TDK Perquimans Weekly Published erery Friday at Bert lord, North Carolina, MAX CAMPBELL Editor '. Entered as eeaond dm matter November 15, 1934, at Post Oftce t Hertford. North Carolina, un der the Act of March, 1879. was. weciAMa SUBSCRIPTION BATES $2.00 Per Year Advertising rates furnished by request .,. FRUDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1952. WANTED -iFOLL RBPRE- aentative to sell life, Heakh, Acci dent' and Hospitalisation Insurance in Ederrton and vicinity. (Leads fur nished and Commission and bonus. (Reply A. C Iwalters, Box ,691, EHrabeai City, N. C augH21.28,8eptt4pd ' " : How The City Family Spends, Income "Recently the Bureau of Labor Sta tistics painted us a fairly accurate picture of where the average city family spends its income. According to this government source, the aver age city family in 1950 made $4,330, after persona ltaxes. The average American is 30 years old, married, and the father of two children, in the process of paying off a morteasre on his own home. He has a car, a refrigerator, and a radio and by the time this editorial is published he has probably bought a television Set' :.': Out of the $4,350 income, $1,300 is spent for food and alcoholic bever. ages. To break it down even further, only about $65 a year is spent on al coholic beverages. About $600 a year is spent buying or renting a house, Buying a car and other transportation expenses run around $500 a year, and recreation, reading and education takes $350. Clothing cost $400 to $550 a year, with the women of the family spend ing 50 per cent more than the men on wearing apparel. An estimated $200 out of the family budget goes for insurance. As a matter of fact, what the sfa tistics really revealed was the fact that the average city families spent $350 more than it had coming in 1950. iNow the question that comes to our mind is Just where did the average American family learn about deficit financing? ', .. . Resistance To Mandatory Retirement There are many men who have reached the mandatory retirement age of 65, many women who have readied wr 60. who do not wish to retire This growing resistance to mandatory retirement became stronger witn tne announcement that the cost of living has risen to a new high. Compulsory retirement at fixed ages is much less attractive with the cost of living at 190.8 per cent of the 1935-1930 average. (With the cost of living more than 12 per cent high er than it was before the Korean war started, many workers eligible to re tire would prefer to keep working rather than retire on pensions with little purchasing power. A recent study of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company revealed that "at the older ages particularly after 65 years employment falls off; nev ertheless, at ages 65-69 close to 56 per cent of all men are still working, and nearly 3 per cent are looking for work" and further revealed that "even at 70-74 years almost 40 per cent are in some gainful activity." It is difficult to select any manda tory retirement age because there are bound to be individuals who are men tally alert and physically active after reaching that age. At the same time there will be others who should re tire before reaching the selected age. 'Another thing that adds to the prob lem is that ever increasing life span. Practically everyone that we know would like to be in a position to stop working and retire when he reaches a certain age. if he then elects to do so. A great many individuals who have passed the so-called retirement age continue to work, however, al though they do not need the money. ' Work, it seems, can be a source of Happiness, and under normal condi tions it seems a pity to deprive any one of a job well done, a contribution to well-being of society. Machine. That Reads Aloud Dr.' "Walter Blum, electrical engi neer of Hanover, Germany, has in vented a machine that will read aloud to the blind. This report was made to the World Veterans Foundation by Edgar Joubert On the battlefield in North Africa, a friend near Dr. Bhrm at the front was seriously wounded and lost his sight The inspiration for his inven tion came from-this incident The invention is still in the experi mental stage and it has been v estimat ed that it will take at least three years and $100,000 before manufact uring on a largn scale ia possible. It I hoped that this mechanical reader can be produced for less than $300 apiece. , , v .. . NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Perquimans County made in that proceeding en titled Nathan Turner, Administrator of the Estate of Elnora Nixon vs. George W, Nixon et als the undersign ed Commissioners will, on the 6th day of September, 1952, at 11:80 A. M., at the Court House doQr in Hertford, North Carolina, offered for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following tract of land lying and being in New Hope Town ship, Perquimans County, North Car olina and described as follows: First Tract: Situate on the north west side of the road leading from New Hope to the Sound, bounded on the J. Skinner tract and the public road aforesaid; on the south by the said road and the William Hoffler tract; on the west by the William the north by the lands of J. Umph- Iett and the Sawyer tract; on the northeast by the R. Webb tract: on the east and southeast by the H. On ley tract and the W. Hoffler tract; and on the south or southwest by the New Hope to the Sound; containing 43.2 acres. Second Tract : Situate on the north. west side of Morgan's Mill Road, containing 29.55 acres of woodland, bounded on the north by Morgan's aforesaid public road leading from Mill Creek and the Perry Tract; on the east by the said Perry tract and the Morgan's Mill Road leading from the Boy Scout Camp to New Hope; on the south by the said road and the Hurdle tract; on the west by the said Hurdle tract and Morgan's Mill Creek. Third Tract: Situate on the north west side of the road leading from the River to New Hope, containing 19.05 acres of woodland, bounded on the north by the W. Webb tract and the J. Skinner tract; on the east by Hoffler tract and the W. Webb tract The aforesaid three tracts being delineated on th man of T. J. Jes- sup registered surveyor, dated Novem ber 12th, 1947, reference to which is hereby made for more complete des- rription. A deposit of ten per cent will be required of the successful bidder. The said sale will be subject to con firmation by the Court Dated and posted this 13th day of August 1952. j W. H. OAKEY, JR. C. W. JONES J. If. LEROY Commissioners. augl5,22,29sept5 E);ccssOfLGiVc:r Farm Bureau Executive Vice-IPreai- dent R- Flake Shaw, of Greensboro, says that the total supply of peanuts on hand at this time is substantially in excess of last year, and called on farm leaders in the North Carolina, and Virginia peanut-producing counties to make arrangements at once to provide adequate storage iaciutiea for this year's crop. Shaw said the total consumption of shelled peanuts, including oil stocks for crushing, totaled 699 million pounds through July of this year. This is about 29 per cent less than the consumption of 082 million pounds at the end of July last year," he added. , , 1 . - The Farm Bureau chief pointed out that information released by the vari ous crop reporting services indicates a somewhat smaller peanut yield-in the southeast and southwest growing areas tins year due to recent drought conditions. "This information mav be misleading because it neglects to men tion the large stocks of -peanuts on hand and gives the farmer the im pression that a short crop will in crease the market demand," he said.. Shaw said under the arrangements for handling this year's peanut crop, the buyers would not be bound to any support principle, and unless the farm, er is in a position to protect him self, he may have to sell his crop for considerably less than the sup port price. :" ' i-v- - -He urged all leaders in the peanut counties of North Carolina and Vir ginia to meet with producrs ' and members rf tie Production A liar. sating A' istrationCoc - .ca for; the purpo of determialii tu avail- rri-i------" - "- J--J"iii-1ri-iririruijLiu ijtAjuuuuriAinnnruxn.n.rywv(.ii ability of existing and potential fa cilities for both on-the-farm and off the-f arm storage. , t, , . 'Shaw said that storage facilities must be approved by P1IA before pro ducers would be permitted to partici pate in the loan program. dses held last -week. Broughton, a graduate of Perquimans High School, received a B. S. degree in Business Administration. Curio Collector Festive One Whash yer looking forT , , looking for a Ki!Ajuvf imXtREE I Policeman-"We're Howard Broughton was among the! drowned man. !3TS?gSL.-W 9 Whash yer want on. uuiin m ior I idnoyS!3v;-Dcv.7i layering Restless Cights ' When kidney function alowa down, many folks complain of nagglnc backache, head aches, dltitn i and lota of pep and energy. Don't suffer reatleaa nights with these dis comforts jf reduced kidney function ia get. tint you down due to auch common causes . aa stress and strain, over-exertion or ox posura to told. Minor bladder irritations due to cold, dampneaa or wrong diet may eauee letting up nlghta or frequent passaft. uon't neglect your Hdneya if theae eondi- aooa bother mm. Trv Diu'i PMiss wua diuretic. Used eaeeeaefuUy by millions for oyertoO years. While often otherwise caused. If a amaaint how many timea Doaa'e give happy relief from these discomforts help the IS mliea of kidney tubes and filtem flush out waste. Get Doan'a PUla today! Doms Pills Mary Saunders Weds George E. Parrish The marriage of Miss Mary Esther Saunders, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Saunders to George Edward Parrish, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Parrish took place August 9, at 3:00 o'clock in the afternoon in the Peo ple's Methodist Church. The double ring ceremony was performed by the Rev. D. B. Cruise, pastor. The bride was given in marriage by her father. She wore a ballerina length wedding gown of cloud white nylon tulle over taffeta with a should. er length veil and a purple-throated orchid.'' ;v Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nixon of Rocky Hock were the honor attendants. Later the couple left for a wedding trip in the New England section, af ter which they will reside in their home at Rocky Hock. hi nrweriloyotir"erils if 1 question." this year! II II e e get them in U . e . S Often referred to os o newspaperman's news paper" the MONITOR covers the world with a networjeof News Bureaus and correspondents. Order a special intro ductory subscription today 3 months tor $3. You'll find the MONITOR must reading and as necessary as your HOME TOWN PAPER. . 5? 0. LP"""" The Christ ton Science Monitor . One, Norway St, Boston IS. Moss, U.SA Please aend me an introductory Men), tor subscription 76 issue. I enclose . (address! felry) Pt-IO .(zone) (state! TAYLOR THEATRE EDENTON, N.C. Week Day Shows Contlnnoa From sdO Saturday Continuous From 1:30 Sunday 2:15, 4:15 and t:15 ' , ' 0 i ; . Thursday and Friday, i September 4-5 " Laurence Olivier and Jennifer Jones to " A "CAHRIE") . Show Starts at 3:30 Features 4:19, 6:50 and 9:30 -o Saturday, September 6 t Alan Rocky Lane in "LEADVILLE GUNSLINGERS" Sunday and Monday, September 7-8 Bob Hope, Jane Russell and Roy Rogers in "SON OF PALEFACE" Tuesday and Wednesday, September 9-10 .Double Feature P&trie Snowies in "MUTINY" Peter Groves in RED PLANET MARS" EDEN THEATRE Friday and Saturday, September 5-5 iWayne Morris and Virginia Grey in "DESERT PURSUIT" I iy 17 Drive-In Thaatre Friday and Saturday, September 5-S Kirk Douglas fat DETECTIVE STORY" Sunday, September 7 ' . ' Brian Donlevy in ' ' "SLAUGHTER TRAIL" Monday and ' Tuesday, - September 8-9 t . - Ingrid Bergman In '" . i "JOAN OF ARC . ' iWednesday and Thuraday, September 19-11 v, , . ' t Abbott and Coetelfo in "JACK AND THE E2ANSTALK" end UZCil ENAMEL :,."'.,., rsassSkW " .. ( . ' Vi, yi'' . Vmmmmi lt Iml aoitt Hertford Hardware & Supply Company HERTFORD. N. C awaawawaaSawl a m me ----ytf-j-UV1j1a " r UJOvC ucz .f rfTazh)tW-RUS72xmca Blended Into Povor-Packcd Sinclair Gasolinos Todtj otdiouy gasoline has becomeld-fas1iioned. TTodajr jQtir Sinclair Dealer offers jrou POWER- PACKED Guolifaea wirh an sunaxlno EXTRA VAltJl'-.a new chetnical ingretiient thataohret (die problrm of nut and corrosion in your gaaolifit tank and fuel mtem. Ifi RD-119. produa of St'.iJsJiU irKlair Research. .. r aaHa I RD-119 Stops Damaging Rust and Corrosion c In Your Gasoline Tank and Fuol, System ( RD-119 coats the inside of jour gasoline tank and fuel system with an invi&v Jhle, water-proof film. It stops rust and corrosion that damage your gasoline tank, fuel pump carburetor clog strainers and carburetor jetscost you 'money in wasted gasoline and repairs. Get POWER-PACKED Performance PLUS ANTI-RUST Protection af no e30MC08t.UsetieAntRust& itorlftFlrtt f ylMnJAnti-RattCttcHattM) ) ) TOWE PHONE 3641 !S.Sdi "V-J SUPPLBER OP SCiCLAIR PRODUCTS lTSRTFORD, N. C. )