1 ZJl3 ". IT ayL'vJia. Savings' Drive : WiL Start Setembsr 1(5 . J. C. Cowan, Jr., Industrial Chair ' man for the U. & Defense Bonds . Committee of North Carolina, will head ' state-wide Payroll Savings Drive this "fall. ; Thia announcement was made today by W. H. Neal, Vol unteer State Chairman of the Defense Bonds Program in , North Carolina. Mr. Cowan, widely known as an ln- dustrial leader throughout the state ' and nation is President of Burlington Mills Corporation main office in Greensboro." North Carolina, f . 'The Drive headed by Mr. Cowan will begin September 10th and end De comber 15th. The Drive will official ly open At a dinner meeting in Gaa tonia sponsored by the Gaston Coun ' ty Defense Bonds Committee of which Charles D. Gray of Gastonia is Chair- man. ' Industries throughout the state will be asked to acquaint employees with recent improvements in Series E De fense Bonds. ' The Goal for the 1952 industrial drive is 20,000 additional 'employees enrolled in the Payroll Savings Plan, ' - In additiaji to being an outstanding leader in tm textile field, Mr. Cowan USED CARS 1947 Plymouth, Coupe 1946 Chevrolet, Coach 1949 Chevrolet, 4-Door 1952aevrolet,2-Door 1940 Ford, Pick-up 1950 Chrysler 4 poor 1939 Chevrolet, Coach 1947Pontiac, 2-Door 1941 Chevrolet, Sedan 1946R)rf,Pici-up B39Pontiac,2-Door 1952 Ohevrolet, Pickup 1949 Plymouth, 4-Door SEE US FOR BETTER BUYS IN USED CARS IPS is an active Methodist layman and is now serving on the Board of itewaroa of the West MarKet Jttreei viruren m nnaKnm. and nn the Board of Trus- JlWwv- tees of Greensboro . College. He was a member of the Executive Board of the General Council of Boy scouts and a member of the Greensboro Board of Education. Cowan was Dorn in Rutherfordtf n, North Carolina, at tended local public schools and gradj uated. from the University tof North Carolina in 1921. Leaving school, after graduation, he Joined the Stone cutter Mills at Spindale. Cowan left Stonecutter Mills in 1931 and was made superintendent of the Ossipee Weaving Plant located near Burling ton. In 1935 Cowan moved to the executive offices of Burlington-Mills in Greensboro, and a year late was elected a director of the company, and the following year was placed in charge of overall manufacturing op-1 arHnna. Tn 1947 Mr. Cowan was1 chosen company President and now has charge of 74 plants, employing 32,000 employees. These plants are distributed among 44 communities in 8 states and 4 foreign countries. Forty-four of Burlington Mills plants mnlo vine annroximately 17,000 "peo ple are in North Carolina. Mr. Neal stated that "because Mr. Cowan's deep interest in improving the economic standards of the in dustrial employees of his company Burlington Mills has become one of the leading firms throughout the state and nation in encouraging em ployees to save through the Payroll Savings Plan. In 1951 the peak par ticipation of employees of Burlington-Mills in the Payroll Savimgs Plan throughout the whole corporation was over 60 per cent During the year of 1951 and in the first quarter of 1952 Burlington-MiUs employees bought one and a half million dollars in U. S. Defense Bonds. . Uflr. cowan's complete familiarity with the response to the Payroll Savings Plan in his own company guarantees success of the 1952 Industrial Drive." -:-y Mr. Neal said that the Defense Dtv partment has released 19-year-old Corporal Jerry K. Crump to tour the state following the kick-off meeting in Gastonia on Setpember 10. i. Cor poral Crump, from Forest City, is the nni NnrMi Carolinian to receive the Congressional Medal of Honor during the Korean War. Corporal Crump will spend 6 weeks touring the state ap pearing before civic clubs and visiting industrial plants wnicn operate a Payroll Savings Plan. IAt the con clusion of his tour of the state Cor poral Crump will participate in the nnoniTi (rHflv PTP.mistM of tilA North Carolina State Fair in Raleigh on ucwoer x, . BIRTHDAY PARTY Mm. Walton Lane entertained a number of friends Monday afternoon complimentary to her daughter, Ann, who was celebrating her tenth birth day. ' v. ' , ' Games and contests were enjoyed with Margaret Williams, J. D. Hol lowell, Clay Stokes, Diane Hollowell, Klloria Riddick. Nancv . Lane. Ann Lane and Elsie Mae Hollowell winning Ann " was ' the rec ,t t viz j beautiful and useful girts a ' Ve!.e orned and acknowledged. , . . ' The dining room table wps cente ed with a birthday cake lighted I ' The hostess served nuts, ice creamy cookies and doughnuts ant also birlli1 d -y cake. " t nrcPrcvcr.u!lVci CjSorvcJOctSToll ' With fire loss in life and "property, vhnn mAiuured tn dollars, at. an au- tim . his4t. an' ' aroused: nation this tnnnfh fceran 'to orranizA intensive safety campaigns to be carried out in 10,000 communities during Fire Prevention Week, October 5-11. '. : BAarheadiiur the movement are municipal officials, fire .departments. civic and educational groups, scnooig, churches, the fire protection and pup lie service1 organizations of the in surance industry, and various oiner voluntary agencies. ' IA11 participate, in Mnrait.,"tiirou0h local fire safety committees, which assume the respon sibility, - of ' the week-long campaign without duplication of overlapping of individual or group effort. "The activities of these fire safety committees are numerous. Outstand ing are those promoted by the local fire departments, schools, civic and trade groups. Here are a few ex amples: , V1 . " ' " 1. Fire departments in many com munities conduct home and building inspections that result in correction of fire Jhasarda. . .' 2. Schools, through their atoinis tration and faculty, encourage safety education. r! - 1 , " , a dvic and 'trade frouTts direct public attention to the need for .great-., er.fire safety. '. - (W FMra Prevention Week cam paign has teen successfully urriedj Out, the community's long range pro- ' gram is usually set in motion with the following results: - v i : ; r 1. Better building construction, op-; eration ana prwvecuuu. - h - 2. Better fire safety laws and law enforcement. . ". . 3. Better fire prevention education. 4. Better fire fighting services. R. IBefctAT research, esueciallv in the means and methods of protecting lives. The National Board or aire unaer writers, long a leader in Fire Pre vention Week activities, already has di'tftributed am its share in the coming campaign aulHons of fire safety post ers, leaflets, educational AooKiets, in spection blanks and stickers. , 'MASSES SUNDAYS IN MARINE1 CHAPEL AND EENTON CHURCH On everv Sandav after the first Sunday in the month (every month's first Sunday having the second mass in Windsor. N. C. Theatre at 9 A. M., EST) he Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered at 7 and v A. DST in Marine Landing Field Chapel, near Edenton. and at 11 A. M.. EST., in St 'Ann's Catholic Church, Eden ton, each including sermon, Holy Com munion, followed by Rosary for Peace, Sunday School, Mass Servers' Prac tice, with confessions for half hour Wo services, stated Father F. J. utjnjnb oiiiliiinr Minnliiin KnA TlftA- Itor.' who invites everybody to all ser-1. (vices. - , Week-days at 7 A. M., EST: Mass, Communion, .Rosary in Edenton Church. - I . 4 v iFire - 'Vev.. nation- oUiervance, ; : ed years ago in'the ' . i., - There .many: communis year conducted special "deia-up"' campaigns. ' As a result of these cove--J ts there were fewer Tires axl 1 a those communities began rcjw t ring to their "clean-up day, as Fire Prevention Day. ' , v' ; :. As the years went by most com-' , munities began'' observing lire Prevention Day ; on j Octclc 9,-, the anniversary of the Great Chi cago Fire of 1871, Thus it cms about that in 1911, tt governors issued proclamations calling for ' state-wide observance of Fire Prevention Day. Nine years later President Wilson issued the first . national f Fire Prevention Week proclamation. This year "marks the week's 33rd national observ ance. ' Graham Mathews of EaiJmore has returned nome arr voting nis Dro- Iher, Howard Jaatnews. . IZr. and Mrs. Tom Collins spent ' e week-end. with Kr. and'Mrs. Win n Lane. ' , x 1'incy Lane wb - the house guest ' -rianda I ou Co: ;rew last week. -' Kandu'-i'i 1 s rfrned to his ttuma in Norfolk, ., r r rending the summer with 11 - i aunt, Mr, and Mrs. J. B." Basni6..v. : ; ' Mr. ahd Mrs. Roy Stallings and family spent Shnday with Mr. and Mrs.' Irvin Whidbee. , Joe, Seth, ' Seth Spivey, Jr., and Donald Spivey of Richmond were week-end guests of Mr and Mrs. How- s k -i CLiy SwL 3 r r r' lt with Ann Lar I i :,a v. .... e is spending t!. wt . - a r. "uJvcfl in Norfolk. 1 1. 5 . ;s II. D. C members arJ fmilies es.joyed a fish fry at Hert ford Eearh 7ednesday. . . . . - ; ' , ; - Learning Young Little Nicky, 5 years old, was walk ing along the street with little Joan, , 4. As they were about to cross the Street, Nicky remembered his motJi-j eis' teaching. ' .. "Let me hold your hand," he of . f ered valiantly. '"Okay," exclaimed little Joan, "but I -want you to know you're playing; with fire." , . . WHITESTON NVW s 1 wv;--V':-'! Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tuttle and Mr and Mrs. Bogus and children of Eliz abeth City visited Mr. and Mrs. Sam taie Riddick, Sunday afternoon. ' Mr. and Mrs. John Q. A. Riddick and Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Layden and sons of Hobbsville, and Mr. and -Mrs. Elliott Layden 'and son, Billy, of Hertford, visited Mr. and Mrs. Archie Riddick and children, Steve and Nan cy, Sunday. ; ' - Mmm Svhle Winalow nf WAshinv. ton'D. C, spent the week-end . with ner parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. Junther Winslow. v "iV' Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Ida Winslow and family were: Mr'and Mrs. A; P. Winslow and Donald Win. low and Mr. and Mrs. C E. Winslow and son, Johnnie, of Norfolk, Mri and Mrs. Leslie Hobbs of Seaboard; Miss PegKV Hobbs of Suffolk. Mr nni Mm Linwood Hobbs and son, Charlie Cal vin and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ttnnrh n.f Hobbsville, and Miss Marie Rountree. 1 jar. and Mrs. Harold JUassiter and daughters, Carol and Nancy, of Nor. folk, Va., . spent the week-end with their parent Mrs. Verna Winslow, and Mr. and Mrs. John Lassiter. - Mrs. Roy Lane and sons, Jessie Ray and . Billy of Florida returned home after visiting her sister and brother, Miss Lena Winslow and v Braining iWinslow.- -,; , . - - . Mr. and Mrs, Fred Upton and chil dren, Freddie and Susan, of Wash ington, D. C, spent tiie week-end with her parents. Mr. and.. Mm. TL TtahA White. " , , ,, Miss Geraldinei Stallinga left for Raleigh Tuesday where she will' ati tend the Blind School. , y j Miss Pearl White has returned home from a trip to England. ? " . r ;, v; NOTICE. ; TAXPAYERS OF II t ft T F 0 D " The tax books, for payment of 1952 taxes on real and personal property, for the white tax , payers of the Town of Hertford, are nowopen;s Please come forward and make settlement for your 1952 taxes. , y'r Clerk for the Town of Hertford NOW. IS To Repair Your Property Before Winter Weathers Arrives VE HAVE fUKf IL1.1D TO fiET lOtpSSI F03 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY it-'- 5-V Galvanized Roofing in 7-8-10 and 12 ft. jith. ; Asbestos Siding Sheet Rock, ic Composition Shingles Tile Board. RoH Tar Paper Roofing Windows ' , Doors - Plywood -Mascniite; - 4r Nails of All bizes. - -. - COME IN TODAY FOR YOUR NEETTE HAVE IT! FOR SALE ;USED ; 7-FT. FRIGIDAIRE If you are in need of a good used refrigerator, see this one! Hertford ' Hardware & Supply Company A U , V O . .liiiraA hil The opening of school, is a good time for "all of us to reconsider the importance of driving a safe carl Brakes, isteering, lights, horn and windshield wipers in per " feet condition, are essential to preventing v accidents. D To be sure that your, car's safety equip- -ment is in pertect wormng oraer, oe sure tj that master mechanics inspect themine chanics such as. oursl- Drive upright now. ificuiA WillSLOW-DLACCILTiDGTOKO. YOUR FORD DEALER V HERTFORD, N. C. I-crtfordHardvarc&Sur!3rr.7 If, .r-n 'rm l( i v.r:r, . 1 - Seedbed maldng , . ? tTaiij V . . fcr . . . cultivating . . . wh&brir yzxtdl ct tJt Job, you'll find the lJLx J.z1Zr tidy eU up (La work, ud I.j .J c ! c3 t-.l ,J rl mala your poet:" - : f C.J tr tow cu!7&Ua7 w L.l j i b L") Ci' , wkeel ar.i pove to ; ; c i t!L!l' l tsiterr - ;1iC.3r - . J pu TottH erca it by c. 2i exiTsnrja a every ttctzt . . . ex- , ctllcriivlaw ci tLs work . -. . esry steering and Cdc!c J!;i . -. bus forward cpoeds . . . and -t.J r c:; -1. tzdt cl A &ere is " ttT:ii T ' i r.:r Tcuch-o-matio hy. . i ic: .ICtczillcsyou.wilhatouc!! t yin ! i t rL:3 cr bwtr.ri ca bci i 5 t " t, cr cllrr sL!i viJlu. , C. 3 Li cz. d Lx a kt9 d:r:c-t-5a.