PE1MMMS "WEEKLY 11 Volume XIX. Number 35. ; Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, Friday, September 5, 1952. 5 Cents Per Copy $1 Increase In f ermiinos County Classes . Now Operating Under Fall Schedule; Pupils Number 2,146 - . Opening of the 1962-63 school term tin Perquimans. County got off to a : smooth start here Wednesday morning i. iwhen a total of 2J146 pupils were en rolled in the five' units of the county system, it was reported by J. T. Big gers, County Superintendent The enrollment figures, while about what had been expected, were slight- ly higher than last year, Mr. Bigglrs aid A,gain was noted in all three white schools, the largest, being in the first grade- at Perquimans ' Cen tral School, while there was an In- crease in the Hertford colored school ., enrollment and a decrease in the en Tollment of 'the elementary grades at Perquimans Training School. ., 4 More than. 70 pupils were enrolled , in the first grade at . Perquimans Central Grammar School, and Thom as Masten, principal, reported he ex . pected several more pupils will be en rolled in this class by next week. Enrollment figures for the white schools of the county were released ' by Mr. Biggers as follows: Perquimans High School 271 Eighth Grade 98 Hertford Grammar School 262 Central Grammar School 430 For the Negro schools the figures were:'' Hertford Colored School '.. ' v Perquimans Training School: Elementary Grades .. 459 High School ..235, Total enrollment for the entire county is 2,146. In opening the schools there were the usual problems concerning enroll, ment, classes and school, bus routes and the school officials were hopeful to, have all these opening problems irsned . out by Friday of this week, wien classes will begin operation on full schedule. ' . .'.'. '-s.,. " Opening exercises were held at h Hertford. Grammar School with th . ev. ,narier,W.-DUnr as speaker r, and at Perquimans r High School, f where the Rev. Charles Wulf was the w - . . . Invitatbns For Exhibits At State Fr Is Extended- An official invitation for North Carolinians to enter erhibits in, and attend the 1952" State Fair has been issued by Governor W. Kerr Scott and ; Commissioner of Agriculture. L. Y. : Ballentine. The fair, which will have its 85th renewal here October 14-18, is a division of the State Department ? -M a ... ..." i Calling attention to the; larger and i finer facilities "for yyour service and ' pleasure," Governor Scott termed the V State Fair "the greatest of all ari- iroal get-togethers in North Carolina for a reflection of the yesterdays, the accomplishments of today, and . the i trend of the tomorrows in our State.' Commissioner Ballentine said "there will be more to see, enjoy and leant1 at this ' year's, inspiring spectacle of ; North Carolina's accomplishments." t He listed expanded and improved fa i cilities including the big new live-. 7 stock judging and exhibition arena which, is expected to be in partial use this year, the Youth Center where junior exhibitors will be quartered, and greatly enlarged and more acces I ible parking lots. . . x h "We want the Fair to be a lot of ' - fun for everybody," BallenlSne declar M'ed. "A place to relax; a milestone of ( progress; a festival of the facts that .make North Carolina the No. 1 State in the South; and a meeting place for the exchange of Information and 1 ideas.",,;-. :::;fJsih Ilclloweil Funeral ; Conducted Sunday Funeral services for George A. Hot ' lowell, Sr., 6j5,' wAo died Friday in. j Hospital, ware conducted 1 ' Sunday at 3 P. M.. at Ballard's Bridge Baptist Church bv the Rem Vivian , Evans. ' Burial was in the : 'family cemetery. ' ":; Mr. Hollowell was a native of Cho wan County, the son of George1 Hoi-' lowell and Mrs. Charity Hudson Hol , . lowell and husband of Mrs. Georgia Xilli Hollowell, He was a merchant , at Tyner. ;;,5 r.K'-; Surviving are his wife; three "sons, W. A. Hollowell of Elizabeth City, G. A. Hollowell, Jr,, of Edenton, and C. rTV Hollowell of Tyner; three daugh ' 1 rs, Miss 'Eizabett Hollowell of Tv- 17. Mrs. 'Ltfoj' Proctor ' of Winfall, i Urs. Edward J. Chappeli of ' tsville; " eister, " Mrs. Sallie .-ountree W Norfolk, and six grand- ' "Jren. Enrctat In Sc!:::!s Hearted 1 t iUoMT rAMMT4:AMa 1' Nearing Completion Jtenovatiions of the Perquimans County Library, located in the gram mar school building, on Grubb Street, are Hearing completion, it was re ported Monday by J. T. Biggers, su perintendent of schools. The work on the building is expected to be com pleted in about 10 days. The building which formerly housed the school lunchroom as well as the library, has been covered with a white asbestos shingle, giving it a more at tractive look. The kitchen on the building was dismantled and the din ing room has been combined with the reading room of the library, provid ing a much larger space for the libra ry business. THIS WEEK'S HEADLINES Big ; guns f the 1952 political campaigns were wheeled out this week as Governor Stevenson and Gen eral Eisenhower began in earnest their race for the office of President. Stevenson spoke Monday in Detroit, aiming his remarks mostly at the I great mass of labor votes in Michi 1 gan. Eisenhower made three speeches I Tuesday, at Atlanta, Jacksonville and Miami. The speeches of the General were built around a call for honesty in government. High winds and heavy rains oc curred in ,$he southeastern section of the state early this week, the tailend of the season's first hurricane. The storm swept inland near Charleston, S. C., and was well spent by the time it reached North Carolina. ' Slight property damage wag reported and highways south? of Raleigh were blocked for several hours due to heaVy rainran. in ore man ju iAimMfluia vera pMUe'aeWdenfanyT bvwe Labor Iay -week-end, according -to reports of the National -Safety . Council. Auto? accidents' accounted for 346 deaths "from 6 P. M. Friday through 6 P. M.j Monday, while 34 died from drowning and 59 were killed in mis cellaneous accidents. . A meeting" of the United. Nations got off to the usual start this week when Russian representatives an nounced they will use the UN curb, the veto, to block action on admission of new members unless the Western powers accept a Red proposal to ad mit, a number of nations as a pack age deal voting on the entire group rather than each nation individually. Name Ken Chairman Durwood Reed, Jr., was named chairman of the Perquimans County Board of Elections; at a meeting of the board held Tuesday afternoon. He succeeds .Herbert N. Nixon, who re signed the post last month ; Mr. Reed is a popular young busi ness man of Hertford, being asso crated with his father in the Reed XM1 Company. . He is a graduate of Wake forest College. ' ' Following the reorganization of the election board, which is now com posed of Mr. Reed, Jarvis Ward and (Raymond Winslow, arrangements were made for the printing of ab sendee ballots to-be used in the gen eral election November 4th. and Mr. Reed stated other arrangements for the election will be made and an nounced in the coming weeks. Youths Assume ; Store Management Richard Futrell and Carroll Berry, Jr., two popular Hertford youths, as sumed the management of Marshall's nere Monday morning. V The youMis f1111 manage the store until tfie latter part 01 .mis month, when they will re turn to the University of North Caro lina to resume their studies . They replaced Ellie roaring as store manager, when Mr. Fearing left ibis week to start his .teaching duties at Perquimans High School. - , . Recorder's , Court J In Recess Tuesday. Perquimans County Recorder's! Court was in recess this week due to the absence from the city of Judge Chas. E. Johnson. , "'..:' 1- All cases listed on the docket were set for hearing at the court session on Tuesday, September 9. For Oaid r.tajorettes Held Here This Week Miss Sara Page Jackson of Eliza' both City, has been in Hertford this week training the Perquimans band majorettes. In spite of the fact that plans now do not include a band di rector or a band at Perquimans High School for the coming year, the ma jorettes felt they wanted to go ahead with this training for their own en joyment, and perhaps arouse some in terest toward a band in the future. Miss Jackson has been chitf ma jorette at Wake Forest College for the past four years and attended twirling camp at Syracuse, Indiana the past two summers and had been conducting twirling classes in North and Sodth Carolina throughout the summer. While in Hertford, she stay ed with Miss Janice Yagel. Much credit for Hertford's band during the past year can be given the Hertford Junior Chamber of Com merce, through whose untiring ef forts it was made possible to buy new uniforms for the band members. It is hoped by the younger set and a large number of adults, interest in a local band will be revived to the point a band will be possible. The girls taking the training this week included Janice Yagel, chief majorette, Ann Myers, Kay White iStanton, Marjorie Brinn, Jo Pat iStokes, Annett Proctor, Kittie Sue Johnson, Peggy Harrell, Janice Sum ner, Sally Overton, Mary Dow Chap pell and Marietta Perry from Eden tOn. ":''. -. .' . ..... . HereLastSunday Sixty persons were present at the Hotel Hertford Sunday for the re union of the Perquimans High School Class of 1927, when a turkey dinner was served. A corsage was presented to each lady upon arrival. ' ' The. Re. Charles W. Duling, pas tor of the Hertford Baptist Church, 1 pronounced the invocation -and Mayor V. N. Dardeb made a brief address of welcome in which he especially wel comed back those from a distance. W. C. (Bill) Perry, of Virginia Beach, was toastmaster. The class poet, Mrs. Roscoe White (Saramaie Winslow), of Norfolk, Va., read the poem she had written 15 years ago. Mrs.Cbarlie Elliott (Lade Copeland) played the accompaniment to "Smiles, sung by the group. Edward Weeks, of Elizabeth Caty, class president, called the roll of 40, to which 28 responded, each intro ducing husband or wife and giving place of residence and the number of children in the family. The. class members reported they were grand mothers. ' It was an enthusiastic group, many of them meeting for the first time in 25 years, and it was remarked that all of the class is living and well. Plans were made for another re union five years hence. Edward Weeks was named chairman of the following committee: R. S. Monds, James Evart Newby, Mrs. Hazel Kea ton Mathews and Mrs. Roxanna Chap pell Jackson, with Bill Perry ex-of-ficia member. This group will decide the time and place in the year 1957 for the reunion. There were many expressions of ap preciation of the work done by Bill Perry in arranging for ithe first class reunion and he was given a big hand. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Percy Rogerson, Mr. and Mrs. Claude White, Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Jordan, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Spivey, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mathews, ' Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dail, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Stallings, Miss Hulda Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Wil lie Saunders, Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Mathews, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brinn, Mr. and. Mrf-.D,. M. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. George Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. James Evart Newby, Mr. and Mrs. R. S.- Monds, all of Pertruimans Countv: Mr. and Mm W, C. Perry of Virginia Beach, Va.; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Weeks of Elizabeth City; Mr. and Mrs. Clifford C. Simpson of Farm- ville; ;Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Jackson of Norfolk, Va.t .Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Winslow of Elizabeth .City; Mr. and airs. Im j. Mann of Hollywood, Fla.; Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Smith, of muzaoetn city; Mr. and Mrs. Moulton Ingram, of Princeton f Mr. and Mrs. ffimmie Jernigan of Bayaide. Va.: Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe White of Norfolk. Va, ; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nachman of wicnmonaj Va.; Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Gregory of Elizabeth Citvs the ReV. Charles W. Puling, Mrs. Charfes w. iraiing, y. N. Darden and Mrs, W. E. White. ' , BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT f Mr. and Mrs. Richard Payne of Charlotte announce the- birth of a daughter, Nancy Louise, born Sunday, August' 31, in Raleigh, Jaycees To Sponsor GstOutTheVote Campaign In County Hertford Junior Chamber of Com merce, joining with hundreds of other organizations throughout America this year, will conduct a campaign throughout Perquimans County urg ing residents to vpte in the general election on November 4. Plan8 for the "get out the vote" drive are now being formulated by the. Jaycees, according to J. Emory .White, member of the committee in charge. These plans will be announc ed shortly, Mr. White stated. Great interest in getting out the vote for the general election of 1952 has been manifested due to publicity given the fact that in 1948 only slightly more than 51 per cent of the eligible voters cast a ballot in the presidential election. Public-spirited organizations, such as the Junior Chamber of Commerce, believe that all eligible voters should participate in all elections, and the campaign being planned by the Hert ford Jaycees will be conducted with the hope of creating interest in, the election among the residents of the county. Little interest is shown, usually, in Perquimans County in general elec tions. More voters participate in the primary elections than do in the gen eral election. In 1948 slightly more than 1,200 votes were cast in the pre sidential election as compared to the total of about 2,300 voters registered on the election books. This percent age was about the same as the na tional participation according to re ports published. More than 1,700 voters participated in the primary election here last May, and the Jaycees will be working to ward, getting out most of that num ber in the election on November 4. , Weevils fn corn, cause heavy loss es on North Carolina farms each year. L C. Yagel, County Agent says this damage can, in many cases, be elimi nated, and certainly m ail cases can be greatly reduced. Generally, corn becomes infested first in the field. The adult insects flv to the field about the time the corn begins to silk, coming from in. f ested farm stored grain. These adults lay their eggs on exposed kernels and by the time the corn is harvested, it is usually heavily infested. Therefore, there are several things a farmer can do which will help in preventing his grain from becoming infested. First of all the grower should clean up his old infested grain' in the sum mer. 'Any grain which has not been used should be fumigated to kill the weevils. This will prevent insects moving to grain in the field. Before any newly harvested grain is placed in storage it is very important to see that the bins are clean and free from bid grain or feed that may harbor in sects. The bins should be thoroughly swept out and breaks repaired. The walls, ceilings and floors should then be sprayed thoroughly with 5 per cent DDT, about 1 gallon should be used for each 500 square feet. These steps if properly carried out will go a long way toward preventing . some of our weevil damage. Corn, when stored in tight bins can be fumigated to kill weevils, but un less the bin is tight, fumigation will not be satisfactory. iMixtures 01 3 parts ethylene dichloride and 1 part carbon disulfide make a good corn fumigant. Ready mixed fumigating materials are available on the market. Soybean Variety Test Being Made In County A soybean variety test is how in progress oh the farm of J. A Suttor in New Hope township. "Twelve va rieties are in this test which is be ing conducted in cooperation with the N. C. Experiment Service. On Septem ber 11 at 9:00 A. M., a field meeting will be held at the demonstration-plot. Representatives of the plant' patholo gy department and from the agrono my department wil be there to ex plain experimental ' work being done with soybeans and answer questions regarding some new. varieties which are growing in our test plot. .The public is invited to be present, es pecialy farmers who grow soybeans. Mr. Sutton's, farm in located about! nine miles from Hertford on the! Durant's Neck Road. ' t I MASONS TO MEET The ,Pnuimn Lodare. No. 106. A. F. & A. M., will meet Tuesday night at eight o'clock in the lodge room at the Court Hons. All Masons and visiting Masons ar urged to at tend. . County Agent Gives Warning On Veevils County Commissioners' Endorse Winslow For Post On State Highway Commission Demonstration With Whammy Held Thurs. State Highway officials conducted two demonstrations in this - area on Thursday, testing the efficiency of the "whammy," a new electronic device being used for checking speed of mo tor vehicles on the highways. A similar instrument was placed in use in the City of Raleigh several weeks ago, and is proving to be suc cessful in that city. County officials, the press and ra dio representatives were among those witnessing the demonstrations con ducted 'yesterday. One demonstra tion was held on Highway 32, be tween Edenton and Sunbury and the other was held on highway 170 in Camden County. The demonstrations were conduct ed by Lt. T. B. Brown of the State Highway Patrol. Season's Hunting Rules Reported By Game Protector Jjocai sportsmen interested in the 1 hunting and trapping rules for the approaching seasons were advised to day by Hugh Robertson, County Game Protector, that the following seasons and bag limits have been an nounced by the State Wildlife Re sources Commission: Bear: Open season October 15 to January 1. Limits, two daily, pos session 2; season, none. Deer: Only male deer with visible antlers may be taken, October 15 to January 1. Lim it one daily, possession 1, season 2. Raccoon and opossum, October 15 to February 14. Limit, no restric tions. Rabbit, November 17 to Janu ary 31. Limit, daily 5, possession 10, season 75. Squirrel, October 15 to January 15. Limit daily 8, possession 16, season 100. Quail, November 27 to January 31. Limit, daily 8, pos session 16, season 100. Wild turkey, November 27 to January 31. Limit, daily 1, possession 2, season 3. Dove, October 1-15 and December 27 to January 10. Limit, daily 8, start shooting at 12 noon until sundown, Open season for trapping mink, muskrat, opossum, otter and raccoon is November 15 to January 31, excep tion January 1 and January 31 in Currituck County and Hatteras, and other parts of Dare County. Mr. Robertson 'Urges all hunters to observe the rules and regulations of the Wildlife Resources Commission and be a sportsman as well as a hunter. Hunting licenses are needed and may be obtained at the same lo cations at which fishing licenses have been sold in the county. Grid Game Sept 12 Perquimans High School will open its 1952 football season on Friday night, September 12, in a game with the Jamesville High School, it was announced here today by Coach Ellie Fearing. . Arrangements for the game were completed Wednesday afternoon, Mr. Fearing said. The Indians have been holding practice drills for the past two weeks and Fearing reports prospects for a good team appear -brighter as the players advance in their training. . Size of the Perquimans squad is yet unknown, but a large number of andidates reported for practice for the first time with the opening of school this year and Coach Fearing says all of them are striving hard to win a berth on the team. County Ranked 11th In 1951 Peanut Crop Perquimans County ranked 11th among the 100 counties of the state. in the number of acres of peanuts har vested in 1961, according to a report released this week by the crop report ing service of the Department, of Agriculture. It ranked sixth in the yield per acre as to pounds. In 1991, according to the report Pemiiimflha farmers hArvmttMl a fntml of 5,050 acres of peanuts and the yield per acre by pounds totaled 1,354. Total Production was 6,8316,000 pounds of peanuts, - : BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mes&ner of West Chester, Pa., announce the birth ofa daughter, on August 28. Mrs. Messner is the former Miss Myra Chappeli of Tyner. , s Indians To Play Three Road Projects Approved By Board At Meeting Tuesday Perquimans County's Board of Com missioners, meeting here in regular session last Tuesday, passed a resolu tion, unanimously endorsing J. Em mett Winslow for appointment as a member of the State Highway Com mission, and authorized a copy of the resolution be sent to Governor Elect William B. Umstead. The action taken by the county commissioners, endorsing Mr. Winslow for the position as highway commis sioner for the First District follows the endorsement by friends of Mr. Winslow not only in Perquimans County but in other sections of the First District. In connection with these endorse ments Mr. Winslow has announced he will accept the post if it is ten dered to him. Other matters handled by the Coun ty Board, at the meeting this week, included the approval of three peti tions presented for the State High way Commission to improve the Har rell lane and T. H. Jones lane in New Hope township and the oJe El liott lane in Parkville township. W. T. Willoughby tendered his res ignation as ianitor at the Court House and the Board appointed Latham God win to succeed Mr. Willoughby to the jab. Authorization was granted to J. C. Morgan, superintendent of the county . home, to Construct a number of ce ment walks at the home. Materials for the construction to be furnished by the county. The Board voted to tender a con tract to the W. M. Russ Company of Raleigh for the annual audit of the county books at a contract price of $1,200. During the afternoon session of the meeting, the Commissioners confer red with County Attorney S. M. Whedbee, regarding the status of de linquent tax liens owned by the coun ty, and discussed ways and means of pushing collection of these accounts. Attendance Rule School Officials The school committee for the Per quimans High School and the Board of Education have adopted a resolu tion concerning attendance at the school during the coming term, it was reported today by J. T. Biggers, School Superintendent. Under the resolution all students of the school and members of the fac ulty will be required to remain on the school grounds from the opening of the school each morning until it is dismissed in the afternoon. The prin cipal is empowered to grant certain exceptions to .the rule but if these ex ceptions are found to be in violation of the resolution the privilege will be rescinded. Students driving cars to the school will not be permitted to use the car or drive it from the school grounds during the school hours Winfall Wans Win Softball Lead The Softball team representing the Winfall Ruritan Club, jumped back into first place in the local goftball league by defeating the VIEW team in a game played last Thursday night. The Jaycees retained third place in the league standing by winning from the Hertford Lions Club. There was some talk among the officials of the league not to play the remaining games of the regular schedule but to decide the champion, ship of the league by a play-off, which if scheduled will find the Ruritans playing the Jaycees and the WW playing the Lions in a two-out-of- three series with the two winners meeting for the finals. Tax ' Settlement Set For October 6 Settlement on collection of 1952 Perquimans County taxes will be made on Monday, October 6, be tween the Board of County Com-' missioners and Sheriff M. G. Owens, it wag announced here last Monday. In connection with the announce ment Sheriff Owens called upon all property owners, who as yet have not made full payment of 1952 taxes, to come forth and make full payment im mediately. . . " ..' Adopted By High

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