r1 7T0 TH3 rirur'ANS t: tly, frcrTrcro, n. c.. r"flAY. may 9, 1952. THE Perquimans Weekly Published every Friday at Hert, ford, north Carolina. ' , MAX CAMPBELL ... -Editor Entered as second class matter November 15, 1934, at Post Office tt Hertford. North Carolina, un der the Act of March, 1879. HISS ASWCIATIOTO) SUBSCRIPTION RATES ' . $2.00 Per Year rates famished by Advertising request :: FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1952. Controlling Polio Research workers at Johns Hopkins and Yale University have reported to a medical conference held in New York that they may have the an swer to win the fight against infan tile paralysis. Their theory is that polio is a two stage disease and that during the first stage, the polio virus is in the blood stream but that it is relatively harm less. Paraylsis is the result in the second stage when the virus attacks the nerves. The researchers believe that a great many people, have the first stage , polio without even realizing it, and that a serum made from the blood of these persons will immunize others against second stage polio. This theory will be tested this sum mer by the National foundation for Infantile Paralysis in the polio-epi-demis areas. If the tests prove suc cessful, polio should hereafter be con sidered one of the most readily pre ventable diseases. ' The importance of finding a meth od of combatting Snfantile paralysis is strikingly brought to the atten tion of- each' of us by the fact that about 30,000 persons have been strick en by this disease during each of the past several years, and from five to eight per cent of those so stricken die I point where they must charge motor ists 38 a year to Jark on the street, it 18 s hu any U1 VI US. Al though New York is not the first city to consider such s plan, it is gratify ing that motorists in that city raised such a storm of protest, they defeat ed this additional tax on the automo bile. , The Korean Deadlock Peacp in Korea still apparently hinges on these points of discussion: the. Communist demand that the Sov iet Union serve as one of the six neutral nations to police , the truce, ! the right of the North Koreans to build airfields during tha truce, and developing a satisfactory plan for ex changing prisoners. In informed circles, the opinion is held that if the prisoner exchange can be worked out, there will be peace in Korea. The deadlock on . returning prisoners is that the Communists are demanding that all prisoners be re- turned regardless of their wishes in the matter. ' It is conceivable that this deadlock may be broken by replacing on the nris-turned. civilians who wish to be returned by civilians who wish to be repatriated, A Bad Tax Killed In New York City, recently, the au thorities decided to impose a $6 a year fee on all those who would park their automobiles' in city streets. On top of all the other taxes New York City drivers' were paying, this seemed to them to be the last straw and they Taised such a storm of protest that the city authorities, in the end, with drew the proposal. Drivers of automobiles today, though not required by law in many .states to carry "liability insurance to insure their responsibility, are bur- dened by almost every kind of tax imaginable. In the first place, if they pay as much as $2,000 for an automo bile, they are paying over $500 in tax- -es. This tax estimate covers all tax es, beginning with raw materials that go into the -car and ending with the Federal tax on tfie sale of each new tar. : ';-:V---.---V- y':-K' After this tax, the motorist is re quired to buy a license, too pay an in spection tax in most states, to pay fairly heavy taxes on gasoline, both , Federal and IState, and to pay many other taxes. He also pays (Federal taxes on every new accessory he buys and is beset with just about every other tax on the operation of a motor vehicle that can be thought up by some city, county, state or federal trol, Revenue Building Annex. Ra leigh, N.--C. on or before May 5, 1952. ' . , FUNERALS . MRS. MINNIE L. DAIL 'Funeral 'rites for Mrs. Minnie L. Dail, 76, who died Saturday after noon at the home of her daughter, Mrs. H. S. Davenport, of Hertford, were conducted (Monday at 1:30 P. M.. at the Lynch Funeral Home by the Rev. Joe iBrickhouse. Burial was in Riverside Memorial. Park, Norfolk. Mrs. Dail was the daughter of John T. and Cassie Wood Dail and wife of George Dail. Surviving are one dausrh ter, Mrs. H. S.VDavenport, of Hert-J ford; one son, George E, Dail, of Nor folk; two sisters, Mrs. E. T. Smith and Mrs. M. A. Garrett, both of Nor folk; 14 grandchildren and 16- great grandchildren. :v : ; TC To Determine Interests WitLIAM WILSON LEWIS i William Wilson ILewis, 73, died last Firday at 10:00 A. M., at his home at Chapanoke After a lingering ill ness. Funeral services were held Sun day at 4 P. M., at Oak Grove Metho dist Church, of which he was a mem. : A test called-rthe "Interest Index" is now being given to high school stu dents across the country. In this test students indicate whether they like or dislike such activities as, "Dis cussing books with ' friends," or "Learning anything in school which might be useful in business. A pro file chart is filled in to show the amount of interest expressed in each of twelve categories (ants, languages, sports, industrial arts, etc.). Educators feel that Such informa tion may he of basie importance inJ planning school projects, making, to. cational choices, and improving in structdonal methods. ' . ber. with the Rev. . W. Jamieson. fVh an iPnmimiiTitatji1 paston officiating. Burial was in the I could save"face by getting back the church cemetery. ' ' full nmj.ir t ncrsnna nn thA nrisri- Jar. iLewis was a son oi sne late unanes wesiey unu jnrs. aaran jane nal Allied list. Training School For State Patrolmen To Begin On June 1st Morgan Lewis and the husband of Mrs. Maude Winslow Lewis. Surviv ors, in addition to his wife, are three sons, William Talmadge Lewis and Carl Wilson Lewis, both of 'Route 2, Hertford, and David Milton ILewis, of Swan Quarter; three daughters, Mrs. Ituth Robbins, Route 3, Hertford; Mrs. Mildred Wood, of South Norfolk, and Mrs. Doris Kemp, of Elizabeth City, and seven grandchildren. authority! When American cities come to the Col. James (R. Smith, commanding officer of the State Highway Patrol says a training school for rookie pa trolmen will get underway June 1 at the Patrol Barracks in Chapel Hill. Graduates of the school will fill approrimately 30 vacancies now exist ing in the Highway Patrol. Col. Smith said that applicants must be citizens of the United States; be between 21 and 31 years old, weigh at least 160 pounds; be of good moral character and have no criminal record; have a high school education, or its equivalent; and have no rela tive now employed by the Highway Patrol. " , Starting salary for trainees ac cepted by the Patrol will be $2,688 a year. The school will be conducted by Patrol officers and instructors of the Institute of Government. The rookie patrolmen will study motor vehicle laws, firearms, first aid, laws of ar rest, search and seizure, public rela tions, care -of motor equipment, self defense, life saving, accidents investi gation, and traffic control. Appli cants will be required to stand rigid character, physical and mental exami nations. . Col. Smith said that between 50 and 75 men will be selected for the eight weeks training course. They will re ceive no salary during the school, he said, .but will get room and board. Graduates will serve six months pro bations! period after completing the course and receiving assignments. Ap plicants who successfully pass the course but do not receive immediate duty assignments, will be carried on a reserve list and placed as additional vacancies occur. . (Application forms may be secured by writing or telephoning the North Carolina Highway Patrol, Revenue Building Annex, KaleigRi IN. C, or State Highway Patrol Troop Head quarters in Greenville, Fayetteville, Salisbury, Greensboro and Asheville which also have forms available for applicants. . Completed applications . should be mailed to Col. James R. Smith, Com manding Officer, State Highway Pa- JOHN HARDY CORPREW John Hardy Corprew, 52, died Thursday of last week at 8:45 P. M., at his home near Hertford after three years' illness. Funeral services were held Sunday at 2 P. M., at the Lynch Funeral Home in Hertford. Burial was in the family plot in the Bethel Cemetery. ," . . . Mr. Corprew was the son of Wil liam H. and Fannie Harrison Corprew. His wife was the former Miss Maude Haskett. He was a member of Beth lehem Christian Church. Survivors in addition to his wife, are three sons, William W., J. H., Jr., and Laurence Curtis, all of Hertford; two brothers. Mack Corprew, of Berkley, Va., and Harry "Corprew of Portsmouth, Va,; two sisters, Mrs. J. E. Corbett, of Gates and Mrs, C. . Chapel, of Hert ford, and seven grandchildren. TRY A WEEKLY CLASSIFIED AD ;, . -I- - f n 17 m n 1 i, . staiw? J'';.'!i' " Ford's huge, one-piece curved windshield and picture windows all around give you Full-Circla ViibU- . ity. Ifs Just one of the many fine ear features like Ford's new bodies (inort advanced in the industry) , , . . Ford's new hh-compreegiott in the 110-h.p. V-8 and 101-h.p. Stx . . . and your choice of Fordomatic, Orerdrirs or Conventional Drive. TAYLOR THEATRE EDENTON, N. C. "Week Day Shows Continuons ': From 3:30 Saturday Continuous From 1 :3ft , Sunday 2:15, 4:15 and 9:15 Thursday and Friday. May 8-9 . Jack Buetel and Mala Powers in "ROSE OF CIMARRON o- : .- Saturday, May 10 ' Allan Rocky Lane in ' "CAPTIVE (BILLY THE KID" ' " ' ' I " O i . : Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, may 11.12-15 ; - Robert Taylor and , ,1 Deborah Kerr in U'(-':iJO yADIS" - Sunday Shows 2:15 -5:15 - 8:45 Monday and Tuesday Shows 3:30 . 6:20 . 9:20 Admission:' Sunday Matinee and Night Shows 11.00. , Monday and Tuesday Matinee 74e UiUdren 50c, tax included. 50 ' Wednesday, May 14 Marie Wilson in "A GIRL IN EVERY PORT; :. On Stage ' 'Beauty Contest to select Miss Chowan County 8:30 P. M. - ECHITIME Friday and Saturday, May 9-10- 7, V , " ' , The Bowery Boys in i ' "CRAZY OVER HORSES" Cto-Ii TI;::Iro Friday and Saturday, ' May 9-10 , ' 1 , AlanLadd In . '. 'X31ICAGO DEADLINE" Sunday, May 11. - J , Clifton Webb In - "MR. CHLVOERE RINGS BELL" . Monday and Tuesday, May 12-13 tn ' f . , F 7h Scott in ' 1 ; r ":c;t vgettt '. :.rv? . I,.,. ! r 1 . 1 0 " ' WednesJ y tii ThursJIay,'. - I r Xrr'it in ' The Question - ' The father decided to have a seri ous talk with young-Jimmy, who was inclined to be . light-hearted and ir responsible. " "Jimmy," he said, "you're getting to be a big boy and you ought to take things more seriously; Just think if I died suddenly where would you be?" "Here," said Jimmy. "The suesrtaon is, where would you be?'' MINUTES OF MEETING . ' BOARD OF EDUCATION . The Board of Education met in reg ular session Wednesday,' April 30, 1952. All members iwere present. Chairman J. E. Morris presided. : The Board- met in the Hertford Afer an tap-jcl'on of tie new cafe teria, Lisa Thelma Elliott, principal, was given a vote of thanks in appre ciation of the lunch and for the fine work as principal of Hertford Gram mar School.- , The meeting was then moved to the Superintendent's office. .....- The committee for the Perquimans County Negro Schools met with the Board. After discussing the activities and progress of the Negro" schools the Committee recommended that all principals -and teachers be re-elected for 1952-1953 .school term. Motion was made, seconded, and passed re electing all Negro principals and teachers, subject to the allotment by the 'State Board of Education. A resolution from the Hertford Ro tary Club was read with reference to' . driver education in the county schools. . The report of the Grand Jury was read for information. 1 . "Same discussion was held with ref erence to the 1952-63 budget with no definite action taken. Letters of resignation from Mrs. Dawson and Mr. David were read and accepted. " Xontracts for all white teachers, as presented by the Com mittees, were, approved except for Miss Nell Wilson. -..:....,; The Superintendent was directed to have Mrs. Nachman write the follow ing insurance: Perquimans High School $15,000. Hertford Grammar School $15,000. Lunchroom Hertford Grammar School $10,000. Lunchroom- Perquimans . Central ence t the retirem ..t of teacheia,. a motion was made, se conded, and f 3 ed esteblibhing a policy of the Per quimans County Board ef Educal" 1 to retire all teachers when they retk the age of sixty-five yeara, " . , ' After some discussion as to social activities in the school definite action was delayed. ' ? . ; J. T. BIGGEES, Secretary.- " NOTICE Until further notice my of fice will be closed all day . on .Wednesday. 1 O.DrSDDS Grammar School cafeteria at 1:00 P.' 'School 410,000, M., and wis served a delicious lunch.' , After much discussion with refer- FENCE WIRE 8- Strand Wire ?2" high J.. $18.00 Roll 9- Strand Wire 39" high $20.75 Roll 10- Strand Wire 47" high , . $22.13 Roll . ALL PRICES INCLUDE ALL TAXES NO EXTRAS Barbed Wire, Chicken Wire, Dog Wire and All Builders' Materials Now In Stock! DUNSTAtl BRICK COMPANY NEXT DOOR TO COTTON MILLS Elizabeth City,' Northr Carolina , -V'"- A!;;;ou;m;EiiT! This is to announce that as of this date, April 22, 1952, 1 have bought the Western Auto Associate Store, Hertford, owned by B. J. Holleman, Jr. . I will not be respon sible for any debts prior to this date. . WATCH FOR OUR RE OPEin AD Thank You. L.B.GQBB . Ml " in ii 1 1 ii I !.! 'Si,. -'U t HPRTO a wra US- II EallEa J IT MM Urn U.V,., -. , r. THAT'S SMU. rvp 1.1 'r 1 JU 11-CU-FT CAPACITYI Kr.V SPACEMAKEX 0002 SKaVCI ACROSS-THS-TOP tRSSl, 1 VEGETABLE ROLLArDXAWESS! ' . i ,' t i ' " v" u J Euna oorsnicNSU- j O-E DfPCNDAtlUTYl - L , . '.i Oil I r?, -,Tr vrr' 2'- V 7 ;i' r . , ';"rv- V, ' 'go;::: n VJXAJP.

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