-v r a v . . 1 i'r. t and 7. D. Spencer Davison ilr. R.; R. Ferry guests of H. M. v-y ad Km Naomi KcDonne"! were I i, and Kr. R. U Spivey, ft, and Jtlrs. R. 1 Spivey. Mr. and lira. (Billy , Winslow and daughter Cindy. Mr. and Mrs. George Fields ana Jaias iisaoeia irtnuu :.wne guests of Mr.' and Mr. & T. ; IV tv Sunday. - ' :,' , ilra. W. . Dail has returned to her homo after attending the wedding of her granddaughter , in Jvashington, V Mr. and Mrs. Willie Small and girls are visiting relatives 3 in ths com munity, i , , .'if . ! Sfc Matt M. Spivey, Jr., has re turned to Fort ' Belvoir; Va,, Army hospital for , observation and treat ment after spending the past 80 days with, his father, M. M. Spivey. PINEY WOODS HEJWS Mrs. Leon White and boys and Mrs. W D.' Ferry of Bethel visited Mrs. C. JT. Raper last week. J Mm. Marvin S. Simpson returned home Thursday from : Norfolk after ; spending three weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Butt and children. ; . Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Chappell and girls Jenifer and Nell spent the week end in Norfolk. Mrs. Chappell and girls remained over to spend the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. King. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Simpson and daughter Jacky. of Hampton, Va., and Mr. and Mrs. C H. Simpson of Hert ford-visited Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Raper and Mrs. Marvin Simpson Friday af. ternoon July 4th. Mrs. Ida White visited Mrs. Lizzie Capeiand Friday afternoon. ' Mrs. Luther Chappell and girls, Doris Faye and Susie and W. P. Chappell visited Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Raper Sunday evening. Miss Lois Violet Winslow visited ay v. :.h i cold wr: : The Young Pe: ' ' I; "i of Burr t - 'ourthoJ y$ i . at Hertlird i. j pickles ' cake and bc'.'.' .are enjoyed ".by,t t; luding some.visiL i. ; . -9 School 'rated wiener v. idners, i drinks enty, in- . 0. . r i Mrs. T : IZr. and I - 1 i.-nily and IZr. i II - ill visited Ur. i i 1 ..Jl Sunday P. IT. ; C J. Raper, Mrs. L rrin i r.,and Mrs. Luther C ; - , i X'sye and Lassie made a k - " 1 1 to Edenton Monday morn-: - BURGESS NETvVJ Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ayscue,1 Jr., daughter Jo were the guests c and Mrs. Amur Uojeland 1 .2 . week-end. . ,,.'-. .p-r- Mrs. J. B. Basnight has returr. her home after spending some, I with her sister, Mrs. C. W. Ivel, r . Elizabeth City, i 1 " Miss Catherine Sawyer of No was the house guest of Mrs. 1 , Copeland for the past week. , Mr. and Mrs. Bob Layden spent tae holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Sidney! Uayden and Mr. and Mm Robert HarrelL ' ' Vfi Ooyd Nixon of the U. S. Nary has returned to his ship after spending the week-end with his mother, Mrs. TJlHan Nirnn. , , i ' . .' ..j r. i...i -D.njinik T-.a IWihite . and two n.nj u. ix7 n s.i week-end with Mr. ana urs. ,JU J. VMUgUb W1U AUDI IT . ' VJ, ' . (Norfolk visited Mr. and Mr J. B. Wfoslow. . Rmmiirht m. th JVit1i f Jnlv. - V Mrs. Martha Young and two grand ; .r. a foli vL. Lt. on returned fsome tii BELVID); IS SA T. C Perry, Jr., of r- Iriiwidge, Mi. and his frienda, SA; SVorth Par- ker of Fayetteve, and T.V At Ryon of Wansan, Wis, wVo are at the pres ent time in service at i-usi-iage, vis ited in the T. C, Perry home a part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Perry, Jr., and friends enjoyed the Fourth at Nags Head.'- ' ' ' . (After a week's stay at tne -wnoao-dendren," Black Mountain, on their return home. Mr. and Mr R. M. dniidren spent tne Waahinsrton. The lat days of the Congress were very hectie ones. , As usual, the appropriations bills were the most important measures to be put in final form before adjournment. : rr. -.i . -5.. 'w .aa i Ti.loni Mrs. LHlian Nixon and familv visit-1 children, Harmon antt;TOoyx loung. : r" " r jTS o. v. : -eV' - 'tar J 0- sc . ; 31 - . . ; i. . ; to L:-.ulation MAS0N3 I -ZT TUr ,AY I I " perquimaii s Lods, l,o. 11", ', A A. M.; will meet Tix:.-y j-.'-t i - V J ' ed relatives in Belhaven Saturday. CHAPANOKENEWS Miss Louise Wilson and Mrs. A. H. Ross spent last Monday in Norfolk. ' Mrs. Irma Dorsey is visiting her daughter and son-in-law in Ports mouth this week. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Wilson of Cha pel Hill were the week-end guests , of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wil son. ' ' . '- Mr. and Mrs. Amos Brown and family of Norfolk spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Onley. ; Miss Juanita Patrick of Roper is spending this week with Miss Mildred Ann Lewis. " Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Darden of Hert- 1Q HEED-1CZ MOVHI For buying, building or remodeling a home, of your own . . . there is no better way to fi nance the cost than through our Building and Loan Association. . 1 "'. . This is our 28th year of serving the needs of people of Hertford and Perquimans County. ' If you needmoney to finance repairs to your home see our friendly loan officer about the easy way offered through our monthly pay ment plan.'. Ibrtfcrd During & Loli Association ' A. W HEFREN, President .; v "( MAX CAMPBELL, Secretary ' COURT HOUSE SQUARE . HERTFORD, N. C. Mr. and , large stuns f money. - Congress did .; appropriate . large sums, pvt not of Orlando, Fla., are After a week's stay at Quaker Lake; Jnruch as had been requested, fieveral . ' . . . i - I Klllinn. nr.M MAtVi . A a4MAlin thA Mrs.,! u. wmstow ana aaugnier, Claire, Ann White ana Avis Winslow returned home Saturday. , , Mrs. James 2. Shaw and daughter of Mebane are spending some time with her mother,. Mrs. Mamie AsbeU and family. '' :. ' ' '" W. T. Bmitii "Wderwent major operation in a Richmond, Va., hospi tal recently and is doing fairly well. Mr. and ; Mrs.' Lloyd Wlnsldw and family of Elizabeth City Route 3, were Sunday visitors with the L S. Winslow family.' ;:,'''';'0vr':' v"' Miss Delma Anne Hurdle, . in com pany with friends, ' enjoyed, the day Sunday at -Nags Head,1. . I 'C-",;-'.; - Tuesday dinner guests , of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Perry, Sr., were his sister, Mrs. Annie Baker of El Paso, Texas, and her daughter, Mrs. F. R. Cetti and son Billy of hoenix, Ariaona, Mrs. May Perry and brother, Elmer Miller, of Winfall. Mrs. Winiam IWmalow and little son Arba Clair of Whites- ton were visitors during the day. Mr, and Mrs. IF. ,G.- aoffler and three children of Hobbeville were Sunday' guests -of the J. W, Hurdle frtnilv. Miss Erleen ChappeU,. daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. Charlie G. Chappell, and Jake White-, Jr of Hertford, were united in marriage June 23rd at Ply mouth. Immediately following their mamaga they motored through south ( Carolina and spent several days at Myrtle Beach. They are residing at Hotel Hertford. ' 1 . v , Going C. i " " j Presider.t 'C. ; Irt week ' :d me as i ' rvftlie n to repr- '. i ? '. -xmt i a -Ung of t-9 I 'i.t- j-7 ' at Cern, :.l I . 3 this meetly jJut j. r t Ia- ' Jibul, Turkey, and it is a revc IL.j ernerience to meet le"-...ors from all of our civilized countries and to understand their problems and have iheni -understand ours in America. It Is Possible that I may be able to send back some ' comments for this column at intervals, and many editors (read some of the pror.janda V rt I have 'indicated that they desire that I been distributed against this bill. 1 I do so. For she present, though, this1. ' I did tea toes that efforts had be A f ' t s of L!a fu.r.. stopped 1 it i r.,a Ce otl.ar" C They are t-r l cf te mtr fins t izens W'i ; ii l"rLh Carolina Greek bird v, t. . Jjrj. Mr, . AJexiou t ' 2d me about t' iew immigr.-ion .law and I told f of the great mi. ----ntatIjns mf about that law. I t' ' Jc he v- t pnsea w learn x.i t.e c" Greek Immigrants had not L turbed and that there n r- ': the law affecting the good 1 " any race or nationality. Ha I. 1 du' ;ous of the law beer i hs a r 1 OUTBOARD MOTOR ACE Hertford Beach 4 Miles South of Hertford-Harvey Point Read SundayJuljrlSEE billions were cut from the amount the President requested, ' ' It Is difficult for a member of Con gress to Judge how far be should Co in approving or disapproving an ap propriation.' For the : most part, ' I voted to cut expenditures, but I.r:re were a few instances in which 'I voted for increases (but they amounted to very little. . , I felt that we must reduce govern ment expenditures and I tried to, vote BccDiuuiKijr, jou ibsc ween laereerc two appropriations which i supported in full, for I thought they were( ab solutely justified. . -, . ' .' Here's what was involved: In connection with the defense Vf- fort . certain P areas have undrr ', -e sharp increases in population. In c,r own. . state, for example, there f e Cherry Point, Camp Lejeune. X I mington, Fort Bragg and others. IV. .Ji the .added population in these cmV munities, a problem arises wi;h !'l sharp Increase in the number (1 1 .l- dren thrust upon the public B-hoo'.j. : luongrees had previouoy prom.csd the local school officials that they could expect help in financing school construction. Therefore) ' I voted ia favor of the 171 million appropriation which had been cut out of the appro priations bill by the committee. When the -committee s attention was called will be the last of the regular weekly columns unless I have an opportun ity to make a few notes during the Democratic convention at Chicago which would be of interest to you. ; I am ?most grateful to the many newspapers all over North Carolina which have made possible the oppor tunity for me to discuss my views on matters that ' have come . before-the Congress.' I have frequently found that when citizens understand the facts, they thoroughly appreciate the made and would continue to be ms to keep out of America those v would come here to Join subvert elements elements which seem t Upon destroying the American sysL of government and economy. . : , if I was glad, to see Mr. Alexious t bis family, and was happy to (the chance to explain the real cc tents of the immigration bill. f-trr 'i'i'v. v,A' j7.rhSw1"'' 11' BEGr; RACS Oasses: AU, BU, CU, A-B Stock Hydro and Free For Ail ' Beautiful Trophies Awarded For - w ' : , 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place yinners p. "-J- p-.4V 1, t ri'- - ' If . ;0 WINFALL NEWS Mrs. Billv Jones of Hobbsville spent tbe week-end with lor. and Mrs. Rex Jones, Sr. ' . , ' Walter Umphlett, Jr., of BCTC Col lege and Zeb Whitford of ECTC spent the week-end with Walter, ira par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Umphlett, Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Winslow and son Dan spent the week-end at their cot tage at Nags Head. , Mr. and Mrs. Opal White of Bal timore!- Md., are - visiting relatives here. ' Miss Kay White Stanton is spend ing some time in Portsmouth, Va. . Mr. and ; Mrs. Jack Rasco of Bath, S. C, have returned home after spend ing . some time with ' Mrs. Rasco's parentaJMr and Mrs, C.D.. White. ; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stanton, Sr., spent last Thursday in Edenton visit ing their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harrell. " ' ' s Mr., and Mrs. E. B. Hollowell and John Eure visited Mr. Holloweill's sis ter, Mrs. E.. -W.; Wiuttby, Sunday in Tb Rev, and Mrs. Herbert M. Jami son, Herbie and Susan spent Fourth of July at Jamestown, Va.. and WAf liainsburg. . They enjoyed the pageant I'The Common Glory" also before re turning home. . ".." 'V;r;.i Services are being held nightly at S o'clock at ..Woodland Church this week with te Rev. D. J, Reid. pastor of City ; Road Methodist Church in Elizabeth . City . doing; the , preaching, i Services close on Friday night of this Mrs. Charlie Umphlett and c? Idren are spending 'this week at the cot- tc-a at Kitty'Hawk. , Thoma E. Umphlett of Wake For-o-t .CclIcje. spent the holidy r-'JA LUt f -rents, Mr. and Mrs. C, J. I aph rX x -'' Si v Cs Fatty Baker spent sever 1 days l;iv . "iatNs-'sHead. : rYtrJCVUley and cLi:.Va of Portsm th spent last Wednesday v li tZn. r. -'sV-Servr-t. Jas -J-ton -i 1 Lvrille I 'Ate. " ' ' -n, LZf ' tii ' ' "V fert tv 1 L'r. 1 1 1. E. C. ri. 'y f cf Lf ',N.Y.3t ' 9 1- r 1 r. tn L.n. ' , to the need for this money, niost if not all of the committee members agreed that those items should be put back in the bilL The government's defense program had created the dif ficulty and I felt it was the responsi bility of the Congress to help tbe local communities with the burden which we had, in effect, placed upon them. ' st' Dick Russell -w- -' Senator Ruseell continues to 'make progress in . bis Campaign for tbe Presidency, and it appears that he now has a real chance depending, of course, upon (be outcome of many fac tors at the Chicago convention. . More and more people are realizing: that Senator Russell is recognised as the most able man of all those men- sisssiAssisHiMVMWyMi :r 'f ';idd oonttincUoa assuzas' 1 you U batter mowingt ... at tartar sp . lot ore ysa wiu a joi, et:o.9Mowaz. , ..-- easy fc'. ; . sllpilucb.pr' Ati pewst ahaK V .dittrta.a cntiw r fc take ftp Ud . i 1. saWy laieass n 1. . ... mmmb n.ninn IUBZ W ,t , T1'1 . l Ua ; . '. kad Ughxade Uari7 ! axe lbs iaararas mat sawgnara , 8 aadrttcs spksep costs. Ho.) 1 Company, Inc. : . INCHARD'S SINCE 1832 '1 USED CARS i 1950 Plymouth 2-Door 1950 Plymouth . (Club .Coupe) 4; 1949 Chevrolet, 2-Door 1949 Chrysler, Sedan i948s?lymouth4-Dccr 194$ Chevrolet, Sedan 195Q Chrysler 4-Dopri 1948 Ford, 4-Door ' 1946 Ford, 2-Door ; ' 1950 Chevrolet 1 , v ! aubCcups y 1949 Fcrd, fed.;' 1951 Plymoutli (VlubcuP3) 1942 Pdntiac 2-Door SEE US i frOk; BETTER BUYS IN USED CARS nr. Mi, c I lief f . i " With the canning: cc"cn - at ? - J hand, you cah b3 sure of r, .::t ' r job whan you 4 uco cvr " ; our hre stock itc:.i:, ' " : Eirr :tmE -c: rr i - c ;- : .: . .' : . - (i-;U- p - - J 1 r- ' X T it f -1 4 T dp; r' . -v. I ! I