4 rar wssumAKS zssly, hertfokp. n. a, FRiDy. april 25, 1952! " 7 AtC JiVknr 1 i. b1 Lira. W. V. Wells and lira. S. Vki spent Sunday at Ocean a " 1 ' ' " it1, ;V-eni At Rocky Mount Z "r. and Mrs. Burnice Inacoe And a spent the week-end at Rocky '.ant with relatives. Vom (baaoa ' ' ' R. E. Vfckers and n, Tenn.j spent this d Mrs. Ellia White. EOSTECS TO CLU3 ' lira. V. N. Darrien Wrfomi fn her bridge club Tuesday night at her noma on front Street.- V Thnao nfnvinc were Mesdames J. O. Felton, Ernest Gutlyrfe, T. B. Sumner, W. G. Wright, B. : G. Koonce, Mias Thehna Elliott and Miss Kate Blanchard. The high score prize went to Mrs. Sumner and low was awarded Mrs. Guthrie. A sweet course was served. From Suffolk I -Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Elev and WE SELL I children visited relativea at Suffolk, Va.. Sundae Thov j home by Mrs. Eleys mother, Mrs. C. J. ' Atkinson, to spend a few days ere. PAGE SEVEN Returned Home Scrc:n Doers -and Screen Vire 12-inch . .... '" 1 ; . '. For Driveways, Rock Lathe and Slieetrock Ready-To-Install Cemant Steps eptic Tanks (Cement) $75X3 Disappearing: Stairways ; $45X3 Week-end At Rocky Mounl Mrs. Plvde MoTj.11,, Tn!v iir; low. Mrs W. m ..j.ui.. Mae Wood Winslow spent the week- J In "octy ittount and attended the wiley-Winslow.marriage on Saturday. In Norfolk Mrs, Lucy Madre is visiting her daughter, Mrs. George Hawkins, in Norfolk, Va. , Week-end Here CommnnHei- on1 iMm T: r o. in ui-jiiii ami w c V . w.u WCA-CllU Wlbil "j-rs. nm Bnnn Mrs. J. H. TT,, Mf Z8!8 ifuise. spent ia inuwaay wrtft Mr. and v,.,, . - ' w a,.u una; iniuu oi wasmngton, v. u, i Mrs. Mark Gregory. , ner ftome at Littleton Sunday after' visited Mr. and Mrs. J. T. White at' LLwmmmm spenduur last week with Mr. nA Mr. w. t. .. r-.tV: el ... : V . . al T 'c v!i. ov : . I uio uii vri uuu oireet fast weeit. . v. 'v. ... uuc , wtvi awumpamea , home by Mr. Thrower, who spent the j Attended Funeral ' week-end. ' . jir. una jnrs. vi. w. itarbee attend From Raleigh ; W. E. White, Jr., of Raleigh spent several days this week with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. White, Sr. ed a funeral of a relative at Spring Hope last Thursday. Week-end Here Mrs. Dennie White of Elizabeth City scent the wplr-n1 with M,. nnj mm - - 4il UIIU Mrs. W. M. Divers. From California" Mrs. Robert Brodie.'' III. of nado. Calif.. ArnWH TiiAoHoir 4- her Daren ts. Mr. nnH Mra W W Woolr.onA ey, Jr. Her husband, Ensign Brodie, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sitterson of is now on a tour of sea duty in Kor-' Norfolk; Va., spent the week-end with ean theatre of operations. ' , Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Penninttr Returned Home- Mrs. Milton White of Greenville, From Norfolk I 1 nomas Farmer of 'Norfolk, Va.,- PARAGON BEAUTY SHOP will be closed all day Monday, April 28. Our operators will attend the College of Beauty Knowledge at Wilson on that day. ' ' Our shop wi'l re-cpen on Tuesday. WE HAVE IN STOCK GLIDDEN PAINTS ELJER & AMERICAN STANDARD riUMJSiiu FIXTURES GOULD AND DELCO ELECTRIC WATER PUMPS PLYWOOD , KITCHEN CABINETS KITCHEN AMD BATHROQM TILE BOARD s ? HARRIS Plumbing & Building Supply Company PHONE S401 , HERTFORD. N. C Itertfoffl HafdVvare ' Supply Co. .if lit mmw SPRING HOUSECLEANING SPECIAL 1-GaL "R Can l Tprwg housecleaning i special Lb. Can HOUSECLEANING SPECIAL-BRILLO 2 a; n srama boosb cuanino special bo-peep Qt. Bots. i' i ' " ' " - 1 i . W "m, &M 'hS-A -Zl.g Z I . r Model MC- TPRWG HOUSECLEANING SWUAL TfRINS HOOStOEAMIMG SPEOAl -Oz. Pkg. 37 23j WITHV . SPRAYER NBW MIRACLE SOOCttfNG PADS SStUIFH12r MAGIC PADS Each Quart BottU TPRWG HOUSECLEANING SPUIaT 10-Ox. ftPRiNA nnnu rn vivnin cwrAs KEP SEVERAL ON BAND Hoaou orr bbai.kih. 67 shines wraaoac bvbbing southern hanob $a Sure Jo Cjet lour& n VINYL PLASTIC CLEANS ANB POLISHES SOUTHERN MANOR Lb. Can Pint Can no d:fxo$t!Ng;..! Anywhvl AnyTmml See the only refrigerator that COUNTS Westinghouse ' FROST-FREE. It counts door openings, because door openings let in warm air which causes frost to form. , At every 60th door opening, FROST-FREE automata- Ca.y dofroats itself, automatically evaporates the vater! rtjnshouse FR03T-FREE is the only home-proved ' cor-:' f'y automatic refrigerator ... the only one (hat 1 dc . j e -Jy when and only when defrosting is needed. v toe it ciiccr Westinghouse Refrigerators today. , , " r 3AtT-t; j r zxt kzx, . " ""3 M KE"tt$ and Shelvsa-Wfi Ths-Dnnr A? XAjy-io.! 8-way Door ' xianaie nipu-puno, sHavts 4- EST PRICE OF THE YEAR VIRGINIA BUCK SHAD f; -. ,,.:;v- .; ....... ft. 12 ONLY WITH EACH $5.00 IN TRADE 1 FANCY, TENDER STRING LESS Medium Porgies, lb. . 15c Roe Shad, lb........ -29c Fancy Shrimp, lbl...59c Square Cut 77771 JUICY DELICIOUS 0 iLJi Lbs. 35' I. fl. NO. 1 FLORIDA WMRB . Tender Sweet South Carolina GEHSn DERS 2 - 33c nUI OOIMR BANTAM ' (3DTJ.rj.(3D 3 -29c au nan juict 1 '' - FULL OF JUICE LARGE CALIFORNIA LEMONS D0Z Boneless And Rolled JL;W i N ri r i r i i . 7i n W I JL TENDER AND MSATY -85. Shoulder Chops FTJIXT TRIMMED KtmP OB ( I AiuiuA StAA-C IU WRAPPED -. -1- r '-Jolj'ZI-j i 57c - WMa.sry . .... 0a I CLEANSER z Z7z I 3 cans 25c -0. 2 SMALL TPm ' StawtmlBf .. , Bla-WUte