- TOD ' piiwinSmnn'i t7A"7 M. (, Vfc .. If v-v - Published vverr Friday at Eart ford. North Carolina. . ; MAX CAMPBELL Editor, Entered as second class matter Mn1wn Ifi 19S4 . at FOBt UtHe tt Hertford, North Cangina, ai der the Act of uarcn, Wit. : SUBSCRIPTION RATES , $2.00 For Yput , Advertising rates fuxriished1 by request FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1952. Lend-Lease Saved Russia The Army has released an official history of Lend-Lease aid to Kusfna w World War n, which clearly shows that this aid enabled Russia to stand im nnder the hammer blows of Hit- lor. Brmv in 1942. "I j , The book, "".Persian Corridor and Aid to Russia," is revealing in that it in dicates that U. S. equipment and ma terials supplied as many as 150 o 200 Russian divisions in the critical per iod of the RusSo-KJerman War. J Lend-Lease aid to Russia amount ed to more than $8,500,000,000 and included 14,834 aircraft and 409,526 U. S. manufactured trucks. These figures are sobering today because of (Soviet assertions that her soldiers and factories alone were responsible for the victory over Germany in World War H. These figures make it clear that American Lend-Lease aid spelled the difference between Russian victory and Russian defeat. The NeV Immigration Law And Politics In 1924 Congress passed an immi gration law which reduced the maxi mum number of immigrants each year to 150 thousand, fixed a national quo ta system based on a percentage of each foreign country's nationals in the United States as of .1920, and barred most Asian people from immi grating into this country. - Now Congress has passed over President Truman's veto a new Im migrant act. Sponsored by Senator Pat MdCarran of Nevada and Rep. Francis E. Walters of Pennsylvania, the act would generally retain the provisions of the 1924 act on maxi mum immigration and the quota sys tem. -:":,,:, t- In the new law there is no flat ban against immigration of Asian and Pacific people. There have been add ed certain measures to keep out sub versives and other undesirables, and the Attorney .General is granted spe cial powers to deport immigrants for Communist or Communist-front af filiation. ' While the new immigration law is certainly the result of compromises, it is an improvement over the 1924 act despite President Truman's veto message in which he said that the act "would intensify the repressive and inhumane aspects of our, immigration procedures.'' '' ,. ' , Informed observers in Washington believe that while the President lost the fight on immigration policy, , he has succeeded in presenting in his veto message the civil right policies which he expects the Democratic con vention to endorse and which will un doubtedly become a fundamental is sue in the coming election in Novem ber. ' Wonder Drugs It is probably correct to say that medical scienCA haa mnla frreator strides in the development of new arugs in tne past two decades than in the entire history of medicine.' New wonder drugs are now used not only to relieve pain and distress but also to remove tha ranspu nf diuuiis The history of the wonder drugs oegan oacK in isaz with tne discovery of the sulpha drugs. Now the list of wonder drugs include in addition to the sulphas, penicillin, streptomycin, - aureomvcin. hloroTnwtin tmni. . . " " j cin, bacitracin, neomycin, ' atabrine, pentaquin, chloroqmn, paludrin and the hormone, cortisone. , . One 1 out. of ; evenr fmii nprnftno striken with pneumonia died 20 years ago, out today most victims are healed with .nenicillin in thrm ar fnn Ann With tile development of isonicotinic . .JJ I I mm. . acrae nyaraxiae, some tuberculosis -victims have litreally been pulled back irom tne anna or the grave. But even eonaldepiTiff' Tio-oto oi VSnce8 thft. merfteft nMerwa a mo1 a in the past few years, the challenge , oi nnoing arugs and serums that will combat other maAar ditaAKoa. n.l cancer, which kills about, 200 thous and peopie eacn year, tm laces those who ara Writinfir imuHea) : MiTaiv Wonder drugs for the treatment of the common , com, ugn wood pressure, hardening of the arteries and infan tile, paralysis, and others are still needed. , Political Spending Inl32 It seeme that the television indus try, a most costly method of Politick ing, will make 1952- a record year in political expenditures. Amor 7 all the oOer uninowns in tL!a eloi-on year, that seems to be asr i The Republican Party spent 050.- 0C5 for radio and soc vtl-t use of television in 48. Democrats pent $750,000 for the same media in 1948. This year, with TV playing much larger part In the political cam- paten than m 1948, these totals- will nrobablv ton a mill km dollars. ' ' - To get an idea of Che tremendous cost of television, on need omy ioojc at the network rate'on the major net works. A half hour of Class A tiin between six and eleven P. M., or Saturday and Sunday afternoons- cost over $30,000. Ox course, it does, not take many $30,000 items to run a political budget up ,'. rather rapidly. That is why 1952 is expected to be the record spending year of the country's political history. Books On Religion Lead In Find Of Publication Right now publishers are issuing nore books on religion than on any other nonaction subjects. Newspaper syndicates are expanding their re ligious features because of increasing public interest Sales of the Bible have doubled in five years and are now at an all-time peak. v C Two top executives, to the public relations and . advertising fields brought out these facts in speeches here., today. . ;y ;;" ;.f-'';;v;- Arthur Hall. Circulation Director of the Chicago Daily News, reported, 'A significant change in reading habits is under way right now. There is a tremendous public interest in books and articles on religion." v He addressed members of the world wide circulation sales staff of The Christian Science Monitor, who met in connection with the Annual Meet ing of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, 'Scientist, on Bos ton. Langley Carleton Keyes, Boston ad vertising executive and readability ex pert, cited reasons for the growing popular interest in religion. , 4. ? ; "Corruption, chaos, and confusion are turning many people back to Jesus' simple teaching," Keyes told an audience of more than 1500. "Men want something better than complex philosophies and confused living. - "They want religion. They want it in language they can understand. They want it the way Jesus taught it More than anything else, they want prac tical proof of God's power with men." Emphasizing "the simple might of divine ideas, Keyes said that the "in tellectualism of the few is not the answer. All men become 'thinkers when they f are ' reached where they are by the clear expression of the truth about God and man." Dr. Keyes is a PhD. in philology. The popular interest in religious features in newspapers was graphi cally illustrated by Hall. In 1949 the Chicago Daily News published the life story of Jesus. This brought a tre mendous circulation response. "(No articles published in recent years created so many new readers," Hall said. The articles appeared on page 1 with a news headline describ ing each day s installment 'The Daily News also found a series entitled "What My Religion Means To Me" to be definitely successful Hall continued. ' It was written by local lay members of various denomi nations. ' various other' newspapers, including the Detroit Free Press and the Miami (Fla.) Herald, have also published such . series with good re sults. Hall told how the Akron (Ohio) Beacon Journal has just started a 10- year series of articles. The subject: a few verses of the Bible each day. in the past year distribution of Bibles by The Christian Science Pub lishing 'Society has reached an all time peak. John H. Hoagland, Mana ger, reported this fact to an audience of nearly 7,500 at the main Annual Meeting of The Mother Church on June 2. Dusting Peanuts WEI Increase Yisld Peanut growers can harvest bigger yields and make more money on their crop by applying dust for control of leafspot diseases, says, J. C, Wells, plant pathology specialist for - State College Extension Service. , Wells advises making the first ap plication of dust (preferably the copper-sulfur dust mixture containing 4 per cent metallic coppe plus dusting sulfur) not later than July 10, at the rate of 18 to 20 .pounds of dust per acre. , Treatment should ,bt continued at two-week intervals for a total of three applications. "Any application washed off by i rain within 24 hours should be repeated as soon as weather per mits. '; A summary of i the results of 37 demonstrations conducted during the three-year period 19494951, compar ing results .with copper-sulfur and sulfur, shows that the highest yield of nuts was obtained from the. copper-sulfur plots; however, pbod con-,,' trol -and increase in yield over the undusted plots. were obtained with thei straight sulfur dust ' - - - The copper-sulfur dusted plots gave EDGAR M, ELDEST Edgar M. Elbert of Maywood, Illinois, is the new president of The International Association of Lions Gabs (lions International). He was elected by unaninoua vote at the 85th annual convention of the Association which closed at Mexico City Saturday. He sue ceeds Harold P. Nutter of Cam den, N. J. ' . ,t an average increase of 402 pounds of nuts per acre more than the undusted plots and an average of 192 pounds per acre more than the sulfur dusted plots for the three-year period. HARVEY POINT NEWS . Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Layden spent Sunday with relatives in Norfolk. Miss Lydia Ann Sawyer of Norfolk is spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Copeland. Cpl. Howard Ward is spending a 30-day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Ward Howard has been serving with the 14th Infantry Regiment in Korea for the past year. Mr. and IMrs. Clinton Ray Wins- low were dinner geusts of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cullipher of Elizabeth City Sunday night 1 v - r Norma Lee Proctor has returned home after visiting relatives at Prin cess Ann, Va Mrs. Harriet Layden of .Great Bridge is spending some time with her son anl daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Layden. . . " Annette Proctor is visitirig Miss Earleen Cullipher of Elizabeth City this week. Spare moments are the gold dust of time. The spare minutes axe the most fruitful in good or evil. Hall. TAYLOR THEATRE - EDENTON, if. C. Week Day Shows Continuous From 3:30 Saturday Continoous From 1:30 Sunday 2:15, 4:15 and 9:15 ' 1 o ' i. ,' ; Thursday and Friday,, July 10-11 nr Abbott and Costello in "JACK AND THE BEANSTALK" 'Saturday, July 12 Wild Bfll Elliott in "WACO" w v i.o ':' Sunday and Monday, ; j ; July 13-14 , Humphrey Bogart and ' - Katherine (Hepburn in ! "THE AFRICAN QUEEN" . ' .y1'1 . 0 .1.1. Tuesday and Wednesday, July 15-1S Double Feature . Dale Sobertson in "RETURN OF THE TEXAN " also Bernard Brothers in ' "GOBS AND GALS" ' EDEM THEATRE Friday and Saturday, July 11-12 Lew Ayres and ' Marlyn Maxwell in "NEW MEXICO" Ili-Usy 17 Orb-b TI;2tro Friday and Saturday, July 11-12 ; William Holden in : "UNION St ATION" " ' : a mi ,"i . it j'. Sunday, July 13- - ' ' ' Joan Fontaine in BORN TO BK BAD" Jlonday -and Tuesday, . r ? July 14-15 -. Farley Granger In , "CUR VE3Y OWN? n' -i i. i.O io m ' i' I, ' , -Wednfyjt'-1 Tlnrr,,---July 18-17 At DuEaS'tanQ"" In EHzabsth City Asbestos Roofing-Ooo(Ll for 50 Years Asbestos Sidin--rood for 30 Years; Asphalt Roofing Good for 25 Years Red Cedar Shingles Good many Years Aluminum,, 5-V Crimp Roll Roofings Roll Felts SEE US" FOR YOUR NEEDS ' - Dunstan Brick Co. Hughes Boulevard -:- Elizabeth City, N. C. NEXT DOOR TO COTTON MILLS - - : Try a Perquimans Weekly Classified Ad - V ' Semi I If Cfi QC S6.95 I THE FAMOUS SMARTER SHOES FOR NATURAL WALKING ', -1 . son's stock of this nationally fa mous footwear, we are offering a. variety of current styles at a sub stantial saving to you. Come in-r see' them. A cordial welcome awaits you, and you may find, in . your size, just the pattern you've wanted tp"complete your present wardrobe. There's no sacrifice on . . " . .. ,. ., , ' NATURAL BRIDGE fine qual itjs, style ; or comfort ONIJf THE PRICE. . Naturally, all i sales, during this limited offer. " vJJ must be final. ' ( i 1. '.' ; ." .ctl An at-t t HtJja. It i li i ' . t t rsLu a ieratu '.urc ore. H ift pleaseJ Li C. 1 your 4Jc back. Today at S and ZL ' rX ' ' Vc!:oc3 Ana li talking , Louise - Fred t tailing Joe Jones h telephoning Smith . . . Amedcans freely talking abouc butinett, politic, wdal aflaira. ThU is the feal "Voice ol ' J America," Record these cooTer ' tadoos and ship them behtsl the Iron Curtain what a way for' people there to heat At teal sound of freedom. . THE NORFOLK fc CAROLINA TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH , COMPANT ;' Biaabeth City - Eden ton Manteo X . S6-95 " . TV on nr f w -' -A V ) V . . . . f