", II. C, 1 k VT. S AY 23, o ro ont r i n I J? r,o m nun rr. r f - Hv nil ir ir tT7 evil .jyn p v&-jl Ay im il iiuii nil s u ' vu?iyiiiii o v :3Y YOU S:-I0UU5 VOTE FQR: BILL UMSTEAD fi-jiy "'-..('.'.'. ;v-.. ';f :' ''.-. :" 'V ' -: ':..-''.'' He has worked in behalf of North Carolina farmers for more than twenty years. He was born and raised oh a farm. He was a dirt farmer until he was twenty-one years of age. - ' ', " ..... ' : ' ' ' , ; ' ,-. . - In 1933 he went to Congress and served three terms in the House and two years as United States Senator. While a Member of Congress Bill Umstead Worked and Voted For: '! 1. The Soil Conservation Service. 2. The Production Marketing Administration : (Triple A). 3. The Farm Home Administration (Farm Tenant Purchase Plan). 4. The Rural Electrification Act 5. The Production Credit Associations. 6. The Control Program. 7. Agrculture Research. Illfl I ; NORTH CAROLINA'S CONGRESSMAN, "FARMER BOB". DOUGH TON, CHAIRMAN OF THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE IN CONGRESS HAS ENDORSED BILL UMSTEAD AND PRAISES HIS RECORD IN CONGRESS IN BEHALF OF THE FARMER. MR. DOUGHTON SAYS THAT NORTH CAROLINA NEEDS BDLL UM STEAD FOR GOVERNOR. ' m DR. HUGH BENNETT, RETIRED ADMINSTRATOR AND THE FATHER OF THE SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE, ADDS HIS WHOLEHEARTED SUPPORT TO THE LIST OF FARM LEADERS SUPPORTING WILLIAM B. UMSTEAD FOR GOVERN OR AND HE SAYS: .William B. Umstead is one' of the best friends that the Soil Con servation Service has ever had. I consider William B. Umstead one of the great Statesmen of our time and a tried and true friend of agriculture." ; fir- Mr. Umstead Has Publicly Declared That He Is Definitely Opposed To New Or Higher Taxes He favors a bond issue if funds are not available elsewhereto provide adequate school facilities for all the children of our State, and to MAINTAIN SBGEEGATION IN OUR PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM as REQUIRED by the OONSTTTUTION of NORTH CAROLINA. ' . ' ' He favors the entire program of the UNITED FORCES FOR EDUCATION within the limits of available rev V pV enue, which calls for redaction mteac services and supplies. He has made no rash promises which can not be carried out without endangering the economy of the State ... .,.', Government ' . v . , - If elected to serve the people of North Carolina, as their Governor, he will not attempt to dictate or personally , V select his successor to the office. - " mW W YOU VOTE ON MAY 3U Foi BiM Umstead With This Record Or For Mr. Olive : " s' Who Has pone Nothing For The . Farmers 7 (IF. MR. OLIVE HAS A RECORD OF AID TO FARMERS. WE WILL: GLADLY HAVE IT PUBLISHED AND PAY FOR PUBLICATION.) . TIUS AD COjjmUBUXED BY UMSTEAD FOR GOVERNOR COMMITTEE .J3.;; tfi ;'!5'tMii''nw 4 U ROBERT, POLLOWELL and J. 7. WARD, (Managers ii '.;;'S. i v U lil .ft 1 J.' a . . . : t, i