I H J , t.a clums iJX: Number 81. "Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, FridayT August 8, 1952. 5 Cents Per Copy" 0:;17:G:i".:s::::js fi':?t Rli To SGTU--fc-E3f To -ESa Bolrd Of Education Requested To Du!!d VrrcMfUC9 a T " . NIX MYTH taw e 'tj Morgan Reappointed As Superintendent ;At County Heine Meeting here last. Monday morn ing in regular session for the month of August, members of the Board of County Commissioners adopted a mo tion' setting up a sinking fund for the purpose of . repairing, maintaining and constructing county buildings. A thousand dollars, from a surplus in- come, provided by the distribution, of , State beer taxes, was ordered trans , ferred to the fund. :. . F Heretofore, no funds for such ex penditures has been provided but costs ojf repairs were paid for out of the general, county fund. ' - . . A number of other matters were considered by the Board during its meeting Monday. Three delegations ' appeared before the Board requesting . petitions be approved for iroprove : ment of certain lanes, and highways in the. county and these petitions were approved. -??y '-. 1 J. C. Morgan. Superintendent of the County Home for the past five years, - was reappointed to the post for an other year, beginning next January 1. Acting on a petition presented by the Hertford Lions Club, the Board granted approval to the club to spon sor a carnival within the county at a date to be announced later. A request for the installation df Venetian blinds in the office of the clerk of court was approved and the clerk was authorized to purchase the blinds and have them installed. The Board, on motion, postponed . the regular meeting for September from the first Monday to the first Tuesday in observance of Labor Day, which falls on Monday, September 1. . Following adjournment of the meet ing at noon, members, of the Board went to the County Home where they were guests of Mr. and- Mrs. J. C. Morgan at a dinner, tendered county officials. , " v 1 MOOTS Congress may have to, halt rising food prices in the opinion of Ellis Arnall, chief of the OPS, who ac cording to a report from Washington on Wednesday, is expected to suggest to President Truman that a special r8? . IrT" VUB was found guilty on a charge tf dis to deal with e matter. f The report ,.,,,. , talon ariAeA that ArnnW: in omertixt '. , . . a) 1 .. 1. - H J . . i - 11 to resign his post Jn the (XPS about " . - - - September 1. ' , Presidential candidates for the two major political parties are expected to begin .their campaigns for we-oxnee'lj.mM..-ofnii aKnnt ISontinnihsTi 1- tTMi4 niworn. - ing Governar": Adlai Stevenson and General Dwight Eisenhower say both men will probably make several major speeches , prior to tfre first -of the month, but plans for their campaigns set Labor Day as the opening round for major activity. ,,. - Twentyinintf persons died in a head on crash 'of two buses on a Texas highway on Monday of this week. It was the nation's worst bus crash. Gasoline explosions ; turned the Abuses into a raging inferno and the fire was believed to have been the cause of many of the deaths. , ., ;M - Dr. Hal J. Hollins, State veterinar ian said early this week that there'; has been no reported appearance in j North Carolina of the. fast-spreading ' r hog disease which has hit swine herds ; in New Jersey and other states. ; ; -'j 'American athletes, competing in the : Olympics, held this year at Helsinki, - Finland, piled up a total of 614 points, . the most compied by any .nation en tered in the events. ? The Olympics recognize no team fionors, but base awards upon individual performance !.,. in the games, . Wood Funeral Held ' Hlonday Afternoon ; Dennis Caesar Wood, 58, died ,Sat- urday afternoon at a Durham hospital after a long illness. He was a life long resident of the New Hope sec tion of Perqirimans ' County,' a son pf the late William . Edward and Mrs. Penelope. Gregory. Wood. 'Funeral services were held Monday , at 8 P. M., at fee New Hops Methodist Church, of which he was a member. The Rev. H. M. JamdeiBon, pastor, of ficiated, and burl J v.. a ta'the New Hope Churchyard. 1 Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Mary son wood; two dau.-lters, Mrs, ::e, of ; " r , and Lrs. ; e ' i '. t ion, r1 ,t V' i . . . c -1 cf lorta- ' :' , i 6f . 1 e Bo..e, C; t 9 y.':, nrd .L 3 II rdt!:re X Building. And Loan -, To Mature Stock The; Hertford Building and Loan Association will mature its 51st ae ries of saving stock Saturday, August 9. it was announced today y uuax Campbell, secretary of. the associa tion. ,. ; :, ...fy V .. , . Twenty-six stockholders, owning 124 shares of the association's stock, will be paid a total of $12,400. ' The stock is being matured at the close ox 004 weeks of saving, f A total of $88.60 win be paid in for each chare of the stock, which in turn will mature at $100, giving the saver $11.50 in interest in the amount saved. fells VomEn For Dorothy (Welch, Negro, was commit ted in Perquimans County jail for a period of one week during Tuesday's session of Recorder's Court, when Judge Chas. E. Johnson . found the woman in contempt of court after she had refused to testify in the hearing in wmch'her husband, Dennis Welch, was charged with assaulting her. . ' At 2 A. M.. last July 6th the woman had a warrant drawn, charging her husband "with assaulting her. When the .case was called during the court session this week Dorothy refused to testify and was. alleged to have told the court she was only joking. It was at this point Judge Johnson found her in contempt of the court and ordered her to serve one week In Other hearings conducted during the session included the one in which Moses Bonner, Negro, was chanred with driving drunk. He entered plea of guilty to the charge and was ordered to pay fine of $100 and COStS of Court. :-:.':'.' .. ' Dennis Welch Negro, was found guilrvcft a charge rf Apeedinirs and 30 1 days, sentence to be suspended upon payment of . a fine of $60 and costs. Welch, was arrested by Police Officer Robert A. White, who testified Welch attempted to speed away from him while the officer was attempting to serve a warrant on the defendant for assaulting his wife. -, . A one night jai sentence was meted out to Dinah Mae Taylor, iNegro, who 1 pines off sin anil m uhv nmanwi paid in the cases in which Robert Oder and Esther Benet were charged with speeding. ;Each of the defend ants submitted, to the charges. 'flnflfca rvf jwiTliqf vravM svaJ vnt4- I,... . . . -! liams each of whom entered pleas of. guilty to charges of speeding within the town of 'Hertford. Cotton Support Price Increased Judge Contempt Of Court -ft r rne united states Department oijington. Agriculture announced last week that it would support the price of middling inch cotton from this year's crop at an average price of 30.91 cents a ( pound. This figure is higher than last years loan rate ox 30.48 cents. The support level is based on 90 per cent of parity as of August 1 The parity price is 134.85 cents per pound. (Parity is a figure for farm products in proportion to that of other commodities). , . - ? i The department Said that the av erage support rate for middling1 1516 inch cotton will be 1.06 cents a pound msrher than that announced for midd ling inch cotton, or 81.96 cents a pound., - .v.-i; ;.,'V;v, 'Premiums and. discounts for various grades and staple length combinations under the 1951 price support program will be calculated in relation to the price support announced for middling 1516 inch cotton, the report said. Support rates will vary pointing to the location, it was pointed out.. Also, loans and purchase asreements on the crop -' will be available to producers through Apm so, 1963. Lack Of Interest Cancels Farm Tour Plans for a farm tour of Western North Carolina, formulated by Farm Agents of this area were cancelled last week when ft was determined an in sufficient number of , farmers had signed up for the trip, it was announc ed late lat week by L C. Yagel, Per- v Yr '. i .. 1 ! k of titerest, and tiie it t "t a number of farm- era who h i i ' 1 to make the trip found it iir-or .le to do so,' forced DOtVT 1 " . -tftr.' IV- ji-'S KEEP CLEAN f Iteft&aawa - t Urn wswajaiiiMMwarfWMSiiiaiwiMiiiisssaaaM Seven-year-old Karen . Blecha enacts 1952 polio precautions recommended by the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. ' When ptollo is around, the National Foundation cautions parents ' to watch for these signs: headache, fever, sore throat, upset stom ach, tenderness and stiffness ef neck and back. A person showing such symptoms should be put to bed at once, away from others, j Then, call your doctor and follow his advice. If polio is diagnosed. I call your local chanter of the March at Dimes for advice I&4 ' - asshrtsnco, Including needed teaactal help. Brooks-Cartwright Washington, D.C. Miss. lla Eliaalbeth Cartwright, daughter of Mrs. John Lowry Gart wrigh; and-the late Mr. Cartwright, of Hertford, hecame the-bride of Alan Blean Brooks Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. July 20, in the First iBap. tist Church in Washington, D. C Wedding music was presented by the church organist, and Mrs. Hall, soloist, sang "O, Perfect Love," and as a benediction, "The Lord's Prayer." The bride was a-iven in marriage by her brother, James Cartwright, of Hertford. Her ballerina-length gown of Chantilly lace and nylon net over satin was designed with a fitted bo dice of lace and illusion yoke in a deeo pointed effect The lace skirt was cut in points and draped over the nylon net. The bride's shoulder length veil of nylon tulle was caught in a tiara of seed pearls and she carried a bouquet of white gladioli centered with a purple throated orchid. Miss Nellie Cartwright, Biater of the bride, of Hertford, was maid of honor and only attendant. She wore a ballerina length gown of light green net over taffeta with a fitted bodice with matching stole. ! She carried a bouquet of orchid gladioli. iBilly Moore of Washington, D. C, was best man, and ushers were Andy Hamrock and Jack Donlevy. of Wash- Mrs. Jack Symons of Hertford was mistress of ceremony. The bride's mother wore a pale blue linen dress with white accessories and a corsage of pink rosebuds, centered with a gardenia. -: Immediately following the ceremony a :reception was held at 914 Decatur Street, N.. W. Washington, u. V. , ' Mrs. Brooks is' a graduate ol rer- quimans High School, Hertford; N. C, and is at present employed by the National Life Insurance Company of Vermont, irt. i Washington, -D.. C. The bridegroom is a graduate pf Hillsboro High School, Portland, uregon, ana attended the American University, in WasMnsfton. D. C He is now em ployed by (foe. Federal Bureau o In vestigation' in Washington, D. C. t!' After a New Enirland wedding tnp the couple will reside at 914 Decatur Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Town Board Will Meet On Monday ' Hertford's Town Board will hold its regular August meeting next Monday night probably for the last time in its present office, as the new munici pal building is nearing completion, and it is expected the town office will be moved into its new quarters before the end of this month. '-!'' The Board will. - undoubtedly, dis cuss and take some action regarding the local water supply, which has been somewhat of a problem during the' past few -weeks."'" A report' on the Stats Firemen's rtnnntiMAii ' 1 &1ba nu4ul - tit' K made by tZaynt V.. N. Darden and Commissioner IIcnry C. Sullivan who represented the Board at this meet - SpoHenln 1 Hertford Jaycees Again Calendar 'Project , Announcement was made here this week the Hertford Junior Chamber of Cornice , wiU sponsor, year the community calendar project for the purpose of raising funds for carrying on community projects, such as the playground, which the organi zation constructed this year. The unique community calendar, which met with much .success last year, is designed and sold wifl idea of promoting closer friendship and relations among residents of the! community. The calendar will carry listings of important dates such as anniversaries, meeting nights of clubs and organizations and birthdays. Awards will be made to those par ticipating in the project with the Jaycees and these will be explained in detail by members of the organization who plan to canvass the county, ob taining information to be printed on the calendar. ; A spokesman for the Jaycees stated proceeds from the project will ' be used by the organization for communi ty betterment, and it was highly prob able that the major portion of the re ceipts will be expended to help the Jaycees complete installation of equip ment on the playground. District Officers . Of BPW Club Named Mrs. Alice M. Towe, of Hertford. 8th District Director of the North Carolina Federation of Business and Professional s Women's : Clubs an nounced the names of the District Officers and Chairmen who will serve with her this year and are as .fol- lows: "ij'-iiti v, r- ' Secretary-Treasurer Mrs. Dora KTaylor Riddick, Hertford, of the Per fquimans Club; Tar Heel Woman Rep resentative Mrs. ' Alice H. Hitter, Elizabeth City; Elsie G. Riddick Loan Fund Chairman Miss Mildred Tavlor. iNashville; ; State Project Chairman (Home for retired business and nro-1 fassional women) Miss Minnie John son, Roanoke Rapids; and the follow ing Contact Chairmen r Health and Safety, Miss Eva Cratt, Washington: International Relations. Mrs. Dorothy W. Whitehead, Scotland Neck; Public Affairs, Miss Hulda Wood. Hert ford; Education1 and Vocations, Miss Maggie Pierce, Ahoskie. Mrs. Ruby C. Blyfte of the Rocky Mount Club is ifoe first vice president of the State Federation. Local Firemen At : ' State Convention ' Three members of the .Hertford Fire Department, Mayor V. N. Dar den. Commissioner Henry C Sullivan and B. C. Berry, represented the de partment at the annual IState Fire men's Convention; held this week, at Grttonnhnm. The local firemen left hem Monday i for the convention and returned on . weanesaay mgnt, following the close Sponsoring Good Cotton Yield Predicted In County - Despite an increase in weevil infes tation, during the past week, pros pects point to a good yield of cotton in Perquimans County this fall, ac cording to I. C Yagel, County Agent Mr Yagel stated that dry hot weath er,' together .with wind and hail in some parts of the county have caused a large portion of squares to shed. This reduction in the number of squares has much to do with the in crease in the percentage of. squares punctured. The Farm Agent also advised farm ers to dust their crop once more. He pointed out this will be profitable even though the cotton appears to be too large for further treatment. Rotaiy Governor Guest Of Hertford Club Tuesday Night The Rotary Club of Hertford was host Tuesday night to George D. IColclouafh. Governor of the 278th Dis trict of Rotary International, who is making his annual official visit to'wai wammar ocnooi ana uie Hertford each of the 38 Rotary clubs of the . district. He conferred with President Charles Henc' Secretary Jack Kanoy and other local officers on Kotary administration and service activities. Mr. Colclough is Executive Secre tary of the Burlington Chamber of Commerce and Merchants Association and is a member of the iRotary Club of Burlington. He is one of the 207 District Governors who are supervis ing the activities of some 7,600 Ro tary Clubs which have a membership of 360,000 business and professional executives in 83 countries and geo graphical ' regions throughout .the world. ; '.' : ; ' ,'. Wherever Rotary Clubs are located S " iTY!? ,v ZJCT g J51? SXl their activities are similar to those cause they arevased on the same general objectives developing better understanding and fellowship among business and professional men, pro moting communityJbetterment under takings, raisins: the standards of . J M,,d7 "all ,h tj.. W1(L the Peoples of the wono. Service Officer Regulations and procedures govern ing Mustering-Out Payment authoriz ed by the recently enacted Veterans Readjustment Assistance Act of 1952 have been received in the local Dis trict Office of the North Carolina Veterans Commission. . " Most, enlisted men and women and officers, below the grade of Major or Lieutenant Commander who were discharged or released from active duty under honorable conditions after June 26, 1950 are eligible for lump sum payment. Claims must, oe sub mitted on or before July 16, 1954, sup-1 ported by the original of the Report of Separation from the Armed ser vices.: In the case of any veteran discharg ed under honorable conditions after June 26, 1950 who died after leaving service and before receiving any por tion of ' his Mustering-Out Pay, pay ment of this benefit may be made to survivors. Y. :'" ' All eligible persons desiring to ap ply for, Mustering-Out Pay are urged to contact C C. Banks, Veteran Ser vice Officer, Hertford or the District Office of the North Carolina Veterans Commission, 206 Kramer Bunding, Elizabeth .City, North Carolina, . for assistance in completing applications for this-Jbenofit Health Department Okays Water Supply , .' . . . .. K. J.'Eyer," Santitarian for the Dis trict Health Department, advised May or V. N. Darden,' on last Friday that a laboratory analysis of samples of the Hertford water supply, run by the Department on July 29, revealed that the supply wad satisfactory and safe for drinking purposes.. . . The analysis was run, Mr. Darden told this newspaper, by Mr. Eyer fol lowing the receipt of i a number of inquiries' by the Health Department concerning the local waiter. . This report by the Health Depart ment was similar to that given by Robert Luther, Elizabeth City water specialist, who was called here to analyze the; water supply' some two Can Supply Rules On MusteringOut Pay Discussion Of Problem Held At Special Meet ing On Monday Night More than 100 patrons of the Per quimans County Central Grammar School met with the Board of Edu cation, in a special meeting held Mon day night in the Court House, to re quest the Board to take action to re lieve the overcrowded conditions at the school. . The meeting was called by. the Board of Education at the request of the patrons who desired to express opinions over the condition at the school. Dana Mathews acted as chair man for the delegation and he told the Board members the patrons were concerned over the fact that some of the classes at the school contained as many as 45 to 50 pupils. He related that at a previous meeting the dele gation had discussed the problems and it was the desire of the group that the Board take immediate steps to provide ways and means of construct ing two additional classrooms for the school. Mrs. John Hurdle read a report, which she stated she had compiled from figures obtained from the office of theiSuperintendent of Schools, and the principals of the two grammar schools, relating the enrollment and average class attendance for the Cen- vrrammar aonooi, I CI X J Superintendent ff. T. Biggers, ques tioned by Mrs. Hurdle as to the pro cedure of teacher allotments, then ex plained that teachers were assigned on the same basis as allotted to the county by the State Board of Educa tion, and in this connection there is only seven-teriths of one pupil dif ference between average attendance at Central Grammar School and the Hert ford Grammar School. : A number of delegations proposed action be taken to relieve the over crowded condition by transferring some of the students around to dif ferent schools but this proposal was met with a divided opinion from the delegation. J.- Edgar Morrisj chairman of the Board of -Education then asked if the adoption of a plan creating a junior senior high school unit met with the approval of the group, and to this question there likewise was a differ ence of opinion, with a majority of the patrons opposing such a plan. Other spokesmen for the delegation, who either suggested plans for pro viding relief from the present condi tion, or who asked questions regarding procedure of teacher and pupil allot ment included Carson Spivey. B. M. Miller, N. C. Spivey, Emmett Stal- lings, Mrs. Carson Spivey, Mre. Na omi McDonnell and J, F. Hollowell. Mr. Biggers then pointed out that with the county gaining one teacher for the grammar schools during the coming year that the teacher load at the Central Grammar School would be relieved somewhat as compared to last year. . The delegation then renewed its re quest that action be taken to provide additional classrooms at the school to provide ample room for the school's enrollment. Following the joint meeting, mem bers of the Board of Education passed a resolution in which they stated no action will be taken to change present plans and schedules for the coming school year, which do not meet the approval of the patrons of the schools, and that the Board will work toward providing relief from overcrowded conditions. County Officials Guests At Dinner Perquimans County officials were guests at dinner of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Morgan at the county home last Mon day at noon. Enjoying the delicious meai wmcn inciuaea nam, beef, chick en, a large number of vegetables and dessert of ice cream and cake were County Commissioners A. T. Lane. William C. Chappell, Roy Chappell, E. a. Hollowell, Ervin Turner, Register of Deeds, J W. Ward, Clerk of Court, W. H. Pitt,, Treasurer, Max Campbell, County Attorney S. M. 'iWhedhee, County Health Officer Dr. T. P. Brinn, Superintendent of Public Welfare C. Edgar White and his assistants, Mrs. Marian M. Payne and Mrs. Eula Mae Jordan. ' " ' , BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Casper Meekins. Jr.. of Elizabeth City announce the birth 'of a daughter, Catherine IRosemond, porn July 28. Mrs. aieekins is the former Miss Helen. Hoffler. ' - ' BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Fearing an nounce the birth of a daughter, born Monday at Albemarle Hospital in Elizabeth City. . ' , ' birth announcement , Mr. and Mrs. Murray Dail announce the birth of a daughter, Mary Ruth, born August 1. at Chowan HotmitaL Mrs. Dail is the former Miss Myrtle the .cr.rcc!'. cf t" 3 i'.'.. ing. weeks ago. wmsiow of Bemdere. Si" of the meeting.

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