Lscrtfs Ccurt ; nr:-''" '-.v.v-V:'. IS'' Vw'"' Hertford Police Cite Six Motorists On Speed ing Charges r A total of seventeen eases, charg ng defendants -with offenses of a varied nature, was disposed of at Tuesday's session of Perquimans Re corder's Court. . . . . - Rudolph Shannon, Negro, entered a plea of guilty to charges of assault v with a deadly weapon. He was sen- tenced to the roads tfbr two years, sentence to be suspended upon the condition the defendant not be seen ' n this county for a period of two years. ,' - A nol pros was granted In the case tin-which Rudolph Netter, (Negro, was charged with temporary larceny of i automobile. - IA verdict- of not guilty was re t med in. the case in which Henry Crmond, Negro, was charged with ob taining money under the (promise of work, and failing to do so. Joseph White, Negro, submitted to a charge . of assault with a deadly weapon and paid the costs of court ' The Hertford Police cited six mo torist to court on charges of speed ing within town, each entered a plea or guilty and paid the costs of court, The defendants were Grady Ward, John Mathews, Charlie- Mansfield. Louis Cnappell, Charlie Midget and .Robert Ownley., Robert .'Forbes and Willie Lynch en tered pleas of guilty to driving over loaded trucks and each paid the costs of .court. V":--' ': - v-: .-.'. Curtis Brothers, Negro, was found guilty on two counts, driving without license and temporary larceny of a car,' He was fined ;25 and costs on the first couxt and prayer for' Judg ment- was continued oa " the second count '- " "- Jplith Sykes entered, a plea, o gull ty'to a charge of speeding and paid ik fine' of S10 arid cors- '.: Robert Lea d frha BiloedJ charged Tlth TBunff, , entered ie&a Court." IKS-GSR i;m;;zs Nine .persons were killed Monday when an earthquake struck Tehachac-' pi California. Most of "the victims were, children: The earthquake des troyed every major building in the t town rand isolated, the community when; roads, were blocked by land slides from mountain tops. Local and State officials, assisted by Civilian ' Defense groups, worked diligently to open the highways and bring relief to; the suffering within the town. , 'Alger Hiss, convicted of perjury, in testimony given a Congressional com mittee investigating communism in side the government, was denied a mo tion for a new trial. - The motion was denied Tuesday by a federal'-judge. : It was the third attempt Hiss' has made in an effort to win a new trial following his conviction. Several attempts made this week to .settle the steel strike have failed.' Re 'ports state Union officials are hold ing fast to .the demand for a closed shop, in all steel mills,- and. the in idustry leaders are as determined hot , Itn rfv in to this demand. V' , ; ;.! IV Dr, Clyde Erwin, State SuperinteBf dent, of Schools, died of a heart at fek last. Saturday at Raleigh. t No . successor ' to his pest has been' an- unmrre! and if vm mimAm! Wti1iwa. day Governor -Scott hs stated no ac tion on the vacancy will be taken until .f'r. the Governor returns from the ratic Convention at Chicago. - her record heat wave engulfed f North , Carolina this 66181164 to send ttn to school. matures ranging up to 105 de- were reported in many areas of -1 G j:! To . Hc 3 L - 'J B. Vilson, - r ! i a a f-i sty for K. C. L " r C.r- -ot'Jtion, will be f - !t ' mci J of tie T ! j " tl,itwesr ' 11 It 1, progratn c'-I.'uifca fr t,.- V- znx will his suljxt t i Is Your Life. ; i i H0TABLEnC7imE0FmQGUNSINACTI0NINK0iai-A night sens similar to this won first i rlaos la the photographic exhibit sponsored by the White House Photographers' Assotiatian for Pfs. Vadia lamoilfk .The artillery snpportsd elements of the Mth Infantry Division.. Ferm Tour Schsduie Rclsasedfly Agent; Fe;v Openings Left Perquimans farmers : who are in terested in the tour through the west ern part of North Carolina and to the Colter Seed Farms of Heartsvflle, Au'1" 0 .ZTT J v.,,iagei wu muuy mora iwen unera meant not yet. reserved on the air condition ed bus. He said reservations must made by July 28 in order to assure Seat. A tffntativ anhJNllllA f fh if in is as follows: ...-v.r, tJirfJii wwavu v asvaat vvwgv Aa 0) IX irUX campus and see new buildings, Night at Carolina Hotel, Raleigh, i v ! Angtwt P-JRaleigh to' Durham, sit Che-terfleld plant, Durham to High pf Jjuneh, Visit (Myrtle Desk Co., wUgVPoint, High fWat t Boone, Stopi to eee emaR idairjr farm in Yed Un CowHy.' Boone t Blue Eldge 9to te1' 4ain MoteL jaad IJmirvue Mo- V, f -trBt. 'Attend dnsfHorn Inl ;i M-vgustj visit oeei ana sneetp farms in Watauga County, Boone to Spruce iPine via Blowing Rock; Lunch, Spruce Pine via Parkway to Craaw1 luaraens. Visit Crairrv Gardens, from , ,there to :; Ashevflle, (Visit IBHtmdre farms, night at Langren Hotel. August, 7 Hotel to Southeastern Stud Farm, Visit, Ashevflle to Fletch er. ,; .Visit Mitchell farm and other; farms Ja, Henderson County, Lunch, Hendersbnvilte to Monroe, (Visit poul try farm lit Union County, Hotel Mon roe for night, ' 1 August 8 'Monroe - to Hartsville. Visit Coker farms go to Guernsey-! iuairy about 1 mile out of Hartsville on the Darlington highway, lunch. Hartsville to Sunbury. : i IbatjCcnfed , A hearing was continued Tuesday by a Washington, D. . C Judire. to November 3, for Mrs. Leone Bratman on warrants charging kidnapping of uennis ueiaibio from a rorquimans County boarding home. ' Mrs; Bratman" has served notice through her attorney that she, will fight extradition t North Carolina on the charges. ; Sheriff M. G. Owens and Solicitor Walter Cahoon went to Washington on Tuesday for the purpose of at tending f i jr--adftion hearing and preser.J.. t .iony, but they return ed after the Judge continued the hear mgr"'Vr'v,;;.:t. u':u:' i .'i '. 'She has been, charged with kid napping Dennis Defabio, ;. The boy together with two other Defabio chil dren had been placed in the care of the Dare County; North Carolina, Wel fare Board after Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Defsbio, formerly of Washington, ' 'Mrs. . BratMliii contends, her ' attor ney has said, that the boy is her child by a former 'marriage and that she lost track of him two years ago. ' Che has been released on 1(300 bond, and is under bond Oo on ' charge 'jx the district of ColqmUa on forgery. Zl:zill Arrccts Man . E.Mr Kai'.ory, 81, Negro, was ar rr ! tx his home five miles east of at elout fvo A.,U, fian & y.T ' i ly r erf II. G, Owens, 3i 1 Is t-i charged llal Urj v ii'jj -ji ten, for tha pur- V . '. a r- ' n6nJt-v it- u-!y a . it-' Bloodmobile Donors Needed On Visit Today The bloodmobile from the Tidewater Blood Center will set up headquarters at the Hertford Methodist Church Fri day to receive blood donations from county residents. (Donors are asked to fill their appointments between the hours of 9 A.M., and 4 P. M. A Red Cross committee, under the chairmanship of Mrs. W. C. Cherry, has been recruiting donors for the bloodmobile visit, and will assist the 'bloodmobile crew with the work con. nected jti, blood collection. Local Delegates f ii II fl1B - llfI, mi i-n wuu vtci Eight rural teen-agers from Per quimans County are at N. C. State College in Raleigh this week to at tend State 4-H Club Week, which an nually; draws hundreds of delegates representing every county and virtual ly every rural community in North .Carolma.:..;;---iS';!-- ."' ' .. 1 Thefive-day program includes ad-' demonstrations, panel ancus- Sions. finals in several State 4-H contests, recognition of State and nat tonal winners, recreational activities, ana otner. leaxures. Directing the week's .program la L. R. Harrill, State 4-H Club leader, and his staff of six assistants. Presiding at the various sessions are Janice Warren, Nash County; president; Ralph Brown, Iredell, vice president: John Wade Fuquay, Alamance, sec retary-treasurer; and (Beatrice Tayloe, Beaufort County, historian , The list of speakers Includes Col. I J. W. Harreteon, chancellor of State College; Dr. J. H. Hilton, dean of the School of .Agriculture; D. IS. Weaver,! director of the Agricultural Extension service; ana Komaine smith, youtn editor' of The Progressive Farmer. Dr, , Arnold Hoffman, supervisor of music, is teaching a class in music appreciation. Mrs. Anne Livingston of the National (Recreation Association is teaching recreation leadership to a selected group of delegates. , Club Week will be concluded on Friday night with installation of offi cers and the traditional candlelighting closing ceremony. . Delegates from Perquimans County Include I Lois Violet IWinslow, Annie Lou Lane,, Myrtle Gordan Williams, Lma Ruth Proctor, Clarence Chappell, Jr., Bobby .Smith, John Hill and TUson ChappelL Miss,; Carolyn. Biggerstaff and Mr. Claude Euiter. accompanied them to Raleigh. Neprro 4-H Delegates At State Convention y Twelve" Perquimans County Negro 4-H Club "delegates left Monday to attend State 4-H Short Course at A. and T. College. The delegates attend ing are as follows:': Gertrude Harrell, Shelvia White, Lillian Hollowell, Elisabeth Hunter, Oned Felton, Lee Roy Wills, Mamie Reld, Jessie Lee Norman, Jarvia New by, William , Harrell, Edna Marva Zachary, and Marion Winslow. ; The Short Course is designed es pecially for 4hH club members. While there they will receive training in Citizenship, Sportsmanship and Put ting 441 Pledge To Work by using Head, Heart, and Hands. ' The following club members will run ror state of'ice at the Short Course: Mamie Reld, ' president; Jessie Lee Norman, secretary, and Lee Roy Wills for treasurer. ': ly$V- tlamie Reid, Senior 4-H dub mem ber, WinfJI Training School, won the Dairy 4-H Food Contest, which was hJ in Fer;ui-nans County, June 12, vll t-ke pert i? the SUte Dairy Food C t, d iris- the week of the Short C x t - 'a of her dwnonstra : - "A i;sr Trett For Kilk." ' k " i we accom;Tiie3 by - . j Cj '7 r.rm end Te ., ..;. C. I : J t'i IZsa U. B. it. - , - i Lions Governor Releases list Of Region Offices Appointments of Zone and Region Officials for this Region were an nounced today by W. J. Dunn of Wash ington, District Governor of District 31-F. Lions International. District 314F is comprised of the north-eastern counties of the state and includes all the territory north and east of Ox ford, Youngsville, Wilson, Greenville, Washington and Swan Quarter. (Earl A. Luton, Route 1, Elizabeth City, , secretary'treasurer of the Weeksville Lions Club was appointed Zone Chairman of Zone 2, which con. sists of the Lions Clubs of Weeks ville, Elizabeth City, Camden and Manteo. - ;''. D. P. Hughes, Mayor of Colerain nd Immediate Past Vice President of Colerain Club was appointed Zone Chairman of Zone 1, which consists of the Lions Clubs of Colerain, William- ston, J3outh,, Hertford .and Eden- ton. '. :;,, ; The two zones comprise Region 3 and President John T. Biggere, of the Hertford Club, Superintendent of Per quimans County Schools was appoint ed. Deputy District Governor of the Region. , ..,v,v. These newly appointed officials sue. ceed H. Kennedy Houts of Elizabeth City who served as Deputy ' District Governor last year and Edwin Mid- Professor Sykes, Professor of Eco gett of Manteo and Mayor Leroy Has-lnomic at Dartmouth, told the Rotar- kett who served as Zone Chairman last year. Vacancies Filled On School Faculty Three vacancies on the faculty of Perquimans High School were filled Monday night when members of the school committee met and passed upon a number of applications filed, with Superintendent of Schools J. T. Bis-- gers. Mr. Biggers announced Tuesday the school committee had approved the election of Miss Heilig Harney and George S. McRorie as teachers of En glish and Miss Patsy Branch Olive as teacher of science and math. Miss Harney, whose home is in Edenton is a graduate of the Uni versity of North - Carolina and this will be her first teaching, position. Mr. McRorie is from Robereonville and has had nine years of teaching ex perience. He taught last year at Everett in Martin County. Miss Olive i' a graduate of Duke University and taught last year at Griggs . High School in Currituck County, 'r The securement of the three teach ers fills all positions on the faculty at the high school but the Board of education is. stiu seeking to fill a r- - Tbu i Grammar SchooL Mr. Biggers stat ed. :)rA'.lSS':i-itrx District Jaycees t ?.Ieet Here July 30 Hertford Junior Chamber of Com merce will be hosts to members of the seventh district of the organisation in a meeting schedulod here for Wed nesday, July 30. The meeting will feature a dinner at 7:45 P. M., at the cafeteria of the Perquimans High (School, at which time Ed Hicklin of Burlington, nation al director Of the organization, will be the principal speaker. V :-k Sixteeft clubs are included m the seventh district, located at Ahoskie, (X' imbla, Edenton, Elizabeth ' City, r . : jld, 11'j3ri, (tfashvfile. Roanoke I 'is,. Ilymn'-.x ry'-y Ciourtt, C.-.Tig Ho"--, lifboro, Veldon, S7il-, . .zon and, V uidsor. . , CoratyPilAOffice ci Enlarge flpsrations Committeemen To Act ' In Explaining Volun tary Program Every farmer in Perquimans County is to have an opportunity to cooperate in the 1953 Agricultural Conservation (Program extended to him -through a personal visit by a PMA. community committeeman, says Milton Dail, chairman of the County PMA com mitteOj This new development in the Agri cultural Conservation Program for 1963 will bring into the program farms that have never participated in the program, thereby have never re ceived assistance in carrying out heed' ed soil building pradtices. However, this program is still entirely volun tary. Any farmer who beleves he will not need 'the limited assistance avail able to do the pressing conservation job on his farm must feel free to tell Ilia lnmimiim'l'v nnmmiftoamon wliAn 'he visits the farm. I UHIIIIWIUVJ VVIIIIII'WWVWHU TV Community Committeemen will visit farms within the next three weeks to assist farmers in filing their re quests for assistance under the 1953 AC Program, Mr. Dail stated. The farmer is encouraged to utilize the limited program assistance on the practice or practices that will meet the most acute conservation prob lems. September 15 is the openinsr date for the 1963 program year. The county PMA committee, reports Mr. Dail, will notify farmers of the prac tices approved for assistance and the amount of the assistance therefor be fore the beginning of the program year in the county, Rotarians Told U. S. "Military might alone is not enough for the United States to combat world communism," Professor Earl Sykes of Dartmouht University, told mem bers of the Hertford Rotary Club at their meeting held last Tuesday night at the Hotel Hertford. iouo iua( tufccr juuji Biuuy oi 8UU- j jeot he is firm in his belief that in addition to military strength the U. S. must also use economic assistance, and provide an example in Democracy at home in order to fight the growth of communism throughout the world. Citing the growth of Communism in China, Professor Sykes said, the Reds succeeded mainly because of promises to devide up the land among the many people of China who had insufficient land to provide enough foodstuff for families. . . He related that economic aid, such as providing agricultural assistance, farm instructors, health instructors aM .mechanics ol other lands, to the .UBUUIB Ol DUCKWSrU TOBS OI tUS WOriQ will go far in halting the advance of communism. He cited the present Point 4 Policy of the U. S. Government as an ex ample of economic aid which can gain results in-areas where Commu nism might gain a foothold. ; Herbert Nixon Ifew Election Chairman 'Announcement was made here Tues day afternoon of the selection of Her bert Nixon of Hertford, to serve as chairman of the Perquimans County Board of Election, succeeding W. , irtJuwejr, wsv ins neiu iw ipvai, xvi Mr. Nixon was named as chairman of the board at a meeting of the group held Monday afternoon. Other mem bers of the board are Jarvis Ward and IRaymond Winslow. No announcement wa made as to the date of Mr. Ainsley's resignation of tha post as election chairman, but it was understood Ainstey contemplat ed this move following his selection to serve ' as chairman of the county's Democratic Executive Committee. Home Agent Gives Advice On Meeting Miss Kimsey Perry, Perftuimaifc County Home Agent, today ' reminded county members of the Home Demon stration Clubs that Farm and Home Week will be, held in Raleigh August 18 through the 21st She advised those wiahinr to make room reservations to. send fees to Miss Maude Shaub, 'SUte CoKegfc , Raleigh? ,t. . ? i MustUse Economics Against Communism Democrats Exc Sometima Friday Governor Stevenson Ap- pears As Popular Choice Of Many Deiegates to the National Demo cratic convention are expected to nominate the party's 'candidates for President and Vice President, possi- My, on Friday. A fight over con- vention rules developed at the ses- ' sion Monday night and this slowed down the progress of the conven- tion. It appeared Tuesday night a compromise was being worked out regarding the disagreement which came up over the rules, however, some reports stated other delays and fights may come when the convention adopts the party platform. 'There appear ed to be much behind-the-scenes action over the selection of the presidential nominee. Governor Adlai Stevenson of Illinois became the popular choice following a speech he made to the convention on Monday but at the same time reports indicated a movement to "stop" Stevenson was being attempt ed. . Much gossip circulated the conven tion hall over the man who might re ceive the support of President Tru man. Tt was reported the President had instructed his alternate to the convention as to his choice for the nomination but up to Wednesday no announcement had been made as to what these instructions might be. Late Monday night Vice President Alben Barkley announced he was with drawing as a candidate for the 1952 nomination. This announcement, ac cording to reports from Chicago, came after Barkley had had a conference with labor leaders who advised Bark ley their unions could not support him as the candidate. A number of southern delegations. including the one from North Caro lina, opposed the adoption of a rule which binds all delegates to the con vention to support tne nominees of tne convention ; tothe general election in November.Thts matter brought on quite a noor rnjnt on Monday mgnt, and, some Southern delegations stated the 'rule was in violation of their state laws and that they (the delegations) therefore could not subscribe to the pledge of assurance demanded by the rule. Local Conservation Office Reports On County Farm Plans As of July 1, 1952. 486 conserva tion farm plans have been prepared in Perquimans County since the Albe marle Soil Conservation District was established, it was reported by F. A. McGoogan, local Conservation official.'.- : When a farmer requests help from the District the first step is to pre pare a complete conservation plan for his farm to help guide him toward the goal of good land management In making this plan the soils are class!-; fied and a map prepared to show the fields, buildings, ditches and roads. The plan has all the recommended treatments including drainage sys tems, woodland and wildlife manage ment, cover crops and pasture consid ered by the owner and the technician when they go over the farm. 'Seventeen group drainage jobs have been completed. On jobs of this kind a larare amount of technical work is 1 required to make the surveys, prepare the plans and supervise construction. Some of the larger Jobs which have been completed are the Bear Swamp,, Burnt Mill Creek, Tom White Mill Pond, New Hope Ditch and Lake Sec tion Ditch. Perquimans County farmers coop, erating with the Albemarle Soil Con. serration District have improved the drainage on 13,600 tacrea of land and have seeded 1,344 acres of permanent pasture, Mr. McGoogan stated. Outboard Races Scheduled Sunday One of the best outboard motor rac ing program ever held in this area is being planned for Hertford Beach," Sunday afternoon, July 27, ft was an nounced today by Jake Mathews, own er of the beach, which is Co-sponsoring the events with the Carolina Out board Racing Association. Between 60 and fO boats, from" all pans of the eastern seaboard, are ex- -peoted- to participate In the 11 races planned - for the afternoon. . Prises " will be awarded for. tha first three places in each race, and Mr. Mathews will serve lunch to all drivers t?-1 ticipating in the", races.

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