I. . : M 5-11 -. ' National . Employ th Physically f Handicapped Week is being observed throughout the nation October 5-11, J952. . THu program is in. accordance with a law passed by Congress in 1945. ' The President's Committee met on September 4, it a President's Luncheon in Washington, at which time President Truman gave a "kick 1 :7"Vfor the week with his proclama tion land a citation for the most out standing handicapped individual in the nation. Working with the President's Committee is the ' Governor's Com mittee of all the states. On October 3rd, Governor Scott will present a citation to the most outstanding handicapped person of North Carolina. With the National and State Commit. tees, w have the various communis committees, who are selected in this area by the Employment Security Commission of North Carolina, one of the participating agencies. ; ' ' , , Mrs. Corie B. White, Manager of the local Employment Security Com mission office in Edenton, which of- b services Perquimans County r -h Thursday 9:00 - 11:00 A. M., at the Court House in Hertford, announces that the services of Howard v.OK-it, Clerk of Court, have been secured to act as Chairman of National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week for Perquimans County. . " Mr. Pitt will assist the Employment Security Commission in finding the handicapped applicants in Perquim ans County who are in need, of gain ful employment, and to direct both ap plicants and employers interested in workers to the Employment Service Representative servicing Perquimans County. - , It is the responaMfty of- every citizen in this community to help the by being" placed in a j ' CU he ori ur. an " n. she can do. America ij great, not g Immiiu nt hm. natural r -" and ,'M -1 hi htnnaum v tar Tuv.nl.. and Mrs. TLomas . w w m " j - Soma 7 jnilon men and women, with Tommy, Harry, Joe a -u physical disabilities are contnbutuig ' Mn visited Ur, and t!.3. C. their part, ana yet ( C. .. nn rinrii-arri-M-irinrirM-w js"igi'Vrrm 1 Special Weekly Offer Starting Friday, Oct 3 Ending Oct' 10 24-Piece Table Ware Knife-Fork-Spoon Set REGULAR $8.59 SPECIAL $3.93 WATCH THIS SPACE EACH WEEK FOR OUR ; Special "BELOW COST" Offer FOR THESE CHILLY DAYS ELECTRIC HEATERS I PLAIN AND WITH FANS ' $7.95 to $15,95 Hertford Hardware & Supply CompLiy "TRADE HERE AND BANK THE DIFFERENCE' PHONE 3461 HERTFORD, N. C. jiH-Jtot. , ,. Jig f (ft) VJSTERLINOeSe i: M FOR YOUR HOME You can be sure your tabid b set in the best of taste when you choose a Gorham Sterling pattern and there are 16 to -choose from. Their better bat once and deeper-cut design are things you can feel and see. Come in soon and 'see how easy it Is to own Gorham Sterling through our conven ient budget plan. A nt about Oorhom'i xdvilve ' amUtt, one-pttce handle. If dwraiKl-rofHfrtiMant. TMtlSMU. W. M. DIVERS & SOU JEWELERS Market Street Hertford, North Carolina lillUli tMHMIOMMnmMM r'aon more are -ready, waning ana sAe, wren proper vocational trairir j, , medical services, and necessary rc:.titation services to helji build a stronger na tion and to find their place among the labor force. The han&cerped must live and eat 62 weeks of the year. They an a part and, parcel of our American economy. Realizing this, states and communities must provide a program of information, education an. dpromotion aimed at selective job placement of qualified handicapped workers not Just this one week, but throughout very week of the year. . Mr. Pitt and the staff of the Em ployment Security Commission re quest your assistance in this program 'Quit is being launched throughout the nation as a. reminder that we are to help 'the less fortunate around us to a better way of life through em ptoyaibdKty. It is the individual's abili ty rather than disability Jihaf counts. Hire the handicapped -tit's good busi ness. Their job performance has prov en 'outstanding. It lightens the load on the taxpayer, business, industry and, community and heightens citizen morale to become independent through work security. -v BELVIDERE NEWS pell Sunday P. M. Mr. and J.a. Harvfcv and Mrs. C. J. Raper r Simpson were in Eli?;.' nesday A. M. K. C - bon, L"r. . rs. C. II. Ciy 7&i. CHAPANOKE IWXS Mrs. Irma Dorsey went to Ports mouth, Va,, Thursday to spend some time with her daughter and son-in-law. " - '''' Mr. and Mrs. Tom Boyce and fami ly of Tyner were the guests off Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Byrum on Sunday: Rev. .and Mrs.' David Lewis, and son of Swan Quarter spent Tuesday with his mother, Mrs. W.W. Lewis. Leon Elliott, U. S. Navy, Norfolk, Va., spent the past week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. El liott . -. ' .-: -v Miss Louise Wilson of Chowan spent the week-end with her parents. Mrs. O. L. Byrum and Mrs. Iillie Hyatt were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Smith at Winfall. " i we-. ::h Mr. r- 1'r. and L.i. i' ire thy al of The t-eastaa' f r. :.l j.ow t..-t a rch, Va., . . 3 Tattan t'i 1 L. i le i tie christer.u-i :y son. - Mrs. John C. Llanchard of Gates- v21e, -Mr. and .Mrs. Harris Jones end daughter, Norma Lou, and Mrs. Ar manda Jones of Gates visited Mr. end Mrs. Howard D. Hurdle Saturday night'- ' -1 ' " ' ; Mrs. Hubert Hurdle, Mrs. Jack Bur den and son, Hubert iWhite Burden, and Mr; and Mrs. Howard D, Hurdle attended the funeral of Mrs. W. A. Hoggard in Elisabeth City:, Sunday P.M.. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Bailey and son, Elbert, Jr., of EHzabeth City visited Mrs. W. G. Hollowell Sunday P. M. -v Mrs, J. iW. Lane and daughter, Nonie Lou, spent the week-end in Norfolk, Va,, and Ocean View, v "f Mrs. Bill Cox of Hertford; Mrs. SJr H. Baker and Miss Annie White spent iWednesday in Norfolk, Va,, with Mrs. Sam Hill. : Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Hollowell and family were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Long, Sunday. Hertford Route 3, i - i Td:Iay. T. y I" ston spent Sunday a llii Il-aaJ. - . - Hiss Katiie Nowell of Nor folk, Va., spent.t! wvi-end wili tcr parents,' Mil and' Mrs. J. W. No-well, Sr. ' ?' ' Mrs. Waiter Nowell and son Tor my,' and Mrs. J. W. N.owell mbt. ed to folk, Va, to see Mr. an Mrs. R. 12. Munden Tuesday. -', CATHOLIC Elr.LE WEEK WILL I . CLQS2 i"U?:.OAy AT WINDSOR ':"AKD LJZNTON MASSE3 October 6, the' 1'ost Soly Sacri fice of the Mass will be offered in Palace Theatre, Y,indwr, at 8:30 A. M., and in St Ann's CthoHc Church, Edenton, at 11 A. XL,- each including sermon ea? Everybody Ought Bead Bible Daily," Holy Communion, fol lowed by fiosary : for 'Peace, Sunday School, with confessions for half hour before -services, stated Father P. J. McCourti - rector, ; who nvites every body to all services. - Week-days at 7 A. M.t Mass, Communion, Rosary. TRY A WEEKLY CLASSIFIED AD HMwyMeMte"tettWee Protect Your Stock Vith Bectric Fenco Confrc'.!srs . SEE US FOR THE FAMOUS ; International, Parmak or Electric Line Sets ? WE HAVE THEM IN BOTH BATTERY AND ELECTRIC Those ' attending the Association held 'at the Blackwell Memorial and Wednesday of Fast week were: . Mrs. W. T. Smith. Mrs. C. , T. Rosrerson.1 Sr., Mrs. Louis Winslow, Mrs. C. T. Rogerson,! Jr., Mrs. Eugene Byrum, j Mr. arid Mrs. Will Winslow, Mrs. C. V. Ward, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Twine, Miss Olive Layden, Mrs. Paul Smithy Mrs. Thurman Riddick and Mrs. Rulfus Turner. . - ; I Mr. and Mrs. Clarence C. Chaxmell; and son, Clarence, Jr., and daughter,' Louise, and William C. Chappell were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.1 Earl L. Topping of Swanquarter. Mr. Topping is County Agent of -Hyde, County. - I Mrs. Tim Bmnn, Mrs. Charles Skin-' ner, Mrs. Lindrey Winslow of Hert ford, the Rev. and Mrs. Virgil Pike and, Mrs. Bertha S. White were-Wednesdav! visitors with Mr. and Mrs. TJnwovd Wnslow. v V i Thursday supper guests "of LaClair Winslow were . !AMce Jean Jackson. Ann Burke, Mary Dow Chappell of Lois Violet Winslow entertained at! m On. V- AT. TT,T f ' ' of Piney Woods Church Wednesday evening in her home. 'After various games the hostess served pound cake, punch, mints and nuts. ' i Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hodgice of Murfrepgboro were Sunday guests; of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Winslow. Mrs. L. I. Winslow, accomipariied bv .... is. i TT uiDfvni 111 aw O a UUol- ness trip to GreenviU.' Monday and visited with relatives and friends, n Mrs. Thomas Brabble and three children of Rocky Hock spent a part of last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carol Ward and grandmoth er. Mrs. Laura Ward. Honoring her moliher on her birth day anniversary,' Mr. and Mrs. Claude Winslow entertained for dinner Sun day the following: Mrs. Lizzie Hollo well, honoree, Mr. and Mrs, Gaither Chapoell and ' two children of Nor folk, Va., Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Chap pell, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Gale and son, Mr. and Mrs. Ashby Jordan and two childrn of Greenville.- ' - Mrs. Robert Hollowell and two chil dren of Sunbury spent Thursday "JP. ju., with aira. juetes topeiand. H. H; Perry of Philadelphia. Pa., is spending several days with , his mother, Mrs. Carrie iPerry. i Supper1 xuests of Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Lane and Miss Glenda Lane Wed nesday were: th. Rev. and Mrs. Ralph KnighV'the Rev. v and Mrs. A. H. wutlaw.-. i Sunday visitors were Mn and Mrs, Cader Harris of Eliazbeth taty. . v . Mr. and Mrs. David White of Greensboro' spent the week-end with I his mother, Mrs. Ellen White and sis ter, Miss Margaret White. - t Mr. and Mrs. Harry Willifoird of, Rich ' Square were Sundav visitor with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. White. . ALSO Wire Batteries Knobs Clips Gates - 'Testers Lightning Arrestorsf STEP IN TODAY FOR YOUR NEEDS i!i::rtfcrdl!ntfTC&Sr;;:;Gcf';y " 'TRADE HERE AND BANK THE DIFFERENCE" I JPHCNE 3461 , . . IffiRTFCTvD, C 'aitWeeeMeee 1 Pihev-' Woods News Mr. " and Mrs. Harry Chaimell of Catawba spent the week-end with his ratner. W, P. Chapoell and Mi- nH Mrs. Harry Chappell. Those- who visited Mr. and Mrs. IC. J. RJaper Sunday afternoon Mi".' and Mrs. Eusrene Raner of Shi. loh, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Itamr nt Betliei, Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Baft and children, Tommy and Phyllis, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Riddick of Norfolk, Va., and Mr. and Mrs. I, C. Butt of New Hope. " ' Mr; and Mrs. Venion Chappell and Children - ' of Rich Square visited mends "and reiativei tore Sim&y. $350 MONTHLY SPARE TIME ? National company offers reliable party secure rutuve servicing route of vend ing machines. This is not nuts. Ho selling required. " 9350 per monC. possible part time,1 full time imor. Car and $800 required which is secur ed by inventory. , This iwSil standi strict invesVBtion. For interview i- 5)Ur town witii factory rerrt-3.; ve, include. ir.one and addrpTS f application. I -."LlilALTCIXJ. ACr -CY, 948 GoolV-low, St Louis 12, 1 ltpd 1 'V -v--i; it You'll find everything for the sportsman in our large -stock of hunting equipment ...that's why sportsmen, make our store their headquarters during the hunting seasons. - be Jeady Ffla tiie uu?m;iG seaso;i . CHECK YOUR NEEDS AND SELECT EQUIPMENT TODAY WE HAVE A, COMPLETE STOCK OF Single and Double Barrel Repeating and Automatic Shot Guns . Single Shot, Repeating and Automatic Rifles . - , Ammunition In all Calibre and Gauges Hunting Caps Boots Coats Pants ARE AGENTS. FOR . , WE I iitftaD PHONE 3461 1 ' ' - HUNTING , LICENSES lyfc&'siipPLico HERTFORD, N. C. Shop Blaitchard 's For Values BUF-IT Sanforized : Cliifrcn's D:npc3s; ' - i . ' : ,. ' : - ' J 1 . . ' O-. i ,- ' t I '. SIZES 2-8 per pair OlfE . Don't Miss " These Buys! -" U2!iC!3l!is...3fcrSs LADIES' SUEDE CASUAL ; SHOES BOYS' COTTON BRIEFS Fdi iizdn;: . , iT.;rxs - tr.t::T3 12;:; MEN'S COTTON BUTTON DOWN. v SWEATERS r 02.25 MEN'S WASHABLE GABARDINE SPORT SHIRTS BEAUTIFUL NEW FALL COLORS V ': BOYS' WARM WINTER SYEAT SHIRTS V ) 1 - -i . FUR Va,T IIATG . TOYS' TUKTL3 K"C"i POLO SIIIUTS 1. I" - t r -, r " V . YJ'V -T I ..- JT. t Arrive i: KjaVazJ-CT I 1 -1 4