arlington, Va, and Mr. and Mrs. . Lail. . . , "n Dail has returned to h's " m? iii Arlington, Va., after spend Ve week-end wi;h hi parents, Mr. i. w. ti. vm. t ' . - for removal Ti T Tiiixa The entire intestine AT" " J.. After Short illness Mrs. Ira EHzaDeth Byrum, 62, life long resident of Chowan County, died at her home at Tyner Friday after? noon at 2 o'clock after an illness of only four days. ' . She is survived by her husband, J. R. Byrum; seven sons, Moral Byrum of Suffolk, Pvt. King George Byrum of the U. S. Air Force, stationed in San Antonio, Texas, James I. Byrum, Jesse !Leroy Byrum, Rubie Cleo By-' ihe'nm. John W. Bvrum and Hubert A. Jimmy Robinson's duck camp is . cavity with erase. iBvrum. all of Tvner: two brothers. famous and he says: "Usually we dry Robinson is a great believer in car- John C. Dail and Preston Dail of Ty- out our ducks nd take them u town rying game birds by a strap rathar ner; three sisters, Mrs. John Griffin, the same day, have them cleaned and: thart in a hunting coat. It doesn't Mrs. Tom Byrum and Mrs. Alphine put in a freezing plant. We never, take long for a badly shot bird to Chappell, all of Tyner. Seventeen draw a duck or goose until it is ready spoil in your game pocket. After grandchildren also survive your game .dry-and give it plenty of fresh air.-f;" tAi grouse and prairie chicken is to draw the birds immediately and fill to be picked and frozen. After you you've shot a bird the natural thing have taken the innards out of a duck, is to shove it in your pocket and con it will-spoil-quickly if not refrigerat-'.tinne the hmu. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at vhe Happy Home Penetecostal Church, of which ed." ' ( ; Vou forget that this bird is hot she was a member. The paBtor, the Others claim that in mild weather (with body heat This may be all i Rev. J. D. Roberts, of fieiated, assisted spoilage of ducks is hastened if the right if you have only a field to cover, by the Rev. W. L. Butler, a former intestines are not removed immediate-1 but I. would advise you to carry your, pastor. Interment was made in the ly after shooting. Their recommend-1 birds in your hand or by a strap if church cemetery. Small fruits and berries should have a place in every home garden because they adapt themselves to the usual methods of garden culture and they come into production so soon after planting. s The dewberry is one of the easiest to grow and one of the most universal ly, adapted. ' It will succeed on any type of soil and, although it responds to fertilization, does not require a great deal of attention along that line. Plants may be set from now until the growing season begins in spring. The usual planting distances are 5 feet apart in the row with rows 5 to 8 feet apart. For garden culture dew berries are generally trained to stakes which are 6 to 6 feet high. Twenty- live plants should supply the average family with all the berries they will need. Plants set this winter will pro duce a full crop in June of 1953. The red-fruited varieties such as Youngberry, Boysemberry, and Lavaca berry are generally recommended for home garden planting. These" are claimed to be and are generally ac cepted as hybrids between a dewberry species and the red rasberry. They are of exceptionally high dessert quali ty when allowed to become fully ripe. However at this stage they are quite soft and must be eaten at once. They cannot be shipped to market. There is very little difference between the above-named berries. Under our con ditions the Boysemberry is somewhat larger than the others. Thornless strains of these may be obtained and are . recommended for home gardens because of greater ease in handling the canes. Sometimes the thomless plants will revert back to the thorny type. Propagations should al ways be made by means of tip layers of thornless canes if you wish to re tain the thornless characteristic. MASSES SUNDAY AT EDENTON MARINE CORPS AIR STATION AND ST. ANN'S CHURCH Sunday, January 13, the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered at 9 A. M., in the Edenton Marine Corps Air Station Chapel and at 11 A. M., in St. Ann's Catholic Church, Edenton, each including sermon on "Christian Ideals," Holy Communion, followed by Rosary for Peace, Sunday School, with confessions in chapel 8 to 8:55 and in church 10:30 to 10:55 A." M.. stated Father Francis J. Mc- Court, pastor. Week-days mass in Church at 7 A. M., study, discussion, ( instructions, information, inquirers classes meet in St. Ann's- Rectory library Thursdays 7:30 P. M., to 8:30. - Ot 1 .. . . ntt . , ainnuerons (sirence i Hist woman is a contemptible gos ftn when she holds her tongue." 'j.v can that be?" ; 3 can say nothing in a manner . ! "'es nothing unsaid.". . TRY A WEEKLY CLASSIFIED AD NO TICK Beginning January first, all Tax Listers ol Perquimans County, North Carolina, will sit at the following places and on the dates men tioned below for the purpose of listing your PROPEpir TAXES for the year 1952. . List In Jciiuzry nd Sava the Penalty Belvidere Township T. C. PERRY, List Taker , January 5, 12, 19, 26. January 15 January 17. ;. fen .Edgar Chappell'a Store, Chapel Hill K. xa. uaxers score, wnuesxon January 6 , January 12--.. January 19.. January 1, 23,. 81 January zo. All Other Days During January at Home , Bethel Township . , 1 JULIAN LONG, List Taker . a J. W. Catling's Store, Bethel Court House at Hertford i. J. W. Gatling's Store, Bethel J. W. GatUng's Store at Night J. W. Gatling's Store, Bethel All Other Days During January at Home i Hertford Township ; t : . PERCY ROGERSON, List Taker -January 2. 8, 6, 12, 1 : ... At Court House in Hertford January 16,17, 18, 19, 2. January 23, 24, 25, 26, 28. Januey 29, 30, 31 1 If. 1 " . All Oiher Days At Home At Court House In (Hertford At Court House in Hertford 1 f 1 At Court House In Hertford New Hcpe ' Township CARSON SPIVEY. List Taker January 6, 12, 19, 26. Januery 11-.. January 18 . i January 25. -New Hope Ernest White's Store Uny Webb's Store JP. P. Perry1 Store,' Woodville All Other Days During January at Home . Parkvills STowhship nuary nuary 5, 12, 13... 19, W. R. STANTON, List Taker 26 :.-lFred Winslow'a Store. Wlnf Jl ..1. Towe'a Store, Chapanoke . -J a w ..-JaclcBon'g S.ore All Oti,er Dava Durintf January at Wlnfall , Prepare your lists now, and save time in listing, also avoid PEN ALTY for being delinquent after January 81st, 1952. Thia ia required January 13. v the Law. see Uiapter bio, a. a. as. Jon 1..3. I 45, Public Laws of North I m iinr''inni'nifM.iti.Mfcl r - iff ' '4''' rAWl??Ti:f i rtinif cm ii it "Sa, ' t y i 1 Flf Al nnA tYcniFAtm J3. .M' EVERY FARM FAMILY i 1 wl v,es zes fiJltertainmen 111 SLOW MOTION MOVIES OF MANY FARM JOBS! Exciting, full-color close-ups of power tools working in the soil . . : brought to you for the first time in the new Ferguson film, "Steel Fingers and Green Thumbs" . . . plus new features on sound farming practice, efficient use of tractor and tractor equipment. Don't miss this new movie . . . it's packed with interest r ' ow-to-do-its! IN PERSON Bariarhopper AND HIS FAMOUS Ml X I E D U D E S Edenton Hihg School Auditorium Sponsored By bdenton Tractor & Implement Company Woof VVofoi. Qfi-oof t n i f 1 Vest Water Street 1 VI,