' 1 JORDAN-STEVENSON Mr. and Mm. E. C Stevenson TYuiiwRt Ji honour of Tour presence . . at the marriage of their daughter Doris , t , to Mr. Robert Spencer Jordan, Jr. . on Saturday, the nineteenth of July at live o'clock in the afternoon iPrimitive Baptist Church Robersonville, North Carolina In New York Mrs. Silas Whedbee was called to New York Sunday because of itihe ill ness of her son, Charles. Charles was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Nat White and family. From Farmvillev Mm. Sally Ruth Horton of Farm ville is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Tim Brinn. - Moved On Church Street Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tilley and son Tommy moved into the Hollowell house last week on Church Street. From Monroe Mr. and - Mrs. J. A. Biggers and children returned to their home at Monroe Monday after spending sev. eral days with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Biggers. . From Grenvifle Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Landing and son of Greenville spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jones. Returned Home Joyce. Fay. Becky Lou and Dickie Owens have returned home after visit- inr their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenyon Bailey, in Elisabeth Uty. From Fentress '..; ; l; '" .' .; '. Mr. and Mrs. Tim Gregory and son of Fentress, Va., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Noun Gregory. From Washington ' , Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cole and daugh ter of Washington D. t,., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Biggers. Returned Home , Miss Frances urey 01. Trenton re turned home Sunday after visiting Miss Frances Newby. Week-end Here A. E. Hendley of Columbia, S. G, spent the week-end visiting Mr. and Mrs. Guy Newby and Mrs. Hendley and family. Friday Guests Mr. and Mrs. W. A. unsgory ana Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sumerlin of Fayetteville spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Caravello and Mrs. John Moore. 1 4 From Florida Lt and Mrs. E. 0. Sweet and dnnrhtpr nf St. Petemburir. Fla.. re turned home Tuesday after spending several days with Jar. ana Jars. J. ft. Webb. - SPECIAL SALE BEGINNING FRIDAY, JULY 11 $2.00 OFF On Every Spring and Summer Dress In Our Shop 25 Ladies' Suits price ALL SALES CASH AND FINAL WE OPEN DAILY AT 9 A. M. - WOODLAND DRESS SHOP HERTFORD, N. C. PHONE 2381 r.oa Fayetteve . ' Miss Patsy Moore of FayetteviHe it spending the summer with Mrs. Johir iu.oore. 1 Moved T firnbh Street ' Mr. and Mrs. James wilder and son have moved from Church Street into the ' apartment on Grubb Street for merly occupied by Mr. and lira, John Ward, who moved into the David house on Woodland Circle. 7 . Returned Home Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Hill and dill wren returned to their home at Ports mouth, Va.. last wednesray sRer vis iting Mrs. G. E. Fields. , In Berwick Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Oberst are the guests of friends and relatives at Berwick, Pa. Week-end la Norfolk '' ' ( (Mrs. E. A. Byrum spent the week end at Norfolk, Va.. with relatives. From Holland A, Mrs. Harvey Norfleet and children of Holland, Va., are spending this week with Mrs. Baker Wood and Miss Hulda Wood. Mr. (Norfleet accom panied his wife and family here Sun day and spent the day. ' - From Suffolk Miss Charlotte Hines of Suffolk, Va., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Eley. ;? From Holland Mrs. Lynn Bradshaw of Holland, Va., spent Sunday with Mrs. Baker Wood and Miss Hulda Wood. Returned Home Miss Loretta- Hines returned to her home in Suffolk, Va., Friday after vis iting Mr. end Mrs. Clinton Eley. Returned Home Mrs. Carroll Transou and Mrs. T. IS. White spent Thursday and Friday of this week in Richmond, Va. (sis? Arftef V i - '7' " 1 J Today: Friday Shows: 3:15-7-9 P. M. JAMES STEWART ARTHUR KENNEDY Dtuuui uiciurci Saturday Show Opens 1 P. M. JOHNNY MACK BROWN "Man From Black. Hills" "Radarmen (From the Moon" No. 1 Sunday Shows 2:15, 4:15 and 9:15 P. M. JOHN SANDS and PATRICIA MEDINA in 1 "ALADDIN AND HIS LAMP" Monday Only f Shows 3:15, 7 and 9 P. M. SHELLEY WINTERS RICHARD CONTE "The Raging Tide" Tuesday Only Shows 3:15, 7 and 9 P. M. JANET LEIGH ' PETER- LAWFORD "Just This Once" Va. L. R. Christie of Atlanta, Ga, and Mrs. E. W, Evans of Edenton were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Trim Wilson. . i At Camp Leach 1 '' ' ' Kathrvn Bonner. Allen Bonner, Jr., Georsre White and Jimmy Sullivan are spending two weeks , at Camp Weekend Guests " Mr. and Mrs. Bennett - Stephenson of Weldon, J Miss Virginia Beck of Burlington "and ' Jimmy Felton of Welch, W. Va., spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Felton. At Nags Head Mr. and Mm. Ernest Uumrie ana daughter Kay are spending ten days at Nags Head. ' - . From Winston-Salem - v Mr. and Mrs. Herman Ward of Winston-Salem ' spent the . week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ward:., ' From Williamsburg . ,' Mr. end Mrs. C. E, Burleson of Williamsburg, Va., spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Darden. Returned Home , . ' . Mrs. I. A. White has returned home after visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Gatling and Mrs. J. R. Hill in Nor-' folk last week. In Georgia Mr. and Mrs. Al Kenton left Sunday for a short trip to Savannah. Ca. , 1 MMAMMaAMMAMMAMMMMMAMMMMAMMMWMMWWVVMMWWVWVVMVVVVM Wednesday: Matinee 3:15 P. M, Night 7:9 P. M. DOUBLE FEATURE ' First Feature JOAN CAULFIELD DAVID NIVENS ' The Lady Says No" Second Feature 1 ALLAN R0CKY) LANE Xeadville Gunslinger- )jVSssssjaVajsssisaaMWVMM Thursday-Friday Matinee 3:15 Night 7-9 P. M. ' ' , . MARJORIE MAIN and PERCY KILBRIDE n L' !3 PA I IETTLE AT Tl" K!J: L At Home Mrs. J. W. Zachery and daughter, Miss Nancy Zadhery, who have spent the winter in Booneville, are spending some time at their home here. ' At Nags Head (Sir. and Mrs. S. P. Jessup are spending this week at Nags Head as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Jes sup at their cottage. From Chapel Hill Richard Futrell from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, spent the holidays with his parents, Mr. and MM. J. K. iMtrell. From Raleigh Nathan Spivey from State College. Raleigh, spent tJhe week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Spivey. From Greenville . . . Julian White, Jr., from ECTC, Greenville, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Julian White.' ' ' : iiJ Returned Home - i . If Miss Sue Perry White has returned home after spending a week with Miss Alice Jean Jackson at Nags Head. From Newport News Mr. and Mr, Robert Brinn and daughter from Newport News spent the week-end at ti e Brinn home. At St Paul's Miss Clay Stokes left Tuesday for ist. haul's to visit her grandmother, Mrs. w. a. f elton, and her aunt. Miss Gladys Felton. From Newport News . Mr. and Mrs. Dozier Sutton and children from Newport News. Va.. spent the week-end with Mr. and Mr T. E. Raper. From Booneville Mrs. Carroll Transou of Booneville arrived last week for a two weks1 visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. s. White. From Richmond ' Mrs. N. C. Barefoot and Miss Molly Barefoot and Miss Margaret Overton of Richmond are the guests of Mrs. I. A. White. . - ' -";- ' 1 On Vacation Mr. and Mrs. Charles Murray left Friday of this week for a week's va cation in the mountains of North Carolina. ' On Vacation Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Stokes nd and Mrs. Henry Stokes left ThuwlaV for a. ten day vacation in West Vir ginia, Kentucky and Tennessee. Returned, Home Mrs. J. K. witemnger and daugh ter left Thursday for their home In Rochester. Minn., after visiting Mrs. William Tucker. From Texas Mrs. L. B. Merrill and son of So. nora, Texas, are visiting W. F. C. Ed- mrn and Mr. and Mrs. WaHer Ed wards. . . Operated Upon 1 (Eldon Winslow underwent an oper ation at the Norfolk General Hospital In Norfolk this week. Returned Home Cpl. and Mrs. William Rav Lamb have returned to their home on Cape1 Cod, Mass., after spending the week end with his ,tarents, Mr. and Mrs, Willie Lamb and Mrs. Lamb's par ents at HoobsviHe. ; At Nags Head , t Mr. and Mrs. Louis' Tarkington and children and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Elliott are spending thit weeks at Nigs Head. Vacation In California Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Woodard and children left Wednesday for a month's trip to various parts of California. They will be gone a month. From Charlotte " V Mr. and Mrs. Seta i Fleetwood and Kenneth Green of Charlotte are spend ing this week with Mr. and Mrs. C, R, Holmes. From Texas . Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Edward Madre of Wichita 'Falls, Texas, are visiting Mr., end Mrs. C. E. Madre, ST., and Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Duns more. Thev were accomnanied home by . Edward Lee Madre and Earl Dunsmore, who have been their guests, In Carthage ' ' ' , Mr. and Mrs. W. E., Drake and ohil. .dren are spending several weeks with Week-end At Nags Head Mr. and Mrs. Kelly White spent the week-end with Mr." and Mrs. Joe .relatives at Carthage, Temu lowe at their cottage at Wags Head 4 1 Tuesday In Suffolk Sunday At Nags Head Mr. and Mrs. Claude Ruiter and son Mike and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kanoy, Jr., spent Sunday at Manteo and Nags Head,'. Week-end Here Carlton Davenport, Jr., who is at tending summer school at State Col lege in 'Raleigh, spent the holidays with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Davenport. - ( From Washington Mrs. T. R. Brinn and . daughter from Washington are the guests, of Mrs, Tim Brinn. ?, ; i From Raleigh Miss Elisabeth Tucker of Raleigh is spending her vacation with her moth er, Mrs. Isa Tucker.- , . h . J. 'i ':.' "t: f' At Nags Head , .. .. ... Miss Mae Wood WinBlow and Mrs. Will Hudson are spending the month of July at their cottage at Nags Head. From Florida . , ' Mr. and .Mrs. Bohert X Adams of Ruskin, Fla,' were recent guests of friends and -relatives in Hertford. ,"; From New Bern , . . ', f Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Clover and daughter of New Bern spent the week end with Mrs. Anse White, Mrs. Tom Skipsey. Mrs. Manraret Bolton and Lib Be Skipsey spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hines at Suffolk, Va. -' . Week-end At Conway ' Mr. and Mrs. A. Hr Edwards and childjen spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. C B. Draper at Conway. . Friday At Orgon Inlet Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Towe, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Baker and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Barber went ocean fish ing at Oregon Inlet Friday, July 4th. Week-end' At Nags Head ' Mr. and Mrs. T;. P. Byrum and chil dren spent 'the week-end at Nam ueaa. ' Vfeits Parents' .. : ' JSgt. Tom Perry, USAIF, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ferry. CIRCLE MEETS The Bessi Pritchard Mlssinnarv Cirele of the Baptist' Church met on Monday night at the home, of Mrs. E. A. Goodnnan. Mrs. Clinton Eley had charge of the business meeting". 11 se taking part on the prrrTam iwrj I C?iu' Ruit-r, I'ts. ( C ';i 1 Elaine Jor" i. . r-e ing tlie hoctes I : . - to the 14 men.l:eii f AT C ' George A. Whito, Jr4 Allan Bonner, Jr James, C. fiwl.n and Kathryn Bonner, all of Es: L-rd, are at Camp Leach near Washington, according to a report received here this week.' The camp Is operated by the Episcopal Church and is the .oldest, camp in (Eastern North Carolina. It offers a balanced camping program and is un der the leadership of experienced clergy and laymen. 1 " ' . CIRCLE MEETS The Mary Ellen Dotier Circle of the Baptist Church met Monday night with Mrs. Joe Caravello. Mrs; Mark Gregory presided' over the business. Mrs. Caravello presented the program with Mrs. Robert White and Mrs. J. E. Everett taking part Mrs. Elbe Goodwin gave the devotional and Mrs. Tom Perry gave the prayer. : After the meeting the hostess served rev freshments to the 1Z members pres ent ';' ' ' ' ; 1 'r' . - -M Mrs. ROOK SHOWER W. J. Kanoy, Jr., and Mrs. Ceor-i r I'-i wtr y'"t horterses t- a r 7 t i uwer pvea m honor s. jry.V.1ii at the home of Ljw, I Jds. : Those present nd " ' r j .Teres .. Mrs. white, Giore-. k y -es . Claude .Kuiter, I Tank i...r' ' vim YTi4tAvt Niivui J W- Newby, Kenry Stokes, Joe Caravello, Kelly W hite, Vernon Lee Perry, Ed gar Fields, Elton Hurdle, Marshall Owens, D. M. Jackson, EJden Winslow, Muses ueiene ' Nixon, Eva Harris, Kimsey Perry and Carolyn' Bigger staff. . .... "The high score prise went to Mrs. t Ruiter, second high was awarded Mrs. Christgou. The hostesses served de licious Iced drinks, peanuts and mints. The guest of honor received; many lovely gifts. , w J BRIDGE CLUB MEETS Mm At fTpntiii it.ntMfl bridflre club last Thursdav niofa. at. hi home on Church Street Those play ing were Mesaames Charles Murray, Francis Nixon. Vivian Mathews, J. W. Dillon, Henry Stokes, Eldon Winslow, D. F. Reed, Jr., and the hostess. The high score prize went to Mrs. Murray. A sweet course was served. Building Materials COMMON AND" FACE " , -$35X3 Per Thousand , JJwsnSWMMMWWWVVMW ' CEMENT PIPE-ROCK SAND-CINDER BLOCKS HARRIS I PLUMBING AND BUILDING SUPPLY COMPANY Phone 5401 Hertford, N. C. j ; Starting Saturday 9 A. M. Our Annual SUMMER CLEARANCE OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF . SI.GOffonWSIiiiSciidGownsJJyloiis, Rayons and Cottons ONE TABLE Spring and Summer Bags. HOSE, 51 and ED Gauge, reduced to C3c SHOP AND SAVE AT.... i ."'' '..'' ( .' .. . r- ,', . . L' . . . WHITE'S DRESS SHOP CHURCH STREET ' , HERTFORD, N. C. Springand JftZ.lIU D1US tOX All Panama .'Hat - By MALLORY arid PARK ROYAL Liht and Darli Shades All Sizes CHOOSE A NEW HAT AT THIS LOW PRICE , . -): " .c S . hi-.!':; r 'jy-

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