AGE FOUR i 3 r " 1 T nH-f ; 7,--' -EDNHOU'S FINEST- II I - . gwM" - m, - Question: When shoulif broceoli be planted T , , f . , Answer:' Dr. Fred ID. Cochran, pro- feasor of horticulture at State Ool lege, says broccoli la a cool-season crep and must be produced hv the spring or the fall. However, it is somewhat like cauliflower in cold . hardiness and. 'will be damaged by heavy freezes. :v . - In eastern North Carolina, broccoli should be grown between late 'Febru ary and early June, or between July - and December in the fall. In mountain areas the spring crop should be put in fihe field in late- March and harvested - in June and early July. The fall crop should be planted in late June and harvested in October and early No- .. vembeiv - : -yir Early-maturing varieties should be used. The two most satisfactory are Early Green Sprouting and Do Cicoo. , Tests by the North Carolina Experi ment Station ' show , a definite', need for adding boron to the fertilizer be fore planting, since : f "deficiency of boron greatly reduces the yield. Appli cations of 10 to 20 pounds of borax per acre have given excellent results. Question: How does North Carolina rank in rural telephone service? ; ; Answer: Preliminary data from the 1950 census indicate that only one o ier state -Mississippi ranks lower than North Carolina in per cent of farms having telephone service. As of April 1, I960, only 23,347 farms in the Tar Heel State, or 8.1 per cent of the total, had telephone service. The per cent in' Mississippi was 6.5. In South Carolina it was 6.6 and in Vir ginia, 23.7. " PLANNING TO PAINT YOUR WAGON OR TRACTOR, k. -aw Why not protect and renew them with ATHEVS r durable, high quality - r finish Klanufacturtd by BE SURE TO USE toecm.atheymintco. BALTIMORE 30, MO. i WAGON & IMPLEMENT HERTFORD HARDWARE & SUPPLY CO. "TRADE HERE AND BANK THE DIFFERENCE" "HERTFORD, N. C. HOG KILLING SUPPLIES ' It's hog killing time again, and we are well supplied with items you will need to preserve your meats. We suggest you check these items for your heeds ; .-. v22 Cartridges Pig Scrapers Tubs Pails Lard Cans Sausage Seasoning . Sugar Cure Butcher Knives Meat Cutters Iron Kettles ' Lard -Presses V 'i''-'-': i-i: 4V''-'." : . ' . " Tender Quick Meat Pumps'- '- Liquid ' Smoke ' ; , . Anti-Skipper Ckimjpound , . "... . ' .. . t : ' , ' : - Use care in butchering to prevent loss of your; meats See us. for the best supplies, and be ready to prepare your meat for safekeeping. - y. .sr- .. - - fc..- - rTTT,'' , r : 11 - i t J x Day In Day Oat It's BELK-TYLER'S For Batter Valu - linn i mil nninrr.i -' . ..f Mil I I I 111 I UHITLII ; XJ5?ss: 3 . nitf lwtTCT txt ' SHEETS Ioi- 81x99 this SALE Full hems, standard rise.- A I H 1 1 - " II ' I A good $2.29 VALUE for 1L O U- L Matching Cases AZc CAN N O N pacific?. TRUTH FINE MUSLIN FINE MUSLIN SHEET S SHEET 72 x 99 72x108 81x9-81x108 $2.59 value --$2.79 value $2J9 value -$2.98 value now $2.39 now $2.59 now $2.59 now $2.79 CASES, regular 69c now. 59c - "Trade Here and Bank the Dijjerendf PHONE. ?46i HERTFORD, M. C 72x99 $2.49 value now $2.19 ; -72 x 108 r $2.69 value now $2.33 81 x 99 $2.69 valued now $2.39 81 x 108 $2.89 value now $2.59 CASES, regular 65c now 53c v I ?5ft. - Doubles and Singles ,. 4ZXl ' CII'1-X1'. T 1 '- , t oiignuy irregulars CHENILLE . I RFnS PREAnS js.Yf . H wm 'W ' m m mm mm mw w V; . 'Full'Bize, white and K pastel colons of a Vv ": Slightly Imperfect NYLON NOSE. : - .... - . . v.- 455160 Gang Sheer Nylona of a $1.25 VALUE MS . , 53 Heavy 20x40 n tii t nil ir i a UAIII lUWLLd AA ( mmm'mm! ) Regular 59c . Heavy quality . . - fast absorb- aney .'. . colorful and fluffy . . . e ; wonderful VALUE t ! ! Women's Cotton and Rayon fine ttuaiuy SLIPS , Sizes M to 44, Lace trim white .and tea rose. All $2.59 VALUES t. ! 7 , M1 Regular 69c VALIJEExtra. Large DAIIIII)WELS......:;,glc ORG AM;; GJ 7 Crisp, frothy white organdy with enchanting warmth for i!l 1 - long. Good onaliftr, sheer, permanent finish to stay frc ' r . after many washings. JVide. ruffled borders. " ' .it Women's Fins ' 1 J ' i (I v j A Good t5.9i VALUE. IAfciz t LJ Tastei eoIors-JGmt'CiraAIXSl r ' ;, Fine 7c v-nrji c.--.::: bed..: Largo Double Bed f-e. iUL. . LI.! C-ra, r: r Lavendart A Real RAJ ,111 . 1 Cil ,1 ti i newly nvintel f f ; . .V i-r-"y cxSed yams V"j tor 7