THT! rERQUIM ANS WEEKLY. EfEBTtOBD. N. CL, FRIDAY, 6EFTEM1BER B, 1952, PAGE FIVE ' From New Bern -V" ' -'';' Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Glover of New Bern spent -the week-end .with Mrs. Anee White. They were accompanied home by their daughter, who has been visiting here. From Weldon Dr. and Mrs. Harrell Johnson and daughter of Weldon visited. Mr. and Mrs. Charles . Johnson last week be fore going to Nags Head to spend several days with Mrs. Charles John son and Mrs. Olivia Hdbbs at the Johnson cottage. . . , From Raleigh ,'-- Miss Mary Scott Daniel of Raleigh spent the week-end with Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Davenport and Carlton Daven port, Jr. . ' Sunday At Wilson ' Mr. and Mrs. Eenyon Bailey of Elizabeth City and Mrs. Marshall' Owens visited Marshall Owend in Wil son Sunday, Returned Home ' Mr. and Mrs. L. B. . Sitterson. and Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Madre and son have 'returned home, after spending several days last week, visiting vari ous points of interest in Virginia.' . , . Sunday In 'Norfolk".'" V y:-" C. O. Fowler and Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Gronewald spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Britton in Norfolk, Va. :',- , . . .." : In Rocky Mount , L Mrs': Burnice Inscoe and son, Kent, are visiting relatives at Rocky Mount tfiis week. ' ; Returned From Vacation Mr. ; and Mrs. Henry Lewis and daughter, Carolyn, and Mr. and Mrs. Irvin BarcUft have returned home af ter a several day trip on the Skyline Drive. . ' From New Bern ; , Mrs. North Nelson of New Bern spent last week as the giiest of Mr.; and Mrs. C. T. Skinner. At Nags Head Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Reed and family and Mr. and Mrs. Corp Reed spent last week at Nags Head. To Portsmouth Ernest Davis has returned to his home in Portsmouth, Va., after visit ing relatives in Hertford. At 'Ocean Vlew;;,V--.VO-.-v':';. v; Mr. andSMrs, Lawrence Towe, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Baker and Mr. and Mrs. , Edward Barber spent Labor Day, at Ocean View. , Mrs, Jack Burbage. The Malttie Macon Circle will meet Tuesday night at the church at 645 to go to the County Home for (heir meeting. The Bessie Pritchard Circle will meet Monday night at 8 P. M., with Mrs. Noah Gregory.' . - The Rosa Powell Circle will meat Tuesday night at the church at P M., for a weiner roast. SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS MEETS The Judson iMemorjal 1 Sunday School "Class of the Baptist. Church will meet with Mrs. A. H. Edwards Tuesday night, September 18, at 8 P. M Miss Dorothy Elliott and Miss Evelyn Harrison 'will be Jointhostess- ' BRIDGE CLUB MEETS Mrs. ' C. M. Williford - entertained her bridge club Tuesday night at her home on Dobb Street Those' playing were Mesdames" H. C. Stokes, C. R. Holmes', Ernest Guthrie, V: N. Dar den. C. E. Johnson, T. I Jessup, M. RrCampbell and Miss Mary Sumner. The high store prize went to Mrs. Stokes.' Refreshments were served. WINFALL NEWS . Mr. .and Mrs. Dan Mundy and daughters, Patricia and Jeannie of Raleigh spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Phillips. Mrs. J. "S. Gregory and daughter, Geraldine, have returned from George town, 111., where they visited Mis. Gregory's sister, Mrs. Ada 'Thornton. Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Mun'den and daughter Frances of Suffolk, Va., and Miss Matty Nowell of Norfolk, Va., spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs.' J. W. Nowell, Sr. . Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Morgan and son motored to Norfolk, Va., Sunday.' Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Jones of Wash ington, D. C, are spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. Rex Jones. Mrs. J, B. Miller is able to be out after having been confined to her home with a throat infection. Mrs. T. .Hi,- White, Miss - Dona White and Miss Minnie Belle Elliott are spending some time at Nags Head. Howard Baker of Arlington, Va., and Horace Baker, Jr., of Mt. Airy, N. C, spent the holidays with their mother, Mrs." J. H. Baker. ' Edwin Daughtery of Greensboro spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. E. B. Daughtery.' Sunday afternoon visitors of Mrs. E. B, Daughtery , were Mr. and Mrs. George Lattimore, Jr.," of Greensboro, and Mrs. R. T. White of Hertford. Mrs. W. G. Hollowell, accompanied by her sisters, Mrs. Jimmy Earnhardt of Edenton iad Mrs. Elbert Bailey of Elizabeth City, motored to Charlotte Friday and spent a few days with their sister ana Drotner-in-iaw, car. they had a good time every day. You would see them, laughing and talking, having a big time, and nothing else to do. Wearing pretty long dresses, long cotton stockings and high-top shoes. Parties? Yes, quite often, and in the homes. Music, piano, sing, ing, and games, refreshments, no dull evenings, for "we five." They were quite attractive, charming and inter esting. They are tall, still living three are living in Hertford, - one in Edenton and one m High Point They were very much alive when . I first met them, and they-are very' active today in their church life, their social life and their civic activities,, ' Do you remember "we 5 and can you name them? . , This ends this first lesson! . BELVIDERE NEWS ' Hobbsville this week. T. C. Perry, U. S. Navy is spending a ten-day furlough at his home here. The Edwin S. White family spent the week-nd at the Smoky Mountain National Park and attended the pag eant "Unto These Hills.'' VMr. and Mrs. J, A. Chappell and son, Johnny, and Miss Ruth Richard son of Norfolk, Va., were the week end visitors at their home here. 1 'v' M. Roy C. Bunch and family enjoyed the week-end holiday at Ocean View, Va. and Norfolk, Va. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Smith spent Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Window visit. d friends at Manteo a part of last week and saw "The, Lost Colony" Tuesday evening. - " Mrs. M. D. Lane and daughter. Glenda, have returned from Bluefield, W. Va., after a week's visit with rela tives there. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. White and two children of Norfolk, Va., were week end visitors with Mrs. White's par ents. Mr. and Mrs. White attended the 1927 Perquimans High School Class Reunion at the Hotel Hertford Sunday P. M., of which class Mrs. several days last week with relatives at the Culpepper cottage at Nags White was a member. Head. Misses Carolvn and Delma Ann! BIRTHDAY PARTY Hurdle are visiting relatives near' Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Lamb and I Mrs. H. V. Lamb entertained their daughter La Vonne, who was 7 years old with a birthday dinner Sunday. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Ferguson and children, Wanda and Vaughn, from Ohula Vista, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. John Harrell and Linda, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Harrell and chil dren, Jan, Larry, Wayne and Gloria, all of Route 8, Hertford, Gary and Steve Russell of Elizabeth (Sty and Dorunda Lamb of Koute 3, Hertxora. CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks to my friends and neighbors for the cards, flowers, prayers and viista dur ing my recent stay in the hospital and since returning home, I am most grateful. MKS. K. a. JUMUlAIN r 5 we mm Mil- From California WIT. M II (I IWITD l H WAIWOTIMa. children. Wanda and Vaua-hn. fro and Mrs. James Byrum, Chula, Vista, Calif.; are visitiiur her Miss ; Audrey , Uniphlett, Jill parenMr.and .Mra.JohnHrrelLiM. V"i- Mary Anderson- of, CherryJ of Route -3, Hertford. 'J - A Point have returned home from Nags In Richmond " , . Mr. and Mrs. V. N. Darden Spent Wednesday and ' Thursday in Rich mond, Va. In Norfolk Mr. and Mrs. J., P. Chesson, Br., spent this week in Norfolk) Va., visit ing relatives.' -- - V Moved To Front Street Mr. and Mrs. Archie T. Lane, Jr., and daughter have moved from Dobb Street to the Darden Apartments on Front Street. Week-end At Virginia Beach Howard Broughton and Harry Broughton, Jr., spent the week-end at Virginia Beach, Va. Visiting Here , Mrs. Ralph Wallace and children are spending a month with Mr. and Mrs. B. .G. Koonce. , iFrom Blackstone ; , Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Clarke and children of Blackstone, Va., ' spent Sunday with Mrs. R. T Clarke. , In Chowan Hospital v I W. F. C. Edwards, who returned to his home from Duke Hospital Mon day, was taken to Chowan Hospital Tuesday. ... ' iReturned Home Mrs. George Beck, JfV and children have returned home after spending last week with Mr. and Mrs. George Beck, Sr., at Lindenhurst, Long Island. N. Y. .;'.,.- , . . ' , ..... ,...; . . 'IReturned Home Staff Sergeant and. Mrs. William Boyce of Geneva, New York, have re turned home after spending leave with their parents in . Hertford and San Antonio, Texas. ;.'v ' : - Returned Home'v:''-';'''.fi''.,;r".ji ;:. Corp Reed, in, returned home "Mon day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Reed of . Greneboro, after spending the summer with his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Corp Reed. CIRCLES TO MEET Head where they spent a week at the Dunbar cottage. ' Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Winslow spent the week-end at their cottage at Kill Devil Hills. Mrs C. W. Tyree and Mrs. C. I. Tyree motored- to' Plymouth Monday and visited Mrs. C. W. Tyree's moth- CHAPANOKE NEWS The Missionary Circles of the Bap tist Church meet next week as fol lows: Th Vera Payne Circle will meet Monday at 8: BO P. M., at the church. The Artie Bratcher Circle will meet Monday r!t at , P. M., .with-Krs. D. J. I . ' iia.J, . The I Ltlle Coleman Circle will Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Alexander of Edenton an Mrs. Tom Garrett of Weeksville spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Billy Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Symons and daughters spent Sunday with rela tives in Norfolk. Miss Louise Wilson returned last Wednesday from an extended trip to the Canal ' Zone and Chatanooga, Tenn. She left this week to resume her work as a member of the faculty of Chowan High School.! Mrs. John Bright and ' Mrs. Roy Pierce spent Wednesday in Nor folk. - , Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Ross and fami ly left Sunday for Mexico City where they will make their home. Mr. and Mrs.- Emmett Stallings and son, Ronnie and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Smith and daughter, Brenda, went to Luray, Va. and on the Skyline Drive last week. - Rev. and Mrs. Jay Winslow and daughter of Wilkesboro spent sev eral days with Mr. and Mrs.' W. W. Lewis last week. . ' Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Quincy spent Friday and Saturday at Norfolk, Va, and Ocean View, Va. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Onley had as their dinner guests on 1 Wednesday Mn and Mrs. " George Stevens and Mr. and, Mrs. Fred Isaac and family of Cincinnati, Ohio. I1- - 1 ? Rev. and Mrs, David Lewis and son of Swan Quarter spent Monday with his mother, Mrs. W. W. Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Johnson and children of Greensboro and Mr.' and Mrs. Tom Boyc of Ryland spent Sun day afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. 6. L. Byrum. , ;! : . )'.'';:."::;. Do You Remember? BY X P.PERRY When "we five" lived in Hertford? I'm dedicating 'this column to this "quintet" It was quite a few years ago. And, yet, as plain in my mem ory is if it were yesterday. "We Five," on the,' streets, were - not an unusual occurrence in the afternoon. Here they comet all "dressed tro" and no where to go. No drug store to meet Monday night at 8 P. M.r with. visit " picture show to see, no beau. Mrs. V'.'' T'--- Jr.- - ty parlor to r "rorizi, no automo- The ' ' ' r " ' " v bile ta go to rk j j-. r o rs ".o to liston L6n-Mftge taVlAgi are the savings initiated lank accounts, build dreiih houses, make life more comfortable anj pleasant By shopping Colonial regular, you Save where savings really count On the total bl au your purchases. Maxe this test to prove the long-range benefit of shopping Colonial--buy . all of your purchases for the week at Colonial . for four weeks straight. Then compare your tout bills with your budget for the previous ' month. You'll see the difference in black and white. You'll enjoy the difference in your sav 'ings account. And you'll prove to yourself, "Your Total Food Bill is less When You $hop tCS". ;.:AttWAV.tW.WwMkA SPECIAL LOW PRICE SQUARE CUt : slave . CHUCK ROAST LlMal I Special Low Price SWEET VINE-RIPENED U.. L Will u. s. Choice 59 KIiWEPISWS SPECIAL LOW PRICE 7 INCH CUT RIB ROAST V.V.V.V LARGE CALIFORNIA ICEBERG CRISP LETTUCE ... hd. X7i FINE FOR SLICING RED RIPE TOMATOES 2 ctns. 35c SELECTED NEW CROP PUERTO RICAN Sweet Potatoes ECONOMICAL PLATE BONE-IN STEW BEEF -Lb- 25 MADE FRESH DAILY GROUND B TAKE ADVANTAGE OF COLONIAL'S FALL CLEAN-UP OF Discontinued Merchandise EVERY ITEM REDUCED 10 to 5 9 FULLY DRESSED VA.-GR0WN DUGKLIlNSGS 4 to 5 LBS. V C Q A AVG, WT. LIV jO f Due To Varying Stocks In Individual Stores These Items Cannot Be Listed Here See Our Big Discontinued Stock Display! SPECIAL LOW PRICE EARLY JUNE LIBBY PEAS . No. ?03 Can FIRST OF THE SEASON RAPPAHANNOCK OYSTERS 89 W 75 Selects PINT SPECIAL LOW PRICE STALEY'S STA-FLO STARCH SPECIAL LOW PRICE VINE-RIPENED Utedgate Tomatoes 2Nc3,03 25c . ... i . i A Meat ond Produce Prices Are r .CffeeHvo Through Saturday Niht, September 6. U.S. NO. 1 DELICIOUS VARIETY RED APPLES meet I . . S I. Z' t.,. j to, no t.!evL:va U Ui and yet

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