PAGS EIGHT ".AUGUST n. J- (week at Nags Head M guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Venters. I Mrs. Wesley Trueblood and children :; ' 1 n V of Norfolk, va., spent two aays wrwi tttf IfMMn Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Stalling last LiMl.f-.lbli UUJOIUU week. , ; -I Mr. and Mrs. .Wallace Bright visit- . , . 'ed friends m Suffolk, Va., on Sunday. .North Carolina faaulies ; receiveai c p o. Cary Quincy and Mrs. Quin. $15,209,000 in life insurance death y and daughter, Ava, were week-end benefits in the first half of this year,fguesta rf his parents, Mr. and Mrs. compared with $12,765,000 in the eor-c p Qumcy, They have been sta responding period of last yeaiy it is tioned in Bermuda for the past year reported by tne .rosircuie " i mrt now have moved oacK to NorioUfc, aurance. This year's payments "-ejVa, this past week. y 127 per cent greater than those ra the jjeon Elliott, U. S. N., Norfolk, Va., corresponding period ten years agol8pent the week-end with his parents. wh" the sixth-month total was. $6,- " 'The number of policies paid off be cause of death .in the first six montns Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Elliott. Rev. and Mrs. H. M Jamieson and children of Winfall were dinner guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Stallings and son, Ronnie, spent Tuesday in Nor folk, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Billie Elliott had as their dinner guests on Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Garrett, Mrs. Tom Garrett and Mrs. Vincent Garrett of Weeksville. Cpl. Earl Garrett of Fort Eusis and Miss Freda Mayer of Philadelphia. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bright spent Wednesday at Nags Read. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Boyce and fami ly of Tyner spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. 0. L. Byrum. f iaR2 wan 1'4.386. which compared Oniey. with 13,374 in the first half of 1951 Mr. and Mrs. Talmadge Lewis and and 8,736 in the first half of 1942. family spent Sunday in Roper tas the Of the aggregate payments in this guests of her sister, ntate tflO 347,000 was under 3,752 or-1 Miss Minnie Bell Elliott, Mrs. J. P. j:-. 'iJiwa.- '42 279.000 was under i Elliott, Mrs. L. B. Elliott visited rela- i ton btoudV life insurance policies; tives at Burgess on Wednesday. and $2,583,UUU was uniwr dustrial or weekly premium policies. For the nation as a whole, $921,804, 000 was paid as death claims under 778,272 policies in the first half of 1952, compared with $877,319,000 un der 765,289 policies in the correspond ing period of last year and $502,723, 000 under 567,235 policies in the first six months of 1942. 1I this year s nvnwnt.9 fiOfiJ124.000 was under 226,833 ordinary policies; $190,459, 000 was under 88,524 group policies; and $125,221,000 was under 462,915 industrial policies. , Total payments to American fami lies by their life insurance compan ies were l$2,106,361,000 in the first six months of this year, $860,692,000 more than similar payments in the first half of 1942. BELVTOERE NEWS The Rev. and Mrs. Carl Yow and family of Prince George, Va., visited friends in the community a few days last week. Mrs. Rosco W. White, Joy and Sara Lynn of Norfolk, Va., visited Mrs. White's parents last week. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Winslow, Mr. and Mrs. Winslow accompanied them to Norfolk and are spending some time with them. Mr. and Mrs. Pailen Lane were re cent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. N. iW. Chappell and family. Mr. and Mrs.' Estes Gopeland and family spent Saturday at Nags Head. Mr. and Mrs. Don Smith visited Mr. and Mrs. Edwin S. White Sunday af ternoon. Supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lin wood Winslow on Sunday were: Rev. Homer Barker, Mrs. Elizabeth White, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. White, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Winslow and Lois Violet and Mrs. Catherine Goodwin. Mrs. Jack Symons visited Mr. and V- PINEY WOODS NEWS Sgt. Marvin L. Simpson, arrived home Tuesday from Korea after spending seventeen months there and he also spent three months in Japan. He will have a 30-day furlough with his wife before returning to Fort Jackson, S. C, for his discharge. , Mr. and Mrs. Luther J. Chappell and family, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Raper, Mrs. Marvin L. Simpson spent last Sunday in Norfolk, Va., visiting Mr. ana jars. t. it. Butt and family. In the afternoon they visited City Park. . Mr. and Mrs. Claude H. Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Simpson and Jackie of Hampton, Va., visited Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Raper and Mrs. Mar. vin L. Simpson Saturday afternoon. ' Those visiting1 m the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Raper Sunday' were; nr. ana Mrs. Henry Kiddick and Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Butt and children Tommy and Phyllis of Norfolk, Va., and Sgt. and Mrs. 'Marvin L. Simpson of Hertford. Mr. and Mrs. Harrv ChaD'oell vf vatawba, jn. C, visited Mr. and Mrs Thomas S. . White. Jr.. son of Mrs. Thomas,, White of Hertford, has been appointed sales manager of First Securities , Corporation, it was an nounced' today by : President Charles Jones. !y,t White joined the investment securities "firm after fifteen years with Liggett & Myes Tobacco 'Com pany for which he was sales super visor for Mid-western- states.: a Whtfa". nsgflmftH hia duties in firm's home; offices in Durham Aug was graduate from the University of North Carolina in 1933. During World War II he served with the 29th In fantry, Division in the European ThetMyfisYtransf erred to ETO in London in' the office of fiscal director, aiu iiucr tu uiu jreatagon in vy asn ington. ,'He; was separated from the seryjcft" ri ,1945 with 'the rank of lieu, tenant colonel. White Aid his wife, the former Marv Francos' Council of Durham and three children' reside at 1312 SheDherd et Jh Durham. .- 'Y : ; they spent the week at the "Beach Cqmer.w Mr. and Mrs. Jackie Mav of Wen dell t' visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Phillips Thursday and while here they made a business trip to Hatteras, N. C. Mrs. Mav. sister-in-law nf Mm. Phillips, is a native of Hatteras. Mr and Mrs. E. B. Hollowell and Mr. and Mrs; Dick Lang and daugh ter,JJudy, motored to Askewville Sun- dy( P. IS., . and visited Mrs. Hollo- wellfs father: John Copeland. who bvei with his daughter, Mrs. Living- stort White. J', Horace Baker ras returned to his home at Mt. Airy, N. C, afcfer spend ing a few days with his mother, Mrs. J. H.' Baker. ' Mr. nnH Mr a C. T Ponai. .nnni T.. iur. Tl. O 1.- . aym 4"B- auuu ... yn day at Nag.s Head Manteo, ,ii j .t . . . Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Chappell and . Mr .and Mrs. Mac White and daugh. 'chi,drent Mr. and Mrs. Per Chap- . j - . b- pea and children and Mr. and Mrs Mrs. W. D. Anderson and son have Harvey Chappell and Walter P. Chap, 'returned to CJierry Point after spend- pell this week-end. 'mg a lew aays with Miss Audrey Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Simpson! Sgt. .Umphlett, and Miss Jill Miller has and Mrs. Marvin L. Simpson and Returned home from Cherry Point . Despite all this hot weather we are having ft not too early to think of your comfort . oext winter,. . . we suggest you purchase your heating needs flow. . The steel strike with- out doubt, will affect stove prices later on. Right now all of our stock is priced at old v - ..-., .J. .... : " -. . i .... .. . . a , . ; " prices and will be hold at these . ; . replacements will be higher . . . so buy now and save. SEE OUR LINE OP NORGE AND MAGIC CHEF Oil Burning Space Heaters also a Popular line of Floors Furnaces : lib... IF'" $:?:H:::::::::::SS r, . . 4 1 ' J II f' 1 If - voat ana wooa nearers - SLD I The Old Reliables ... We Have Them. Jl ifni .nt 'r CHECK YOUR . NEEDS FOR J J r Stove Pipe Elbows Collars n j Dampers Stove Mats Stove Lining WE CAN SUPPLY , YOUR NEEDS Hertford Hardware & Supply Company ; . ''fR'AQE BM&E AND BANK THE DIFFERENCE" PHONE 3461 HERTFORD, N. C. ; Try Perquimans Weekly Oassif ied Ad KFD i t?':- t w 1 j tj x 'Jimmy Ward and son, Jimmy, spent FD 1, and Miss Eva Collins Buck . Mr. nH M S.-no-ut. j xS t -1' j 1 "",T- " " ed Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Chappell and visited other -relatives in the com- -m- anj iw v xt m.rn o"" munity. Mrs. Tom Brabble and children spent several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Ward. ; Miss La Clair Winslow spent the week-end with Miss Sara Sutton near Hertford. Tim Perry, U. S. Navy, stationed at Bainbridge, Md., spent the week-end here with his wife and parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ward and daughter, Wanda, Miss Thelma Ward and Dalton Ward of Ryland and Mr. and' Mrs. Hinton White of Hertford visited Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Chappell and family Sunday afternoon. The Piney Woods Friends Church held a Sunday School picnic at Hert ford Beach on Wednesday afternoon, which was enjoyed by all. Mr. day. Mrs. Ida White is visiting ( Mr. and airs, jonn juimer Wood, Jr., of White Hat. WINFALL NEWS R. B. Jordan is a patient at Nor folk General Hospital, Norfolk, Va. Mrs. C. W. Tyree has returned home from vacationinsr at Morehead City and Plymouth. Shelton White of Raleitrh visited friends here over the week-end. Mrs. Vernon Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hill of Norfolk, Va.. are visiting Miss Annie White. Roy Ward spent Sunday at Nags Head. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Winslow' spent theweek-end at their cottage at Kill Devil Hill. Rev. and Mrs. H. M. Jamieson and children, Susan and Herbie, have re- CHAPANOKE NT WS Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Dean and son, Emmett. of Fentress. Va., and Mr. of BMuriinJJ- HNendfk9n tZoZt Nags Heawhe vi Duningxon, in. j were dinner . wwwwwwwvwwvsv.wwomm guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Elliott on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Arlington and Mr, and Mrs. Arden Ward of Ports mouth, Va., spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Byrum. Mrs. Inna Dorsey is spending this For Sale ; REGISTERED DUROC BOARS CHAMPION BLOODLINE j ; ; .Phone or' See'; r 1 t ' Clarence Chappell, Jr. r PHONE 4978 Belvidere, North Carolina SEE US FOR Plumbing Supplies We have a complete line ol items you want. J tAt Sinks j Lavatories Tubs Tiolet Combinations ; f; Pipe and Fittings V " ' 7aS0" : ,0, Drain Tile ' , Terra Cotta Pipe HARRIS Plumbing & Building Supply Company HERTFORD, N -C. . . where she has been visiting Mrs. An dersonind Miss Mary Anderson. Mary will visit Jill for a few weeks and will spend next week at Nags Head with Miss Umphlett and Jill. iyMiss Geraldine Gregory and mother, Mrs. T. S. Gregory, have motored to Indiana to see Mrs. Gregory's sis ter.' , . ; Mr. and Mrs. William Powell of Hat. boro, Pa.; are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie! Lane. Mrs., Johnnie Lane and daughter. Nome Lou, have returned horns' from Haworo and Point Pleasant, Pa., where they visited relatives for' the past two weeks. V Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Gregory are vacationing ' this week at Atlantic Beach near Morehead City. HtRY A WEEKLY CLASSIFIED USED CJjltS 1 5715 1951 Chevrolet, 2-Bioor 1950 Ford, 2-Docjr 1949 Chevrolet, 4-Door 1952 Ford, 4-Door , J950 Plymouth lfQub Coupe) ifeO Chrysler 4-Door 4 1947 Pontiac, 2-Door 1941 Chevrolet, Sedan 19420-000 1941 Ford, Coacji 1930Pdntiac,2-Door inln n.J. .-:. TJL- t riymoutn, SEE US FOR BETTld BUYS. IN USED CAtS L Buy Mow In Owe . ' ' ' ' " ' ' , ' " ' ' 9 v 1. xx . t I r I FOf PriCC 1 From rten through high school we have the right . ,' 11 I answers on what your children need for back-to-school. . . We're ready to fit boys and girls, every age, every size, from ' Frf 'Ptf"l t0 i00t Mothers, youH approve these practical, easy " , v'vrr",io care for, made to wear and wear styles aH priced eoo-' i CF ll lV , ,J?omicalIv- 'B,iy now and BW substantially on yout needs! , v. SALE STARTSJmiDAY, AUG.22, ENDS SATURpAY, AVOp LISTED ARE JUST 'X Aw OF THE BIG BARGAINS YOU'LL FIND AT THIS SALEi CHECK YOUR CIRCULAR. FOR THE COMPLETE LIST THEN HURRY IN! . II Wool Sweatersi ..$1.98 fl Test Buster Dungarees. -$L59 rduroy Jac!ietsrr--.V $1.93 B1o'jsc3, plain cr iplali C3c , Corduroy- Skirts $3.53 ' Silk 'Scsrfs-iiiIi,i''iJr.3c Ginghams, chec!r-r:-3,yd 4Cc Boys Shirts Crew Socks, 3 pair Flannel Shirts.: Athletic Socks.: 79c $i.b :$i.c3 -..--.4c Corduroy Spcrt JacI;et3.1.??.C3 i -.1 1 1 7

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