WEEK. Volume XIX. Number 34.. r Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, Friday, August 29, 1952. 5 Cents Per Copy LY TlllS VMS HEWES Gov. W. Kerr Scott, on Tuesday, rescinded his grant of $760,000 to his borne county of Alamance, from sur ' plus funds in the State Highway De partment. The' governor's action fol lowed two weeks of criticism from friend tand foe alike on the unusual allocation of surplus funds to an in dividual county. Governor Scott, in announcing the cancellation of the grant, - stated he thought Alamance etill needed the money to build roads (but the grant created other inequities not in the public interest. A $65,000 robbery, committed in Washington Monday, was quickly solv ed when, officials arrested a former employee of the Brink's Company and he confessed to robbing the Brink . money truck while the truck's four guards were eating lunch. Arrested was Ray Farmer, who as an employee of the firm, had a duplicate key to he truck and he had ailed to turn this key in when he was fired from has job in 1949. Farmer: took police to a Washington park where he had buried the $65,000 and the loot was returned to the company. A British twin-jet bomber set an amazing record on Tuesday of this week when it was ' flown from Ire land to Newfoundland and back to Ireland in one. day. In fact the re turn trip, across the Atlantic requir ed only 10 hours and two minutes. It was the first time in history any plane had made a round trip in one day.'';; Members , of the American Legion held their annual convention this week in Netf 'fork thrilling millions with a huge parade which lasted from morn ing until dark. A highlight of the convention program included talks by both presidential candidates, General Eisenhower and Governor Stevenson. Reports from New York stated the Legionnaires put on a great show and had fun, but there was less hi larious fun-making than at previous conventions; ;S ! ". 'Vt'C--:t,ft" :' Fall Fes Y To Members of the. Hertford JLionsClub are sponsoring their annual EJall Fes WHAM tlVcl Satu tival, this week, on. Wie loft located wAWIrm. twX atnEd .amlliytlWytHfH-'.h6 vacancy of Mr. Nixon. ' The party furnishing; m , is the feature of the festival. ' 4 . f. :, omZ .L, The festival opened -taW- Ve night 'Afthte meeting,, it is expected, the urday night Pf this ek. : Children s Board vm alao ake preliminary ac- Friday nd SaturdayrBoon H..d4ddelNyeiiilHW chrder- 'v -' Z' n these nrntin Je atonees Jill run from tone P. M.,Huntil six iB-.M,; mL- tnL'-j.- i . . rt ; j.ne venirtu, Amoaraicuf viiiipaiiy has furnished the midway attractions fof the local, Lions Club IFestival here for a number of years.'and is njanaf ed! hv Sherman HustedJv mMminlmt?rZS,'.;i r '': . . ' strives to present an attractive num ber of rideshd shows ta provide en tertainment v foe those attending, the iestivai., --j , H HertftU fions proceeds frc u.the festival,' and funds raised throu 1 this means are Used by the local . club in carrying .out local projects sponsored by ithe local Lions. ' k .IllV' IT-l. J-t 'tL. '" ' ' I I' riuiuu iiumensiuung i The vooavai homemaking classes of Perquimans (Training ISchool, under the supervision o Vyriaii .(J. Harris, teacher of Jlome Economics at the IWinfall School, have been reorganized I'rs. Man president; Mrs. 1 ary Norflt Jt, secretary; iMrs. V-p-ra Riddick, Treasurer; New Hope ea: lt:s. Cora IV.!bite,'. president; I'rs. Geneva J-nson, vice president; lira. jVirg!. 'a t llory, secretary Mrs. Euth Thon- - 'zzJsr. ' ' A class ' r "nized fo the Winfall s t nxt monA and perso, .ltd iik Joining the vrouD may .t the tlome Eco- -nomics teacher U the school, building in WinfalL. .ry -?.ber 5 v William Paul i American Leg r"rular meeting .ber 6, at 8 i of tha Agri "ord. r the com . j. k.rs.' J, E. i all members To Meet! .... .4. "TheAu" " Tailings Kit. i i will hold i's r i rriday v. ; . in V (. t r - i t " : ; i . ; - :' j' r ' 1 . J ' " . i::rtfcrd tKTuM To StaiHii Powell DEI Funds For Lod Streets Allocation Expected To Be About the Same As Last Year Announcement has been made in Raleigh that the State Highway Commission has allocated to towns and cities of the state, refunds for maintenance of streets within the municipalities. Hertford and IWinfall, the only two incorporated towns with in Perquimans County, will again share in the division of this fund, which was set up under the Powell Act of the 1950 General Assembly. Announcement has been made as to the sum each town or city is to receive, providing the sum is in ex cess i 1 $10,000, but the smaller sums to be distributed, to smaller communi ties, have not been announced. It is expected, here, however, that Hertford and IWinfall will receive ap proximately the same amount of cash as was allocated to the two towns dur ing 1951. Last year the Town of Hertford received $5,324 while Win fall received $1,095, ' The amountof money turned over to each town or city is based upon the number of miles of streets within the corporate limits, and also partly upon population. Hertford receives a small share of the distribution, due partly, to the fact that under the terms of the bill the State Highway Commission was handed the maintenance of all state and national highways through a town or city, -.; and also all streets leading to farm and market highways. Thus the Town of Hertford no longer is obliged to maintain Grubb Street from Church Street to the western edge of the town, any part of Church Street nor Dobb Street from Church to Edenton Road Street. ' Likewise Winfall is not obligated to maintain the main throughfare through the town as this, is highway 32 and 17A. Announce Change In fed, QL Elections Announcment was made here Mon. day of a change in the membership of the Perquimans County Board of Election. Herbert N.' NixOh, who was appointed to the board during June, and elected to the chairmanship of the board, announced his resignation this week. . Y ';,' : ':' - Durwood Reed, Jf ., was named by for tr distribution to eligible voters hh Ued by abentee, bal. I, . ;, .. . yr ' ... IOTO. -: Store! To Observe Labor ; Day Holiday ;. A' majority, of Hertford stores, fol lowing the custom of past years, will be' closed all dav next Mondav in' ob- ,.ThifKweek, .the report also stated, was the last for the half-holidays ob served' on' Wednesdays,.'. Most of the stores: will remain open all day Wed nesdays., beginning September 8 It was announced here Wednesday morntng- that" the- three . furniture stores "of Hertford, Byrum Furniture Co.. Hartford Furniture Co.. and W. M. wut UJJJbUlV J(A, WXU tittue to close on, Wednesday after noon through tfie mouth of Septem ber... i'..- .-':-,. .';.; ': v:;W;,. UurgrcGs Baptist Church A series -of revival services will be conducted v at th (Burgees Baptist Church, beginning Sunday, Aurust 31, and continulnir through Septem ber " 2, .it "was announced today by Cdpn, 9on, Jr pastor of he church. - ; , - i- The Rev. Jack Stoner. of South Car olina, .will be the guest minister. Rev. Stoner is a graduate , of Mercer Uni- -xxtVi eorria and Is now a student of the Southeasem Baptist Seminary at Wake Forest. The public it cordially invited to all servi which will beaini eaich evening t. 8 P. M, 4-,i ;'t ! . EUtl J ANNOUNCEMENT Mr, and Mrs. F. G. Sloop of Dublin, Va,, announoa the birth of a daurfi-l er, I'l'V L:ir-'--, born TV y, Au-ii,t 1j at tU-Jr i .ri, i. . a- pital. itlrs. SlooT), before her mar- i was , :.x A'J Ward. State Polio Chairman o THAD EURE iWith the recent passing of Dr. Clyde Erwin, State Chairman of .... the 1953 March of Dimes, who was appointed in June, Secretary of State Thad Eure has been a p. pointed to serve in this capacity. New Scout Executive Named For District Raymond F. Heck, Jr., of Bassett, Va., has assumed the position of Field Scout Executive -of the Tidewater Council serving East and West Albe marle Districts to succeed W. A. Sutherland who has been promotd by the Tidewater Council to assume charge of the Norfolk District. Heck together with his .wife and child will reside at 1506 S. Williams Circle in Elizabeth City and will serve the seven counties comprising the two districts. He started out in Scouting at age 13 and became a First Class Scout in 90 days. He came up through the ranks as an asslaiW'"pa'lw!m3eaa$r; patrol leader, wnd assistant scoutmas ter, and was very active in the troop until he went to college. At college, he took several Scout courses and helped with troops in the community. As a Scout, he did a great deal of camping and served on the Camp Powhatan staff for a number of sum mers. ., ' .-. ' . , ;-; While in college he entered the Navy V-5 program and was desig nated Naval aviator and commission ed Ehsign in February 1944. He was released from active 'duty as a Lt. (jg) in January 1946. He returned to college and graduated with a B. S. degree in general science from V.P.I. Jof 1947, -e took an 800 mile canoe trip thropgh the wilderness of north ern Canada. , 'After graduating from college, he entered the 129th National Training School' for' Professional Leaders. As soon as4iis professional training was complete he joined the staff of the Roanoke-Area Council, Roanoke, Va, as Fiekl'Scout Executive of Roanoke, Salem, ;bnd Boteourt-Craig Districts, He directed the annual Council camps during tie summers of 1949 and 1950. He terminated his services with the Council on February 27, 1951, and at that 4jme accepted a job with the J. " D.?jiBas8ett Manufacturing Com pany, Bassett, Va., as sales manager; He has been active in the Patrick Henry District as camping chairman for the, past year and a half. Legion To Install Officers September 4 , ., Installation services for new offi cers of the William Paul Stalling Post f 4the American (Legion will be conduc?d next Thursday, September 4, at.; 3it o'clock in the auditorium of the i griculture Building In Hert-J fnrrt , Awf v J. Bailey,:, First District Cdnw Jer of the Seth IE. Perry Post of EL, eth City will be the installir.g) ' W office ,", ui, ..VFW :l..lll ' 1 .To ill' installed as commander "of Ruritans 11 the KvJ jH8t will be IF, T, Johnson, who will succeed B. C. Berry, f Lab' r Day Program Atplertford Beach A Lrbor Day week-end program tf entertainment is being planned at Hertford Beach, it was announced to day r Jake JUathews, owner, w to 'hat . the last outboard mot r .'the season will Hb held the e .iay afternoon; August. SI. a .1 will be held on Monday nag. , uerl. , . V, in races are scheduled on t! e m for 'Sunday afternoon, a" 1 .lews said some of the fask on the coast will be present) . ste in the events. .' stat race on - bo It Varied Docket in Recorder's Court Road Sentence Is Given Defendant Charged With Driving Drunk A varied docket, consisting of ten cases was disposed of at Tuesday's session of Perquimans Recorder's Court, with Judge Chas. E. Johnson, presiding. , Most of the defendants entered pleas of guilty to charges, and little time was consumed in clearing the docket at this week's session of the court. ; A sixty day road sentence was met ed out to George Davenport, Negro, who was found guilty on a charge of driving drunk. The sentence was or dered suspended upon payment of a fine of $150 and costs of court. .Richard Hankins paid a fine of $10 and costs after submitting to a charge of speeding. Elvin 'Phelps was taxed with the costs of court after pleading guilty to a charge of speeding. ; Fines of $10 and costs were taxed against Shelton Porter and Crafton Russell who were charged with driv - iner a truck which was overloaded. Marshall Mansfield, charged with a similar offense, entered a plea of guilty and paid the costs of court. Leroy Tufft, charged with passing a vehicle in the face of oncoming traf fic entered a plea of guilty and paid the costs of court. 'Prayer for judgment was continued in the case in which Willie Williams, Negro, was charged with driving a car equipped with an improper muf fler. . Kelly Jones, t Negro, charged with 'driving a car equipped with an im proper muffler, entered a plea of guilty and paid a fine of $10 and costs of court. Frank Winslow, Negro, paid a fine of $25 and costs after pleading guil ty to a charge of reckless driving. iiice 1944 Is Likely A 55,075,000 bushel corn crop in North Carolina is in prospect as of Augustrli according to a report made by the State-Federal , Crop Repprt ing Service. Such a crop would he the smallest since 1944 12,536,000 bushels or 19 per cent, below produc 'tion last year and 8 per cent below average. An average; yield of 25.0 bushels per acre is forecast, compared with 31.0 bushels last year and the record 33.0' bushels per , acre harvested in 1950. Such a yielcj would be the lowest for the State since 194.5, and the first time since 1946 that the aver age has gone below 30 bushels per acre. The 10-year average yield is 26.5 bushels per acre. - Drought damage is evident in all sections of the State.. Corn in the Piedmont was especially hard hit. Intensive heat prevented proper pol lination and even in the better fields ears are poorly filled. Recent rains will help late corn to some extent, but the bulk of the crop is past the stage for recovery.' VFW Retains Lead In Softball League ; Games played in the local Softball league during the past week resulted in no changes in the standing of the teams of the league. The VW team retained its first place position by a narrow margin of game with the Kuntans in second place, followed by the Jaycees and Lions.... " Much excitement fir-being displayed over the outcome of the league as it goes into the final week of play.- The i ai session luesaay si llest Corn Crop s V7FW and Kuntans are striving to cap- Hotel. Hertford will be dosed, enect ture the flag and results of the final live September 1. Patrons and civic games may bring a change in the ('standing. The league standing as of Tuesday was as follows! Jaycees - . a Lions 4 12 Revival At Bethany Church Beginsl Aug. 31 - Revival services , will begin in the Bethapy Methodist Church in the Bel videre section, on Sunday, August 81, and continue through Sunday, Sep tember 7. Services will be held each night at 8 o'clock. Tha visiting evangelist tor the meet ing will be the Rev. Marvin Jolliff of Gatesville. Congregational singing will feature each service and the pas tor, the Rev, Robert M. Gradeless, invites the public to attend any or all servtces" --w-i Arrangements For Opening Of Schools' Completed At Meetings Held This Week Board Adopts Rule On School Lunches New regulations on the serving of free lunches bv the lunchrooms of the various schools in Perquimans County j School bells, ringing next Wednes were adopted at a special meeting of i day morning, will mark a close to the the County Board of Education held ' here Monday night. Under the regulation adopted a written application for free lunches must be presented to the principal of the school, at which the child attends. This application, in turn, will be pass. ed upon by a special committee com posed of representatives of the coun ty Welfare Department, the School Committee and the teacher of the child in whose behalf the application is submitted. Rotarians To Hold Barbeque Supper Members of the Hertford Rotary Club will hold a barbeque chicken sup ner next Wednesday eveniner. on the 1 Winslow farm, on Old Neck Road, in 1 Place of their regular meeting on Tuesday night Dr. C. A. Davenport, Dr. Allen Bonner and Jack Kanoy compose a committee on arrangements for the outing. At their meeting Tuesday night the club president, Charles Henc, named V. N. Darden, C. P. Morris and A. W. Hefren as a committee to secure a new meeting place for the club, since the Hotel dining room will be dis continued September 1. During the program, at the meet ing this week, the Rotarians heard a brief outline on the work carried out by the County Welfare Department. The program was presented by Max Campbell, a member of the Welfare Board. He told the club members that in addition to investigating and hand ling assistance cases such as old age assistance, aid to dependent children, the blind and the permanent and to tally disabled, the local welfare de partment also handles a vast number of non-assistance cases in connection with children, including such items as adoptions, school truancy, juvenile court cases,"1 issuance of employment certificates for minors, holding of psychological examinations, and also supervision of parolees. County Youth Jo e Ordained Sunday Colon Jackson, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Colon Jackson of Route one, Hertford, will be ordained as a Bap tist minister at services to be held at Burgess Baptist Church Sunday after noon, August 31, at 3 o'clock. The services will be conducted by the Rev. Charles W. Dulinsr. nastor of the Wovtfrrd Ttnnfiot ThllTv.li ' Mr. Jackson was recommended for ordaination following an examination before an ordaination council held last Tuesday at the Hertford Baptist Church. He ' is a graduate of the Perquimans High School and attend ed Chowan College at Murfreesboro for two years. At the present time he is a student at Wake Forest working on a B. A. degree. He has served as pastor of the Bur gess Baptist . Church since last July. He is married to the former Miss Doris Faye Allen, y Hotel Dining Room To Be Closed Sept.1 Announcement was made here this week, that, the i dining room of the clubs, which nave been served by the establishment have been notified of the action, it was reported. It, could not be learned, if the closing is to be permanent or a temporary propo sition. ; . , rf- (Cotton Picking Is1 Underway In County Prospects for a good yield from the cotton crop in Perquimans County ap peared bright this week as some farmers began picking their cotton. Those contacted stated while it was a little early to make predictions, cotton already picked from their fields indicated a good production and quality.- !-. ifWtl:v:-; ' i MASONS TO MEET. r- i ? , - " t - The Perquimans Masonic Lodge No. 106, A. (F. ft A. M., will meet Tues day night at eight o'clock. All "Mas ons and visiting Masons are urged to attend. -,- - First Grade Students Must Present Certifi cates To Principals summer vacation for some Z,3UU scnool children of Perquimans bounty. Final arrangements for the opening of the 1952-53 term of Perquimans County schools were made at a num ber of meetings held this week. On Monday all school principals met at the office of the superintendent with rules and policy for the year being discussed. , Among these rules were the fol- lowing, which J. T. Biggers, superin tendent, calls to the attention of par ents of children entering school for the first 'time. In accordance with the law, all children entering school for the first time must present a birth certificate to the principal before be ing enrolled. New students must al so present to the principal his or her school a health department certificate of immunization. Parents who have not obtained these latter certificates may secure them at the local health department office. The Board of Education met in spe cial session on Monday night, at which time they reviewed and approv ed the plans for the opening of schools next Wednesday. Reports were given on repair work done on schools during the summer months, and also reports on progress of school construction were made. Estimates made as to enrollment of the various schools for the coming term were about the same as that of last year, with the possible exception of Perquimana High School, where a slight increase in enrollment is ex pected. Mr. Biggers announced Monday that Mrs. Eugenia Beck has been elected to a position as primary teacher at the Central Grammar School, filling the vacancy in that school faculty. Plans fo rthe opening of schools Plans for the opening of schools Wednesday, With dismissal set for 11:30 A. M. Thursday's schedule will run through 2:5 P. M,-and 'fall day schedules are planned starting on next Friday. Lunchrooms at the various schools will begin operation on Thurs day. Thief Takes Radio rom Old Neck Home Sheriff M. G. Owens is conducting an investigation of the breaking and entering of the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence. Towe of Old Neck Road, sometime last Tuesday. The intruder entered the home by cutting a small hole in the screen door, located at the rear of the house, unlocking the screen door and walking in through the rear door way. Missing from the home was a port able radio, valued at $25, and two pair of shoes. The break-in was discovered at about 6:15 P. M., Tuesday evening when Mr. and Mrs. Towe returned to their home from work in Hertford. Sheriff Owens was called to the home and started his investigation. The Sheriff found a few clues, in cluding a number of fingerprints, which 'are being considered in the in vestigation. The Post Office at Belvidere was advanced to a third class office, ef fective July 1, it was announced here this week. Prior to that date the of fice was listed as fourth class. Congressman Herbert Bonner also announcedthis week that he had been advised by the Post Office Department that orders are being issued extending Route One, of the Belvidere office, ef fective September 1. This action ex tending the route followed a petition signed by .W. J. Dale and others, which was presented to the Post Office De partment earlier this yearA Commissioners To Meet Next Tuesday I Perquimans County Board of Com missioners will meet for tJieir regular September meeting on Tusday, Sep tember 2, Instead of Monday, It was announced today . by A. T. ' Lane, chairman of the Board. , ' The meeting was ' postponed one day because of the Labor Day holi day, which falls on Monday. . Individuals desiring to appear be fore the Board at its nett meeting are requested to note the change in the meeting date. . County Post Office GetsAdvanceflating Pmrr IPrrmll"