. I 1 w'. .?ify warn - s"t ' 1- . 3 1 r5. "Hicrd i-crcuir County, North Carolina. Friday. February 1, 1952. 5 Cents Per Copy h v Ajf TijilQC::::.- br:ii:rGc-Jt ' ...;.7- ..-v. Jurors. drawn by the (Board of Coun ty Commissioners, to serve at the spec ial tern of civil court, which wt con here on Monday. 'Februawr-4, are Howard E. Lone. Fred T. Mathew, Branning T. Winslow, Mr. Selma Proctor, C. P. Moms, Mrs. Mabel ' ' i l-orta made cto i.the (x-''y"nn for. the Match u YedneBday: 1 noon of iTi&catea the county -will f its goal, unless reports . h c. wden. Sidney Stal- t ..,iide: .tan much large man , . ,rw,v o N. TrueWood, ; ' V ? ' 'vV f Mr" Esther Perry King, Edward Jor . U T, Digrrs, chairman of dan Ernst w WaH(e W. I 2 IXarch of Dime former-, yte, Charlie Winslow, Lofton Dail, . rtated Wednesday total of, j G Bobbins, W. M. Rogerson, Em ,j fcad been, ..reported rom-rsoh-. vrK Goodwin. J. ID. , have completed a canvass rp Chappell, Jack L. Wil ;eir territory. . i son, Sidney T, Layden, "Calvin Mans- X large number of solioitors, espe- Jid. gf Jm,, r Winslow, Balph ..tj uv-u v., ; - lpoccory. uavia 'JW' xrueuiwu, juot n i, rcporwt. - ' "I Witeon and Horace H. Ang. ' Cf the amount repotted to ihe cnarf- , j . i a .i nr r r .an .nun . in ty solicitors of the business t df Kftrhrom. OOUOCUOM at Theater amounted to 5)1278 and. nation of $100 was made oy rae - Lioness Club. ' Incomplete i fVom the county schools show - Z-J collected from this source., i T! chairman renorted most of the r lie irs in the Town of Hertford had . ted .their reports but only a. few of the communities in the county slci;jJEastGrnStr Chapter To Sponsor Blood Progrcn KLisAn-JSqusvs V;iiGLTi2sFrom .uycctifdCriggs Special Term of Court Will Ccnyene JNext ; Jllcnday Morning i-Elriit of .the 2T case listed on the calendar for the January term of Per ouimana SuDerior Court, which con vened here last Monday morning, with Judge y Clawson' Williams presiding, were -disposed of liy Wednesday alter- nnnn-. . - " Court officials predicted that only a few more of the cases on the calen dar will be disposed of by the time the court sobum this; week-end. All cases being heitrd are civil actions, and-the 'nature" of the hearings con sume considerable time in court. On readingr of the calendar Monday morning, eight of $h cases were dis nosed either through continuance or notice by attorneys that a compromise had been reached, thus settling the actions, OSIrtiiiit Secures Mass X-ray Unit Fcr lliis District tJexl tolh Local Teams Will Play Central Boys and Girls Friday Night Peroruimans High School basketball teams chalked up victories in gtoies nlaved urainst Moyock and Griggs durirnr the nast week. The Indian County Board Meets Next Monday Morning Tito .PBraumans Counts' oard of CVmniissioners will hold its regular February meeting, next Meeday, Feb ruary 4, teethe office of the County Welfare .pepartjnent, in the Court X-rays Will Be Made In Hertford Three ' :Pays;Feb:21,22,23 The Division of Tuberculosis Con trol of the State 'Board of Heal A will send one X-ray Umt to this tieartn District for a period beginning Feb- -'KiT.' . UlBtrlCt lor a permu oeguuu. "tteii hereby 'given of a change' ruaryl4 in the board'eeting place, and in.m, W Vr B.B. Me- dividuala desirimr to appear before the una Guire, District Health Officer, who. stated arrangements lor tne A-ray unit to come here was. made through a telephone conversation with Dr. boys won over the MZ' William A. Smith, Director of the Tu VJ?L... of civfl court scheduled for nexHreek IJw kv M. wv v.ii ska v vv m.-m.w v ?1LJE-ttZh&:. requested to note Xarily.th Board meets hi the' welfare office. fc JHarvlna wnite. ''-wiui ZZ points, 7- . , ... ,. j mi ..in ti,. oirl' W. Daw, W mmissumere wm u u UiRU Vi v. O-- - '-1 - - soni Skinner and Btokeiy were oesi on efense. - v -V .Thach. Towe and Morris led the scoring in the boys? game, -while Tay lor! and Hendrix wemstandouts for Moyock. The Indians moved to a 20 14 advantage . at half time -but the Moock bova Put up a determined ef fort duruur the second half to cut the j finajl margin of victory to two points. ml. any! mvla Allfol flflaiwl ..4i,.j n ),...r HMm.. The local bovs ana Kins ouxciassea lar term of civil court were those fl the team, from Griggs m a double- Police To Tighten Enforcement Of local Traffic Laws N. 'W. ChauBell vs. Elbert Chappell, et als; Hannah Tucker vs. Andrewl Tucker; J. H. Newbold Est. vs. Jessie ' tj 'Phillips; Daniel T- Hurdle vs. W Beorganizatiom of ihe Red Cross tFCoB(aiMt --d CHfton Hardy vs. jnL3J Mayor V.N.Darden made announce- m ttJMarch "of (Dimes campaign' l rLTi, wIMildred S. Hardy. , scheduled to coma to h official close Monda nl hw when Hertford 'toy, Mrs. igger roests aM, copter of the Eastern - Star, with citors who have of made reports to , Jam , M nnan, a. dd so immediately m oruer gumed ; aponsorsWp of the program , county committee can make a ilnai i:w,.i,y.,..:,y.,:X..::,,i.v:.i. - 'check on the euccess of the drive, Apilblic njeeting, for the purpose of ere. . . . I mkuHm -interest ta tne oroffram. naa neen, ... . u.v. nu. utati- I WM 1 1 f. Ill U i 4IB WUA . aavmtc dav night, with Miss Mary Quinian, field representative! summarizing the I mimosa and benefits of the program las ft is carried out by the Kea ross. Mtaii Ouinlan Pointed ,out that tne j nrogram is -growing each year, ' and more and' more individumls 1 redeive 1 blood transfusions as routine proced ure to hasten Tecovery from opera- definite auota set for the 1952 March of Dimes, the county committee had hoped to raise - 2,000 in order to provide additional ' funds for the National 'Foundation, wMMi rlomd the year 1951 with e . A1 mf flv million dollars. One-half of the funds rafeei In the W1 itrlvn is sent to the National Foundation, while the remaining half is retained by the local chapter to be used for fighting pouo to this county. The Court was advised that ijudg- mena were being readied in the cases in which Chesaneake 'Auto vs. w. L. Barley; Ben "F. Lane vs. Seashore Trans. Co.; and Dallas Gilliam vs. Orie.11 CJilliam.. The first hearing started wra tne 0'Af tvillam C. ChauDell vs. D. M. White, et als; a case which disputed local Tuberculosis Association and Seal Sale Committees, to assist in the work of taking X-rays, when the unit visits this area. - Tentative plans call for the X-ray unit to visit four locations in tms immediate area, on the following schedule: Edenton High School (white) Feb ruary 14, 15 and 16. Chowan High School, February 19 and 20. ' Hertford Court House, February 21, 22 and 23. , Elizabeth City, February Z7, u, it. Tto Indian aquaws naa a eay - Monday which pointed toward I EUzabeth oWeatinj the Gnggs girls 44 to SU & tf J ordinance9 March 1, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 Coach Ellie Fearing -sedtiie entire otUM squaa during we gan.e w StapJnir ith a -reminder to car the; players, .gave a nne kcouih I nwnprd rfiai(1inlr within the town. May herself. White was nign scorer w.u. attentio fact n. J CT.T . ntliOH 11 . . I " " . In the bovs' contest, John Morris In announcing plana for the X-ray unit to visit this area Dr. McGuiye said: . "Any person over 15 years 01 age led H he Indian sconnsr with 11 noints. The Indians held a 7-S letd at the first nerind close and moved to a 21-9 ad- Z"JrPJu 1 : Second owPly the ,aw' held to three pomts in the second ''.., . Ma, quarter, and this broke the offensive that all cars must display the Hertford may nave - license tag on February 1. Motorists aer 101 snouiu u-b -",ier. who have not purchased tags by that Tt JZl date will be taxed with a penalty and SLSf j ii t have -an X-ray for health certificates. VOnXaCta OI lUUClvuivwa -"J-" ikaHiMon tm nieces drive of the visitors. During the third It - VUIVIWUJ LXliK wvwnvv w.iw X ( - ----- . JJjT of land in Belvidere Township. This.perlod the teams changed .defensive hearinr Was interrupted Monday after noon to enable Judge 'Williams, to pass upon a case pending 'in 'are. County involving a -court order on ! an aaop tion "proceedings in that bounty. . rinviil Cix. local surveyor, s was on the witness ''stand "most of Monday af- tioo, illness M eiden W one -"niorn minion piiraoi "".rr wimonv on aiirarvey line taade nated to the Hea Cwsamrougn wis - sWhite casei Other Great V Britain y announced a new austerltr vroeram this week, which c11 for a reduction of imports dur ing 1962, expected to bolster the. ty. financial condition of the nation, un nromram. since the start 'of tthe Korean H,r, and much of this blood has been altocated for use Iw the armed forcea Miss Quinlan told the local group, at 'the: meeting Monday, the blood quotas are.Assiirnedto.OTrotie8 on" papu lation basis f Perquimans County Is TMueBte'd to provide 450 pints of blood t C ummin each year. This quota being divided to provide 150 pinto of 1 Wood .three times annually wnen ine mobie blood unit yisits thi commum- witnesses loiiowea dut tactics and the Indians led in a 17-12 ! ffVk.. 1. nl. .nnW arA4i Peiauimans 46, Griggs 34. Ktio lofthl teams divided a double- header played with AhosWe on Wed- nadav niiht of last wee wrtn tne In dian Souaws winning a 52-17 victory and the ooya losing by a 10-point marsrin 53 to 43'. . Marvina White and Frances Wms- lo were high scorers for the Squaws eeconaiy, xne mayor rejwrwju ay;, ;- '' " v , a 1 K aKrciild the police have been ordered to enforce All hxgh gZ the law on parxing merer vroiauona. 1 - 1 fua Pointing out that die town has been pending F?ci lenient in this respect in the past, the.schoo j fJT fact that some motorists have taken " nmv " "Janrp to advantage of this leniency, forces a white and colored , : have a dnuto change in the enforcement of this law. do a most us efu job if they will ar Henceforth motorists who fail to pay range for f aimlies not X-ra yed two parking charges will be taxed one years ago to be brought to the unit Hollar for the violation. Mayor" Dar- this year. den stated 'there will be no excep-j tions to this action and requests full; ceVihera'ion of motosts, Vl . .1.1 1- - A.. - witnesseg wvw -".7-" " n. K J e also announcea ient of contenuqnrconsumee eawvn T "Tl'row installing traffic signs : on evera erable time and court oHic.a.s gueeseu Her the case would not reach the jury be fore :4ate JKednesday afrnooau. - A second. week of civil court will convene here ftextMonday, lbut.it ap n..nul nnarent many of the cases Hated on the docket will have to be carried over to a later term 01 court. &h"and Morris led the offensive,? : 11" Tnjfi: jettinr 14 and.Jl2,.n W"wwlnK Shs reported the county had eup- 'DnrnirmcncllifTh mm m t-- h points,- while Vaughn was high for the winners -with 191 '';'::...".:-: y: s . The Perquimans teams journey to rvn,.i Friday nirfit. where they will play a return engagement with the Central teams. a if Al. I liriL. l UUUIb lid SiCU If lU! -"'TT.r CJ RubOfStore HiVfiniB rjee. ii-yciw-uiu Dlaced on aome streets In order tore- . i j 1 if , heve traffic conjestion, ano.ejayr, ; by stated mcwrBmusioDeyuiese iB..3li---;-i ori o . p.,;. iir they will be inviolation of ordi nances adopted providing for this action. llllvia " I - , . , . I Her Hie oroeram lmnorWOoa or to- mieo ai pims w,wuw i . - - - . acco was cut by 43 per cent, and this grant since it began here worsjlftnnp flf I nHQAQfl IIUllUI IIU.I lllfiuuvuu is expected to have some bearing on the price on the - American market next fall. .- A new urovernment was formed in "Egypt this week following riots which hrok out in Cairo but week, result ing in millions of dollars in damage -to bronertv owned by British, Ameri cans and the French. iKng Farouk ousted the premier, heading the gov ernment at the time of the riot, and , officials reported the move probably forest-ed the Ensrlish from sending In troops to take over the entire "couiiry. ; 'fT'-' "vv A House Judiciary Committee, on . Tue4ay. voted to conduct an taves- Vr" n of the Justice Department,! - f ! .Forney General Howard Mc The probe, it wae "reported, ver the whole administration of . irtment. and follows the de .z-. which have come from the on tax scandals. ago. rh next visit of the bkwdmobile Mi nnnntv will occur on March oa anit n1n for this visit will be worked out by the Eastern Sta:nd announced t a later date, - Fall Drive Success 1 At Training School J The Perquimans Training School brought 4ta ,"FaH Drive" to a close Miwntly. with W. P. Jones as speaker - . . . i t.! for the occafl'on. 'isacn w xae eigav mA, firhruii Homerooms had a queen. These queens were assisted by their homeroom and by two or three ele mentary. teachers In raising funds for The queens and rtjieir assistants W'mnersin4-IICIub The honor roll for Perquimans High SiJhnn tnr tiui third crading period, which closed last week, was released 4.4o.. w tlio tarineinal. IS. J. WOOaara. Savnt.v Ktndema were nsteu on uic honor roll, with the 9th grade leading all others in the numoer 01 BTuuenm winning honors. . The list by classes follows: ; TNoh nrade Bobby . Mathews, Cliff Towe, Nancy Bagley, Marjorie Brinn, .Alice Dawson, Barbara Jean B,,Me11. Janice StaJlinjra. Ann White Tv ViJt, Winslow. Corbin Cherry, Joseph Rogerson, Annette troctor, wo Pat Stokes, Judy. '-winsiow, -rauune Wood, Gordon Chappell, Charles Ward, Ivy Kussell, Sarah Sutton ana u Claire Winslow. -' Ninth Grade Daryl Allen, Charles nvith. Alvm 'Holloweil. Alice jean iTvloioii. Loia Kirby, - Emily White, Joseph ' Layden, v Patricia Diggers, Ann Burke Uhappeu, ajarnara -aw Contest Announced Ag Program Provides Growth In Pastures . Ah increase in permanent pastures ficer Robert A. White on Charges 01 breaking and entering the store of Jake Mathews, located on Church Street in Hertford. j The store wits entered and robbed of $65 sometime Monday night, when entrance to the store was gained by breaking the glass of a pacx uoor. The doof was then uniocnea oy a were as follows: 4 9 A Homeroom, Ar it UillftT. -assiftted br SB and 6 A: 9B Homeroom, Joan Lilly, assisted by. 5R and 8B: 9C Homeroom .Geneva o iiw... ..tofJ Snr 1 A. and XlR:'10A dent. Kvinlrln-th. io W 70 M STrha v rave bracei tiiemeelves for d hy IB and 5A: 10 "Tv'sue White Joanna Williford, Celia . Uh is iny,down thelf Ann Stokes, .- Iv ver. . The 1 rarken lay and TV' 1M 1 to be about (0 fee and is 1 to inundate smaller com' i " the river ot protected , . ..j, a senior at i 1 t J.ool, won the an- rOT."y l-r:.J "' Tenth Grade-Jean Butt. Ann Stal bv TA'and Mrs. Mitchell,; ... Kngs, John Ifoms MaJw,1 The 1C3 Homeroom rajrratheOign- Tiison ynawieu, .T.'JT;: eH . amount of money 1 mmcene. Dail, Matue wrae In a colorful ceremony, Margaret1 Anne 'Banks, daughter of Mr. and Mrs."Clifford Banks of Hertford, was crowned Miss Perquimans High School of 1952. - This was the climax oi tne beauty contest sponsored bby the Per-! quimans Senior 4-H Qub, held last week. Miss Banks wag crowned by Mrs. Mary uew ijayton, wjiu wd din ner of a similar contest in 1951. As winner in 1951. As winner of tne iqr9 title Miss Banks was presented with a S25.O0 Savings bond, a gold ma. and mveral other prizes. Sec- nnA nliute winner was Peggy Harrell; third, Nonie Lou Lane; fourth, Marion Fllmtt- and .fifth. Mary J-e miner. winninir honorable mention were Suz- Taw. . Frances 'Sutton, Irene Wnivter and Barbara Lee Sawyer. Judges were Mrs. Ella C. Davis, Home Agent of Pasquotank Counlty, C. Alden PpkM f Flizabeh City and R- S. March, Assistantarm Agent of Cho wan county. A Junior Contest was also held in which the Grammar School in Per-, xiiWin. rnuntv eomneted. 'First place Kit & amid ctm was.won by Shelby Jean" Over'on, 71 grade student of Orammar School. Second place to Wanda Lynne Chappell of the! " P k, and tb'e record reported for 1951. A total of " . wa. teken from a counter of the 6i8 LJTSS Milwa, arrested by the thorities was aiiir1 'Uiivca jr i.wss man of the County PMA Committee. The assistance was under the 1951 Agriculture Conserva tion Program, representing 50 per! cent of the cost of- material with the farmer doing all the work. Mr.' Dail pointed out thia acreage represents additional grazing land for the increasing number of livestock in the county. He added, through the AOP, more and more larmers nave m to realize that livestock is as- greater Importance each vear in the farmimr system and that conservation practices, encouraged by ACP. have increased the yield of pas- anA frir fwiDs. The materials used by farmers cooperating with ACP have stimulated bou lmprovemem through grasses and legumes and had helped to build up these pastures to their present nign yieia. Ai.iAnnntr An invefltifiration whidi was of .he robbery. The robbery at tne inatnjrws bw was the sixth in which money was taken which has occurred in nemom during the past month. A hearing for Lee win oe nem the next lem of Perquimans Record er's Court. 1952 Farm Program To Be Discussed Mitchell was coronated "iJ i P.T.A." or 1951-1SS2. The grs- J -al r&ied by the entire school ws $1,115.88. UecHer -TJc :rt , Hears FonruiiscJ. V?9 awarfcJ special term on Friday of last wetkj jn oraer to provioe lor a t werk while &e Janury term of tcper- inr Amrtvai in session. Vnrr ies were dlsPOl of fcy the Bnv? .rti Cnort inclU&iUT C T f Robert Barker and James f mhtm entered a Plea of" Pi f to charges of speeding, and each pal J t' r-njt , a costs of conrts -.- r j ' t. who was crr. -Vterei a T- , 1 a fiixe of -i an " r, 'oxen's Tociety j 1 .lanj V. nrc i, 1 i a cor'esV LcA ze s" ) nn e Iv t e tfnts. lxV Y Smith . ;.., The tl ."a cf the . I Is the IU ?or d- jii Cites h 1e wit.'i r- 1 t p- 1 i s s I ... . f . I i tf r-- rr i cf t' Ann Ward. ii1venfh -Grade---Emily Ann Sum- ner, Dorothy Jean Winslow, Nan Ella White. Marilyn Baker, Audrey Lane, Nina Jane Chappell, Faye Butt, Shir ley Eure, Glenda Lane, Alice Proctor, Mable Majttn . 'WheoDee, aioiiie iuu Yctefl. " ' -. . - j " .. Twelfth Grade Pauline Burbage, Marguerite Butier, Amy Van Roach, Margaret Symons, auarvm ; ywve, Frits Wulf, Tommy Sumner. Hcc'-sf.ts Advised On Cmir Permit Law "T. Vf. Newell County Fire Warden, 3 a'v-Untion or county resiaenie w i taming -permit law, which' re- res an indM-oal to secure per t before stirtinr a fire near wood- 1 arefl. " Ihe.l'T is effective be 1, and the County 5in urc til fcrsons planning to c"r i " i r ich banks to j a . -i l-'-it to starting Peanut chool Held Here Last Thursday A nne-half day peanut school was held At the Agricultural Building in Crommar School. Third place went Z.Wiinieraonno..u.-.rL to Iris'. Wilder of the 5th grade -in Perqutmans Central Grammar School, judges for this- contest were Mrs. Julian White, Mrs. K. C. David and Mrs. Willard Copeland. Awards were presented by Bobby Smith, Chairman of the contest, committee. C E. White Elected Wildlife Prexy k4 F.. White. Sr...vas elected president of the Perquimans County wiUi.f. tfTlnit for the vear. 1952, at a meeting f the dub held .last Sat urday nisrht at the Jonrt nouse.. ' fVher officers named were Wallace Morran. vie president, and Cdgar Fields, secretary and tr?asurer. Frtl'owinr the' election of officers the club pre:'M)t named Sami Hour Tv ,iate. C. W. White and TYa-ramo S?mith as a membership com miff .kt a drive for. mem- The ate Mobilization Committee is calling a meeting of the County Mobilization Committee, County and Community Committeemen, farm ma chinery and fertilizer dealers, leamng businessmen and farmers of the count ty for the purpose of discussing the 1952 production goals program, as it affects this county, it was Announced today by W. E. White, secretary of the County PMA &mmi'Af'--r. The meeting will be held-wednea-j. rchi,ainr it.. .t 2 P. M.. in the wriment Station and N. C Extension .Jriculture Building in Hertford.. J. Dervice whikwii. I Kelton, 'insirict xv the Experiment (Station discussed Bm- charge of the meeting. The- ing and fertilization of peamrU. Dr. -lfe Js inrited to attend. .? . W. M. Cooper discussed research work . which has been conducted w VWM -w- m i p.rSnn diseases. IP""1 " . , M Research on harvestin machines. Tlicmlnv rTlfiaV : ... ... :j v.. o u was aiBCUnseu uj n. wwi -.- Pnorineerinar Department, of the Ex- Ur. K. K. vjouins oi the N. C Extension Service discussed insect control work and outlined some wm.. work betas' done on new va rieties of peanuts. Approximately as Perquimans County peanut growers attended the meeting nd expressed their tppreciation for an opportunity to receive this type of lniormanpn. PI.A.T DATE SET ' ' Announcement was' made today that nrtfnnl iPTA will Present Wixie Minstrel Bpice, under the direction, of Mi R. fl. 'Koonce on Thursday night, February 21, the Perquimans High School. The hew line of Ford Cars for 1952 will be displayed in this community on Friday, February 1. it waa an nounced today by Cecil C, Winslow of the Winslow-Blanchard Motor Com pany- . . , . . "Manv cnanges nave Deen the 1952 line of Fords,; Mr. Winslow said, "and we invite the people of this section to visit our showrooms to in- spect the new cars and see wieH changes." . MASONS MEET TUESDAY. : Perquimans Lodge, No. 106, A. .-P..--ft A. M, will meet Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. ' I bers far the year. ' -