v 1 fc 3 1 Volume XIX. Number u::.3Fcr4-!lCt'j; Perqiiimans Group Will Spend Week at Site Starting Monday ; ,- to you know how Minnie Pearl is? v Why Cicero could not marry Minnie Peart T Who is in the Lost Quartet T well, these questions will be answered during the week boys and girls are at -H Club Camp at Manteo. Forget j about that sunburn and those mosqui to bites you mixht iret. for a week full of excitement, fun and learning will leave memories of the fellowship you enjoyed at camp during the week of ? July 14 through the 19th. ;, .-Whfle at . unp they will have classes in the morning in handicraft, recreation, swimming and electricity. - The afternoon will be filled with tours, w ferry rides, soft ball, swimming and ''-other .recreation. , ' ;!." , In the evening the program will be hitrhliehted by the) camp newspaper wiw aauy gossip oi camp. ."T , tion wiH follow which wil include,. games, skits, stunts, talent, lout games and dances. . .Three special events have been plan-' : " ned for our week at camp. During t 1 intermission at the Lost Colony pages ant, 4-H clubs of America will be hon ored. L. R. HarriU, State 4-H Club Leader, will be present and Perquim ans County boys and girls will par ticipate in 4be program. .7 v ' ' , Second of those events will be the ' Asrenta Night" during which the v agents present will demonstrate their , hidden latent to the boys and tprlm. ., ' The last event is Friday night when the boys and girl have their banquet, followed by their own talent show. To end the week of learning, fhn and fel lowship will be the Candlelight cere mony on the beach at the lighted croSS. '. " Attending tbe Club Camp at ' tlanteo thie year from Perquimans : Cok nty wiB be the following boys and y- f Is: Loralne Eason, Margaret Ann J -tton,- Ethel Sutton, Jo Davis Taw. V, -T -Eotr-M. Xyw.Lew,-;:' ;. - -A.- sf K vr r s. . , 4 -i ,yne, Wlyvu M Latum, ijs Hoi - HowelVBecky Nixon.renda Joyce StaJtHngs, Annie Lou Ine, Betty Fei , ton, Letitia Ann JMdGoogan, Jo Anne , Matthews, Shirley Byrum, Rachel Spivey, Lois BynmyAnnette Proctor, Connie Lee Matthews, Connie Boyce, Julian Howell; RicWd Matthews', W. N, Matthews, Clarence ChappelL Jr., Bobby Smith,. Daniel. Ray Eure, Billy Hudson. Joe Ward Proctor. .Joseph ' Proctor, Jr., Billy Keel, Donnie Keel . and Crafton Matthews, Jr. , ' f ' Carolyn Biggerstaff, assistant home . agent, end Claude Ruiter; Jr., assist ant farm agents, wil accompany them to camp. .' i . .... i Local Growers To , ' : Enter Hogs In Show Consigning hogs to the '1'952 Na tional Duroc .Congress Show and Sale . which will be held at the fairgrounds in Indianapolis, Ind., on August 1 and 2 will be Clarence Chappell, Jr.; Bel- videre, with a bred gilt and a Junior 'boar and R. C. Ward of Ryland with 1 va-bred- gBt 'Z'' v . At this Congress' which is sponsor ed by the United Duroc Record Asso ciation an4 t Purdue. University,. the Duroc . Association will celebrate its i 70th anniversary., The Congress will J r. f 'U.ii: - . A - , li. J ( leatunt typo vtmiercm!, juug'"s - 1 contest, -cejeassemottstration and a ;gigantic Duroo sale.- - - '- ' In this ConsrresH and anniversary r) celebration, r consignors ' will vie; for : $4,130 in prize money.. i Tiie"Cbren:'-.:8ie:wlbicli' wilr'be 'Theld August 2, will consist of 200 head fit oi the. nation's top Durocs. Because " . ;of the -large number there win be ani- ' mals to fit everyone's need at price ;-;.they can'-afforA-'-v.'.' v-'-'j.,'." County Agehi tiroes D jstins Of Cotton : ; Terquimanjt " jCounty : farmers are warned today by L C. Yagel, County ' A: -ut; not to feel a false sense of se- cunty by rerorts that hot dry weata ' er has svei tva lnll weevil problem for 1SC2, AlJioli the rsoant hot weather may liave retarded their de velopment soae tt-'a is not true' ' in all fields as tCa v?cL!y counts are showing. For ers- or r" "aa fij.d in Krv V z '- ' t' I ".'in j tLree r r t L ' n 1 w: !, had 3 r r t tils we 'i lit f ?t tlitX dueU c i gat r J't is i:uotrttei by a, I.AA in UJr.." ri Tvnw.'p havirj b'x per cent.t I ' -j- d,"ted ar.d farr, t ' "2 ' had t".ro r r r It 'a of Cco- D. J. ' i, L' " t, it r It 3 ' via J ' . - ' '. ' j I ' ? I t ' tT,: "Hcrticrd, Perquimans County, North State;; SpendiEi ,Gro.miag; $100. Per Mora than half the States in the Union 27 to be, ex act Aad total ex- ixmditurea for all nurnoses in 1951 of more than $100 for'every one of their inhabitants, according to a study re cently made public by the U. S. Bur eau of the Census, i'V' ';' Two of these States, Delaware and Washington, spent the equivalent of more than $200 per capita last year, the first time this , level has . been reached in State expenditure records. ..The . growth of spending, at the State level is indicated by the fact that only one year before, in 1950, there were 17 states with per capita expenditures of $100 and more; ten fewer than in 1961. In 1949 there were only 11 States in this spending bracket - As an average, total expendi tures of the 48 State Governments were the equivalent of more than 5100 per capita in 1951, as compared with $89 in 1950 and $81 in .1949. Back in 1940, per capita State expenditures -verllrZd oniv 4L . . averaged only 141. These figures include spending for all activities in which ihe States are engaged. These vary widely as be tween one State and another because of differences in services provided and in responsibilities to county and local subdivisions due to variations in cus- TIIIS WEEK'S IKES The national Republican convention being held in Chicago this week de- hreloped, as was predicted, into a bat tle between forces of General Dwight Eisenhower and Senator Robert Taft with each , side working to win the Presidential nomination. The conven tion opened ion Monday .with General MacArShur giving the keynote speech. Tues' f . routine . day during ' h fation Attempted to v. uu uwi. fty nghw over seat ing the delegates. v Reports from Chi cago early Wednesday stated, tbe nominating of a Presidential candi date probably will not get under way before Thursday. . i ". .. . os- ' Eisenhower and Taft were the top candidates but there was talk of . a stalemate and a likely switch to a dark horse. General MacArtfaur was frequently mentioned in this role fol lowing his : keynote address. Both the Taft and Eisenhower groups ap parently- were trying to pick up suf ficient votes to win a first ballot nom ination. Vice President Alben . Berkley on Sunday announced ha is a "working" candidate for the Democratic nomina tion for the Presidency. : Barkley pre viously had stated he would accept the - nomination f but ; this week he changed his course and announced he will actively seek the nomination. A Washington report on Wednesday stated an economy move by Congress lopping off nearly 40 million dollars from appropriations for operation of government agencies will mean chop ping" thousands of employees off the Federal payroll. The new United States liner U. S. United 'States broke the record for crossing ' the Atlantic, traveling the distance in three days, 10 hours and 40 minutes. This bettered the record held by the British, ship Queen Mary by 10 hours and two minutes. . , Grain Storage Topic For Discussion Tuesday ' Perquimans County , farmers and others interested in grain storage are urged to attend a meeting at the Agricultural Buudinr in Hertford on Tuesday evening, ,; Jyily, 15, at 7:30 o'clock. ' According to L C Xagel, County Agent, . S. Coatee from the Agricultural Engineering -Department at State College and Mr. Teeter will be on band to lead the discussion and answer questions regarding construe i '' . A X m l. W.'h r. raon oi, approvcu xann iKuug.v Surveys have "shown that today;, ,""u ""u"7 j me " ' . llAHMna .I.I fc. a J .4 - J J Si there is not enough farm- storage to take care of the beans, com and pea nuts, now being, produced. Modern harvesting is done so rapidly; so much grain and beans move to market at once that a farm ' without storage Cace to . safeguard -the quality of -t't and. to ease the flow to market is -orioa"y handicapped. The far-T- r It at tl.e m :y cf ,the market. 3 f rai it'-, s ia t!;a answer. ' - -t! i ,coverdrg up, to 80 ; t c , (.: it tcf such farm tor- .j t 1 farmers. T5.is ? ll,f ft tie nwt- :. , lie C.-'y ' ' i -f ' ' " y j f -r i . U l ' i J h J. i - 27 ;Top Capit St toms, traditions, and economic ability to support public services. It is true, of course, that aggregate 'State Government expenditures, which added up to some $16 billions last years, are "dwarfed by those of the P e d e r a 1 Government, particularly these days with the great rise in de-i fense spending. 'Furthermore, both State and local governments held down their expenditures during World War II and deferred imany necessary pro jects to help the war effort. Catching up on these deferred pro jects, along with the rise in the gen eral price level and unavoidable new expenditures like veterans' bonuses, has been a big factor in the rise in the cost Of government at the State level in recent years. Nonetheless, the record tax burden now borne by the people and by business requires that State and local expenditures be ;es carefully watched for waste and ex travagance as those of the Federal Government. Total per capita ' expenditures for all purposes in (North Carolina . for the three-year period of 1949 through 1951 were as follows: 1949- 470.90. 1950- 86.67. 1951- 4103.58. An embargo on the use of water for certain purposes, ordered by the Board of Commissioners for the Town of Hertford on Monday df last week, has been lifted, according to Mayor V. N. Darden. -Circumstances leading to the , tem porary shortage , of the local water supply .which forced, the order, for $he Water Embargo Is Lifted By Tovn Oozrd curtailment of ussater foif javn tered a plea of guilty,He was fined and washing ears, were oveicome durafE rf ing .lastiweek and the- Supply of ya ter In the town.'i;storge tanw was replenished to tho 'near normal stag. Pumping has continued without in terruption, for more than a week, arid with the rain early Monday morning the local water supply is now expect ed to be sufficient for all purposes. Schedule Released For Soft Ball League Directors of the . local soft ball which includes teams repre senting the Winfa.ll Ruritan Club, Hertford Jayrees and Lions Club and the : VflW. announced Monday all games remaining 6n the schedule for the summer will be played as double headers on Monday and Thursday evenings on the playground located on Grubb Street - 1 - The schedule for the remainder of the season was released as follows: ; July lO--VFW vs. lions, Jaycees vs. Ruritans; July 14, Lions vs. Ku ritans, VFW vs. Jaycees; July 17, Ru ritans vs.' VFW, Jaycees vs. lions; July 21, Lions vs. VFW, Ruritans vs. Jaycees;, July 24, Jaycees vs. JVFW, Ruritans vs. Lions: July 28, Lions vs. Jaycees, WW vs. Ruritans; July 81, Jaycees; "vs. Ruritans, VFW vs. Lions. Augusts 4, VFW vs. Jaycees, lions vs. Ruritans; August 7, Jaycees vs. Irions, Ruritans vs. VFW: August 11, Ruritans vs. Jaycees, lions vs. VFW August a4,'VflW' vs. Jaycees, Ruri tans vs Lions; August 18, VFW vs. Ruritans, lions vs. Jaycees; August Zl, Jaycees, vs. (Runtans, VFW vs. Lions; August 25, Ruritans vs. Lions, Jaycees vs. VFW; August 28, (Ruri tans vs. T VFW, Jaycees vs. lions; September 4, Lions vs. VFW, Ruritans vs Jaycees.,.. .ix.u...--i a-v-v..' - Games will be played each Monday and Thursday -starting at 7fl5 and 8:S0 P. M. In the only game played last week the VFW defeated the' league leading Ruritans by a 18-10 f score. i- -r m i il '" y i league with a 4-1 record, followed by the VFW with a 3-1 record, the Jay cees with a 1-2 record and the Lions have a 0-4 record. - 11 Oalbcard Motor Racc3,lTere Sunday " Another series of outboard motor races -will -be conducted at Hertford Taach - Sunday, July 13, H was 'an nounced today by Jake Mathews; spon sor of the event. , 4 . Eleven races are planned for the i :;?Mon, Hr. UatSews p"ii, i-iolud-ir - .';-s cf AU, CU, CU, AO Ctock I. ' ani a free for alL lit events w.l E'ait ttSP.lL ' , ; '-- Carolina, Friday, July 11, ?.-cord3r'sCc:rt :::JVri3dDoc:iGt ft Session Tuasfey Heavy Fines Meted Out To Violators of Traf ; fic Laws A varied docket - consisting of 10 cases was disposed of in Perquimans Recorders Court In session here last Tuesday morning. A majority of the defendants found themselves in court facimr charges of traffic violations.. , R. L. Britt submitted to a charge of driving an overloaded trick and paid the costs of court "'.,'. ' .'. '". ; "William Harris, Negro, -was found guilty of charges of bemg drunk on tiie highway, parking on a highway and parking on a highway without lights on his vehicle. He was sen tenced to the roads for six .months,. sentence to be suspended upon pap ment of a fine of $100 and costs. - Benjamin Harrell was found guilty on charges of reckless driving and driving on the left side of the road. He was ordered to pay a fine of $75 and costs. Roosevelt Harvey and Elsie Felton, Negroes, were found guilty on charges of mutual assault. They were order ed to pay the costs of court and not be seen together fpr a period of ' 12 months. Jack White. Negro, was ordered to pay a fine of $125 and costs of court after pleading guilty to charges of driving drunk and transporting non tax paid liquor. ' Henry Bolden, Negro, was found guilty of forcible trespass and as sault. He was given a 12 months road sentence ' to be suspended upon payment of court. costs and on condi tion he be of good behavior for two years. : ' Edward Segar, charged with speed ing, submitted and paid a fine of $25 and costs of court. Court costs were taxed against Joseph Meads, who en tered a plea of guilty to charges of speeding. Charles Ubl submitted to a charge of speeding and paid the costs of court. Milton Knight, charg ed with speeding 85 miles per hour, ere ii Carson D.. Spivey, Route 3, Hert ford, was recently appointed to the Perquimans County FHA Committee for a period of three years, effective July 1, replacing John Q. Hurdle, re tiring committeeman. The Perquimans County FHA Com mittee is composed of Colon S. Jack son, Route 1 Hertford; Claud W. Wil liams, Route 3, Hertford and Mr. Spi vey. These men work closely with E. F. Morgan, County Supervisor for Perquimans and Chowan Counties. It is the duty of these committee men to certify as to the eligibility of persons applying for all types of as sistance offered by the Farmers Home Administration Program. Also pass ing upon farms being considered for purchase, enlargement or development under the Farm Ownership Program or for improvement under the Farm Housing Program. , i v Types of assistance offered by the Farmers Home Administration are as follows: Operating loans to help eligible operators of family-type farms get ahead through better farming; farm development loans to owners of under-developed farms; farm enlarge ment loans, to owners whose farms are too small to be an economic unit; farm ownership loans to eligible ap plicants to , purchase family - type farms; larm housing loans to owners to construct, improve, alter, repair or replace a nouse or otner building es sential to the operation of the farm. Showers Help Crops Throughout Area Heavy showers which fell through - Ml! thia ' lM . sktiwlw V MAnits nrtil ww wuo , w vsutj ; wuuuny ,auwi Tuesday . mornings have added thou sands of dollars to the possible valua tion of crops, according to opinion of many farmers of this county. The heat wave of June had caused some damage. to the.' com 'crop, but the gentle rains this week ls believed to have helped not only 'corn but other crops such as peanuts, soybeans and cotton. , i ,,;. IN STATS CONTEST ,. The Perquimans r 4-H Livestock Judging Team- participated in the State Livestock Judging Contest held at State College July 8. Those mak ing the trip were Belmont Perry, Ju lian Howell, Wallace Baker, Clarence Chapped, Jr., John Hilt and Bobby Smith.: !.'1' v; ..i . v The team was seventh out of 22 contesting teams.1 Bobby Smith waft high man on the county team. Sntveyrtem dtoFHA Committee II 1952. County Tax Rate Set By Commissioners At Meeting Monday State Polio Chairman ,, ' I Vyfj 5 DR. CLYDE A. ERWIN Pictured above is Dr. Clyde A. Erwin, state superintendent of public instruction, who has just been appointed State chairman of the 1953 March of Dimes. Board Of Education Sets Opening Date For County Schools September 3rd has been designated as the. date for the opening of Per quimans County schools for the fall term, it was announced today by J. T. Biggers, County Superintendent. The opening date was set by the Tfioard .at its meeting eld ..here last Monday nignt. Other business handled by the Board during the meeting included final adoption of the school budget for the. current fiscal year, and a discus sion" on filling, vacancies in the high school faculty. , In connection with the opening of schools, Mr. Biggers stated school principals will start work on August 20. bemsr located in their various of fices for consultation with parents ana teachers regarding plans and pro grams for the opening. The Board also went on record rec ommendinir the insurance program of fered the school children at a cost of only $1 per year. It was pointed out this insurance program will provide a slightly broader coverage during the coming year, than was offered last year. '.' Community Praised By Athletic Officer Perquimans County came in for a bit of praise in the official record of North Carolina High School Athletic Association for the hospitality tender ed players and fans, of Madison dur ing the Class A baseball playoffs held here last month. . - L. J. Perry, secretary of the asso ciation, in his official report wrote: "The attendance at this Class A series was better than at either the Class AA or Class AAA series. . The good people of Hertford went all out to make the stay of the boys on Madison's team a pleasant one. 'Fishing expeditions were arranged for them; .the theatre . gave them free pauses and the drug stores gave them free drinks at the soda fountain. All of these things were, of course, ap- Ipreciated by the visitors and they left the' Hertford community feeling that ; they were the most friendly people 4ihAW had aiia lrtLAimn " . vusj iwu crvi awviiu Jaycee District Meeting Planned The Hertford Junior Chamber .'of Commerce will be host at a district meeting of the Jaycees of the Seventh District planned . for Hertford! on July 80, it was announced today by George Fields, president of the local organisation, y.v.- ,;.,y --v t: Some 130 members of the 17 clubs, comprising the Seventh district, are expected to attend the meetiwr to be held here in the lunch room at Per quimans High. School. V ;! r; i Mr. Fields also, announced the local Jaycees will hold a .napkin 'sale Fri day of this week as a -fund raising project for the- oraanizationv Mero- bera of the club wlU aU at homes be tween the hours of 7 and 9 'offering napkins for sale. ' 5 Cents Peropy Valuation Estimated at Slightly Higher Fig ure Than Last Year Meeting here in regular session last Monday, the Commissioners' for Perquimans County adopted a budget for the current fiscal year and set the county tax rate at $1.80 per hundred dollar valuation. This is the same tax rate as was levied during the last fiscal year. The budget adopted was identical to that, proposed by the County Board last month and published on June 20. It calls for an overall expenditure' of $235,268, of which amount $109,268 is expected to be received from other sources than ad valorem taxation. This leaves $126,000 to be raised through taxation of property. Biggest change in the budget calls for 15 cents of the levy, used last year for purchasing school buses, to be al located to the debt service fund for the payment of $30,000 in county bonds maturing next May. This large bond payment will be possible without an increase in the tax levy. Other changes made in the current budget are a reduction in the outlay for general county fund purposes and increase for the poor fund and an in crease in the general school fund. The Board authorized the purchase of an electric stove and an electric iron for the county home. It approved petitions requesting improvement of the Landing Road in Bethel Township and a road in New Hope Township leading to the Tucker farm. A. T. Lane and J. W. Ward were named as a committee to investigate and have repaired part of the flooring in the Court House, now in need of repairs. The Board also authorized a trans fer of $2,000 to the capital outlay fund for the purpose of making final set tlement of ' the construction of addi tions - to , the Perquimans Training School at WinfalL The 'members of .the Board an nounced plans for attending a meet ing of the .Association of County Commissioners to be held at More head City August 11 through the 13th. J. W. Ward, tax supervisor, advis ed the Board estimates compiled on the property valuation for 1952 show total valuation will be in the neigh borhood of $7,851,000, an' increase of about $363,000 over 1951. Senator Hoey Gives Opinion On Unions Senator Clyde R. Hoey this week expressed his appreciation to a num ber of Hertford citizens who com mended him on a speech delivered in the Senate on June 12, in which the Senator discussed the labor, steel strike situation. In a letter to the senders of the telegram containing the message of commendation, Senator Hoey wrote: "It is gratifying to have the approval of me or your type and .character and I shall do everything possible to main tain the heritage of our American traditions and to preserve the rights of individuals. I am against forcing anyone to join a union of any sort to obtain or hold a job. "The labor unions have grown so large and so powerful that I think we should make them subject to the anti trust laws ' just as other large cor porations and monopolies." Atkinson-Seely Vows Spoken At Louisville Mrs. Virginia Boyce Seely of Hert ford and Charles Sherlock Seely, Com. mandef, United States Navy, retired, r i . . ui vnuigv,,. Virginia, announce uia marriage of . their daughter, Miss Harriette Priscilla Seely, to Stuart Emory Atkinson, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Cordon Atkinson, of Crewe, Virginia, at Louisville, Kentucky, Thursday, July 3. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. John B. bom. The bride, attired in pink silk crepe with matching hat and accessories, was given in marriage by her father and Andrew J. Ecoles, III, of Louis ville was groomsman. - Mr. Atkinson served overseas dur ing World War H He received his KS degree from the University of Richmond, Richmond, Va., in June, 1950, and will receive his MA decree in psychology from the University of Louisville in August. ; Mrs. Atkinson graduated , from - Marv ; Waahinsrton College of the University of Virginia in june,; ; and will recelva her masters degree In psychology from th tUniversity of Louisville at the close of the summer session, i Thar Icouple plan to live in Louisville.' -