... 1 ,-.- ! j V7cc!4y Puo.L.1 i evtry Friaa at "V tord, North Carolia. v"' MAX CAMPBTTJi ' ' .Editor ; Entered h second, class, matter November 16, m iv niit; Office at Hertford, North Carolina, un der the Act C uawh, 1171. SUBSCRIPTION RATES 12.00 Far Year Advertising request rates furnished by FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1952 Uncle Sam's Labor Plans A number of labor unions are now seeking wage increases and other benefits." 1 Washington ' officials are hard pressed to settle these demands, without strikes and without breaking down the program to prevent infla tion. '' ":: , A panel of the Wage Stabilization Board is now considering demands of the CIO steel workers for a pay boost. Aluminum, workers numbering thirty-four thousand are also seek ing higher pay and John ,1 Lewis is expected to make a similar move this spring. In addition, there is a wage dispute in the aircraft industry. While it is true that strikes in key industries rarely occur when the Stab ilization Bofird is considering a case, the more-important question is will the Board make a decision to permit a break-thru in present wage ceil ings? . Management has taken the ipoeition that Wage boosts must be accompanied by price increases. Some of the labor unions are seeking more than wage increases. .. The steel workers, for example, are seeking a guaran teed annual wage. About the only thing certain is that a big batch of labor troubles have been placed in the government's lap. Founder Of A Nation The man who was most influential in the successful founding of the United States was, of course, George Washington, whose birthday anniver sary is observed this month. It is in teresting to note! that, in the years immediately after Washington's death, people thought it was fashionable to depreciate the great contribution he made to the successful establishments of the United States as a world power. Not long ago, one of the country's great . historians remarked that, hap pily, that vogue had changed direc tion. Actually, he said, the more one studied the life ' and contributions of George Washington, the more he ap- ated the breadth of his talent and, Treri ability. A great general, a great President, a great engineer and a great American George Washington lft n imprint which is visible in the freedom and enjoyment of life of every American. During the bitter winters of the war, he, at times, was faced with Mmost boneless tasks. There were times when the Continental Arm v was at the point of disbanding. There were other times when the money was not available to pay off these volun teers. There were still other times when loyal subjects- and the enemy almost persuaded a majority that the cause was hopeless. In the end, George Washington and his men saw the storm out and en joyed the bri.yht 'victory-th.t f'nally came. After that. Georere Washing ton became President of the new re public and refused when nressedto 'cu l" . accept a third term in office. which he-ould surely have obtained. This ' set a long precedent which has now ueen estaousnea dv consiiuunonai nmenomeni. , ine wisaom. OI wasn ington'8 decision then is more ap parent today than it was even at that time." 'i.-.-ijf Washington, then, not only secured the freedom of the country from En gland but he established many of the principles of government, as our first President. His high standards of con duct morality, ethics and statesman ship were and are today an example for Americans in public office, .In deed, this is a proper time to atop and reflect upon the character, cour age ad.. determinatioii of Washing. toBh-whkh . so- nrbch in need in government today. Because Wash ington had all these qualities, we art enjoying 4ht traita ct liberty and Clasntfied and Leirafe MALE, ; HEU'WANTER RELTAi ble man with ear wanted to call on farmers in Perquimans County. Wonderful' onportunity. 10 to 120 ' in day. No experience or capi tal required. ' .Permanent Write today. KcNESS OOMPAiNY, Dept C, Candler Bldg Baltimore 2. IMd. ' Feb229 N3nC2! OF EE-SALS -Under td by virtue of an order dissolving the restraining order here tofore f",.r' -i m that Special Proved, ing en. ':i N.E, Chanpell vn. Alon m f ';: , et 1, made by Els T or, CLn L. V.iama, Judlj L.,- D.att, and farmer o". wuJ sale upon the -.atCh.s' a re- ttSiea Ud heretofore "ifj? , JcrJ commissioner wwr J W ruary, w&z at llcCj -A. JL, at the Court House la. CwCordi N. C, offer for sale "! ihest bidder for cash upon tpening bid of Sl.301.6o UK cer tain jot of (ana in tne town oi Men ford described as foljowii! '4 " Known aa lot No. 12 Barrow lots in the edge of said Town (now Town of Hertford) on liberty. Street (now Dobb Street) and. between the lot of Sheppard Douglas and Jefferson Knox. 'For reference see deed from George W. Barrow, Commissioner, to Jonas Reed and Abigail Felton, re corded in the Public Registry in Book NN, on page 666. - This 13th day of February, 1962. ' . ' WALTER G. EDWARDS, Commissioner. febl52 FOR , SALE PURE BRED BERK share pigs; gilts or boars, priced reasonable. See SM. Long, Route one, Hertford, N. C. - febl6,22. BABY CHICKS BEST GRADE rocks, reds, crosses or leghorns, your choice. Heavy breeds, our choice. $9.95. Red cockerels, $8.95. Address Red Farm, Box 272, Nor folk 1, Va. - marl4pd ! NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administratrix of the estate of Mrs. Helene W. New by, deceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina,, this : is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford, N. C, on or before . the 11th day of February, 1953, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment. . , This 11th day of February, 1952. , MRS. NELLIE N. NIXON Administratrix of Mrs. Helene W. Newby. febl5,22,29mer7,14,21. North Carolina,' ' Perquimans County. ' Sarah H. Lilly VS. Joshua Lilly a - ' ; ; NOTICE . . .,v - The defendant, Joshua Lillyiwill take notice that an action entitled aa above' has been commenced in the Superior Court of Perquimans Coun ty, North Carolina, for a divorce e vinculo upon two years separation; and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to ap pear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Perquimans, ha. the Court House in Hertford, N. C, with in twenty (20) days after the 21st day of March, 1952, and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff, and notifying him that if he fails so to do the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the com plaint.' '. 7 . This the 14th day of February, 1952. W. H. PTTT, ' Clerk Superior Court. feb22,29mar7,14 North Carolina, . Perquimans County. v,urlee elton vs, J. H. Lilly. NOTICE The defendant J. H. Lilly will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Perquimans County, North Carolina; to collect an amount on contract; and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of ,: Superior ' Court of Perquimans County, in the Court House in Hert ford, N. C within twenty day after I the 21st day of March, 1952, and f"8, l ma. to T .comf?aint.f I the plaintiff, and notifying him that if he fails to do so the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief de mnnd.'d in the complaint This the 12th day of Februarv, 1952. W.H.PITT, Clerk Superior Court DAna a n.i x e""'"'""tr,'x North Carolina In The Perquimans County Superior Court Kussell East Plaintiff, vs. Lillie Mae East, , ' , ' Defendant NOTICE v The above named defendant Liliie Mae East, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of, rerquimans ittunty, Worth Carolina, by the Plaintiff to secure an abso lute divorce from the defendant upon the ground that vlaintiff and defend ant have lived separate and apart for more than two years next preceding' ine winging or wis action; and the defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the of rice of the Clerk of the Sunerior uoUTt of 'Perquimans County, In the uart House in Hertford. North Car olina, within twenty days; siter, the 8tth day of March, 1962 aid answer or demur to the complaint in said ac tion, or the plaintiff wHl apply to the uourt, for the relief demanded in said contplaiut This the 6th day of February, 1952. W. H. PITT, , . Clerk 'of the SimeyHnr VMirt . fcb8,1529 ' ' NCTXC2 C? ZZ2ALE -"w via .uw vi wia au thority vectsd in . ca;f:!rs?fM by the heirs af law of Thomas C. Chap pell, .dfwt.-ed, the prrr?rty l.rrein after d 'scribed was trll on February T 1 .-; r-4 i e f7 , 1 I la a. a fc.in de time signed wU on the 2rd cUy ef Febru ary, 1852, at 11:30 o'clock A. M, at the Court House door in Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest tic! jer for cash at pntlio auction, bidding to start at $10,C23.0O, a certain tract of land and tlie timber' thereon lyin and be ing la rethel Township, Perquimans County, .N. C , and wore particularly dsribed aa follows, visu . 'landed' on the north by the Fleet wood Hill Pond; east by the Sands of Mrs. Mattie . L Charlwi) and the heirs of flarvey 'Mansfield; south by the lands of the heirs of Harvey Mansfield ;and west by the land of Mrs. ? Mattie I. Charlton, containing 51 acres, more or less and known as the "Mingo Land." For further des cription and chain of title see deed book 11, page 162, deed No. 176, Pub lic Registry of Perquimans County. North Carolina. - , A cash deposit of ten per cent (10) will be required of. the suc cessful bidder, and the said bid will remain open for a period of ten days for an advance bid. The undersigned reserves the right to reject any and all bids. - -, - Dated and posted this 9th day of February, 1952. , CHAS. E. JOHNSON, . Attorney. febl5,22 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Executrix of the estate of Wallace Luke Wood, de ceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Route S, Hert ford, N. C, on or before the 18th day of January, 1953, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment , This 18th day of January, 1952. MRS. ZELMA H. WOOD Executrix of Wallace Luke Wood jan25ebl3,1629 End Chronic Dosing I Regain Normal Regularity This All-Vegetable Wayl f Talcing harsh drugs for constipation can punish you brutally! Their cramps and ning disrupt normal bowel action, e you feel in need of repeated dosing. -When you occasionally feel constipated, get pntU but turt relief. Take Dr. Cald- well's Senna Laxative contained iaSrrup : Pepsin. It's ail-tigetabh. No salts, no harsh, drugs. Dr. Caldwell's contains an extract of Senna, oldest and one of the finest natural laxatives known, to medicine. . Dr. Caldwell's Senna Laxative tastes good, acts mildly, brings thorough relief tmfartabh. Helps you ger regular, ends chronic dosing. Even relieves stomach sourness that constipation ofteu brings. Money back H not iwM " AUfbettbleleM20, N.r.lS,N.r. DllGALDlMS SENNA LAXATIVE Oalalnod la plaataal taiHng Syrup PaaaJa TAYLOR THEATRE edenton;n. c. Week Day Shows Continuous ; From 3:30 Saturday Continuous From 1:30 Sunday 2:15, 4:15 and 9:15 Thursday and Friday,. February 21-22 Gene Kelly and . Oscar Levant in -AN AMERICAN IN PARIS" Saturday, February 23 ' , . v ; Michael Chapin in ' -ARIZONA 'MANHUNT ' ;Si,'l i ' i ' O ' Sunday and Monday, " February 24-25 - ,t . ; ft"k Levejoy and , - - Anita Louise ta . - -RETREAT, HELL" , "i'-'ifS; & Teesday and Wednesday, ' February 28-2T--. - . , Caesar Romero in OOST CONTINENT" tlark C:evensln T:z'j:::z:i in kno Friday a J ilrisy; .' . r.-i." "ryand salwO I aj V v I . JC" -t.i ) . - -?1 - , - Whan Vrmf twitm lowt down, maay foika comifua ol ot... :nnf backacno, am off . pap ad uermr, knaium sad awneta. von't auSar luarar wim tnaaa bmauorta 'i It raduovd Uanr function: la i yoa . duwa ilna to anch oomnioa cmm . tatm and araia, emitartioii or aROur to ud. tumor Maader irritationt dua to eold, . daawnaaa or wronf diet may oauaa fatting i Up aignta or frequent paaugea. Doat naftoet jronr kldneya if thaaa aoBdl- ' tloni botlMr you. Try Doan'a Piiia mild, ' dwntte. hand auteairifuliy by nllUona for OTr 60 faan. Wnila oitoo otbarwiaa cauaed, It'a aajaxint how many tlmea Daaa'a fir bappy roliaf from thaaa diacoaafoita nalp the IS milei of kidney tuoea and fllteta . fluah out matt. Get Doaa' FUla today! Dontj'o PlLLG ' HtuJj. LnvtPT VlMl MOTOt; COMPANV. WKM .MV s airt to CAMrei.THAT Of-TfcK TO ii I . . ... . . ,-. 1 " - ' t rlVsV. V.7siaalWr"ilirT ' S t k T a ) u U uevt t' r ' - " v . I , I.. ' - " ' :- ! ,. . : J" ' VL- ' ... ' V. - .o i.ili, S ! -J . . v . W -a . - ' ' ' ;-. ' ok. ; n..e ui i ' ' - ', -, . SE(XAIR PRODUCTS . GOODYEAR and - U.S. ROYAL TIRES and TUBES VLet Us Service Ycur Car " Today -. : , JOE 6 ELLS MWl STATCl RAY WHITE, Prop. tttv - MyvwIPBCAVS . I WOOL.D LIKE FDR VOU TO DO COMe REFVMR . ssaqanl r t i i .i n i 1 1 m 1 WJTS BEST- PET MR, fe ai waaeeaaaaleiaa aa atafc e eeer.a e efc m(m(f(riSv - ' AT - For the Bcstln a . . O cas-oiv , -4 . - " , 1 O GREASE ' 1 O TIRES ',' O BATTERIES ' O, WASHING PHONE 86oi WW :,vm i ... . i 4- r

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