?3 r- r-j n : MX 3 1a. Number 46. . Tiertiord, Perquimans County, NortKfcarolina, Friday, November 21, 1952." 5 Cents Per Copy 7 It- L" r::;idS!;d i::;v2:JFcrCcnt; ' Interesting: Program Is : Presented At Meet : ing On. Monday ' , . ' The PTA f Perquimans County v Central Grammar School held its reg . ' ular meeting Monday ; nSght, Novem ber 17, at 7;30 o'clock with the vice ' president, Mr. Naomi McDonald, -presiding. , v ' The meeting opened with the sing ing of "Come Thou Almighty King" by the' audience. C. P. Qvrincy of Chapanoke'1 Conducted "the devotional) ' using the 14th chaipter of John, t; Fol- - lowijig the devotional a Buet composed , of Mrs. W. H. Keel and Mrs. WV H. Elliott, gang ."Kneel" at the Cross.'' They were accompanied at the: piano by Mrs. Ralph Whfte. ' The ' Chapanoke t community,' with Mrs. W. H. Keel as chairman, ; had charge' of the program.'. The subject for November as recommended by the National ' Congress of Parents and Teachers is "Foundation for Better Schools and Educational Programs." Mrs. Keel presented Mrs. Graham Wood, sixth grade teachers, who - spoke briefly on "The Value of Books." - Mrs. Wood ithen . presented s,the first and second grades who portray ed several Mother Goose rhymes: "Uttlo Bo-PeeD." "Peter. Peter Pump kin Eaten'here Was, an Old Wo man," and "The Queen of Hearts." This was followed by a short story, "A Sun Cure," by the, sixth grade. ASfter the minutes were read and approved the secretary, Mrs. Delwin Eure, read excerpts from the State President's message. Mrs. R. P. Bray, chairman of the Ways and Mean Committee, thanked. aU those, who helped, make the Hat loween .Carnival a success. She report ed total of $909.94 from the carni val. The deem freeze which was pur- chase4 from the proceeds of the HaU Wweeft Carnival ,wa on ouBpiay intne cafeteria meetit Mrs, Chairman, reported a 200 per cent en rOllSUVIiV -Ml -W 4 Xtffc.-y .AWO IUWMIO that both .the. motheV. and father of rollment in the FTA. This means ' every child in school s a member-.of the PTA. : A number of interested pa. in who do not have children en? rolled in school have also joined. Mrs. IRnMen expressed her appreciation to all those who helped make the drive a success, Miss Pearle White, chairman of the Headquarters Building Fund, report ed that $15.06 has been raised for the Building Fund. 4 , v .C;;: ' Thomas" Maston, principal, read a letter from Mrs. Lucy Whedbee, Coun ty Librarian, offering the facilities of the county Wbrary to the pupils, fac ulty and parents of the school. ' ' Mrs. A, R. Cook, chairman of the Koom Representatives, asked that all room representatives meet to - de cide about visiting their respective rooms at Thanksgiving. Mrs. Cook later repohed, thaVB. F. Bray was elected chairman of a " committee to make arrangements for treating the children of the school Tuesday, No vember 25. All the rooms, will be -visited and a. uniform reat" will be provided. T ' " ' ' Mrs. Joseph Wimslow's second grade won the attendance prize with eight een present 1 Mrs. Jack Benton, program ehab 'man, announced that the school, with Mrs. Charles Asbell as chairman,, will have charge of the December meeting. She announced that the adbjeot for December will be "Glory to God in the Highest and on Earth Peace, Good Will Toward Men." h ,y- " '"' . . " " ; ,f,J." Tltlison Davenport ; , Passes At Plymouth Edison Davnport, 60, 'of MackeysJ brother of Dr. C. A. Davenport, died at 8.-80 P. i M., Tuesday in the Ply mouth Hospital." FuTOral services were conducted at the Hickeys Meth 'odiat Church ednesdsy afternoon at three, oVj ock by the Rev. D; L; Fouts, pastor cf the Plymouth Methodist Church and the . Ref. Ed 'Spruilh of Flymouth. i r-r - Surviving are lis wife, Mri Mary Cotton Daverrrt; two daughters, Kra. I'srr t : 'a of Windsor, and X..'a. i-.ary - on of ' Ply mouth; a son, Vni.Jdm. .Davenport of riymc- 'v; a ,lDfer, Mrs..H. R. Cres st f i J fvs; t' -s brothers, V. E. 'a..d J. I . ( . 1 "J, ahd Dr.,C.A. Taver" t of Lirord. '. . ? 'fit Phps of - e t" e Ut yn, bori f i , fei Co ll. V. be : Is CLar- and I'rs. - 'on, D. C , ' T. i ' y, .1. D. was an was inspected arte? tn . utfl' Bbraen, . Membership Trophy Presentation Scheduled For Monday The annual . presentation . of ' fl?e State Theatre trophy to the outstandl ing. football player alt -.Perquimans, High School during the 1962 season will be made from the stage of that theatre next Monday night, ft was announced today by B. L Gibbs, man ager -of the theatre. The trophy, to be. presented Monday, is on display at the theatre and se lection of the winner will be made by members of the 1952 Indians' football squad. ' Presentation of the award will be made immediately at the close of the showing ' .of the fSlm fiobin Hood. v ..: THIS WEEK'S HEADLINES President-elect Dwight. Eisenhower on Tuesday, conferred wSth President Truman concerning matters of import ance expected to be handled by the government between now and January 20, when Eisenhower will assume of fice. The two men conversed private ly for about 20 minutes, then met with a group of . advisors representing President Truman ami President- elect Eisenhower. -Reports from Washing ton stated both principals of the meeting, appeared grim and gave no hint of the subjects discussed, but later Eisenhower said he will not as sume any responsibility for decisions taken by the Truman administration in its closing days of power. , , ; Following the Washington meeting Eisenhower flew to New York to con fer with leaders,, of the Republican Party,' supposedly on appointments to high positions to be made after Jan uary 20. Much guessing ha gone on concerning .membership in they new cabinet, however, no reports of.defi nhe proposals have been made. - NiMtoaiM 'riijr ;'Ui4 tVdt both official and unofficial, point to. trani-miMMM bv the U. S. in rfeveldn. ment' ofriji Hydrogen? bomb. .-AtoniioJ Em reveak tests fwerr4nctearw reseawb wfc tokf the Pacific. Isle which -has been used as a testing ground fof,the Atom bomb. One report issued stated the -" J " X V - new Hydrogen bomb is for ore de- structave tnan tne A-ioomo, ana-can cause severe damage and fatalities up to ninety miles of area. -' Washington reported Wednesday a Congressional committee proposes to conduct an investigation on how large foundations are spending their money, The report stated the interest of the committee in the facts come about be cause these founHlations are tax exempt ; :t:v';.V;;.v,;:S.::::,:: . iPresident-elect Eisenhower and leaders of the GOP met in New York on , Wednesday ' and discussed ' plans for; the New Congress. (Reports state the GOP are in agreement on a cut of the coming budget which will be pre? sensed oy rresioent iTuman.. Cliriste Saving CI;:c!isfJof,(i:!!Gd The , Hertford Banking . Ckmrirany, this week, placed in the mails some 430 checks, amounting to over $23,- 000. representing savings of custom era who joined the bank's- Christmas Savings Clubs last year, it was an nounced today by Rj M. Roddick, presi dent of the bank. ' ' The'total savings through this plan was some itaree to four thousand dol lars greater than in, 1951, Mr. Riddick said... - V . New Savings clubs for 1953, will open At the bank beginning Monday, and will run for 50 weeks. Mr. Rid dick announced. - . , Business Houses To J Observe Thanksgiving Hrtford stores and business houses will observe -the Thanksgiving holi day here next Thursday. by staying closed 1I day, it was reported' to day. - ' ' . W; W. Whtte, Hertford Postmaster, stated Uie local post 'office will be closed aU day but mail will be receiv ed and dispatched from the office, on holiday schedule,' - Pelviderie ,4-H'er in$ Chicago Trip 4-H'er TiMon Chappell, son of Mr, and Urs., F.-.B?. dappell of Belvi dore. Was announced the State Peanut Crop winner for 1952. His project won him an all expense paid trip to C.icago to i tend 31st N"Jo T .. .. .' e-V 1' .... a vai . i: i r t-J '1 .tv.,.. pweml r 4. v ' ' . , : 's .. .) j c! the-' UgleJt awards a 44I'er en achieve. ' . AuxCiny Urges . Public To Send CerdsToSaviceo Project Winners Given Awards From ; ; Club Leaders To pro vide a little extra Christmas joy to Perquimans County boys serv ing in the armed forces overseas, the Auxiliary of the Wm. Paul Stallings Post of the American Legion is urg ing the public to send " Christmas greetings to the youths, ''vs t The following list has been compiled by ; the members of the Auxiliary, showing the names of county youths now serving in overseas posts: Wil liam S. Fields, Gene W. Philh'ps, Al ton P. Hobbs,. Frank Murden, John D. Ayscue, Earl WinsloW, Jack Symons, Bill , Howard, . Billy Jones, Wm. M. Harrell, William Tilley, John Kelly Miller, Wallace Cartwright, Chester; Winslow,, Julian Robertson and Tim C. Perry. , !';:';i;;v' ' ; i Complete addresses of these youths may be secured from Mrs. J. R. Webb, phone number 3401 or Mrs. C. P. Mor- i, phone 266. While the recommended date for mailing of -parcels overseas has pass ed, W. W. White, Postmaster, says greeting cards may still be mailed overseas, and he believes there is suf ficient time for arrival in time for Christmas. However, he recommends that cards to service men be sent air mail .in order to assure prompt delivery. .."'"' . Members of the Legion Auxiliary have adopted this project and hope the public will join with them in send ing Christmas greetings to county servicemen. . Achievement Day Program Held By " Perquimans County 4-H Clubs held their annual Achievement Day Pro gram, Thursday, November 13 at Perquimans High School in the audi torium. : Reports from the various 4-H activities were given. A special singing program was given by a trio from Chowan County. These were Clara Gay Lane, Evangeline Copeland and Peggy Perry. County and District project' winners received their certificates and awards. The winners anl their projects were Lina Ruth Proctor, Route 1, Hertford, Achievement and Leadership: Annie Lou Lane, Route 1, Hertford, Cloth ing. Dress Revue and Danforth Camp; Nancy Lane, Route 1, Hertford, Jr. Dress Revue; Kay Howell, Route 2, Hertford. Frozen Foods, Girls' Rec ord, Home Improvement and Poul try; Myrtle Gordon Williams, Route 3, Hertford. Health , Improvement; Louise' Chappell, Belvidere, Jr. Soil and . Water Conservation; Clarence Chappell, Jr, Belvidere, Achievement, Field . Crops, Garden, Meat Animal, Tractor Maintenance, Honey Produc tion Corn, Sweet Potatoes and Trac tor Operator's contest; Julian Howell, Route 2, Hertford, Citizenship and Danforth Foundation.; Tilson E. Chap pell, Belvidere, Boys Record, Peanuts; and' Bobby Smith, Belvidere, Health Improvement, Leadership, Public Speaking, Recreation-Rural Arts and Better Grooming. Members of the County Livestock Judging Team were Clarence Chappell, Jr., Wallace Bak er, Pebby Smith and John Hill. ' ', After! the program, Miss Carolyn Blggerstaff,' Assistant Home Agent, called the Virginia Reel, . Health Department Adds To Personnel Three changes dn the personnel of the District Health Department have been announcd by Dr. B. B. AWGuire, District Health Officer, nun. mpai Wood, of Edenton, Registered Nurse in public health, joined the department October 1. ' She is stationed at Eden- ton, but will ' also work part time in Perquimans County. . , Donald Brown, native of Potsdam, N. Y- and a graduate of E. C. C. at Greenville; has joined the department as Assistant sanitarian, and Mrs. Glenn TwMdy Lane of Edenton is new clerk in the Edenton office of the department., -v REOCRDEISS iCOtJRT RECISra TUESDAY i" v Perquimans ' County Recorder's Court was in recess on Tuesday of this week bwraiuse of the Special Term of ,? erior Court, which convened on 'T,.... -.All ..iuui KotoA n. tli Jm. ket in the Recorder's Court were set for hearing: at the next term of the court on November 25th. , , . . Perqirimuisliiuiciis ToPlayEIiz&th City Friday night Indians Defeat AVden 25 to 6 For Fifth Straight Win The annual' football battle between the Perquimans Indians and the Eliz abeth City Yellow Jackets will be played Friday night, on Memorial Field in Elizabeth City, It was an nounced today by Coach Ellie Fear ing, so stated the usual Thanksgiving date has been moved up in order to provide an early closing of the foot ball season. Both teams will be up for this game and fans can expect an entertaining evening of football. The Indians won their fifth straight victory of the season last Friday night by trouncing Ayden by a score of 25 to. 6. It was the eighth win of the season for the Indians as against only two losses. Howard Williams was the big gun Jn the Perquimans offense, scoring three touchdowns ' and racking up a I huge yardage from scrimmage. Wil liams put Perquimans in a 6-0 lead on the first play of the game, when he broke through, for an 89 yard run. Perquimans scored its second TD of the game minutes later when Mor ris ran back an Ayden punt and Williams went 28 yards on two plays for a score. ,. f either team scored again during thje first half, which found Perquim arfe rolling up five first downs while Ayden collected four. John Morris scored the third touch down for Perquimans, when he smash- ex! through the center of the Ayden hne for eight yards. Paul Mathews converted and extra point and Per quimans led 19-0. Harrington and Cannon were stand outs for the Ayden team, and their playing led to the Ayden score in U)e third period. Ayden recovered an Indian fumble on the 38 yard line late in this period and Harrington raced the distance for the goal.. The final score for Perquimans tifte lateJnjfcft ame, .after, the In dians had moved the ball to Ayden's 43 yard hne. (Williams broke out for a 25-yard Kne and on the next play went 18 yards for the score. Each team made four first downs during the second half, giving Per quimans a total of nine while Ayden had eight. Entertain Boys At Football Game Under , the auspices of the Murfrees boro Exchang Club, the Chowan Col lege Braves are inviting picked sen ior stars from high schools in this and adjoining counties to meet with the junior college team on the after noon of Thanksgiving Dav at 2:30 I P. M., for a sectional game with the couege team, under the name or the "Thanksgiving Bowl." The Exchange Club plans to make this an annual af fair to give recognition to the boys who may be finishing their high school football careers. Only graduating seniors from near by high schools will be invited to take part and always with the full per mission ' of their school authorities and the participation of their coach es, f . Acceptances have already been re ceived from the high schools at Suf folk and Franklin in Virginia, and from Rich Square, Murfreesboro, Hertford, Wendell, Washington and Scotland Neck. Others are expected from Ahoskie, Aulander, . Colerain, Enfield and Roanoke Rapids, as soon as the necessary permission from au thorities is secured. Coaches Roger Thrift of the Mur freesboro High School and Sparky McCaskiU of the 'Scotland Neck school will be in charge of the coaching, which will begin on Monday afternoon, No vember 24, with coaches' from par ticipating schools assisting.. The game will be played on the Murfreesboro field which ia lighted for night play and boasts a new press box to ac commodate the sports winters from the entire area, who will be the guests of the club for the occasion. ' ' BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Robert Applewhite, of Norfolk, Va., announce the birth of a on, Robert Whedbee, born Tuesday, November 18, at the Norfolk General Hospital. Mrs. Applewhfte, before her marriage, was Miss Joclyn Whed bee. ' - MASONS TO The - Perauaman Masonic Lodge, No. 107, A. F. ft A. will meet Tuesday night at 7$0 o'clock. ' Chowan College To Spacid Term Of Superior Court To Complete Czlendar Of Cases Friday brlyilextVeekJ Due to observance of Thanksgiv ing Thursday Of next week. The Weekly will be printed a day earlier in order to provide a holiday for em ployees. Any advertising or news matter should, therefore, be in The Weekly office a day earlier than usual. Procedures Two important changes have been made in submitting samples of soil for testing by the soil sampling lab oratory of the btate Department of Agriculture, according to I. C. Yagel, Perquimans County farm 'agent for the State College Extension Service. Mr. Yagel emphasized that by early sampling farmers will be assured of having soil tests results and recom mendations before placing next year's order for H'me and fertilizer. The changes in the procedure fol low: There have been two changs in the procedure for getting soil samples tested:. First, the information blank has been revised. This new sheet is de signed to give more information on soil type, drainage, slope, and crop rotations to be followed. This infor mation will be used to help interpret soil test results as a partial substi tute for subsoil samples. Therefore, it is very important that these blanks oe filled in as completely as possible. Second, subsoil samples are no lon ger necessary. To obtain a soil sam ple that will be representatave of the area you want tested take a small uni form core (or slice) of soil from the surface to a depth of about 6 inches in 15 or 20 spots.' Ali'of these tyres should be combined or put in one box and properly labeled. Small areas that differ in color, texture or drain age should be avoided or sampled separately. More complete instruc tion are given on the back of the new information sheet. I Speaker Secured For Rotary Event Preliminary plans are being made by the Hertford Rotary CWb for its observance of Rural-Urban night on Tuesday evening, December 9, it was announced at the meeting of the club held last Tuesday. C. R. Holmes, pro gram chairman for the club reported Dr. W. A. Poe, Associate Editor of The Progressive Farmer will be guest speaker for the evening. 'Special guests of the club members will be farmers of Perquimans Coun ty who will be invited to attend the meeting by mdividual members of Ro tary... Board Of Education Sets Holiday Dates Holiday dates for Perquimans Coun ty Schools, for Thanksgiving and Christmas were given in a release made public on Monday by J. T. Big gers, County Superintendent All schools will be closed Thursday and Friday of next week, in obser vance of the Thanksgiving holiday. An eleven-day vacation has been designated for the Christmas holidays with schools being dismissed on Fri day, December 19, and resuming on Wednesday, December 31. , New Plymouths On Display This Week New Plymouth cars, for 1953, went on display at the Towe-Webb Motor Company, Thursday, officials of the company stated today, and an invitation-, to the public to inspect these new models has been issued. A product of Chrysler Corporation, the new 1953 Plymouths reveal many changes over last year's model, and it has been reported four of -the mod els are priced substantially lower than 'in 1952., i ; Specialist To Hold Demonstration Here Mrs. Katherine S.'Rifffrle. Extension Specialist . in Housing and House Fiirrinbiiw. trill ha a the Afirricul- tural Building in Hertford on Mon day, November 24 at Z:00 for a furro ture refinishing demonstration. v i 7U1 ome Demonstration: dub mem bers' and anyone else Interested in re finishing furniture Is invited to at tend. ,v Changes Made In Soil Sampling Large Number Of Cases Cleared From Civil Docket A special term of Superior Court convened here last Monday with Judge W. H. S. Burgwyn, of Wood land, presiding. Twenty civil actions were listed on the court calendar for the term and of this number 17 were continued until the next term. Seven of the cases wtre listed as being ready for a judgment or a de cision by the Court after presentation of motions concerning the various ac tions. Five of the cases shown on the calendar were reported as ready for a hearing, and the first of these, the case in which Eleanor W. Jones enter ed suit against the Norfolk-Southern Railway Co., for damages in conection with a train-car collision, which oc curred in Chapanoke in 1947. Judge Burgwyn granted & motion for a non suit in this action after evidence had been presented by both sides. Tuesday afternoon was consumed in hearing testimony in the case in which Jesse Wiggins sought damages from Ben Chambers in connection with an accident which occurred near New Hope during 1950. This case, like wise, was non-suited by Judge Bur gwyn upon a motion by Mr. Cham bers' attorney, after the evidence had been heard. A compromise was (perfected in the case in which Redman Perry was suing S. D. Banks, over rights for use of a lane, located in New Hope town ship. The compromise was reached shortly before noon Wednesday after part of the evidence in the case had been presented to the Court. The case in which W. E. Nelson sought recovery of money from Mor gan Walker, in connection with the uale of a business establishment in Hertford, was concluded on Wednes day afternoon. Prior to the hearing of the Nelson Walker case a continuance was grant ed in the action involving W. M. Morgan and B. M. Berry and this case was moved up to the next term of court... - ',. " ' ... -. Court adjourned ftfle,wm at the completion of the Nelson-Walker hear ing late Wednesday afternoon. Eight Selectees Eight Perquimans County youths were inducted into the armed forces during the month of November, ac cording to a report by Mrs. Blanche Campen, clerk of the local draft board, and the office has an induction call for 10 men to be filled- during the month of December. Mrs. Campen stated the selectees inducted this month were Joseph Evans, Arthur Butt, James Modlin, Marshall Taylor, Johnnie Chappell, Jesse Ormond and Walter East. The Perquimans board has been notified there will be no " calls for physical examinations of selectees during th months of November and December. Scouting Plans Mapped At Meeting , :Scout leaders from Gates, Perquim ans and Chowan counties, met at the municipal building in Edenton on Thursday night and mapped plans for scouting during the coming months. Sid Campen presented plans for a fall camporee at Cape Hatteras and Tom Maston told of plans for a Court of Honor. Bill Harry, John T; Biggers and Charles Overman were installed as officials of the West Albemarle District Committee. HERTFORD PTA HOLDS OPEN HOUSE THURSDAY The PTA of the Hertford Grammar School met on Thursday night of last week in the school auditorium. The meeting opened with .the singing of America, followed by the reading of the minutes and treasurer's report The State President's message was read, sstressing Better Schools, - Bet-. Inducted Into Army ter Churches, Better Homes. iFrancis Nixon was appointed chairman of the PTA civil defense Committee. ; Miss Thelma Elliott, principal, spoke , briefly to the group on informing the public on work accomplished through , the schools. : Mrs. J. S. Bass read a poem,,"The SpirSfc of Thanksgiving." followed by a piano solo; by Miss Le tiitia McGoogan. The parents were invited to. visit each classroom and see the, interesting projects worked on by the children during the Fall. OES TO MEET MONDAY ; f The Hertford Chapter of the Order . of Eastern' Star will meet. Monday ; night in the lodgerooms in the Court House. 'All members are unfed to at tend. - .''. 1 ' , v 1 15-3'.. m '4

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