KO TICJ OF SALE OF LJAL I ;0?EITi I OH NON-PAYriENT KZi TAXES - Land, (Continued from Page Two) SlmonB. Huffh. Bein, 42 acres White Land, 45 aerea Home 3 acres Bagiey Land, 9 acre Henry Snow Land - - i(jm... U P 1 . uihu Hnm, Tanri. ft -crna Alfred Overton Land liildnner (Heirs, 4 acre Home Lot, ne-ififta acre J. W. Ward lot, 1 Hickory Lot, 1 new house : ; , : - Small, Mary ., 15 acres Hendricks Land --- s- SpeUman, Edward, 1 Home lot, 1 Thompson lot Csutton, Courtney, s acre uome una Thomas, Charhe H,, 15 acres Sam Newbold Land. 15 acres Biddkk 58.ST s 39-59 1 t, 54.23 4.ll i6.i : W7 c. Ov , U i, 1 ) , uie C C1e. . ... aaesL., 13 ac V inn. 610 aera ; r,-ry V., 10 - .' r, 1 t and 1. ... 7iM,' - t,'i.. uiiMb,' 1 a i JL. b, Estate. 85 t j, ;, 2 acre 1 Xiiruier, u acres i t-.. Nathan. iv acres r, Henry. 1 acre Eartaroan Land eoee. Henry. acres uniey tnd 1 L-vkl ?. 1.1 Oartwr;. -1 Land s tvi .t Land a Laud . r Ind, 25 acres ..er Land . -"..eaver Land - n. 3 Land . n Land un Land i Lend v veoee, Henry. acres uniey Land iV.iOte, M. X, acres Home Land, 44 acres D. Simpson Land . MAA WTTruiU. MSTJlfVJ wwvu, iibihi,.,,.-!. - ' ni.ni- a.Tf 7.S7 1S.T1 - S.U 1.G9 87.3? 111 i i: t 5.J 5 i 6.7 12.61 19.70. Turner, Alonza, 80 acres John Wesley Turner Land - -Turner, A. L., Estate, 43 acres Home Land, 80 acres Towe Land Turner, Luther D., Jr.. 2tt acres Jackson Land (Washington, James and Anna, 1 Harriett Jones-J. W. Ward lot : White. Charlie. 1 lot . -- White, Elihu, 1 Winf all lot White, Emrnett, 28 acre R. E. Mathews Land . White, Peter, Heirs, 1 Winfall-Brinn lot "Wiggins, Henry, Sr., 2 WinfaU lots , Wilder. Hillary, 1 lot Win-lmr. Lusts. S aci-M L. B. Felton Land ; NEW HOPE NO. Barnhill, Mrs. SaMie, 80 acres Copeland Land r 17.11 ;:4.1 EriKus "6.13 .. ,-LOO . '56 " 1L97 ..?8 ,V2.7l mahmmi. Mrs. Delm- R.. 4 acres Home Place Land , Batman, Mrs. Missouri, 84 acres Bundy-White Land, 6 acres Home Land Bright, Noah, 27 Land 4 S2.68 17.83 acres R. L. Layden Land, 80 acres Jack Wilson (Burbage, W. S., I Edd Jennings lot, 1 J. P. Elliott lot . Creekmore, Alexander, 85 acres Home Land, 90 acres Land ... Divers, Maude P., 80 acres Cove Swamp Land, 5 acres Johnson Land, SO acres J. Carter Perry Land . Elliott, R. D., (Dick), 1 acre E. M. Perry Land .- Evans, Mrs. B. W, Heirs, 17 acres Mullen Land Gallop, Eddie M., and Wife, 8 acres Drdve-tln-Theatre Haskett, Moody, 30 acres Tom Butt Land . - Jackson, Mrs. Louise 0., 5 acres Baker-Jackson Land Jams, Mrs. James L., fi10 acre A. W. Bright Land . Jacocks, Henry, io acres uove swamp una Jennings, E. L., 65 acres Gregory-Bright Land 59.91 16.11 50.85 46.59 205 2.85 Tjinp. Mm. David H.. SO acres T. Sid White Land Long, Howard E., 60 acres Spivey-Stokely Land, 72 acres Spivey Stokely Land, 77 acres Stokely Home Land ' INeece, V. a., Ti acres uuia Newby. Jennie P.. 1 Newby hat . (Perry, Cecil H., 48 acres McNider Land, 60 acres Gregory Land, 100 : acres Lowery Land, 7 acres Whedbee Land . 32.10 Perry, E. M., and Cecil H., 14 acres Umphlefet Land, 100 acres Sawyer Land, 55 acres Jenkins Land, 27 acres Holly Lee Land, 60 acres Tucker Land. 88 acres Goodman Land. 44 acres Winston-Beed Land, 150 acres Sawyer-Barclift Land, 49 acres Morgan Land, 69 acres Pritchard Land, 100 acres Mary C. Walters Land, 80 acres Uanphlett-Mathews Land . Perry, J. Carter, 100 acres Funk Land, 30 acres Copeland Land, 20 acres Tadiock Land, 17 acres Knoz Land, 30 acres Cleary Land, 15 acres Land, 30 acres GordonWebb Land ; - - Perry. Mrs. R. R.. 60 acres S. D. Banks Land , ; - Perry and RoUbins. 1 Store and lot 94.39 ISimpson, J. C, 1 acre Margaret Stalflngs Land . 20.17 Welch, iR. H., 23 acres Woods Land 4.26 IWhite, Mrs. J. R., 15 acres Swamp Land . 2.85 (White, Joe P., 99 acres J. A. Russell Land . 80.88 IWilson, P. M., Jr., 1 Home and lot - - , 29j13 IWood, Walton, 1 lot 41J13 'Butts, Henretta, 1 NEW HOPE NO. 2 acre Jonneon Land 3 411 Delegates from 4-1H Clubs all over the State will gather in Raleigh Jx&y 21-26 for State 4-H Club Week. Ac cording to State Leader L. R. Harrill of SUte College Extension Service, the theme this year will be "Serving as Loyal Citizens througn 4-ttLT All bovs and girls will wear the regulation 4H uniform during the En tire week. The week's program will include talks by -well-known speakers, an out- Annr hnr annTier. a visit to the State 6.03 fi shows, and other activities. IA State 2.11 1 dress revue will be presented with Ire g,82 dell County in charge, and Guilford s nut (County will be in charge of the State health pageant In tne evening, xouc dancing and games will be Held in lud dick Stadium along with the closing candlelurhting ceremony. A fellowship party will be. held this year for the first .thne. A large motor manufacturing corporation will pre sent a scientific show, "Preview of Progress." covering topics ranging from model jet planes to controlling the sun's energy. Mrs. Ann Living ston of the National Recreation Asso ciation will teach a class In recrea tion for a limited number of dele gates. During the week, one afternoon will be devoted to demonstrations by mem bers of the State College faculty and the agricultural extension staff. Dem onstrations by 4-H members include "4-H lifAction,n by Edgecombe Coun ty; "Citizenship," by Pamlico County: "Husic Appreciation," and "Everyday Courtesies," by Randolph County. 170.94 81.12 94.57 28.93 23.46 100.68 60.44 40.76 Gramby, Lee and Wife, 12 acres Henry Skinner Land, 15 acres 'Land. uraiNby, Tony, is oau acres Winslow-mramby Land, 28 acres Margaret Land - . . Harris, James E., 1 School House lot Hoffler, A. W., 16 acres Lamb Land . James. Rufus. 2 acres Home Land, 2 acres Collins Land Johnikms, Howard, 1 acre New Hopt Road Pool Land - . Johnson, Hannibal, Heirs, 1 acre Home Land ; Lee, Walter, 1 lot and new nouse Jt 4.27 - 21.09 14J18 11.30 19.37 20.88 18.61 7.07 29 BS Leigh, Aleus. 28 acres Rose Leiirh Land - : ,S 14151 Leigh, Robert A., Jr., 1 acre Margaret Stallings Land 10.07 Mallory. Cleophus, 165 acres Sawyer Land 62.41 Mallory, Enos, 8 acres Overton Land, 45 acres White-IRoberson Land 62.78 Moore, Edgar, 71 acres Mullin-Wilson Land 558 cci:cnoN 'An error occurred in (he news aitr nouncement of a Job opening fn the Hertford Post Office, published recent ly in The Weekly. Wages paid, for this position are 161 per hour, In stead of 116 as reported. iX truth is as comfortable in homely language as in line speech. Charles Spurgeon. Classified end Legds LOST-JMANB WALLET CON taining large sum of money and valuable papers, identifying owner. Finder return to T.-E. Raper, Hert ford, N .C. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Havinar aualified as Administrator of the estate of H. E. Bogus, deceased, late -of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at 1202 Harrington Road, Elizabeth City, N. C, on or before the 23rd day of June, 1953, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will - please , make immediate payment. This rani day of June, 1962. - W.-'A. BQGUE, Administrator of H. IE, (Bogue. June27July4,ll,18,25Avg-2 - . 1 . ' . " . ..I llaviBg c"'" " " - " t the erto of - 13 ' of Peri i i C- t!Js is t ? ' 1 i 1 : Lavi. 3 claims a; B v ie cf rrogei to t ; 1 1 to (e i d at f J I 1 i sie I t, l.-nton, J. j:i,nM I', .re-1 a 11th tt-y cf i. 1, 1 0r t' la notice will be iI 1 la t-Y'of Ccir recovery. All perso-s L-tcd to said esUte will please meie immediate-payment, This 11th day of June, 1952. W. fi. fcAVSS, Executor of Julius Moore. . June2027July4,ll,1825 NOTICE OF tAD-LINlSTRATION Hatin oualifled Admteistratrix of the estate bf George T. SUpsey, de ceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all .persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exnitoit tnem to the undersigned at Hertford on or before the 6th day of June, 1953, or this notice will be pleaded to bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment, This 5th day of June, 1952. ELIZABETH S. SKTPSEY . Administratrix of George T. - Sldpsey. June 13074ly4,1148 a L '--'VtJi i n '-r, i of L-'rs. C - l ie of rer. !... Cr.2at-i r.st.vl::j cl-ims . . t l f .....t tf sJ Lceascd to e?vwit t2.-..i to tLe nrvned at . Tyner, N. C on r before the day of June, i::3, or this notice w3 be l(aded ia bar iof their recovery. All penSoM indebted , to aedd estate i will pleas niU immediate payment TJtus 16m day oX Jons ,1962. - -'i . ; E. T. LA13, 1 : Adnrinistrator, C.TaA., of Mrs.' CUie Bcryce Lamb. ; June207july41A8pd ' ' . . v i NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION . V : Having qualified as Executrix of the estate of B. "W, Thach, deceas edv late of Perquimans County, North' Carolina, this is to notify all per.' sons having claims against the es-' tate of said deceased to exhibit then to the undersigned at Hertford, N. C, on or before the 28th day of June, 1953, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment ' This 28th day of June, 1952. v MRS. MAUDE B. THACH, . ' '' Executrix of OB. W. Thach. july4,lllH,25,augl,8, bertram-keeM , ; : The marriage of Miss LucytVirginia Keem, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Aaron (Browning Keem, to John El- wood (Bertram, eon of Mrs. Mildred IR. Bertram and the late John F. Bert ram, itook place Sunday, June 22. in UNorlolk, Va. Attending the wedding (from Hert ford were Dir. and Mrs. John O, White, Jr. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having Qualified as Executor of the estate of Lena E. Flanagan, de ceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims'' against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Route 1, Hertford, N. u, on or beiore the tn day of June. 1958, or this notice will bepleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment , This 4th day of June, 1952. . NIDCON HOLLOWELL, Executor of Lena E. Flanagan. ' june6AS07duIy441 AT YOUR SERVICE WE HAVE A COMPtETE LINE !0F OIL FILTER CARTRIDGES VTO FIT ALMOSf EVERY TYPE OF CAR, TRUCK OR TRACTOR. ." i , Save Costly Repair Bills By Seeing US For 'i NEW OIL FILTER CARTRIDGES TODAY! JOE & DILL'S SERVICE STATION RAY WHITE, Prop. PHONE 8601 vww j . M w .M-MWViVrtminnvvwinAiwi HERE'S A NEW 6-E if HAT'S REALLY DPPSl o 11-CU-TT CAPACITY. NEW SPACEMAKES DOOR SKHY-31 ACROSS-THE-TOP FREEZESI VEGETABLE ROUA-CXAWESl ' iUTTa CONDITIONERl 4 QJt CCPENSlAeSJTYl . We clean windsriield and wiper blades V6 deen end license plate . 7 ' We check (ires and tire pressure including spare "Ve clean and check, hscdlishis end chock rcdhtcr f ) Ohm ( ) UJ ...600 your (" if ' VV" Welcome - If 4edel IMI -.tti a : nr-.-.U.. : 1 1 1 li-am SPACE r.lAICEl rSFlIGI:?JTOl HerSf ofd M&c6r Go. HERTFORD. N. C. .G.nEnr.LO-t-CT"-ic'. '" ' ' ' ' ' 1 - ' ' Y: - ..f,,..,,.V,:. A B Wo chsck cllbvcl, Li::zrt end c!r cIzzt.zt Sinclair Dbdlbr All these courtesies yOu am expect fRES nd with itaile---when you drive in at the ftmilLtr Sinclair H-C figfu And,f coontv you get the,nesi b powefptcked g5-oliae, motor oil,wjd lubrication tcvktoa If 3 , wicr;E354i CUPPLEIl O? Cn;CLAO PRODUCTS ' , " " ' - e?.itc?d,n!c. v -