t : rr " r E"rrro,-o, m. a, Friday, January h, 19& PAGE SEVEN , rJsine, (.ranges, and tan a the U. S. Department of s's faatmed plentiful foods Tf, Un. Nina B. Whit demonstration agent for : Colle-8 Extension Service, to&y'-?.. " 1 of their special abundance, Latns top USDA's monthly 5 ijois oat for the Southeast 1 1 oJ action is an estimated 26 t Ligher than last season, the ent explained, while raisin on is up 67 per cent The id mid-season orange crop in . ..a isL record-large, and there'll more tangerines this season than according to tJSDA crop fore- ) - ' v '.er foods on the January list for j area are pork and pork products, -vy turkeys,' hens, dry milk, cot 's cheese, canned tuna, frozen, fish, jr terns, canned and frozen orange 1 ETapefruit juices, honey, rice, .3, andalmonds. f rice crop for 151 is forecast a record 44.6 million hundred jht. Heavy supplies of frozen aceintrated and canned orange Juice om the new pack will be available J i January, USDA reports. The home ; :mt also pointed out that stocks of canned grapefruit. Juice are about four " nes those of a year ago. , : rccr.DES's court docket " LIST3. 27 (CASES TUESDAY ', .v. . . j . .-; . r ' '' .' . '". 'I? ' .'" V -. J mmmmmimmmml - i - . ('Continued from Page One) ' William Dillard, Negro, charged wiui driving without a license and with an improper muffler, entered a plea of guilty. He -was fined f 35 and costs of court. Theodore Cox, Negro, -was fined 25 and costs of court and placed on good behavior for six months afte? being found guilty of assaulting a female. Eugene Yount entered a plea of guilty to a charge of driving without a license. He paid a fine of $25 and costs of court A fine of $10 and costs of court were - taxed against James Johnson, Negro, who entered a plea of guilty to failing to give a hand . signal on the highway. Leroy lightfoot, Negro, charged with driving with improper brakes, en tered a plea of guilty and paid a fine of 10 and costs of court e Smokey Says: '' ' I r?Xm 660WIN6 By BOP " m Jiff Kfx r ivum-. CIRCLE MEETS The Mary Ellen Dozier Circle of the Baptist Church met Monday night with Mrs. Ellie Goodwin at her home in Woodland Circle. Mrs. Colon Jack son Presided due to the absence of Classified and Legals BUY RED FARM BABY CHICKS Price list worth writing for. Save ?2 per 100-or more. Address Red fFarm O, Box 272. Norfolk 1, Va. the president, Mrs. Mark Gregory, jfeblpd mm. t. E. MadTA nresentea toe pro-i - . gram and those taking part were FOR RENT THREE-ROOM.APART- W. TV Edwards, Miss 'Mamie Stallings and Mrs. J. E. . Everett Mrs. Jack (Burbage gave the scripture lesson and Mrs. Tom Perry led m prayer. .Tnere were 16 members present and 1 visit or. " After the meeting the. hostess served refreshments. ment with bath. Second floor. Ap ply Mrs. E. A. Byrum, 6 Penn. Ave., -.Hertford, N. 0. OvVa V.:v Jan25 NOTICE OF RESALE ': Under and by virtue of an order of resale upon an advance bid made by the Superior Court of Perquimans Knox. For reference see deed from County in the special proceedings en- George W. Barrow, Commissioner, to titled N. E. Chappell vs. Alonza StaJ-, Jonas Reed and Abigail Felion. record lings et als the undersigned com- ed in the Public Registry in Book NN, missioner will on the 23rd day of' on page 565. .-'',;''.' January, 1952, at 11:80 A. M., atthe J This 9th day of January, 1952. Court House door in Hertford, N. C, WALTER G. EDWARDS, offer for sale to the highest bidder - - - Commissioner. for cash upon an opening bid of $!, 361.55, a certain lot of land lying and being in Hertford, North Carolina, de scribed as follows: '.?i;;;' Known as lot No. 12 Barrow Lots in the edge of said. Town (now Town, of janll,18 '"'"K- CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks to friends and neighbors for the many ' acts or kindness extended me, for the Hertford) ; on liberty Street (now flowers and cards sent while 1 was a vcnb Street) and between the lot of patient in me Hospital sneppard Douglas and Jefferson l MRS. iB. F. PIKE "MX Yes caution with matches, smokes and campflresl ... , , ..; OUR ANNUAL ; JANUARY CLEAnAtlCE SA L E 1 IS1 NOW IN PROGRESS LADIES' COATS - SUITS - DRESSES , m DLflUSES 30' OFF VIIITE'S DRESS SHOP HERTFORD, .N. C. 'jr.-i i . REPORT OF CONDITION OI- . i;Mor4D dai;;o om Of Hertford,. in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business on tDetemger 81, 1951: ; f - - - ASSETS,'' " - L . Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve balances, 1 and cash items in process of collection . $1,110,947.02 2. U. S. Government obUgations, direct and guaranteed- .... 969,500.00 ' 8. Obligations of States and political subdivisions -- 303,589.45 4. Other bonds, notes and debentures 63,000.00 6. Loans and discounts r . J 632,778.62 .-7. Bank premises owned, $13,063.32; furniture, and fixtures, $5,663.07 . ; ; 18,726.39 8. Real estate owned other than bank premises-. , ' 1.00 11, Other assets 6,463.61 .$3,105,006.09 12. TOTAL ASSETS -L' - " . LIABILITIES , rc-nd deposits of individuals, partnerships and corpora- , y ' - tions . JL 4104,078.24 1 1. Tiir e deposits of individuals, partnerships and corporations 817,980.29 5. (Deposits of U. S. Government (including postal aavings).. : 43,484.41 . '. r"Msit8 of States and political subdivisions........ 189,040.34 . C r depo;ts (certified and officers' checks, etc.).... . ? 13,099.44 i At, 1L.iVjslTS $2,867,682.72 , t r liabilities ..-o.., :t , 6,754.27 ..TAL LIABILITIES (not including subordinated obliara- . tions shown below) .,, ; . , , . .." ..; $2,874,436.99 - -CAPITAL ACCOUNTS lis - , Tided- profits i - , 1 ; i yes Xand retirement account for preferred capital)- .$ 48,000.00 120,000.00 - 22,069.10 - 4000.00 ?30,569.10 JL CATTTAL 'ACCOUNTS 'L LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS.'-.$3,ip5,00609 Vnr.Vsi pctfl sA'tifafsi it: '-...; - , . ;t preferred stork with total par value of $23,600.00. total re- . tfrcbl y;',t:e, $23,000.00; Common stock with total par value of ; '-, -MEiciikKDA." , . . ., ".;V. -',''- " t i the cred't .of the Ute of North Carolina or . t .S. 1 tliereof, , , . .$.. 6700.00 '" J cr tito secure liabilities and tv " ' : 1 i 3 ... .J -...$ 38962.05 Jr., President of the above-named bank, do solemnly 3 tbove sf ;r.t U true, and that it fully and correctly re t rate of te s?vtJ matters nerein contained and set forth, ; t :y knowLJjs aJ LcIIJl . '- . R. 11 RIDDICK. JR. - .! CoTre!tAttestj ..-' , . J. W. WATD, " ' , . . "X H. 1IA? "CASTLE, CJA'S. E. JCl.-. --4 ' A- ' ' ' Directors. h CarolLta, 1 , J , , .- ' 1 r bscrLed id. -a r i 4 1 am not an Omcer or u erllrl TT, 19E2, and I -y TaVjt.. : -ri-f.--ivwMvu vvTru-injutji SERVE A LtLiaOUS PORK ROAST . e?ees Bnsa RIB ' PORTION Lb. 35 () ALWAYS A FAMILY FAVORITE l o if ii M CENTER CUTS m " 69c i 39c V 1 m0m (WW COMPLETELY BONELESS ALL MEAT-NO WASTE 77C ' ; STREAK O'LEAN SRHE PORES, 29c MADE FRESH-SOLD FRESH GROUND DEEP fif-r - 63c iRICH IN VITAMIN A GREEN, TOP SWEET JUICY FLORIDA FRESH CARROTS 2 LARGE FLORIDA GREEN . 35 PASCAL CELERY 2 2 BUCK THIS Bunches nnsPDEnniES SBABBOOm . . oOI ft 1 FANCY VIRGINIA GEOWN .mtV9 a&aW Stalks Lbs PULL OF JUICE ALL SIZES MO!? - 29c 19c 23c 3 29c 5- u. 29c JANUARY ISSUE OF EVERYWOMANS MAGAZINE 2-Lb. Jar WEEK LONG SPECIAL in C2 T?T7 rnur Ma.u R AV- 13 IS lllyJJUA tJ Bag WEEK LONG SPECIAL OLD VIRGINIA WEEK LONG SPECIAL DOESKIN Facial flncsnn 2 WEEK LONG SPECIAL KEDGATE WEEK -LONG SPECIAL REDGATE . WEEK LONG SPECIAL M0TT8 ' t - "t; '.' WEEX LONG SPECIAL SCOTT COUNTY OR BKOCTONTs NOW ON SALE . 5' WEEK LONG SPECIAL . . WHtRFINE TRIPLE SlffCCOffflSHI No. 303 ' . Cm Cant . WEEkf iriki? PETER PANjrrj... PeanattBaBSor WEEK IONG SPtCIAl Facial Eiasao 2 14-Or. BottUs tox 400 C. 23' ? V WO IHEim LONG UBTDIO CAB ' ' I LT."""rrrj2 map 2 e zrd '.-aMa -rtAif " Aim kATILlf1TsSAIf , - W rtf- "ft W MW ir , -' !S 1 '..;r:z:':rr:-"J a i itj ytoopi v sops . v CUIrZZ2 . WLO AMD OENTLE louounj A CAP rax. BOSS IO D8UUS V. 1,1 1 J DMHWASMM nrtTAMT sons ant wai . , AMTTMIH : 30c BAKM SkwC or. mi t Its FOB CIJUNBB WHTTIB WASHES WFI ' Mm AND - 11m OBANDUIBB SOAP BKKOTBS OBEASE USB PASTE coup TBrrBs delicious sunsbine 3& rzenrza LU ma. 33t -1 r Colonial's low, low prloM on every item throughout the store, throughout the week add up to Tower TOTAL food bill. Compare quality, compare register receiots vou eant maka a battar huw than uimIt ""v supply of groceries from Colonial! v. B EfeanrWPli aiJMi. LlAiJi-.s;i,--aiHAfi-i.mfj .- -V ..v i -.. . .. r. ;:. . .f

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