SIOUIMANS WEEECLY II. t J olume XIX.-Number 19. . Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina; Friday, May 9, 1952. 5 Cents Per Copy 3 l;;iis To PJsy Vost Edgecomba For strict Honors In State Play-Off , . Local. Outfit Defeats v Farm Life In Three ;- Game Series ?The Perquimans Indians advanced - into the district play-offs for the State baseball championship, during the past week, by winning two of three games from Farm life 'High School, v Vernon White, stellar left-handed pitching ace for the- Indians, receiv ed credit as winning .pitcher; in .the two games. Farm life edged out Perquimans 32 in a game pitched by : Benton. "'-y-'',". i' yy-V' yyy The district play-off which opens .! here Thursday night with the Indians playing West Edgecombe, will be ' two best out of three contests with r the winner moving Up to the regional play-offs.. ;, - (Perquimans and West Edgecombe competed for the district honors last ' year when West Edgecombe won the honors by taking two games. iCoach Eflie Fearing's Indians, with fine, season record, won the Group 1 championship defeating Farm life here last Thursday by a score of 8-0, , then losing on Friday by a close mar . gin of 3-2, and winning the deciding game Monday by a 9-2 count. Perquimans had an easy time in the ' first gam?. ; White struck out 20 Farm life batters and allowed only ' one hit in the nine inning contest. The Indians played steadily throughout the game scoring runs on hits and a . number of errors committed by the Farm life boys. Farm Life took the second game 3-2, nicking Benton for seven hits and scoring one run in the second, fifth and sixth innings. The Indians tal lied their two runs in the second. Perquimans collected seven hits in the game but were useless to score ., irf. -the pinches. jyy- y -y. ' ' Coach Fearing used White as hurler in the third contest and. the Farm life boys were unable to solve the pitching of the Indian star. The 'final score which gave" Perquimans, the - igrou'p championship, iwss 9-2. y y Pemudmana , and West : Edeecombe : "srill tilaft th; first of fee three sfawiel ing at eight ;o clock and the second . game will be played at tWest Edge combe On Friday afternoon. A site and time will then be chosen .for the ' third game if necessary to decide the district: championship. ,. . ChiTSr Law Affects Farmers The Federal Child Labor Laws pro hibit employment of children under . 16 years of age in agriculture during the hours school is in session, if the .products grown on the farm are to be shipped in interstate commerce. - This is pointed out by Drf C. B. Ratchford, in charge of farm man agement and marketing. State College Extension Service, who urges all farm ers to become familiar with provisions 'of these lawB.iyy--y- H-yy.yy y,-;: A farmer, says r, Ratchford,may .use his own children, but he is vio ' lating the law if he hires children of his neighbors or others, including chil dren' of migratory workers, during the hours school is in session in the district where the, children axe living. The specialist adds that a child un der 16 years of age may work en a eshool day, before or after: the hoars . school is in session, provided the hours , worked do not exceed three hours per day or total more than 18 hours per v week. Work performed before or f v'ter school hours must be .between 7 A. M., and 7 P. M. Further! information may be ob tained from Forrest H. Shuford, Com missioner of (Labor. Raleigh. ficers Elected For PHS Student Council Student Council officers for. Per quimans High School,, for- the' next school term, Were elected on May 1, with Billy ChaK-'lI .bedrtg chosen as president; y Kar -4, Winslow; ' vice president; Billie Carol (bivexs, secre tary; : Faye -'Butt, treasurer; Fred MathewB,-'serseai-Jarms,'tif''y: i Other school ira -chosen Iwere: Peesry Stokely and Tommy Mathews, song leaders; Jean Long, pianist, and cheerleaders named were (Suzanne Towe, JCa&erine Nixon, 'Karparet Ann : :.ks, Sue Perry White, Billie Carol '. ivers. Mary Winslow, Corbin Dotier jsvd aJternates, Carolyn Eure and Jill ; CLASS TO MXZZT 1 Judson Memorial Class of the. ' " t Curch will meet on Tuesday i ft 8 P. M.,: with .lira.. K&th- u. 'ee, with Ur. Joe EiU and ;. C;:tu1 V'SUams as joint hos- 1 i, .S'H -t.-'J. n .. 3. V 2:'.: .;:. County 4-H Clubbers Prepare For Show Thirteen baby beef calves from Per quimans County will be entered in the Fat Stock Show at Elizabeth City, May 13, it was announced today by I. C. Yagel, County Agent. ; In prepa ration for the show next week, a fit ting and showing demonstration was conducted last Friday at the home of Margaret and Ethel 'Sutton dn the Durants Neck community. Clarence Chappell, Jr., who has had four years' experience in 1 showing calves, con ducted the demonstration, With some assistance' from the agents. . He gave' the; 4-H Club members present tips and advice on preparing and training animals for the show. "Attending the demonstration were Sally Ruth Hurdle, R. S. Chappell, Jr., and Louise Chappell. THIS WEEK'S HEADLINES: . Steelworkers, over the nation, have returned to work this week pending a Supreme Court ruling over the seiz ure of the steel mills. The outcome of the steel dispute remains cloud ed since negotiations between man agement and labor broke down fol lowing a Court order that no wage increase may be granted by the Gov ernment pending the decision on the seizure. Meanwhile many localities over the nation are beginning to feel the pinch of the oil, workers' strike. The air force has curtailed flypg programs, as aviation gasoline is in shortage and motorists in many places are finding their service stations are out of gas. One independent company in Cali fornia has reached an agreement with the union and reports state this agree ment may be a solution for solving the entire strike. Jmui - Agriculture Department? " this week?, reported 1952 '' may turn . out to be ! a poor year, financially, for farmers of the nation. The report was based upon high costs of production and a lower market price for the pro ducts. 'Farm prices so far this year have averaged 3 percent lower than- in 1951. With national conventions less than two months away," the picture has changed little Regarding the possible selection of presidential, candidates by the two major parties. General Eisen hower and Senator Taft are about even in the number of delegates, pledged for the Republican conven tion, and Senators Russell and Ke f auver and Averill Harriman are the leading Democratic candidates. , y Perquimans County farmers, and other interested people, will have an opportunity to hear a discussion on present day farm problems and issues on Saturday night, May 17, when Lon Edwards, widely-inown State farm leader, comes to Hertford to speak at the Court House at eight o'clock, according to an announcement made here today. - ' . Mr.' Edwards is a dirt farmer who, through his experiences and work, has acquainted' himself with ' many of the problems facing farmers today, and he will, in his talk here, discuss these and other matters pertaining to the farm program. .' : The public is cordially invited to attend this meeting and hear Mr. Edwards. Hertford Scouts To Attend Camporee Sat ' Members of the Hertford Troop of Qey Scouts will attend a district cam poree" to be held Saturday and Sun day at Camp Bandon, on the Chowan River, l The local Scouts -will leave Saturday .afternoon, from the Scout Hut, "ana will return home Sunday. ' The Scouts will be accompanied on the trip ' by Scoutmaster . (Marshal Owens. ' : y,'y'y;v;;v;;';;':yly,?'y Musical Playlet : At Central Next: ITiursday i The sSano students of Perouimans Cehvil Grammar School will present a jnusical playlet, "A little Bit of Holland, under the direction of Mrs, E. ; Ralph .V.'Wte, .Thursday, May 15, at 9 o ciof i,,m tae school auditorium at Winfiill. The puMic is cordially invica w t.;end. - Farm wader To Sp3c!t Here May 17 Legion Officers Elected At Meeting Held Last Friday F. T. Johnson Named As Commander; Wards Planned By Post 'New. officers, for the year, begin-' ning in July, were, elected at a meet ing of the William Paul Stallings Post of the American Legion held last Friday night. F. T. Johnson was elected to suc ceed B. C. Berry, as Commander of the local post. Other officers named were: Joseph W. No well, Jr., first vice commander; Clifford C. Banks, second vice commander; Julian C. Powell, third vice commander; William F. Ainsley, adjutant; V. N. Darden, finance officer; C. C. .' Banks, service officer; W. T. Miller sergeant-at-arms; W. T. Willoughby, chaplain; B. F. Proctor, historian; C. P. Buck, ath letic officer: Jarvis Ward, guardian ship officer;, George T. Roach, Boys' State; George Winslow, child welfare officer i R. Ralph White, school awards officer; B. C. Berry, Graves Registration; J. Roulac Webb, Ora torical Officer; C. F. Sumner, Ameri canism officer; J. T. Skinner, Jr., Boy Scout officer; M. G. Owens, chairman Sons of Legion. During the meeting Commander Berry announced, as in past years, the Post will give the American Leg ion Achievement Awards to the out standing graduates, boy and girl, of the Perquimans High School, and also the American 'Legion Oratorical Award to Bobby Smith of Belvidere, as county winner of the Legion Ora torical contest. The Post voted tp sponsor Billie Chappell, the incoming president of the HHS Student Coun cil at the American Legion Tar Heel Boys' State to be held at Chapel Hill June 8-15. The Graves Registration program will be continued by the Post and an effort to secure the burial place of Perquimans County veterans of World War's I and II and Korean war is being made. AH next of kin are asked to contact any member of the local post and assist them an getting me needed information. . F. T. Johns J. W. -Newell. Jr.. C. C. Banks and J. C. "Powell were named as delegates 'to the 1952 annual conven tion of . the North Carolina Depart ment; to be held in Durham June 7-10. J. T. Diggers Elected President Of Lions Officers for the Hertford Lions Club for the year beginning next June 20, were elected at a meeting of the club neid last week. Heading the new offi cers as president will be John T. Biggers.sunerlntendentof Perouimans bounty schools. . Other officers named were first vice president,' I. C.i Yagel; second vice president W. S. Lonir: "Oiird vice president, Bobby Elliott; secretary- treasurer, Sidney Blanchard: Lion Tamer, Charles M. Harrell; Tail Twister, J. T. 1 Lane. Birectors will be Ralph .White, Jim Bass, W. D. Cox and A. H. Edwards. Installation of the new officers will be conducted at ithe regular meeting oi the cluo on mday, June 20. HIGHWAY ACCIDENTS FORGING AHEAD OF LAST ; "Unless we do something and do It quick accidents on the highways of North Carolina are going to kill and maim more .people than last year,!': Commissioner of Motor Ve hicles 4L. C Roteer warns, - .f, -lou aonit nave ; to look into a Leryatal fcall to, figure , this out, "he earn, -au yon have to do la to look at North Carolina's accident record this year." The Commissioner was referring to the daily fatality and injury statis tics collected by the Highway Patrol's radio system. ' : y "!About two weeks ago," the Com- ntfssioner 'stated, "deaths and in Juries; from .traffic accidents .were running enoouragery behind last year. Everyone, of us ia the Department of motor Vehicles rejoiced at this down. ward trend. However, recently fatali ties have, begun to edge upward until now they are out in front of last years recjrd. - "It's going to take determination' and caution like we've never before practiced . to Trash fatalities back down,: the Commissioner said. ' The trtate suffered 1,071 . traffic deaths and 1S,1?3 injuries last year, Kosser pointed out :, . ,: :,;.-: That was an average of 89 lives a month snuffed out by carelessness on the highways," he said. "A trade price to pay for the convenience of To End On Saturday; Quota Is Reached Sponsors Plan Organi zation Of County . Cancer Unit Perquimans County's annual Cancer Crusade, under the sponsorship of the Hertford Lioness Club, will be brought to a close this week, it was announced today by Mi s. Elton Hurdle, president of the club who stated the county goal of $578 has been oversubscribed. Reports on the fund raising cam paign remain incomplete, according to Mrs. Hurdle, but contributions turned over to the committee up to Wednesday of this week amounted to $955, and it is expected with all re ports in, the total will reach one thousand dollars. j Mrs. Hurdle requests all solicitors of the drive to make final reports by Saturday of this week, as the spon sors desire to close the crusade here. Elsewhere in some localities the drive' is being extended to permit units to reach their goals, but since Perquim ans is already over the top in its quo ta the sponsors hope to conclude the drive Saturday, with all reports be ing made. The Cancer Crusade in Perquimans this year obtained splendid results and the sponsors greatly appreciate the cooperation given by the public, and by the individuals who contributed and worked as solicitors. The success of the drive this year has created a desire on the part of the Hertford Lioness Club to organize a county cancer unit, similar to ones in other counties, and which will pro vide local funds for assistance in fight ing cancer. Plans are now being made, according to Mrs. Hurdle for a meeting to be held next week at which time this county cancer unit will be organized. The Lioness Club, at its meeting this wsek, will consider ways and means of perfecting the organization of a local unit and will possibly call upon a number of local citizens to as sist in the program by serving as of ficers of the organization.. ( ' -.. '7--- i ' ''.I . ; Meetings Scheduled Perquimans County Democrats will hold precinct meetings on Saturday May 10, and a county convention on Saturday, May 17, it was announced today by C. P. Morris, chairman of the Democratic Executive Committee. The precinct meetings will be held at three o'clock Saturday afternoon, at the six polling places in the county and the purpose of the meetings will be to select delegates to the county convention, which will be held in the Court House in Hertford, Saturday, May 17, at 3 P. M. Mr. Morris stated that all Demo crats, in good standing, are eligible to attend both the precinct meet ings and the county convention. Delegates to the State Convention, to be held in Raleigh, will be select ed at the county convention. MASONS TO MEET The Perquimans Masonic Lodge, No. 106, A. F. & A. M., will meet Tuesday nifrm at o C10CK. YEAR'S MARK the automobile. And unless we do something about it now, it's going tt be worse this year." j' The . Commissioner suirBrested that the motoring public adopt a pfcreonal responsibility to Help stop accidents. "Enforcement' and education alone cannot do the job," he said. "Driv en and .pedestrians must realize that safety on tJie highways is an individ ual responsibility. We must stop trying to put the blame "on the other fellow." Whenever we drive we outfit to be certain our ear is mechanically souna. we should obey traffic signs implicitly and always yield the right- of-way, regardless of who's right or wrong.' with the vacation season coming up soon we must all drive with more caution, courtesy and common sense. In doing so we may be able to slow down our increasing death rate before it's too late." , Rep. Bob Ddughton Supports Umstead Representative Robert D. Doughton of tine timm dstrwt has thrown his support behind William Bw Umstead' in the race for governor. -tt : : .' The 88-year-old legislator said yes terday in a statement - prepared for a, radio speech that Umstead would be "a great leader in the progressive and sound growth and development of our oeioved state." -, .... County Tentative Budget Proposals Reported To Board Of Commissioners Here On Monday Hertford Jaycees Elect New Officers New officers for the Hertford Junior Chamber of Commerce were elected at. k mppt.iner nf tliA nTsra.nW.ntcm lielH last week. George Fields is president-!bu(teet items for the county s next elect of the local Jaycees and other fiscal yeai" which begins July 1, were officers chosen were Eldon Winslow, ; turned over to the Board of County vice-president; Talmage Rose, seare-'Comm,ssioners. meeting in regular tary; Francis Nixon, treasurer; D. f. j. session here last Monday morning. Reed, Jr. Earlie Goodwin and Elbert! The budget items tendered were Fearing, directors. , those regarding salaries of the em- Oraniz?d less than two years ago, Payees of the Agricultural Extension the Hertford -Jaycees have sponsored Service, which are. proposed to re a number of civic projects with much niain the sme with the exception of success and are now working on a'an increase of $1G0 per year for the playground program for the children assistant homo agent, who now re of the community. This project is;"' this payment from Chowan moving along at a rapid ratr, and the County, when., the assistant devotes Jaycees hope to have the playground one-half of her time. The Welfare readv for use, by the children, within Department also tendered a proposed a short time. budget, which calls for approximately Much equipment has been purchased the same outlay of cash during 1952 and has arrived here for installation.'1953- -Under this budget the old age ThA .Tavppps rilnn. and hooe. to nur- assistance outlay will increase while chase additional equipment for the playground as rapidly as funds be come available. Inter-City Meeting Of Rotary Clubs Held Monday Night j committee regarding the renovation of More than 100 Rotarians from the the present library. During the dis Albemarle gathered at Central High cussion on this matter, it was pointed School, near Elizabeth City, on Mon- out the building now used by the day night for an inter-city meeting sponsored by the Elizabeth City Ko-, tary Club. j Rotarians from Hertford, Columbia,1; Edehton and Manteo were the guests of the members of the Elizabeth City club, at the delicious chicken dinner and a highly entertaining program ' which closed with a talk made by i Wade Marr, Past District Governor and .Past Director of Rotary Inter national. Carroll Parker, president of the host 'club, served as master of ceremonies and extended a cordial welcome to the visiting Rotarians. He pointed out that each of the visiting clubs had been sponsored by the. Elizabeth City Club, which was proud of the growth of the Rotary throughout the Albe marle. Olin H. Broadway, retiring District Governor, was a special guest at the meeting. He extended greetings to, the fellow Rotarians and thanked them for the cooperation he had re ceived during the past year. iMr. Marr, m his talk, said that fel lowship and friendship was the basis of Rotary, and it was due to these fac tors that Rotary had grown from one club to thousands ttuoughout the world. BPW Club To Hold Benefit Card Party The Perquimans Business and Pro fessional Woman's Club will sponsor a Benefit Card Party at Hotel Hert ford Thursday night, May 15, when Rook and Bridge will be played. Refreshments will be served and five prizes will be awarded as fol lows: High score for women in Rook, high score for men in Rook, high score for women in bridge, high score for men in Bridge, and a Door Prize. Tickets must be bought in advance from any club member. Tickets will not be sold at the door as the seat ing space is limited. , , County Road Project Completed In April The State Highway Commission completed the grading and paving of 2.2 miles of roads in Perquimans County during the month of April, Commissioner H. G. Khelton reported today. '.." The' newly-hardsurfaced road runs from the Loop road off N. C. 87 one mile northwest of Winfall for 22 miles. The project was financed by the secondary road bond program. SECOND IN CONTEST Bobby Smith won second place In the District- Future Farmers of America speaking contest held In Tarboro on Saturday, April 26th. He was awarded thirty dollars. (Nine fed erations,' covering all the counties east of Raleigh, were represented. Bobby was coached by the school agriculture teacher, G. C. Buck. NAMES OMITTED Through error the names of Kath erine Nixon and Bobby Smith were omitted from the honor roll for Per quimans High School, published last week.-;;, V y BANK CLOSED SATURDAY 1 . The Hertford BanJdnjr Company will be closed all day Saturday, May 10th, it was announced .todaybv R. M. Riddick,' Jr., president in obser vance at a legal koSday.. Committee Report On Enlargement Of Li brary Is Made Preliminary estimates on proposed the aid to dependent children will be reduced a similar amount.' Aid render ed totally disabled persons will also bo increased. Definite action on the budget items was postponed until a later date when the Commissioners will rneet to act upon the overall budget for the coun ty for the next fiscal year. Mrs. Silas M. Whedbee and Miss Mae Wood Winslow, representing the County Library Board reported to the Commissioners suggestions and rec ommendations drawn by the library library is school property, part of which has been in use as a lunchroom, The Board of Education proposes to dismantle part of this building and the remainder will be converted into a library for the Hertford Grammar School use, and at the same time will continue to be used by the county "orary. Under this proposal the present facilities will be enlarged, to pro vide needed space for use both by the school, children and the library pa trons. Recorder's Docket Listed 11 Cases 11 mriar naaaa -warta licfia1 a T- corderg Court docket.when court con. vened here Tuesday morning. Ten of the cases were disposed of and the bond in the case in which Royal Gunganus was charged, with carrying a concealed weapon was ordered for feited when the defendant failed to ap pear to answer the charges. Costs of court were taxed against i George McKeather and Edmond Mar tineau, each of whom entered a plea ' B M J J . 1 ' - I." oi guilty to cnarges ui speeuing. A $10 fine and costs were assessed against Louis Shane, who submitted to a charge of speeding. John Bowers, Negro, charged with failing to dim lights, entered a plea of guilty and paid the costs of court. For failing to yield the right-of-way John Billups, Negro, paid the costs of court after submitting to the charge. Costs of court were taxed against Cordis Davis and Alfred Wighton, Negroes, who entered pleas of guil ty to charges of driving overloaded trucks. Henry Jackson, Negro, charged with driving an overloaded truck, fated to appear in court and the warrant in the case was returned for service. Noah Banks, Negro, paid a fine of $25 and costs of court after entering a plea of guilty to a charge of driv ing Iwithout a license. Dillard . Riddick, charged with be ing drunk on the streets of Hertford and transporting non-tax-paid liquor, entered a plea of guilty to the charg es and paid a fine of $25 and costs. Helene Nixon Named Acting Clerk Of PMA - Miss Helene Nixon has been named acting secretary of the County PMA Committee, it was announced here Tuesday following, a meeting of the committee which accepted the resig nation of IW. E. White as secretary of the organization. ; Mr. , White retired from his position after 18 years of association with ag ricultural agencies in this county. Mr. White was presented a number of attractive gifts, given by members of the staff of the agriculture bulld- lng. . :'' '. ' - :.-.-' - Miss Nixon has been employed In the PMA office for a number of years and has served as treasurer - of the committee. , v EASTERN STAR MEETING ,, The Hertford Chapter of die Order of Eastern Star will meet Monday night at 8 o'clock in the lodge rooms. All members are urged to be present. t: