i i r PtrqulriSRS Y7ec!dy Published twf Friday at Hrt- ford,' North Carolina. . ; . MAX CAMPBELL ,.. .Kditar ihitM mteaoA class matter November 15, 1934, at Poet Office it Hertford, Nortn uarouna, oa der the Act of March, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION BATES $2.00 Per Tew ? Advertising rates furnished by request FRIDAY, JULY 4, 1952. On U. S. History ' Mrs. Oscar A. Ahlgren, president of the General Federation of Women a Clubs, recently said in wasningwu that she had just one legislativeob- jective for her two-year term. That objective is to make American his tory a required subject In high schools and colleges in states where there is I no such law already. . Mrs. Ahlgren said she would have a model bill on the teaching of his tory drafted and hopes to get other organizations interested in crusading for such a law. She said the effort would be bipartisan and had the sup port of both the Republicans and Democrats. The United States Office of Edu cation reports that about three-fourths of the states already have laws re quiring American history to be taught in public elementary and secondary schools but in about a fourth of the country's states American history is not a mandatory subject, even in grammar school ' Mrs. Ahlgren feels that it should be a required subject in high schools and colleges and that students at this age will be more likely to understand and appreciate it than younger stu dents. : '" , The new President of the General Federation of Women's Clubs has se lected a sensible goal. In some states, where a large influx of immigrants is experienced annually and where American history , is not a required subject, the residents, who of ten be come citizens, actually learn, and un derstand little of the great customs and traditions of the United States. Instead, they tend to remember and follow customs and traditions of other countries. ' 'v- Mrs. Ahlgren will probably not suc ceed in retting all of the states to re quire the teaching of American his tory in high schools ana colleges, one will perhaps succeed in only a few. In bringing this problem to the fore, however, she is doing a service to her country and is making an impression on public opinion which, in later years, might be translated into legislative ac tion in various areas. .' Sweden's Reward The Swedish people got a taste of Russian gratitude recently when two Swedish Air Force planes were pre sumably shot down by the Russians over the Baltic Sea. The Swedes remained neutral in the last war and have attempted to remain neutral in the "cold war" between the democra cies and the Communists. They . are now learning fkai f the (Communists treat all those who are not with them as against them, and that there is no middle ground in the worldwide struggle of ideologies. The SwedeB, who have profited nicely out of both World Wars, .without having ensraeed in either, are reported to ibe highly incensed by tile Russian acts over the Baltic Sea. That they have not been just as highly incensed by Communist aggression, mass murder and brutality toward other peoples is not easily understood. In viewing the Swedish scene, 'Americans should also remember that a United States plane was shot down scene of the reeent losses, in the spring of 1360. AH three planes are presumed to have been shot down by the Russians, who are reportedly ex perimanting with atomic and other secret weapons in the area Involved. Now. ' the Swedes are having to .oo just what the United States did in 1950 accept the outrage and loss 01 men and material with no other re course open to them short of military operations. It is a case of taking the slap in the face or doing something about it. and the Swedes are not able to do anything about it. In I960, the United States was not prepared, and the issue was probably not ao import-1 ant, as to demand U. S. military -ac tion. However, one of these days ac cumulated Russian acta of brutality will bring about retaliation the sians will remember a long time:.t may be 'five, ten or fifteen years, h eventually barbaric murders will toe avenged. '. ' ' nanaaaaannnna,wJawJaannnnnaiaiaaiaaiaanwaaiann . MINUTES OF MEETING ? BOARD OF EDUCATION v The Board of Education met in spe cial session Monday, June 16, 1952, at 8:00 (P. M. AH members were pres ent. Chairman J. E. Morria presid ed ' Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. - A motion was made, seconded, end passed approving Miss Eva Harris as secretary to the superintendent sal ary to be same as that provided by state allotment for this osice. :i:ne secretary will be entitled to two weeks' vacation during each year but will not foe cumulative beyond one fiscal year. Mr. Joe Tunnell, who had been elected by the School Committee, was approved as agriculture teacher in the Perquimans High School. : Motion was made,, seconded, and passed requiring all persons desiring to use the school cafeterias for pri vate dinners or for other private pur poses to make a deposit of $25.00. Twenty dollars of this deposit will be refunded within three days after date of the function; -The person responsi ble for the occasion will be held ac countable for any and all damages. A letter from O. W. Godwin with reference to extras on Winf all Colored School was read. Superintendent was directed to continue negotiations for settlement of $2,000.00. J. T. BUGGERS, Secretary. estate of said deceased to e-" Hit tlem t the Aadersirned at I" - rd on or the h d-y of J i::3, of tia notice will M plea--J ivtar tf their recovery. ' All persons tidUd t said estate will pic"? jr'Tce'tat mediate .payment. This 5th day of June, 1952. ELIZABETH S. SKIFSEY Administratrix of George T. . Sldpsey. June 13,20,27july4jll,18 late of Perquimans Co "17,-.11;. .J havIr-Tf' claims agate 5 t" x ' .te f '..JJ T . J A- I - -1. a . .A- J undarsigned at 1202 h ' ' -a Ro J, Elisabeth City, N. C t i t r .ore r '.e 23rd day of June; 1953, C. 'it a will be x1 1 br ; v At J -covery. -A4. persons JaJ '.-1 to t ! NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrator, CTjA., of the estate of Mrs. Offie Boyee Lamb, deceased, late of Per quimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claim against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Tyner, N. C, on or before the 16th day of June, 1953, or this notice wiH be . pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate Wiir please make immediate payment This 16th day of June ,1952. E. T. LAMB, ' Administtator, C.TJL, of Mrs. , ,'. Ollie Boyce Lamb. june20,27July4,llA85pd Classified and LegaJs NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION ! Having Qualified a a . JExecutrix of the estate of B W. Thach, deceas ed, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify ail per sons having claims against the es tate of said deceased to exhibit them to. the undersigned at Hertford, N. C, on or before the 28th day of June, 1953, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persona indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. - This 28th day of June, 1952. MRS. MAUDE SB. THACH, V Executrix of IB. W. Thach. july4,ll;18,25,augl,8 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION " Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of H. E. Bogue, deceased, FOR SALE PORTO RICO POTATO plants. Phone 879-W-2, Edenton, N. C. C. E. Lnpton. expjune26c IteasCaVcrfi Whan Udnx function alowa down, many . talk complain ol naninr bafcaaaa, lorn of Kp and enerfy. hMdaeba and diasincaa. n't auffer lonfar with thaw diieomforta If ndueed Udn function ia fttinf yon down dua to aueh common aanaaa aa atnaa and (train, over-exertion or xpoanra to cold. Minor bladder lrritationa duo to cold, dampneai or wronf diet mar Canaa fatting op nifhta or Irequent ft ilaaav LOST-JMAWS WALLET CON- taining large sum of money and J vaiuaote papers, meiiiuywuj owner. Finder return to T. E. Raper, Hert ford, N ,C. "' " Don't nmmtm vonr kidnava if thaaa eondl- tJona bother yon. Try Doan'a PiU mild dturatle. Uaad auecaiafttUy by milUona for over SO years. While often otharwiaa cauaed. If a amaaioc how many timaa Doan'a lira happy relief from thaaa diaeomforta help the IS milea of kidney tub and filter fluah out waata. Get Doan'a .?itte todayi PILLS NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Executor of the estate of Julius Moore, deceased, late of Perquimans County. . North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at 209 East Albemarle Street, Edenton, North Carolina, on or before the 11th day of June, 1953, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment: This 11th day of June, 1952. ,W. H. DAVIS, Executor of Julius Moore. june20,27,july4,ll,1825 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Havinar Qualified as Executor of the estate of Lena E. Flanagan, de ceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persona having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Route 1, Hertford, N. C, on or before the 4th day of June, 1953, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 4th day of June, 1952. NIXON HOLLOWELL, Executor of Lena E. Flanagan. june643,20,27july4,ll NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administratrix of the estate of George T. Skipsey, de ceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all over the same Baltic Sea, near the persons having claims against the TAYLOR THEATRE EDENTON, N. C. ' Week Day Shows Continuous . W ' From. 3;30 Saturday Continuous From 1:30 . Sunday 2:15, 4:15 and 9:15 .... O ii Thursday and Friday, July 3-4 Jeanne Grain and . . -. e Myma Loy in "BELLES ON THEIR TOES" 0 :'; Saturday, July 5 , Charles Starrett in ' "SMOKY CANYON" ' ". 1 1. .I ' . o .J 'i . :: Sunday and 'Monday, July 6-7 . Joel McCrea and Yvonne DeCarlo in ' "THE SAN FRANCISCO STORY" Tuesday and Wednesday, July 8-9 Double Feature v Sterling iHayden in "FLAMING FEATHER" Bruce Kellog in "UNKNOWN WORLD" EDEN THEATRE Friday and Saturday, 1 1 j 1 Join TWIFORD'S Mutual Burial ' ASSOCIATION e.U.tel i p ayment. ' This 23rd day c? ; J t ;. Administrator ( 2 Tl. E. Eojua. " june27uly4,ll,18;,. 2 j - Tafy"araTrriJ'"-' - rininjnru-irvjiru"iO'"'w 1 9 fcjne . i . x cJa. ' Blackstone. ; ' " - " " C3Siif : j t i c E Until f arther notice my of fice will be closed all day on Wednesday. ilD.C::.:.:rfjS BY OriHl OF THE MBELW C0UI1TY ooe cf coot ,co:,n,:iss!o:;ERs '. I will advertise for Sale, on July 1, 1952, all Red Estate on which 1951 taxes have not been paid, and also will levy on all delinquent Personal Property Taxes. I will hold the Sale of the Real Estate on Monday, August 4, 1952, Please make prompt settlement now and save the ad ditional cost of advertising. . Mo G. Ow.eias SHERIFF OF PERQUIMANS, CX)UNTY J-A-nruxnjxrunnijvvraf ivwMWWwwwVWMwWwWwftMwW-wMWwwia(VV rririi"rr ""Wwu rznn u U. U . OO r