of V.'i ton. D. C- t t., -1 p: ' , r, and Mrs. Linet Clr. tr.i Mrs. William Welch of E-r .9, S. C, were recent Yi&tors i in tie Lain! of lira. Senie Baker and Krs. I' Winslow. Claude Rountree and Miss Marie EffUi;ipee visited Mr., and Mr. Ernest .' Window at Chuckatuck, Va, Satur day. . iMrs. Ida Window and family visit ed Mr. and Mm Lynwood Hobos at Hobbaville Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Louis StallingB is a patient in Norfolk tenant Hospital. ' L.'l Uarjorie White of Goldsboro ; and 1238 Thelma White of A. C O, Wilson, spent the week-end with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. White. ' C A. Cooke and grandson, Francis 'Jay 'Window, of Rocky Mount were recent visitors of Henry winuow am Mr. and Mrs. Merrill window and family. Mrs, Herbert Window has returned home after being a patient in the Obede Hospital, Suffolk, V,, for i era! months. Dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Rountree and Miss Marie Rountree were Mr, and , Mrs. A. J. Window. Misses Clara and Minnie Lee Winslow and Mr. and Mm. Tom Hollowell of Bag-ley Swamp. Those calling' in the afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Window and family of Bogley Swamp and Mr. and Mrs. A. B. White and family. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Winslow, Mr. and Mrs. Lucious Window, Mr. and Mrs. Let Window and Thomas Winslow visited Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Lane, Sun- ( il .s.W.L.1 ;i ; Vi, Krs. 1 JrJ , 1 Mew, Va., izl tfE.CC, Ctn'. -1 . :.. of t wec-t .i guests of t r ITr. t i ITrs. Charlie C V. calling Sunday were Mr. and Uarvia Joliff of Gatesvie. ' it .3, Wire lira. &IAPANOKE NEWS , Mr and Mrs. W. H. Keel and sons spent' Saturday with relatives in Washington, N. C. Mr. and Airs. John iCJoLanchin of Norfolk, Va., were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. E, Onley. Linda Lou Elliott spent the past week-end visiting at Burgess with friends. ' Miss Louise Wilson of ' Chowan spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wilson. Leon Elliott, U. S. N. Norfolk, Va.. was the week-end guest of Ms par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Elliott IA. H. Ross leaves this week for Mexico after spending the past few weeks with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Onley visited friend in Chowan Hospital on Thursday. - Guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. El liott on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. W. Evans of Roanoke Rapids. Mrs. R. S. Blystone,' Miss Gwendolyn Mor risette of Memphis, Tenn., and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Deans and son, Em mett, of Fentress, Va. Miss Mildred Byrum spent Satur day evening in Portsmouth, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Billie Elliott and daughter spent Sunday at Weelcs ville with her mother. i cLIren, .Vs f-'Ji- in Char- To the People of Perquimans County: I most respectfully solicit your vote and support in behalf of my candi dacy for the office of Register of Deeds in the Democratic Primary on May 31st Sincerely, ERVIN TURNER YOU t GET THE vjonurs fastest unit WHEN Yv3 CET A COrAnDIEt SPEEtELECTCUC RAKGE SEE IT TODAY . . . Sift ML WJtSt IUr-UUALIII rCAIUAU KM.ISC74 Exclusive Miracle Sealed Oven that bakes pen ( j fectly in any rack position. ; . Color-Glance Controls for double identiflctttoq j of selected heat V Completely automatic cooking of entire meal while you're away from home, shopping, play mg or working. ; . Why not come in to see U8 and get real proof lM I the wieeet buy i$ WESTINGHOUSE. Come to the FREEDOM FAISt Now going on at our store. Bee . thMnewVtinfboaseRaafMiattd leara how to win new freedom from Bomenmkmg work and drudgery. YOU cam n f"". i;:rtfcrd IbteD & S::;;!; Go. ; "Trade Here and Bank the Difierence" jfuZvr, top Oi Stow."". , WESTINCHOU STUDIO ONI 771 We 1 okou r&zA 1 C IX. ..of eowi, , I I III In; ... I ' law Pews PerBMat ') Iseg, Esty Isms lJ "rs. II. II. Jar. I.jon 9L.i Pe-' Jr., ' it zys wiJi Ujs. Jan who has bean, very ill irs. W. B. FhilHps frr sweral dys last week in Wendt4 and ZJbu- lon with relatives. Kr. and Mrs. C 0. Fowler of Hert ford, Mrs. Johnnie Lane and Nonie Lou spent Sunday afternoon in Ports mouth, Va., vismg Mrs. E. F. Holmes and Mrs. Nonie Nowell. Howard Baker of Arlington. Va, and Horace Baker of Mount Airy spent several days last week with their mother. Mrs. J. H. Baker, f - Mr. and Mrs. Selby Stokes and children. Stokley, Michael and Ruth Nowell of Raleigh, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Munden and Francis of Suffolk, Va., Miss Hattie Pearl Nowell of Nor folk.. Va.. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Now ell and son, Tommy, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseoh Nowell. Jr.. were dinner meats - " . rf t- of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Nowell, Sr., on Mothers tray. iMrs. stokes and chil' dren of Raleigh will spend the week with hr parents. - - Mr. and Mrs, Sam Hill of Norfolk, Va., spent Saturday with Miss Annie and Eliza White, Mrs. Hill's aunts. Miss Geraldine Gregory, of (New port News, Va, spent the week-end with her parents, Air, and Mrs. T. S. Gregory. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. FhiUips are spending this week in WilKamstos. Mrs. W. U. Holloweu spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Majjhews of Elizabeth City. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Hollowell visit ed Mr. HolloweU's sister, Mrs. J. M. Mathews, in Elizabeth City Sunday P. M. ' Mrs. J. I. and C. W. Tyree motored to Norfolk, Va Thursday. Mrs. Ty ree will spend several days with her daughter. Mrs. Pearl Chalk spent several days last week with her son in Norfolk, Va. 'Edwin and George Daugbtery of Greensboro spent the week-end with their mother, Mrs. E. B; Daugbtery and brother, Woodrow. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Mathews and Mrs. Annie Baker of El Paso, Texas, Mr. and Mrs. Durwood Barber, Jr., and Mrs. George Roach were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Barber, Sr. .Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac - Halsey and daughter, Peggy, of Edentoo, Mr. and Mrs. Durwood Barber, Sr., and Joseph were luncheon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Durwood Barber, Jr., on Sunday. FAMILY (HOLDS PICNIC The sons and daughters of Mm. R. Ll Spivey, Sr., and their families held their annual Mothers Day picnic at the Wh:te Hat cottage of Mr. sd Mrs. W. B. Clark of Wilson. The dinner was served buffet' style on tables in the yard. (Fifty-one were present, including guests from Hert ford, Perquimans .County, Richmond Va., Oraddock, Va., Arlington, Va., Hyattsville, Md., Wilson, EUsabeth City and Fort Lee, Va. After the dinner Mrs. Spivey was showered with many lovely gifts. Ilr. and I i. C. U. I: nyaf vi"a, ; t : t t" v w. a l..r. an l l J. I . . tLIr. and i, ?. II . . , drn rf iW?- a., , . gu". ufl ?.t l visited Kr. a:4 L--3. -- x Mr. and Urg. Jos kyrra J., t .1 daughter, Joe, erent .". i' It with ilr. and Urs. Cida -y C ' 1 Mr. and ZIrs. W. W. Ln . ry lave returned to tLcir home in Norfolk, Va, after spending s-"1.'me-.wi'lh Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Proctor. Jim (Layden of Newport I! ews. va., visited ni brother,- tincy Layden. Sunday. Sir. and Krs. Reuben Cl""lns and Mr. and Mrs. William & , " visit ed Mrs. Drew Dail in Noi.Jl Va., Monday. - ' ,. , Mr. and Mrs. Farron visited Hr. and Mrs. Louis Proctor recently. - Mr. and Mrs. Clinton R. winslow visited Mr. and Mrs. C T. Winslow at Whiteston. ' " ' ' Corporal Howard Ward is expected home soon. He has been serving with the 14th Inf., Regt, fa Korea, y: i ' ' CIRCLE MSSTS ' The Mary To we Circle of the Hert ford Methodist Church met Monday night, with Mrs. H. C Sullivan at her home on Front Street with Mrs. Chas. Mnrray, co-hostess. Bowls of pink roses and ragged robins adorned the living room. The president, Mrs. Nelson uberst, presided when routine business mat ters were discussed. IMrs. Lawrence Towe gave the devotion and IMrs. Sullivan read the minutes. 1 After the benediction, a social hour was enjoyed when the members gave Mrs. Oberst, the former Miss Nellie Fields, a surprise miscellaneous show er as the out-going president and as going-away gifts when she will be leaving to make her home in Florida. The hostesses served orange ices, cake and nuts to the following mem bers. Mrs. Oberst, Mrs. Towe, Miss Dorcas Knowles, Mesdames Elton Hurdle, W, E. Drake, J. L. Harris, J. Wilson Dillon, Martin Towe, Ed gar Fields, Walter G. Edwards, R. S. Monde, Jr., Eldon Winslow; IF. M. McGoogan and Tommy Mathews. Mrs. Walter Edwards and Mrs. Mar tin Towe will be hostesses to the June meeting at the home of Mrs.' Ed wards on Dobb Street . t 1 : V i. Me ZZJ: Le hostesses Wic Utercrling CIlIIcl t Bernard Proctor m ' t U Love to Tea t,s t closinr hymn aftr r-ii , " of an v.Ji ILIrs. i' 3 rrize. ry" ws tlhe h clldoui rcfrements of boCdd d cook ies and salted nuts were served to 'the members. . Others present were: Cesdames Charles Ward, Wallace Eos, Bill Tarkington, Joe White, EmmeU Long, Thomas Fleetwood, Julian 3ng, Ll liott Layden, Edgar Long, Irvin Long, Robert Evans, and M3ss Eunice Long. CLUB TO MEET The Methodist Men's Club of the Perquimans Charge will meet Thurs day niot. Mv 22. at 7:45 o'clock at the Winfali Community House. Ladies' I IJ nsoweci I .. :.it . .31:. i --- ... .... ....... . m ' l.j V. 1 1 .-if - WHIDBEE FAMILY REUNION The family of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Whidbee held their famity' reunion at the Albemarle Sound Bridge Sunday, A picnic dinner was spread on the beach.. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Whidbee, Mr. and Mrs. J. B, Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stal ling and children. Brenda and Billie. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ward and son, UTanK, jr., sir. ana Mrs. sianey i;ope- Iand and daughter, Cheryl. USED CARS 1949 Chrysler, 4- Door 1946 Chevrolet, Coach 1949 Buick, Sedan 1949 Chevrolet, 4-Door 1950 Ford, 44)oor 1949 Ford, 4-Door 1947 ChevroleV4-Docr 1946Pontiac2-Door 1947 Chevrolet, Pickup 1946 Ford, Pickup SEE US FOR BETTER BUYS IN USED CARS It 1 MART LONG CIRCLE MEETS The Mary Long Circle of Bethel Baptist Church met at the Community House on Monday night, Slay 12, with Mrs. Joseph Proctor and Mrs. Free man Long, as joint hostesses.. "All Hail the Powers Jesus Name" Peanut W eedeE TRACTOR AND HORSE DRAWN WITH OR WITHOUT SHAFTS " ALSO Weeding Hoes ' r 8" y " ; SHALLOW AND DEEP BLADES 'V HOE HANDLES - 8M0M2W CARBORUNDIBI FHiES FOR SALE AT ' Hertford l!crdvae& Siiiy Coiy BHONE 3461 HERTFORD, N. C. 'I. .. V Spring and Summer Values (5v . MEN'S SUITS Cords, Gabardines and Cool Cloth . . . Our stock is now at its peak . . . also a wide assortment of " BOYS' SUITS Prices Start At $19.95 . COOL SUMMER SLACKS FOR MEN AND. BOYS ' - , , 'JL Also r , I SPORT COATS Our values are the best in 20 years ; . ; come in and select yours today! ' . f y. ( II U U.: Your Spring and Summer shoes are' here all- kinds, sizes, ; and prices. I Every pair sold on a mon ey back guarantee. You rC... ' -.(.''' 1 s 'i''''. ;-' ' ':- -V ,.,t';j..,..'',.'.S'..r':aK iV ' ! 'nv't Ml.r'-. .'! can't go wrong when, you buy our goods! , s t. LADIES' BATIIIIIG SUITS O One and two-piece O Detachable straps i. : " O Dres ::-, ... . ( The orettiest suits under the sun ... in light and . dark colors to compliment - f your' figure and coloring. ALL sizns c::ccce vours TOD AY 1. '1 ' .i 'it. I'C, 1S33 ft. A- , XT.' C, ' i 1RN-421S

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