"N- , 1 XIX. Number 21. Herticrd," Fcrquimans County, North Caroling Friday, May 30, 1951. 5 Cents Per Copy r j:o;;esi f ; The United States, Great Britain ...d France signed a peace pact with , ..Western Germany this week restoring certain lights and privileges to the Bonn government, which were strip ped from Che Germans men yean -ago whea the Allies ocoopied Germ any at the close of the war. Under ! the pact signed Tuesday the Allies will retain , troops within Western Germany, as a block against Invasion ' and civil war. Russia, which occupies Eastern Germany, hurled threats at the Bonn government in efforts to stall the alignment of the West Germans with the free West, and on Wednesday Berlin reported threats of blockade between East and West Germany. , - The Administration won a ; victory in the Senate on Tuesday when vote on a billion dollar cut in appropria tions for foreasm aid defeated the amendment. Washington reports stated another amendment calling for a half billion dollar cut will be taken tab week, Administration leaders are fighting efforts to slash the federal . budget, which ; becomes effective July L ;SJ No decision as yet has been hand- - ed down by the Supreme Court on the 'seizure of the steel industry, but else where on the labor front progress is reported toward settlement of strikes. The oil strike has been eased consid erably,; and.'. most - of the striking ; unions have returned to work and the Western Union strike was ended Mon day when , the workers returned to their duties ft.--, , v - With national party conventions - scheduled for July, major candidates for the presidential nomination are .now battUnsr hard to line up delegates , named for the conventions. Raports Wednesday ftated General Eisenhow er and SeL '-r Taft are practically - tied In the i. of d-'legafr who are pledged, in- the RepwMkan race, while in. the Democratic tarty Sena, tor Kefauver stilt holds a firht lead " In" delegates over 1 "rHan, flena.KueUatV. .V. , - Jaycc;s Force J To Announcement was' made here today by Jarvis Henry that the Hertford Jaycees will discontinuethe scrap pa per drive which they have carried out locally for the past 15 months. Mr. Henry stated the Jaycees are forced to temporarily suspend the paper collection due to the fact, at the present time, there is no market for scrap paper. He added the organiza tion may ' resume paper collections again if and when the market opens up. i - The Jaycees now have a warehouse full of old paper and despite all ef forts are unable to sell it on the market. Z'i ,-. vi,-;,V:, '&'Z Proceeds from the sale of the paper In the past was used by the Jaycees In carrying out local projects. . .. Mr. Henry stated the Jaycees ap preciate the support the public, gave to 'this paper collection project, and it is hoped the project may be resum ed at some future date. Legion Group3 To Hold Joint Meeting: 'A ioW. ; maetinir rtf the Wm. Paul Stallings Post of the American Legion and its Auxiliary will be held at the Agriculture Building in Hertford on Friday night, June. 6, at .8 o'clock, it was announced by B. C. Berry, Post : PjYmm-STlHer.. "'!' -"" ' - ,i-"' X ' TWincr h nroarram a film. "Dare- The Birthplace . of America" will be a'hrnirn aft Bart nf the Americanism program of the N. C. Department. of the American Legion. . Thin film nresAntation -will be un der the sponsorship of the Hertford Junior Chamber of Commerce, which will also show the film throughout the county during the week of June 4th. Tt feat- i srJi celerities as Kay Eyser 1 5 Z ' !y Warren, depicting the foUk ; cf the nation. . The r 1 ' c Ja invited to attend the Jaint Lr 4ii '"-j and have an opportunl to . , i the film. Tire Cn: :;E: : " A . W A.JL- J-- - 1 Vw "ri fl.:; 3n f. s c 1 to the ' vfr 9 -,1 1- ' :M" 1 I" 1 ! 3 r t ' l 1 1 IT ll " t 1 ?i : a. .. r.iOTc:;::::;:SATce.v:::;DoiT Closing Exerdres fteld Wednesday at School Auditorium 7 Perquimans High School conducted its 27th annual commencement last Wednesday night, marking the close of the present school term, and clim axing the closing exercises which have been in progress since last Sunday. . fifty-three seniors received diplot mas at the exercises held before a ca pacity crowd in the auditorium of the school Wednesday night. The closing exercises were conducted by members of the graduating class with several of the seniors giving short talks. Receiving diplomas, signifying' com pletion of the work at the school, were (Ray Ayacue, Jackie Allen, Billy Ben ton, Julia Ann Bundy, Eugene Boyce, Pauline Burbage, Garland Baker, Marguerite Butler, Vance' Bright, Nel lie Cartwright, Johnny Cox, Earline Chappell, Jay Duling, Aby Godfrey, Wilma Goodwin, Clyde Lane, Walter Humphlett, Irene Hunter, A. L. Lane, Delma Hurdle, Edward Lane, Kathleen Hurdle, John Mansfield, Louise Jor dan, Ben Miller, Sarah Ownley, Pres ton Morgan, Amy Van Roach, Charles Phillips, Margaret Symons, Carl Saw yer, Billie Skinner, uaude stallings, Martha Thatch, Preston Stevenson, Betty Lou Trueblood, Tommy Sumner, Marvina White. (Lawrence Sutton, Valerie White, Ben Thach, Geraldine Winslow, : Joe Towe, Marjorie Wins- low, Garland , Walker, Gertrude El liott, Julian White, Graythel Spear, Deri Winslow, Robert Winslow, Fritz iWulf, Clinton Winslow and Harvey Butt. " .f, r Following the awarding of the dip lomas, E. C. Woodard, principal of the school, mad presentation of medals to a number of students for achieve ment Inj studies and extra curricula activitleav' : :v'-; ''' :. The commencement exercises began oh Sunday evening with the bacca laureate sermon being delivered by the RevTA.. I Chaplin, pastor of the Hertford.,5 Methodist Cmwch. Mr. Chaplin wrged ths senior to take a look ai .themselves" and plan a worth while life based , upon work toward that achievement He also , urged the seniors to attend college, to further their education if possible to do so. Class Night was conducted by the seniors on Tuesday night and (his program was also held in the school auditorium,"'- 7;. ...';;;;,., i - Methodist Men's Club Observes Ladies' Night Ladies' night was observed by the Methodist Men's Club of the Per quimans Charge, at a dinner party held last .Thursday at the community house in Winfall. ' The ladies of the Cedar Grove Church served a delicious dinner. Invocation was given by the Rev, H. M. Jamieson. The program was under the direction of George W. Jack- son, who presented Will Hoffler, who gave an illustrated talk on World Service, j Mr. Jamieson gave the scripture reading on Christian Homes. John Costen, manager of the REA, showed a film, the subject of which, was "The Family Next Door." y Jack Benton, president of the club presided over the meeting. Mable Martin IfVhedbee Wins Essay Contest ; ' Mable Martin Whedbee, writing on the subject North Carolina's Place In America Today, won first place in an essay contest sponsored by the Auxiliary of the Wm. Paul Stallings Post of the American - Legion. She was awarded a prize of five dollars for the winning essay. Her paper has been sent to Wilson to be judged with others submitted from this district, in a State-wide contest ' , ,,' She received her prize at chapel exercises 1 held at PeVimlmanS High School last Friday., The presentation was mads by; Mrs. Charles Skinner, chairman of the Auxiliary committee sponsoring the contest Belvidere Ruritans .. Hold Ladies' Night Members of the Belvidere IRurftan dub entertained their wives at an annual ladies night party at the Bel videre Community House ion Friday night of last ,week..; -Vj'vv" V'; - A delicious dinner fwas served by members of the Belvidere Home Dem onstration Club. ? 1 ir-tocial guests at the meeting in- cladal Koigh Uarver, Jtamtan gov ernor' for Albemarle District, who r . , t "7 on jRuritan program. ' . r. f . ' '.Outre, District H&Z'Jh ,i 1 1 :o a special guest and Mt' sv!:Jact of children's i v - in cl.arr? f Day Saturday. May 21. will be Poppy Day in Perquimans County. Members of the Auxiliary of the Wm. Paul Stallings Post of the Ameri can Legion have completed plans for the sale of poppies and the public is urged to purchase and wear poppies honoring the nation's war dead. lUrs. Thomas White, chairman of the Poppy Sale, for the local , auxiliary, has an nounced that members of the chap ter and cooperating organizations will canvass ' the county during the day, giving every resident an opportunity to purchase one of the memorial flow ers. Poppy Day workers are donating their time and proceeds from the sale of poppies to be used for the benefit of disabled war veterans in the Leg ion's vast rehabilitation and welfare work. -: Bloodmobile Visit Schemed Here FrWaJiineu1ii Arrangements are now being com pleted by the Perquimans County Red Cross Blood program committee for the next visit of the Red Cross bloodmobile, which will come to Hert ford on Friday, June 6. Yt. Announcement was made today that Mrs. W. C. Cherry will serve as chair man of the committee, sponsoring the blood program. She will be as sisted by the same committee members who served the program when the bloodmobile visited . Hertford last March. The committee is now endeavoring to enlist the assistance of blood don ors, who; will eive one pint of blood to the Red Cross, '; The county quota has-been set at 150 "pints of blood. Solicitors assisting Mrs. Cherry have pledge cards, which donors are ask ed to sign in making an appointment to give blood to the Red Cross. As reported on previous trips of the bloodmobile to this community, a large part of the blood collected here by the Red Cross is made available to the Armed Forces, for use in sav ing lives on the battlefields in Korea. The remainder of the bloo$ donated is made available to hospitals in this area, to provide free transfusions to patients needing blood. The public is urged to cooperate with the Red Cross and aid the coun ty to meet its blood quota. In the event an individual is not contacted for an appointment with the blood mobile,' he or she may volunteer by going to the bloodmobile headquarters at the Methodist Church between the .hours-of. 9 A- M., and 4 P. M., on June 6 th. JI7ins!ovNdiiad Nation Delegate .1 V . -WiMM ; A Perquimans County man has been named as a delegate to the Democratic National Convention, which will con vene in Chicago in July to select the party presidential nominee. ,. IT. Emmett-Winslow,) former Sher iff of the county, and presently State Senator from the First District was chosen, along with John Clark of Pitt County, as delegates from the First District Selection of the delegates took place at the District and State Convention, held in Raleigh on Thurs day of last week. . Appointment of various committee members was also made during the District Convention and Mrs. Jack Kanoy was named on the State Execu tive Committee; C. IP. Morris and S. M. Whedbee were named on the Con gressional I district executive commit tee; W. H. Oakey and C. R. Holmes were named to tii Judicial executive committee, and A. W. Hefren and Charles E. Johnson were named to the SoKcitorial executive committee. Opens Insurance Agency In Hertford ' Another new ' business opened in Hertford this week with an announce ment made by George E. Fields of the opening of hi insurance agency m the Hertford Cleaners .building on Market 'Street v r' Mr. Fields is a native of Hertford, a graduate ' of (Perqtdmans High School and a veteran of World War XL For the past four 'and one-half years he was associated with the Re tail C!r Vt Comrry of Atlanta, Ga. He re:ocd Cis portion on May 16 to open his business here. Ta anno'"l lis agency wiH li',c - ji '. -'re policies. M Of Eduction frlopts Budget At Specie! fating Vote Annual Award to Honor G. C. Buck as Ag Teacher . Members of the Perquimans Coun ty Board of Education met in special session here last Monday night and considered a number of matters per taining to closing the present school term and a proposed budget for the next school year. . The Board authorized school super intendent J. T. Diggers to confer with J. W. Griffin, architect for the Perquimans Training School, on final settlement for the construction of this building. Contractors for the building have submitted a bill for the changes ordered in connection with the construction, and there is a difference of several hundred dollars between bid prices and the bill for final pay ment. A budget for the next school year, calling for expenditures of $43,256.00 was tentatively adopted by the Board, subject to approval by the Board of County Commissioners. Final ap proval of the budget will necessitate an increase of three cents in the tax levy for school needs as compared tc last year. The resignation of Mrs. Nellie F Gberst as secretary to the superin tendent' was accepted wityi regret. Mrs. Oberat had been employed by the Board for the past 23 years. Her resignation becomes effective June 30. - Some discussion was held on the action taken by .the High School Committee in retiring G. C. Buck, ag riculture teacher at' Perquimans High School for the past 20 years, who has reached the retirement age of 65. , The Board took no action following the discussion and was in agreement that a resolution adopted at its last meeting calling for retirement of all county teachers at the age of 65 should be followed. :i The? Board then- went "on record adopting a motion to honor Mr Buck for his long services to the county high school by awarding annually a plaque to the graduating member of the agriculture department receiving the highest scholastic grades for the year.: This plaque will be placed in the Agriculture Department of the school and the winners name engrav ed on it. id Twenty-five awards were presented to students at Perquimans High School at the commencement exer cises held Wednesday night for out standing achievement in school ac tivities during the past year. The awards, presented by E. C. Woodard, principal of' the school, were as follows: Scholarship, loyal ty and achievement Marvina White, American Legion, outstanding stu dents, Marvina White and Tommy Sumner, Babe Kuth sportsmanship, Margaret Symons and Joe' Towe, Am erican Legion speaking, Bobby Smfth. Most Activities, Marvina White and Garland Walker, Citizenship, Sarah Ownley and Cliff Towe, Dramatics, Amy Van Roach and Clyde Lane. ; Outstanding students, below senior level, Mable Martin Whedbee, De bates, : Mable'' Martin Whedbee, Glee Club, Amy Van Roach, Band. Ruth Dawson, Journalism, Marguerite But-V ler, Student Council, Marvina WhHe, High Grades, awarded by Mrs. B. G. Koonce, Tommy Sumner, BPW Com mercial Medal, Gertrude Elliott . Awards in the agriculture depart ment were as follows: W. C. Chap pell Award, Clarence Chappell; Pub lic Speaking, Bobby . Smith; Dairy Farming, Clarence Chappell; Electri fication,. Clarence Chappell; Farm Mechanics, Leslie KJrby; Soil and Water Management Clarence Chap pell; Star Chapter Farmer, Clarence Uhappeil. County Board To Meet Next Monday Perquimans County's Board ' of Commissioners will meet here in reg ular session on next Monday, begin ning at 10 o'clock. Among other busi ness expected to be handled by the Board will be acceptance of tentative budgets from the various county agencies. , These budget proposals will be in corporated into the overall county bud. get for die fiscal year beginning July 1, and will be the basis of setting the tax rate for the county for the fiscal year. ,.' - . - TO COLD FOOD SALE The Hertford Chapter of the Order of Eastern Star will hold a food sale raturJ,y morning on the Court House Green in Harvard. lilTEflESTIiJElfCTlOflONSATUaD.V EMCTEDTORESULTIIIIIOALVOTE Officials for the primary election to be held Saturday have been appointed by the County Board of Elections, ac cording to W. F, Ainsley, chairman. ' The registrars and judges for the six precincts of the county are as follows: : . Bethel tWilliam Stallings. regis trar; E. Y. Berry and J. B. Perry, judges. Belvidere J. M. Copeland, regis trar; Mrs. J. M Copeland and Lin wood Winslow, judges. Hertford Mrs. B. G. Koonce, reg istrar; Mrs. J. H. Satchwell, Ben Koonce and W. A. Hoffler, judges. (Parkville Harry Barber, registrar; Mrs. Harry Barber and Nelson Smith, judges. Nicanor Mrs. Ross Baker, resris- trar; Mrs. Russell Baker and Archie White, judges. New Hope Mrs. W. E. Dail, reg istrar; S. D. Banks and E. A. Good man, judges. Indians In Playoff This Week-end Perquimans High School's baseball team will tangle with the Bayboro team this week-end for the State Class A Eastern Championship and the right to play in the finals for the State Championship, it was announced Mon day by E. C Woodard, principal. Persuimans Won its way into the semi-finals round by winning two of three games from Red Oak and Bay boro emerged as winner of the south eastern division by winning two of three games from Troy. The first game of the semi-final round, between Perquimans and Bay boro will be played in Hertford, on Memorial Field, Thursday night with game time set at eight o'clock. The second game will be played at Bay boro on Friday afternoon. Time and place for a third game, if needed, will be decided following the second game at Bayboro. Local baseball fans, whose interest in the game has increased greatly since the Indians won their way into the finals of the state play-offs, re ceived the announcement of the game here Thursday with a great deal of enthusiasm. One of the largest crowds ever to witness a local high school baseball game, is expected to turn out for the contest here this week.. Coach Ellie Fearing has been keep ing his players ii good shape with daily practice sessions, since winning the regional playofi against Red Oak. He is expected to start Vernon White, ace hurler for the Indians, as pitcher in the first game of the semi-finals here on Thursday and use Billy Ben ton as pitcher in the second contest Recorder's Court Hears Six Cases Business was brief this week in Recorder's Court, only six cases were listed on the docket according to C. C. Banks, clerk of the court Gardner Hewitt and Leslie Squires entered pleas of guflty to charges of speeding and each paid the costs of court A verdict of not guilty was return ed in the case in which Garland and Elsie Harris, Negroes, were charged with disturbing" the peace. Costs of court were taxed asrainst Braxton Godfrey, who entered a plea of guilty to a charge of reckless driving. . Ernest May, charged with reckless driving, failed to appear to answer the charges and his bond was ordered forfeited. A verdict of not guilty was return ed in the hearing given Otha Wbid bee, Negro, who was charged with reckless driving' and following a ve hicle too close. - AWARDED LETTER Carroll Berry. Jr., a sophomore at the University of North Carolina, was among the members of the 1952 base ball players awarded letters last week at the University. Berry, a graduate of Perquimans High School, served as manager of the varsity during the present season. J. J. WAGNER ' Word was received here Tuesday of the death of J. J. Wagner, father of Mrs. James E. Newby, at his home in Port Falls, Idaho. Mr. Wagner had been seriously ill for the past several weeks. masons "Eeet tuesdaTnight (Perquimans Lodge, No. 106V A. F. ft A. M., will meet Tuesday night at 8 o'clock, All members aw urged to attend, For Eastern Has Polls Open at 6:30 A.M. And Close at 6:30 P.M. Chairman States Despite the fact that voters have only two purely local races which will be decided in the primary election, scheduled for Saturday, May 31, local political dopesters figure that interest in district and state races will draw a near normal vote for the primary. Generally speaking, interest in this year's election, here in Perquimans, has centered around the race for gov ernor, which is a three way affair be tween William B. Untstead, Hubert Olive and Manly E. Dunaway. Ac cording to all reports this race is real ly between Umstead and Olive with Dunaway expected to run a poor third. County voters will also vote for two State Senators to represent this dis trict in the General Assembly. Can didates for these offices are J. Wil liam Copeland, who is seeking re-election, Pilston Godwin of Gates County, F. Webb Williams of Pasquotank and Everett Burgess of Camden. The biggest of the two local races is the six-man field of candidates seeking the nomination for the office of Register of Deeds. The names of the candidates in this race are C. C. Banks, Jim Bass, George Jackson, Edgar Morris, Julian Powell and Er- vin Turner. Two candidates, Elmer Banks and R. L. Spivey, are seeking the nomi nation for County Commissioner from New Hope township. . Guesses on the number of ballots which will be cast in the primary range from 1500 to 1800. The State ballot will also list a number of contests for minor state offices, but as in the past voters ap parently are paying scant attention to these races. W. F. Ainsley, chairman of the County Board of Elections, announced today all is in readiness for the pri mary. Ballots have been distributed to. the officials in the Various, poll ing pw'iTV5t,loi4g.'with instruction for carrying out the duties pertain ing to the election. Mr. Ainsley stated all polling placet will be open from 6:30 A. M., until 6:30 P. M., during which time the voters may cast their ballots. Political Rally At Vinf all Friday The last of a series of pre-election political rallies, staged in Perquim ans in connection with the primary election for Saturday, will be held at Winfall on Friday night of this Week. Candidates for the various offices of the district and county have been invited to attend and a large audience is expected to be present to hear talks by the candidates. The first of the rallies was held at Bethel last Friday night, and was fol lowed by rallies held Wednesday night at Nicanor, Thursday night at New Hope. In addition to speeches by local candidates, talks were also made by supporters of William B. Umstead and Hubert E. Olive, candidates for the office of Governor. Barnes Rites Held Sunday Afternoon Funeral services for Albert Mi celle Barnes, 57, who died Thursday of last week at a Hampton, Va., hos pital, were conducted Sunday after noon at 4 P. M., at the Lynch Fun eral Home. Rev. Charles W. Duling, assisted by the Rev. W. W. Finlator, officiated. Barnes was a native of Hertford, son of William Alfred and Sarah! Ov erton Barnes. He was a veteran of World War I and a member of the American Legion. Surviving, besides his wife, Mrs. Es sie Barnes, and his mother, are two daughters, Mrs. 'Arlene Jetherine, of Rio Undo, Calif., and Doris May Barnes of Hertford; three sons, Albert of Norfolk, Vann and Floyd Barnes, both of Hertford; two sisters, Mrs. Henry Hendrix of Hertford and Mrs. Jim Taylor of Elizabeth City. Burial was in Cedarwood Ceme tery." "'' i -a, in- i i i n ' inn Rotarians Set Date For Ladies' Night Hertford Rotarians have set Tues day, June 17, as the date for their an nual ladies' night party. The emo club members will entertain their wives and other special guests at a dinner at the Hotel Hertford, it was announced by Jack Kanoy, preaiden of tne cwn. . - . - Charles Henc, president-elect of tins club, is chairman of the program committee, and is now arranging the program for the event