Week-end At Durham - lire. J. C Blanchard spent the week-end with Mr. and If is. Marcus E. Hobba in Durham. -At Episcopal School ... Joe Towe, Jr., left this week to enter Episcopal School at Lynchburg, Va. Weekend At Nags Head - Air. and Mrs. Haywood Divers and children spent the week-end at Nags Head Improved Mrs. Ray iHaskett, who was con fined to her home several days last week because of sickness is improved. Week-end Guests 1 a . " .Miss Eddie Thomas Langston of Richmond, Va., and Mrs. T. E. Lang ston and Mrs. Nate Going of Hamp ton, Va., spent .the week-end with Mrs. J. E. Everett. t From Fentress . Mr. and Mrs. Tim Gregory and son of Fentress, Va., spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Noah Gregory. From Arlington Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kuczo of 'Arling ton, Va., spent the week-end and sev eral days this week with Mr. and Mrs.! From Raleigh From Norfolk Mrs. W. T. Hollowell and Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Wilson and son of Nor folk, Va., visited Mrs. E. A. Byram and Mr. and Mrs. H. T Byrum in Edenton Sunday . r Sunday Guests lonwood Whitley and children and Gilbert Whitley and daughter of Como spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. IA.. Whitley.- ,. From Louisville Mr. and Mrs. Irvin (Nichols, Jr., of Louisville. Ky., spent he week end with Mr. and Mrs. Burnfce Ins- oe." ' , . In Raleigh Ben Eoonoe left this week for State College, Raleigh, where he will be a member of the faculty. Saturday Here - Mrs. Clavton Whedbee of Peters-! bursr. Va.. and her son, Russell, oi New York, spent Saturday in Hert ford. - v ;; r Cnmr. . r . ,rD. a Uniw r.v-aEton oby Earrell cf J several days last w Urs, C. M.. WiHi. ' ya sr .Ji Ur. ar.i At Lynchburg Mrs. ID. S. Darden ia visiting rela tives at ILynchlburg, Va., e.is week. In Hosnital - Mark Hathaway is a patient at the Chowan Hospital in Canton. From Blacksburff-- Dr. Lloyd Hobbs of Blacksburg, Va.. visited Mrs. E. A. Byrum Sat urday. " ' ' f From Washington Mi1, and Mrs. John Riley of Wash ington, D. C, spent the week-end with Mrs. Maude Godwin. ' , i From New York r Mr. and Mrs. Ted Keadani from Brooklyn. N. Y., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. iVick. Tney were accompanied here by Mts. Vick, who has been weir i guest for: several weeks. - Moved To Woodland Circle Mr. and Mrs. Elite Fearing and children have moved from Front Street to a house in Woodland Circle. W. C. Lassiter. W. E. White, Jr., of Raleigh spent several days this week with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. White, Sr. Friday In Durham Mrs. T. P. Brian spent Friday and t Saturday in Durham visited her moth-1 Sunday Guests er, Mrs. W. H. Glasson. . ' Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hitter of Ports- i mouth. Va., and Mr. and Mrs. Hubert From Pinehurst ; Mrs. J. Avery of Pinehurst is the guest of Mrs. Clyde McCallum. . From Elisabeth City Mrs. Henry Stokely of Elizabeth City is the guest this week of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Morgan. , Onley of Chapanoke and (Philip San derson visited (Urs. Mark Hathaway Sunday. Week-end At Durham Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stokes, ' Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Edison Harris spent the week-end at Durham. Students Of Shorthand Be sure to purchase your Shorthand ESTEEBROOK Pen, with the replaceable point from US, as we are agents for ESTERBROOK in Hertford. ALSO INKS AND SHORTHAND PADS BE PREPARED GET YOURS NOW S AND M. PHONE 8081 "ON . THE CORNER" HERTFORD, N. C. I s i : - ; From Maine SBgt and Mrs. Thomas Perry, Jr., from Dover Foxcrof t, Maine, are visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Tom Perry. .. AtE.CC - ' The following students entered, E. C. C, Greenville this week: Miss Marjorie Winslow, Miss Ruth Daw son, Miss Marguerite , Butler, Miss Maryina White, Clyde -Lane, A. L. Lane and Walter Umphlett Those students returning to Greenville are Miss Peggy . White, Moss Mary Sue Cook, Miss Norma Jean Godwin and Wade Jordan:'' - From Norfolk Mrs. Burnard Powell and children and Miss Shirley Smith "of Norfolk, Va, spent last Thursday and Fri day with Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Fitch and Mrs. A. J. Parrish They were accompanied home by. Mr and Mrs. Fitch, who spent the week-end. ' HOSTESS TO BRIDGE CLUB Miss Mary Sumner was hostess to her bridge club Tuesday night at her home. ' Those enjoying the evening were Mesdames C. R. Holmes, Chas. E. Johnson, C M. Williford, H. C.I Stokes, T. L. Jessup, J. T-, Biggers, M. R. Campbell and Mini Ruby Wf it. The high score prize went to Mrs. Holmes. Refreshments, were served by the hostess. : c , . ' . BRIDGE CLUB MEETS " Mk. . W. G. Wright entertained her bridge club Tuesday night at her home on Church Street.' 'Those playing were Mesdames J. 0, Felton, B. G. Koonce, T.' B. Sumner, Charles Henc, Charles Whedbee. V. N. Darden, C. A. Davenport and Miss Thelma Elliott. The high score prize wont to Mrs. Darden. A sweet course was served. . V. i 1 ovr " -'-a' ' vl ".-." ice some Cl ce til r 1. the imZj wta foBi--- j t -ii i ' ' "break? ; ; When all of the water w..t out t the river near Hertford, except tie channel ' ' . T ' ' . ' ' FAMILY REUNION , .Mm.- C O' White was hostess at. a family reunion held t Jber home last Sunday. Attending the reunion were: Mr. and, Mrs. S. M. Winslow, Ur. and Mrs. Arnold Winslow.. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gregory, Mr. and Urs. jr.-E. Wood,. Marvin Uregory ionara.Wins lmr. Jr Mibhpji Anne and Selma Witi- l slow of Elizabeth City; Mr. and Mrs. Emory Kountree, susses wovelia, Nancy and Bessie Rountree of Sun- bury; Mr. and Jars, ijeoniara Vtinsiow, Sr., of Suffolk; Mr. and Mrs. D. It White. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Rountree, Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Stalling, Mrs. VL R. Winslow. Miss Mary Love Win- slow, Tommy Stalling, Jesse Roun- ifwA nf Tfeividere: Mr. ana Jars. Hi. r. Robertson and family, Mr. ana MrsJ Calvin Bundy, Fnylns JJunay, mss Rebecc& WhiteK Mr. and Mrs. Daryll Hurdle, Mrs. Luna Layden. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton White, Carlos Robertson, Eugene White and Traverse White of Hertford. - - , ..a i J a i jl i 113. i. A i' 75 r... The Wo--jrviceof will meet We. . Cr -JrtChriw -t, Septem ber 17 at 7:30 3i rvh. Mrs. Essie EV.n Zi have the devotional and Mrs. CLJ.Cartwright will give the lesson. All members are urged to be present and visitors are welcome. ,, i 1- ' ! 13 1 iff n... 'l : i I . ' ( 1 . rao' 1 C ll'st y for CI. . . ... i.i I J . 1 i & New Cuj-t ' TraT..c Cop -"Ute your noowj, 1adyl V your noo"8l" . . Lady- ,; y pooGaess! , Iwhere ia it? I've r ,c I and pulled everytLir j in the c ." i i . i t i ; : taeat . . HONORED AT SHOWER , " Mrs. Lydon White Mrs. Elmer Las siter and Mrs. Woodrow Stallings were joint hostesses at a miscellane ous shower Tuesday night, August 2fi. hnnorinar Mrsv Winiford Smith,' given at the community building at' Whiteston. Games and contests were enjoyed by the 60 guests present after , wmcn tne nonoree acicnowieagea many lnvnlv sriffat received. Tne nostesses served ace cream, peanuts and mints. CALLED TO CALIFORNIA ' A. R. Cook of Route, three, was called to Santa Paula, Calif., August on . luMtik. (Ha iloofh at hia rAthAi. Ed Cook. Manv residents of the, county , will rememner Mr. ano mis. Ed Cook. They spent eight months here during 1939-40. , Surviving tie sides Mr. Cook are three sons' and one daughter. HOSTESSES TO SHOWER - COM P L E T E i3 A T H R O O M i'-. including all trim ffrom the floor up. . SEE samples 'rrtvw a'v". ' . t iujjax u ., I Today: - Friday Shows: 8:15-7-9 P. M. TYRONE POWER , PATRICIA NEAL -" . "Diplomatic Courier" Sunday Shows 2:15, 4:15 and 9:15 P. M. FRED AST AIRE AND 'VERA ELLEN in Saturday Show Opens 1 P. M. JEFF CHANDLER "Battle of Apache' Pass" v 'Radarmen from the Moon No. 10 "BELLE OF ffi'YCT Monday and Tuesday: Matinee S:15 Night 7- P M. ,r HUMPHREY BOGART AND KATHERINE HEPBURN ' - Aw Wednesday: ' Matinee 3:15 P. M. Night 7-9 P. M. DOUBLE FEATURE 1 i First Feature BERNARD iEOTZr?vS ROBERT HUfTTON - "GcbsandGals" Second Feature ' WILD BILL ELLIOTT "Flame of jSacramento" HOSTESS TO BRIDGE CLUB Mrs. Henry Stokes, Jr., was hostess to her. bridge club Thursday night at her home. Those playing were Mes dames Vivian Mathews, Eldon Wins low, Charles Murray, Robert Hollo- well. J. L. Harris, Edison Harris, D. F. Reed. Jr.. Alhner IWllHama. W E. TV.1A vJT.t cuffl. it ur TV11 I and Al Kenton. The high score prize went , to Mrs. Winslow. A sweet course was served.- Thursday-Friday i Matinee 1:15 Ni;ht 7-9 P. RL ' SPENCCa. TRACY AND EATHTHINII nEPRUSN- - CIRCLE MEETS The Artie Bratcher Circle met Sep tember 8 at the home of Mrs. D. J. Pritchard with 14 members present The meeting opened with the group singing "He Leadeth Me," followed with prayer by Mrs. IB. W. Penhing ton. - The devotional was taken from John 10 arid given by Mrs. lillie Johnson.' Others taking part on the: program were Mrs. Pennington, and Mrs. W. E. Hoffler. - Mrs. Allen Per ry led in prayer. - . j During the business session offi cers for the new year were elected as follows: Mrs. lillie Johnson, presi dent; Mrs. D. J. Pritchard, vice-president; Mrs. William Elliott, secretary treasurer; Mrs. Hattie Spivey, Stew ardship Chairman; Mrs. Carrie Spi vey, Social Chairman; Mrs. J. W. Hampton, Publicity Chairman. i : The tateeting was dismissed' with the singing of "My Faith Looks Up to Thee," followed with "The Lord's Prayer" repeated in unison. The hostess served1 delicious n f reshments. . . :.', . Do Ycu Remeaber? When Brinn Bros, kept store In the building where Colonial Stores Is now located? J- . , , When Tim Langston ran 'a barber shop on tie site where a part of Dar den Bros, store is situated? . ftthen Mr. Bembry ran a grocery store where tie Pitt Hardware ' -"e is now and fcter, when Jarvis & . li slow ran a frocery buAe-s in;t" ' re bu" " T? Mrs. Clinton Perry and Mrs. Charlie Dail were hostesses to a kitchen show er s4ven in honor of -Mrs.' Charles Perry on Friday, September 5, at the! home of Mrs. Clinton Perry. - K Games' and contests were enjoyed with these winning prizes: Mrs. Jes sie Dail, Barbara Ann Dail, Mrs. Mathew DaOr Mrs. IHelen Mansfield, Bonnie Ray Dail, Mrs. Wallace Good-, win, Shirley Baker, Mrs. Wilbur Rob erson, Miss Lillie Hunter,. Catherine Baker. Mrs. ; Preston Monds, - Mrs. Johnnie HollowelL , Those present and sending gifts be sides those mentioned above were: Mrs. Elmer Robertson, Mrs. Boxie Dail, Mrs. Eunice Dale, Mrs. Currin Mansfield, Mrs. Jack Sutton, Mrs. Al bert Hunter, Mrs. Rennie DaiL Mrs. L. B. Perry. Mrs. Robert , Hollowell, Mrs. Kermit Benton, Mies. Leo Dail, Mrs. Bennie Monds, Mrs. Wilbur Jor dan, Mrs. Pailen Lane, Mrs. Preston Robertson, Mrs. Murry Elliott, and Oda Lee, Mrs. Freeland Elliott and Paisy, Mrs. Singleton Lane, Mrs. Her bert Lane, Mrs. Catherine Layden, Mrs. - Joe Evans, Mrs. A. J. Par rish. .Drinks, peanuts, cookies and mints were enjoyed by all. Mrs. Charles Perry was the form er Miss Sarah Ownley of New Hope. WINFALL NEWS Mrs. W. G. Hollowell is. recovering nicely at the home of her sister, Mrs. Jinnny Earnhardt, of Edenton, after being a patient at Chowan Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Kex Jonua and Miss Lula Lane had as their guests on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. R. E.' Hobbs of Norfolk, Va, and. Mrs. Billy Jones of Hobbsville and L. L. Jones of Elis abeth City. . t " -, Mrs. J. E. Perry, Mrs. Bryant Mil ler and Mrs. E. B. Hollowell spent Monday' morning in Elizabeth City shopping. . (Mr. and Mrs.- Tommie Temple and children and Hi. and Mrs. Bailey Temple visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. -Hollowell Sunday after noon. ": Mrs. Jack Taseoe and daughter, Jackie, of Eaih, S. C, have returned home after visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. White. .They were accompanied home by Urs. WaKr Umphlett, Sr, and Walter Umphlett, Jr. ' Jr., has returned C ' a -at Green- . .. 'j 225.00 WE BUILD -N. C. STATE APPROVED : : i; SEPTIC TA(IHS,.........m0 HARIRI ? PLUMBING AND BUILDING SUPPLY COMPANY Phone 5401' . ' ' , . Hertford. N. C. FELT HAT . SAEE' 4 1 . . ,. i ' . . r : . " ; . " . .v .... : v - I One Weak : Only " . - : Two of America's Most Advertised Brands When Tr. ITowly had an cl n old f Li-inn's L. When r JiTtf " J " ' , .... . . f -1 .Jrg w;.c.e " -s no-1 .1 r to East C. ville to r H'.Z3 I FY to mter 1, Kr. a- 1 I boy ir 1 Ur. sad . birth J' y d.1 of t. ' i l "t Sunday i CoKfe. ' "or--n and ' ii - . i -4 A f 7 .' ; - ' 3 ; --- ft',', . - ..:..5-:----.L WE HAVE A BIG LOT C7 TZLT ILKTS CAIUUED OVZ' HATS ARE OUTCT?n A lv u- M. . ! 13 L"