WE ICILY c luir.a XDCNumbsr 17. Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, Friday, April 25, 1952. 5 Cents Per Copy E ' Numerous Fines Taxed ;. Against Defendants ; For Violations ' Business was brisk in Perquimans Recorder's Court KMs week, after a recess of one week, with a total of 43 cases listed on the docket, A ma jority of the defendants, charg ed with violation of traffic laws, en- tered pleas 'of guilty and thus short ened the activity of the court. Fines of $25 and coats were taxed against Joseph Spruill, Negro, -and George IWlnslow on charges of speed ing. $10 fines and costs were paid by Roland Hill, Leamon Woodley and Robert Wentz, each entered pleas of guilty to speeding- Daniel Beals, Wil- " liaai Harris, Oscar Stone, George Thomas and William Colcord paid the costs of court on charges of speeding- ' ;-"V;;;.:;;v''.,:i.';-'--:-Eight defendants were charged with ; driving overloaded trucks and each entered a plea of guilty and paid the following fines and costs :, , Henry .- Jackson, $10; George Traf ton, costs; Larry Alexander, costs; Raleigh . .White, $10; Thomas Archer, costs; : Clarence Byrum, $20; Thomas Brough. ton, $10; Norfleet Brothers, ?10. ' Carroll Baker and Garland Walk er each paid a fine of $10 and costs on charges of driving with improper . mufflers. ' 'A Lawrence Wood, Jr., Frank Hassell, Negro, each were fined $100 and costs 1 on charges of driving -drunk. Each . entered a plea of guilty. ". Robert Locke paid the costs of court on a charge of aiding and abetting in a drunken driving case. Theodore Lee, Negro, entered a plea of guilty to charges of failing to ob serve a stop sign and driving with in sufficient brakes. He was (fined $10 " 'and costs. ; rr.i: Robert Hall was . taxed with the costs of court on a charge of driving a the left side of .that highway, A,. Hilda Applegate entered a plea of iruilty to passing a car on a curve. paid WcostrftfuiC . - . ma a James Randolph, Negre, was fined $10 and costs on a charge of drlT- -ing with insufficient brakes. Lonnie Sanderlin, Negro, was taxed with the costs of court on a charge of transporting tax-paid liquor. i George Phelps was fined $10 and costs ox a charge of following a ve- hide too dosely. . Lemuel ' Boone, Negro, entered a plea of guilty to driving without a V license. . This was a second offense hearing and he was fined $50 and costs and given a 60. day suspended sentence upon condition he not drive again without a license. Robert Allen, charged with posses ion of non-iax-paid liquor, entered a plea of guilty and paid a fine of 110 and costs. Stanley Liebner was found guilty Af reckless driving and speeding and ' failing to observe a stop iSgiL ; He was timed $25 and costs of court - Dillerd TUddick was fined $2 and jcoss oa a charge of being drunk on the streets of Hertford. , ' Carl Neal, Negro, charged with a similar offense, was also fined $2 and coats. A verdict of not guilty was returned In the ease in which Rudolph Shan, von, Negro, 'was charged with tres' pass. Bobby Elliott was ordered to , pay the costs on a charge of driving with-' out a "cense. Willie Webb, Negro, was fined $10 and costs on a charge of assault. teiio: Sc!;::I r::.::3cJ Sillily Cylfrit Twister A hih wind, sweeping across the iielb to t.e west or the Central Gram-T CJhool at ajbout 2:30 P. M., ' last FI ,-,7 afternoon, developed into . light t wter and caused slight dairt ejes to two classrooms of the school when it struck t2ie front of the build- t-r. . . - ' T'-'-trifxA of Schools, J. T. T"z: t:rl the wind causei . i ct,..i z cf Ue two rooms to drop J inches, and some of the ceil i - was tbrn away completely. "s in Cie rooms reported the f il& iZ L s ind. could, be fult a i j t.r.e ii rajisd into the classroomi i -ovoh open windows. 'i'e wind, could be seen travellitj - 3 the .!J3, pickinT n dirt, ri c'hvr dJuris t.i l is ws 1 i .o t' e buIIJiiig ulstt Ce 1 1' a e.liOol. "Jut Cer 'Ovlfi r ' c-- 1 1 h t' 3 TOW Post To Install Of ficers April 28th Recently elected, officers for the Garland H. Ownley Post of the Vet erans of Foreign Wars will be install' ed at a meeting of the Post to be held Monday night, April. 28, it was. re ported here today. . ' -,r Incoming officers Cor the Post are C. Edgar White, commander; Cliff Banks, senior vice-commander; Hank Chnstgou, .junior Tice-commander; Emory White, quartermaster, and Jar vis Ward, chaplain. A number of appointive offices and committee members! ips will be filled by the new comman ler, following the installation. ,., , 1 , 110 1'om'jGrs Choose District Officers At Meeting Here Highlighting the morning session of the Federation meeting of Home Dem onstration Club women in -Chowan, Gates, Pasquotank, Camden', Curri tuck, Dare and Perquimans counties, District 25 in Hertford on April 16, was the address given by Dr. Bessie McNiel, Head Home Economics De. partment, at East Carolina College. Dr. McNiel spoke on "Families, Our Most Important Resources." Also on the morning program was a talk by Miss Ruth Current, State Home Agent ;'iv;.. ..a::,;';; The Federation meeting was presid ed over by Mrs. J. W. Hatstead of Camden County. Dr. McNiel was in troduced by Mrs. Edwin White of Perquimans County. About 425 wo men registered for the meeting. The gavel was won by Pasquotank County, cased on largest percentage of enroll ment present The devotional was giv en by Mrs. Hanford Spivey of Sates County and words of welcome by Mrs, John Hurdle and Mr. Archie Lane of Perquimans County. ", , J The. District Achievement and ac complishment report was given by Mrs. Guy Gregory of Camden Coun ty. Both Chowan and Perquimans Counties Choruses rendered special -nusic during the morning session. . Taking the spotlight during the at toraonn neriod was . Entertainment bv Chorus: The i - . . District Winner in the: Homemakers Creed contest was announced by the Chairman with Mrs. W. W. Bundy of Perquimans County taking first place. Portions of this creed will be used in comnilins a creed td be used in the Home Demonstration Clubs throughout the state, v' . , Officers for 1952-63 for District 25 were installed by Mrs. Verona J. Langford, Eastern District Agent Those taking the oath were Mrs. Wal lace Goodwin, Chowan, Chairman; Mrs. J. P, Morgan, Currituck, first vice-president; Mrs. Fred Mathews, Perquimans, second vice-president; Mrs. Carol Jackson, Pasquotank, third vice-president: Mrs. Hayes Carter, Gates, fourth vice-chairman; Mrs. Lee Perry, Dare, secretary, and Mrs. Guy Gregory, Camden, treasuser. Ushers for the day were 4-H Club members, Myrtle Gordan Williams. " Shirley Eure, Mary F. Euro, Lin a Ruth Proc tor, and Delma Ann. Hurdle and (La Claire Winslow. " ''' ' Groun Biniring was led by Mrs. J. D, Yeates, with Mrs. Fred Mathews, pia nist, both of Perquimans County, Student Council To Elect Officers The Student Council of Perquimans High School will hold its annual elec tion of officers on Thursday, Hay 1. The campaign speeches will be given on Wednesday, April 80th, The presi dent of the Student Council for the 19524953 school year is elected from the risinr Senior ClasirUie vice-presi dent is elected, from the rising Junior CW. and the secretary from the ris ing Sophomore Class. The oUier of ficers are elected from the school at large. The candidates are: ' President Mollie Lu Yeates, Mabel Martin Whedbee, Billy IChappell; Vice-president Marshall Winslow, Tilson Chappeli, Clarence Chappell; secretary Emily White, Julia Ann Stokesj Billie Carol Divers; Treasurer -Marilyn Baker, Faye Butt, Nan El la White, Suzanne Towe? Kay White Stanton; Sergeant-at-arma John Holmes, Pete Mathewej Howard Wil- bams: Son? Leader uloy Evans. Tom. my Mathews, Carey Stallings, Kath erine Nixon, Jonie Lou Lane, Peggy Stokely; Pianist Una Ruth Proctor, Jack Phillips, Jean Long, Patricia Biggers, Cliff Towe, Marian White. ,N PARTY POSTPONED , ; p 1 Announcement wasmade today that the benefit card party, planned by the BPW Club for next week, has been po"poned because of revival service i t i" e Hertford HcShodist Church. A t i fr tf.e party will be announced L'. r. i f TUS3DAY -0.-1C3, A. F. y r!-vt at i.i LiW.J to 1 1?" A..: a..:ni Bg&tCtaciitot To Pasters Of Area LsstMGndayti'iglit Dr.V L. H. Dawson Ac cepts Call to Virginia Pastorate' On Monday at 6:30 o'clock the Hertford Baptist Church entertained the Pastors of the Chowan Associa tion and their wives at a fish fry on the lawn back of the church.' Visiting ministers and their wives present were: Eev. and Mrs. Paul F. Burke., Belcross; Rev. and Mrs. R. N. Carroll, Edertton; Rev. and Mrs. Ralph W. Knight, Ballard's Bridge; Rev. and Mrs. W. W. Finlator, Eliza beth City; Rev. and Mrs. J. S. John son, bhiloh; Rev. and Mrs. Lee A. Phillips, Tyner; Rev. and Mrs. A. H. Outlaw, Elizabeth City; Rev. and Mrs! G. M. Singletary, Elizabeth City; Rev. and Mrs. W. V. Brown, Hobbsvillej Rev. W. E. Pope, Columbia; Dr. and Mrs. R. W. Eicklighter, . Elizabeth City; Rev. Bennie Crawford, Hert ford; Rev. Caleb W. Goodwin, Jr., Corapeake; Rev. and Mrs. R. E. Gor don, Rocky Hock; Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Ratledge, Salem; Rev. Horace E. Jones, Currituck; Rev. 0. S. Edmonds, Swanquarter and Rev. W. D. Whise nant, Camden. . , Dr. and ; Mrs. L. H. Dawson arid family were guests of honor, this be ing the last meeting Dr, Dawson would attend before going to the Pas torate of Deep Creek Church in Vir ginia. ; Rev. W. W. Finlator spoke in appreciation of the life and work of Dr. Dawson as he had worked as Missionary in the Chowan Association since his coming with us on March 1, 1949. Dr. Dawson responded with fit ting remarks. ' '' . . Dr. Dawson has) accepted the Pas torate of the Deep Creek Church in Virginia, and will began his work there May 1. Mrs. Dawson and the family will remain in Hertford until school closes. T Those acting as hostesses in behalf of the local Baptist Church were: Mrs. Tom Perry, Mrs.' Robert Elliott, Mrs. Joe -.Ward and Mrs. Tom Madre. X Perquimans High School's baseball team moved a notch nearer the dis trict championship last Friday after noon when the Indians triumphed over Ahoskie by an 8-1 margin. While the Indians were winning Gatesville lost a decision to Windsor which left Perquimans at the top of the district standing in games won and lost. Vernon White did the pitching for the Indians at Ahoskie and allowed only three hits while striking out 15 Ahoskie batters. Clyde Lane led the Indians in batting getting three hits out of four attempts including a dou We. rr. Ahoskie took a 1-0 lead in the first inning but the Indians moved ahead with two runs in the second, collected three -more in the fourth and seventh for a total of eight runs. Perquim ans got 14 hits off the Ahoskie pitch er, and committed two errors. On Tuesday afternoon of this week the Indians played a return game with . Windsor and won by a 6-0 score. Vernon White, pitched for the Indians and was in fine form, allowing only one hit in the seven inning contest. He struck out 13 Windsor batters and gave no bases on balls. Clyde Stallings and A. L. Lane led Ate Indians on the offensive, each getting two hits. The Indians scor ed two runs in the fifth inning and four more m the sixth. The Indians will play Ahoskie here Friday afternoon in the final game of the conference and a victory will assure the local team of moving up to the district play-offs in the State Elimination Play-offs. - Miss Nellie Fields Weds Nelson Oberst ' Miss - Nellie Fields, of Hertford, Indians I op nnosKie In Conference Game Fla.,; were married Saturday, April,"1 char?e : , arrangements, 19, at 7 o'clock in the evening, at the Methodist Parsonage in Hertford. The Rev;. A. L. Chaplin, pastor, perform ed the double ring ceremony. Only the family and a few intimate friends were present 'Vv-Vs. "(The bride, who ' was unattended, wore a wool gabardine suit of plum, with natural accessories, and an or chid corsage. - - ' ' The couple left immediately after the ceremony for a "short motor trip. Mrs.. Oberst is the daughter of Mrs. G. E. Fields and the late Mr. Fields of Hertford. 'She is, employed as sec retary - to the' Superintendent of Schools of Perquimans County. Mr. Oberst is. the eon of Mr. and MrK C. A. Cberst- of Berwick, Pa., and is in business in Florida. Legion Post Win Compile Roster Of Duried Veterans Election of Officers Is Planned For Meeting Thursday, May 1 The Wm. Paul Stallings Post of the American Legion will meet next Thursday night, May 1, at 8 P. M., at the Agriculture Building in Hert ford and a number of important matters will be handled in the meet ing. ... A nominating committee, composed of C. F. Sumner, F. T. Johnson and C. C. Banks will name their slate of officers for the Post for the coming election, and the election of officers will follow this report. Action will also be taken on the Post plans to conduct a continuing survey of cemeteries to make a com plets list of veterans of the two World Wars and the Korean War buried in them. Post Commander B. C. Berry stated the Graves Registration Committee has done some work on this survey but the list is incomplete and it is destined that a complete list of all veterans may be secured through the working efforts of all members of the Post The project will be one of the most ambitious undertaken by a veterans' organization here and the plan in cludes maintaining the records after securement. The post desired to ob tain the name of the veteran, his ser ial number, address and name of next of kin, date of birth, date of death, branch of service, rank, dates of en listment and discharge. One copy of the record will be kept in the files of the local Post and a copy will be forwarded to the State Department of the American Legion at Raleigh. The aim of the project, according to Mr. Berry, is to have an American Flag flying over the grave of every veteran of World War I and II and the Korean War on Memorial Day and other appropriate days during the year.. 1 Auit a vov wit! utg KijrciL nooiQUUiw ... .1 . I. . 1 . wipn tne project , py memoers oi tne American Legion Auktfia. PCHS Juniors Host The Junior Class of Perquimans High School entertained the Senior Class, the faculty members, and a number of guests at their annual Junior-Senior banquet and dance held in the ballroom of the Virginia Dare Hotel in Elizabeth City. - The ballroom was attractively decor ated in green and yellow. A Hawai ian theme was carried out in the dec orations with Hawaiian leia used as favors. The program for the banquet open ed with the invocation by J. T. Big gers, superintendent of the Perquim ans County Schools. Billy Chappell, president of the Junior Class, gave the welcoming address. Wilma Good win, a member of the Senior Class, gave the response. Mollie Lu Yeates, secretary of the Junior Class, irave the toast ' to the .Seniors and Walter Humphlett, president of the Senior Class, . responded. Marilyn Baker. treasurer of the Junior Class, gave a toast to the teachers and E. C. Woodard, principal of the high school, responded. Mabel Martin Whedbee, Junior Class vice-president, closed the program with a poem, "Isle of Golden Dreams." A vocal number, '1Blue Hawaii" was given by Miss Janice Yagel, who was accompanied at the piano by Miss Ruth Dawson. The menu included tomato Juice, turkey, dressing, creamed . potatoes, may peas, butter and rolls, jsrtrawber- ry shortcake and iced tea. At the conclusion of the banquet a dance was held in the ballroom with music Provided bv Freddie Bvmm and his orchestrsTfrom Edenton. ' Miss Louise Hines and Mrs. Joann Stallings, Junior Class sponsors, were Belvidere Ruritans Hear Forestry Talk . Members of the Ruritan Club of Belvidere heard, an interesting dis cussion on the protection and de velopment of forests at their meet ing held on Thursday night of last week. ' -i-'. . V J. W. Nowell, county forest warden, and the District Warden, of Elizabeth City, were speakers on the program. The State Forestry project was out lined by . the speakers and figures given for results achieved since the program was adopted several years To Seniors At Party Eighteen Candidates Board Of Elections Music Groups To Give Concert Friday Night The Perquimans County High School Band and Glee Club will pre sent its annual concert ort Friday night, April 25, in the school audi torium, beginning at eight o'clock. This will be the first public ap pearance of Ithe band in its new uni forms, purchased through sponsorship (A the Junior Chamber of Commerce. Directors for theconcert are Mrs. Charles E. Johnson, Glee Club; and R. C. David, Band Director. A splendid musical program has been arranged for the event and the public is invited to attend. No ad mission will be charged. Central Grammar PTA Meeting Held On Monday Night The Parent-Teacher Association of the Central Grammar School met on Monday evening. The meeting was opened with the group singing "On ward Christian Soldiers," followed by a devotional given by Mrs. Annie Perry Asbell. Two musical selections were rendered by Mrs. Charles John son, accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Ralph White. Members from the sixth and seventh grades sang two numbers and were accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Charles Johnson. A read ing, "Young America Be Strong," was given by Mrs. Elijah White. After the reading of the minutes, Mrs. E. S. White, Chairman of the Nominating Committee, announced that Mrs. Naomi McDonald will be vice-president for the coming year, instead of Mrs. John Hurdle. A letter from Mrs. Miriam Mor- can Huirhes. daughter of Mrs. W. F Morgan, was read. In this letter Mrs. TT 1. , l " .1 . nugucs expressed ner appreciation and gratitude to the association for Sending its contribution to the Nat ional Headquarters Building Fund, as a memorial to her mother. The PTA approved a donation of $5.00 to the County cancer drive. Mrs. Mathews, president, announced that the Publicity and Procedure Book, compiled, by Mrs. Joseph Wins low, will be on display in the hall at the next meeting. This book contains an account of , a activities of the PTA for the past year. Mrs. Jack Benton, program chair man, announced that the Old Neck White Hat community will have charge of the May program with Mrs. Claud Williams as chairman, assisted by Mrs. Freeman Umphlett and Mrs. FJoyd Mathews. A picnic supper will precede the evening's program. : The recreational period was in charge of Mrs. Eddie Harrell. The attendance prize was won by the seventh grade. Negro HI) Clubs Plan Week Of Observance National Home Demonstration Week will be observed by the Negro Home Demonstration Clubs of the county the week of April 27-May 3, it was re ported today by Mrs. M. B. Taylor, Negro Home Agent A varied pro gram emphasizing the purposes of the club work will be presented dur ing the week with 10 clubs and their 368 members taking part Three community meetings are planned for the week with members being urged to attend. The meet ings will open with a Church Ser vice at the First Baptist Church, Hertford at 3 P. M., April 27. Rev. W. J, Thompson, will be the guest speaker. A second meeting will be held April 29 at 7:30 at Pools Grove and an adult banquet will be held at Bay Branch Community Building at 7 P. M., on May 2. Father Of Pastor Dies At Columbia . Leroy R. Chaplin, 7, father of the Rev. A. L. Chaplin of Hertford, died at the Columbia Hospital Tuesday morning. Funeral services were con ducted Wednesday afternoon at Sound side Baptist Church, by the Rev. W. E. Pope, assisted by Rev. J. W. Al- ford and Rev. Earl Meekins. ' Mr. Chaplin was a native of Tyrrell County and a member of the Baptist unurcn. r v.- .:--( - Surviving .besides his wife, Sadie Lois Chaplin; are four sons, the Rev. A. L. Chaplin, of Hertford; Dr. S. & Chaplin, H. L. and a R. Chaplin, all of Columbia; four daughters, Mrs. Herbert Buck, of Greenville, Mrs. Rommie Baternan, Mrs. . IWinfred Brickhouse and Mrs. Edward Davis, all of Columbia. .Route 2: 13 srrandchil- dren and 10 great-grandchildren. . File Names With For County Offices Only Two Contests De velop For Primary Set For May 31st Only two county offices will be at stake in the Democratic primary to be held on May 31, it was revealed here Monday when W. F. Ainsley, chair man of the County Board of Elec tions, announced a total of 18 candi dates had filed for the offices to be filled in this year's election. The two local contests will be for the office of Register of Deeds and Commissioner of New Hope township. Six candidates are seeking the nomi nation as Register of Deeds, these be ing Julian Powell, Ervin Turner, C. C. Banks, Jim Bass, George Jackson and Edgar Morris. Elmer Banks and Robert Spivey are the candidates seeking the nomina tion as Commissioner from New Hope. A district . contest will also be de cided by the voters, that being the nomination of two State Senators for the First District. Four men, J. William Copeland, A. P. Godwin, Jr., Everet Burgess and Webb Williams are seeking the nominations. With last Saturday the deadline for filing, Mr. Ainsley reported 18 persons had entered their names in the primary election. Ten of these candidates are without opposition and will be declared the Democratic nomi- nee for the offices. Seeking re-elec tion and being without opposition are County Commissioners A. T. Lane, William C. Chappell and E. B. Hollo well; Representative C. R. Holmes, Treasurer Max R. Campbell, Record er's Judge, Chas. E. Johnson, members of the Board of Education, George Caddy, Delvin Eure and S. M. Long. Warner Madre, seeking the office of Commissioner from Bethel town ship, left vacant by the retirement of Roy S. Chappell, is also without opposition and will be declared the nominee. Registration books, for the primary. will be open next Saturday, according to Mr. Ainsley, and will remain open 'or fou.r weeks for individuals desiring f vAOnafav ?mt nwimnw. Damn to register for the primary. Reaa's- trars will be at the six polling places in the county on April 26, May 3, 10, and" 17th and challenge day Will he ob served on May 24. Pnurf llnshlo Tn UUUI l UIIUU1U IU Complete Docket Before Adjournment ine spring term oi rerquimans County Superior Court adjourned here last Friday afternoon without com pleting its calendar of criminal and civil cases. Court officials foroaw there was insufficient time for hear ing of all 34 cases listed on the crim inal docket and six of these cases were continued to fte next term of court. Only one civil action, a divorce case, was tried during the term, all other cases were continued. Cases tried on Thursday of last week included 10 in which Freddie Lee, youthful Negro, was charged with breaking and entering and lar ceny. Lee was convicted of similar -charges on Wednesday, in one case, and he entered a plea of guilty to the 10 counts. Judge Williams sentenced the youth to not less than 7 or more than 10 years for breaking into Div er's Jewelry. He received sentences of 3 to 5 yeais on all other counts, and the judgment read he is to serve one 3 to 5 years sentence before be ginning the 7 to 10 years sentence. Judgment was continued in four of the cases, to be passed upon at a later term of court and judgment was sus pended in five of the cases pending good behavior for five yeans after his release from prison. The judge explained the complicated judgment by state the youth will serve some 15 years in prison. A mistrial was declared in the case in which Charlie Dail was charged with driving drunk. A verdict of not guilty was return ed in the case in which William Jen kins was charged with breaking and entering. Elva Lee and Alexander McDonald, Negroes, charged with aiding Freddie Lee to escape jail, entered pleas of nolo , contendre. They were ordered to pay the costs of court and placed on probation for a period of two years. William Knight, Negro, charged with carnal knowledge was found guilty of forcible trespass .He was ordered to pay $75 to MaWtie John son, costs of court and be of good be havior for a period of three years. - 'A Jury returned a verdict of guilty of involuntary manslaughter in the . case of Isaac iRiddick, Negro, and rec ommended mercy. The court sentenced Riddkk to prison for 8 to 5 years, suspending the sentence upon pay ment of a fine of $350 and costs of court and placed Rid dick on probation for five years.' (..,',;-,

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