r- cv m THS PEKQUI"AN3 tlt rr:r.TrohD. n. g, friday. aprjl is, is?. TBI Perquinssns -Weekly PublisW Trf Friday at fli ford, North CasoHiin : MAX CAMPBELL , Editor Entered M eeoad class matter November 16, 1984, at Pott Office t Hertford, North Carolina, na ier the Act of Hareh, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION BATES $2.00 Per Taw Advertising rates furnished by request, .,. FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 1952. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administratrix of the estate of John W. Hall, deceas ed, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons ha vine claims aeainst the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the! undersigned at Route 2, Hertford, N. C, on or before the 3rd day of April, 1953, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 3rd day of April, 1952. MYRTLE S. HALL, Administratrix of John W. Hall. aprll,18,25,may2,9,16 DOES THE MIND WIELD MYSTERIOUS POWER? Is there such a thing as mind-over-matter? Can thoughts affect the throw of dice or cause sudden motion in still objects? . Science reveals its findings in the absorbing article, "The Mystery of Mind Over Matter," in April 20th issue of THE AMERICAN WEEKLY Nation's Popular Magazine With THE BALTIMORE SUNDAY AMERICAN Order From Your Local Dealer NOTICE : By virtue of authority conferred upon me by a certain Deed of Trust executed to me by Decatur Davis and wife, Dora Perry .Davis, for certain purposes : therein ;, mentioned, which said Deed of Trust bears date March 5. 1936. and is reeistered in the of-! f ice of the Register of Deeds of quimans County, North Carolina, in Mortgage Book 19, page 244. i snnii at- it ociocx weanesaay, April 30, 1952, offer for sale at the Court House door in the said county, at public auction, for cash; the prop erty conveyed to me in said Deed of Trust; set out and described as fol lows: . V Lying on the South side of the Main road leading from Chapanoke to Woodvflle and bounded on the East by the lands of J. C. Wilson, on the South by the lands of J. C. Wilson, by the lands'of W. R. Perry Est. and known as the Delaware Small farm, consisting of eighteen acres, more or less, cleared and wooded. This March 28th, 1952, date posted. G. D. TOWE, Trustee. April4,l',18,25 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Exetutrix of the estate of J. W. Haskett, deceased, late of Perquimans- County, North Carolina, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the estate of said 'deceased to exhibit them" to the undersigned at Durants Neck, JST. C, on or before the 5th day of March, 1953, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. .All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 5th day of March, 1952. MRS. MARGARET ALICE HASKETT. -Executrix of J. W. Haskett Marchl4,21,28Apr6,12,19 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Shelton .H. Manley, deceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit SuTX 91 W peuSiarapun w 04 uwip Street. Hertford, N. C, on or before the 24th day of March, 1953, or this notice will he pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will ; please make immediate payment This the 24th dav of March, 1952. HOWARD h, MANLEY, - Administrator of Shelton H. Manley aprll,18,25,may2,9,16 North Carolina, , Perquimans County. Nellie C. Channel! and husband, E. N. Chappell, Sadie C. Perry and husband, W. D. Perry, and Nona C. Raper and husband, Caleb Raper, : Plaintiffs ; r vs. - Nereus W. Chappell and wife, Lenora W. Chappell, defendants. iNOTJCE OF SALE Unden and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of. Perquinmns County, made in the special proceed ing entitled as above, the undersign ed commissioner will, on the 26th day of April, 1952, at 11:30 o'clock, A. M at the Court House door in Hertford, North Cnrolina. offer for .sale to the highest bidder for cash at public auc tfn. thut rertain tract of land lying and being in Belvidere Township, Per- .' i . . . ; 1 quintans County, North Carolina, bounded and described as follows, vis.: Known as the "Low Ground Cut" as devised to W. W,; Chappell by the will of H. R. Chappea, said will be ing in record in of 3c of the Clerk Superior Court of Perouimans Coun ty, N CU in WiH Book "H", paces 815-818, , said cut containing around two acres more or less, ; ; i-v. ' A cash deposit of ten per cent will be required of the successful bidder at day of sale and said sale will remain open for an advance bid as required by law. Dated and posted this 25th day of March, 1952. CHAS. E. JOHNSON, Commissioner. apr4,ll,18,25 North Carolina, Perquimans County. In the Matter of: Mattie G. White, widow,' Audry White Collins and husband, Boyd Collins, Elizabeth White Barefoot, Mattie Gatling W. Cowan and husband, Kermit Cowan, Jean White Ruddock and husband, H. Ruddock, Geneva J. White, Louis Norman White, by his guardian, Mattie Macon Gardner, Robert A. White and . wife, Edna W. White, and Shirley Anne White and Barbara Dee White, by their Next Friend, J. W. Ward. Ex Parte. NOTICE OF BALE Under and by virtue of an order of the Snnerior Court of Perouimans . County made m the special proceed- ing enujieu UB auuvc, Wie trau.e. uciui, No. upon the special proceed- ing docket of said court, the under signed commissioner will, on .the 10th day of May, 1952, at 11:30 o'clock A. M., at the Court House door in Hert ford, Perouimans Countv, North bidder for cash those certain tracts ui,."f" " v , , , . . . . RQfj,i age District , No. 1, the Northerly of land lying and bemg in Bethel er of Tract No.-7,-wllidl point Township, Pewirmans County, North ljs 0pp08ite a cement and iron marker Carolina, adioinine the lands of jsittine 16 feet from the center of the Thompson heirs P"d others, and more I said lateral on the Southeast bank particularly described as follows, viz: : I thereof and runs thence with the cen 1. That tract of land lying and be-1 ter line of the said Lateral C North ing in Bethel Township, Perquimans j 34 degrees 30 minutes East 2105.4 Countv. N. C, adjoining the lands of Oto ueme.nt and iron marker in Branch Priscilla Parker e-' d others and o Norfolk Southern Railroad; thence known as Fidr"-k White land aionR the edee of the said right of containing 144 res more or less and way (excluding same), South 49 de being the tract first described in de?d grees ' 07 minutes East 2748.24 feet of trust recorded in Book 17. nage to a cement and iron marker; thence 68. For chain of title see deed book I South 34 degrees 37 minutes West 22, page 286, Public Registry of Per quimans. 2. Thst tract of land lying and be ing in' Bethel Township, Perouimans Countv, N. C, beginning at the bie'tainine 122.27 acres, constituting Lots ditch leadine from the main road, and . runnine uo said ditch an easterly (Per-!"urse to another ditch up to Amy Bembery and sons land, then along said ditch a northerly course to the wiraus, men uuwn uie hub m ;wi woods to Oatlines me, then a north-' cny cuue i uie wnu iiwh m -'ik Anderson 'and, then down the Ander son line to the Main Road containing 100 acres more or less. For chain of titb see deed book 3,- page 485, ty. (While desctiption calls for 100 &iHgJg. acres more or less, there is only about ronmnif ftence from eaid g 50 acres, more or less in said tract.) North 55 degrees 80 minutes West The said above described tracts of ,2640 feet to an iron marker, the land will be sold Individually, each Northerly corner of Tract No. 1 and independent of the other tract, and the Southerly corner of Tract No. 6; run said sale or sales will remain open for inf thence North 34 degrees 37 min. an advance bid as required by law. Ies 2640 feet to an iron marker; A cash deposit of 5 per cent will be e"clftfnou. fS8ln3?i,mi""Jf! ,-. j . ..i vs k&st 2640 feet to a .point in the center required of the successful bidder at f 3 oppo8ite an iron markeP dav of sale, Dated and posted this 8th day of April, 1952. CHAS. E. JOHNSON, Commissioner. Aprill8,25,May2,9 " North Carolina In The Perquimans County Superior Court Norfolk and Carolina Development Company, Incorporated, ' ' VS. Richmond Cedar Works, et al. Original Special Proceeding No. . NOTICE On the 8th day of Anril. 1952. a pe tition was filed in the office of the Branch of Norfolk Southern Railroad, Clerk of the Superior Court of Per- said marker being 3419.46 feet meas quimans County, North Carolina, al- ured along the edge of the said right leging that duplicate certificates of. of way from the intersection of the title, Nos. 6, 7, 9, 10. 12, 15, 17, 18, center line of Lateral B continued and 26, for Perquimans County had with the edge of the -said right of been lost under circumstances therein way; runnine from the said cement stated and praying that new duplicate and iron marker South 37 degrees 85 certificates of title be issued to the minutes West 1638.12 feet to an iron petitioner, Norfolk Southern Land marker; thence South 6 degrees 15 Company. The lands referred to in minutes East 988.68 feet to an iron said certificates of title are bounded marker; thence North 79 degrees 20 and described as follows: : ( minutes West 2255.22 feet to an iron A. Registered Estate No. 6, . marker; thence North 55. degrees 30 'Book 1, Page 109. (minutes West 4490 feet to an iron "Beginning in the center of lateral marker, the corner of Tracts 6, 7 and C of Parksville Drainage District No. ,10; thence North 34 degrees 37 min 1, opposite a cement and iron marker lutes East 3120.48 feet along the line sitting on the Northwest side of said of Tracts 7 and 8 to an iron and co llateral C, 16 feet from the center of ment marker sitting in the edge of the same and 2,673 feet measured the right of way of Norfolk Southern along the center line of Lateral C Railroad; thence along the edge of from the center line of the main canal, ! the Norfolk Southern Railroad right and being the Eastwardly corner of iract No. 4; and running from said beginning point North 65 degrees 30 minutes West along the tine of Tract Ma A R1QQ AO t4. ,n the Northwardly corner of said Tract No. 4; thence North' 82 deerees 42 minutes East 905.52 feet to an iron marker; thence South 71 degrees 01 minutes East 1652.64 feet to an iron marker; thence North TL degrees 09)413.21 acres, and constitutin Lots minutes East 8158.76 feet to an iron marker; thence North 31 degrees 82 minutes East 1657.92 feet to an iron marker; thence North 62 degrees 22 minutes West 954.86 feet to an iron marker; thence North 67 degrees 66 minutes West 8482.16 feet to an iron marker; thence North 44 degrees 14 minutes East 1618.32 feet to an iron marker; thence North 1 degree 42 minutes West 1908.12 feet to an iron marker on the Southern edge of the right of way of the Elizabeth City- Beckford Branch of : the Norfolk Southern Railroad; thence South49 degrees 07 minutes East along the Southern edge of the Norfolk South - em Railroad right of way, (excluding said right of way 96S5.5 feet to an iron marker, the point of intersection of the said right of way with the cen ter line of Lateral C extended in a straight direction from its mouth; thence South 84 degrees 30 minutes West along the center line of Lateral C 7384.4 feet to the point of begin ning, containing 1003.4 acres, consti tuting Lots 1. 4. 5. 6. 7, 10. 11, 12, 13, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 32. 33, 34, 85, 36, 37 and 38, as shown on the map of Parksville Drainage District No. 1 made by George R, Boyd, En gineer." : a. Registered Estate Mo. 7, Book 1, Page 183. ;.,.. "Beeinninjr'at a noint in the' center of Lateral C of Parks viHe Drainage Uutriet Wo. x opposite a cement and iron marker sitting on the Southeast bank of tateral c and 16 feet from the center of the same, which said noint is 1353 feet measurme alone the center of Lateral C from the in tersection of the center line of Later al C with the center line of the main canal, the same beine a corner of Tract No. 4; running thence with the center line of Lateral C North 34 degrees 30 minutes East 5280 feet to a point in the center of Lateral C op posite a cement and iron marker sit ting on the Southeast bank of said Lateral C and 16 feet from the center of the same (said point being 8425.4 feet measured alone the center line of Lateral C from a cement and iron marker standina in the edee of the Norfolk Southern Railroad right of way); thence South 55 degrees 30 minutes East 2719.86 feet to an iron marker: thence South 84 deerees 37 minutes West 5280 feet to an iron 2Jark.exV a COI?Ler of ff S?1, I ?J!mSTr ." uc.es mmuies west zvua.u4 reet to tnei J ogning. containing 328.60 acre8 con8titutinjr Lots NOS. 43. 44, 45, 46, 55, 56, 57 and 58, as shown on the map of Parksville, Drainage Dis trict No. 1 made by George R. Boyd. Engineer." ,; C. Registered Estate No. 9, Book 1, Paee 117. "Beginning at a point in the center 1800.48 feet to the Easterly corner of Tract No. 7, an iron marker; thence North 55 degrees 30 minutes West 2722.5 feet along the line of Tract 'Mo. 7 to the point of beginning, con' 48. 49. 60. fil and a Dart of 73. as shown on the man of Parksville Drainage District No. 1 made, by .George R. Boyd, Engineer' - Regisereosta1No. 10. t ai b of Parksville Drainage District -jno. l opposite a cement and iron marker sitting on the Southeast bank of Lateral B and .16 feet from the center of the same, said point being 1353 feet measured along the center line of Lateral B from the intersex sitting on the Northwest Bank of Lateral B and 16 feet from the center of the same; thence along the center line of Lateral B South 34 degrees 37 minutes West 2640 feet to the point of beginning, containing 160 acres, constituting Lots 66, 67, 77 and 78 as shown on the map of Parks ville Drainage District No. 1 made by George R. Boyd. Engineer." E. Registered Estate No. 12, Book 1, Page 135. "Beginning at a cement and iron marker, T. C. Storey's corner in the Southern edge of the right of way of the Elizabeth City-Beckford of - way (excluding same) South 49 degrees 07 minutes East 2081.64 feet to an iron marker at, the point of curve of the said right of way; thence around the curve to the left 520.08 feet to an iron marker at the Easter- ly noint of curve: thence South 62 de grees J5 minutes East along the edge s of the said right of way 3480.84 feet .to the point of beginning, containing 70, 71, 72, a part of 73. 81. 82. 83, 91, 92, 93, 101. 102. 103, 110, 111 and 112j'a shown-on the niap of Parks? ville Drainage District No. 1 made by George R. Boyd, Engineer." . r "F. Registered Estate No. 15, ::. Book 1. Paee 73. Beginning at an iron marker, said iron marker bearing North 65 degrees 80 minutes West 2640 feet-and North 34 degrees 80 minutes East 1353 feat from the intersection of the center line of Lateral C with the center line of the main canal; thence running from the aforesaid beeinnine iron .marker North 65 degrees 80 minutes West 382.14 feet to an iron marker; thence South 81 d?rres 69 ri,---s West 23.6 feet to an Wn a,. r. i thence North 58 degrees 01 minutes '2230 feet to the beginning, contain West 2145 feet to an iron marker; ing 172.2 acres, being Lots 18, 19. thence North 82 degrees vi minutes 3J ana si ol farKviii tmunage tns East 1436.82 feet to an iron marker; trict No. 1, being a divided portion thence South 65 degrees 30 minutes of Registered Ee'tate No. 6, Book 1. East 2559.48 feet to an iron marker;. Page , Perquimans County, thence South 84 degrees 30 minutes North Carolina." West 1820 feet to an iron marker, the ( ; h. Registered Estate No. 18, point of beginning, containing 80.58' pook 1, Page 113. acres, constituting Lots Nos. 2. 8,,8 ' ' Beginiiing at cement and Iron 9h 1i0Wl nifm f " the ank of the main canal vdlerainw District 1 made rf ParkviHe Drainage District No. by George J-3niPBe. : ence South S4 deKrees G. Registered Estate No. 17, j80 minutea West 2875.62 feet to an Book 1. Page 105. ' ' v iron marker; thence North 7 degrees "Beginning at V cement and iron minutes West 4950.86; feet -to an marker standing on the bank of tbe; lron marker; thence North 34 degrees main canal of Parkville ' Drainage! 15 minutes East 8300 feet to an iron District No. 1 at or near the mouth of marker; thence South i5 degrees 60 LvtPt tmnnino. fhrw.t -rii. minutes East 2960 feet to an iron center line of Lateral C North 34 da- marker contahnng 198 acreJbeing grees 30 minutes East 2673 feet to -OMfi ."3rind $ ' an iron marker passing a cement and f axkvUle , Drainage ; District No. 1, iron marker at 1353 feet; thence temg a divided portion of' Registered North 65 degrees 80 minutes West Estate No. 5, Book 1. JPage 2640 feet to an iron marker thence Perquimans County, North Carolina." South 84 degrees 80 minutes West: Registered Estate No. 26. 1320 feet to an .iron marker; thence' Book 1. Page 144. ; North 55 degrees 30 minutes West 1 "Beginning at a point in the center 382.14 feet to an iron marker; thence line of canal or Lateral B of Park South 31 degrees 59 minutes West ville Drainage District No. 1, Per 26.4 feet to an iron marker; thence quimans County, North Carolina, said South 81 degrees 69 minutes West point represented by a cement and 922.02 feet to an iron marker; thence iron marker sitting on the Northwest South 34 degrees 15 minutes West bank 16 feet from the center line of 260.06 feet to an iron marker; thence Canal B; the said point stands North South 65 degrees 30 minutes East 34 degrees 37 minutes East 3,960 iiMm rwry ' " ill, nurnncKss I I u j UJCAi- TOADHaJUUoV la-1 1 a. J 1- sm J ' 0 . J. , CALli: WITH PHONE 3641 MAVIBS X CAM HELP VOU-DOES IT HAVE AMY DtSTM6LMHIN6 l. J-11 V liU CJ.. feet from tVe intos-cction of the c: -ter lines of the main canal and LoU-r 1 ' B jn svil Ervnase Districts . and nr r ning from said pint with the cent r Hne of Lateral B North 34 degre i 87 minutes Last 2,640 feet to a pou t, in the center of Lateral B opposite a ; iron marker sitting on the North wa "e bank of said Lateral B 16 feet from the center of the same, the said point . being the Eastern corner of Tract No. 10; thence South 55 degrees and 30 minutes East, 1,850 feet to an iron marker; thence North 79 degrees 2$ . ' minutes west oiU08 feet; tnence . South 9 degrees 65 minutes West 1, 854.61 feet to an iron marker; thence I South 89 degrees 40 minutes Wes 778" feet to an iron marker, the corn , er of the portion of Registered Estate No. 23 conveyed to Edward J. McKee; thence North 55 degrees 30 minutes West 2,125 feet to the beginning, ' containing 111.72 acres, being Lots" 89, 90, 99 and 100 in Parkville Drains now niittrfot No. 1 and i, outlined in Red on attached map." . Said petition will be heard and con-, sidered and an order entered thereon at the office of the Clerk Superior. Court of Perquimans County, North Carolina, on the 12 day of May, 1952,; at 10:00 A.M. - t' This the 8th day of April. 1952. iW. H. PITT. 7 Clerk Superior Court. Aprill8,27,May2,9 ' " . E 4 I KEEP IT SERVICED BY A T0;VE-17EBB C0T0R.CO. SO IT HAS A VERV mNPlNca 1 CCiT II

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