PAC3 rtvt 0": V jf" W 1"- J ' JUSUS" THANKSGIVING AND OURS i International Sunday School Lesson , For November 23, 1952. Memory Selection: "Tile Lord fcath ' dona great .thing's for us, whereof we are glad. Palm 126: 3. Lesson Text: Matthew lit 2-6, 25-80. The eleventh and .twelfth chapters of Jratthftra gospel contains an im portant part of Jesus' teaching about Himself. Our lesson text comes from the formers chapter. John the Baptist baptized jesua in tihe Jordan and witnessed the testi mony of the Holy (Spirit. Their (paths tan differently during . the early months of Jesus' ministry. Uohn con tinued his fiery denunciation of sin and iniquity, sparing no one; and call in for repentance. (Among those severely criticized by John. be 'Baptist was the King, Herod, who was living with his brother's wife, neither having been divorced ac cording to the law of Hoses. In his characteristic and outspoken manner, John had called the King to task pub licly and in his presence, incurring the King's "enmity and that of his ao- called wife.' ;'. .''".-- The result of John's fearlessness in reproving and upbraiding Herod was imprisonment in She cells of IMacherus, a palace-prison on the shore of the (Dead Sea. There, in confinement, op? pressed physically-and onen tally, out of touch with events, hie questioning a to the identity of 'Jesua arose in his mind and the honest record recites :V- - : ; ,,o:' " Jesus was quite drffertot in reality than the Jewish expectations had pic tured him to be. Instead of fiery, crusading soldier for the freedom of the Jews, Jesus was going aft out do ing good, advising paying tribufie to Caesar, and associating with publi cans. So. John wondered, and sent . an inquiry by one of his own disciples to try to find out the truth. John's question was presented and Jesus Invited tihe visitor to look about f him. The tUind were betag, hwaled; the kune were walking, Ithe dead were being - raised o the . proof was re-crteP-and in Climax, -the gospe was being "breached to the poor. That was certainly convincing testimony for the ' visiting friends to carry to John the Baptist, in confirmation of his own 'earlier inspiration as to who Jesus t. was. ' ' ' Then, Jesus paid his tribute to'John the IBaptist, mighty man if or right eousness, no reed shaken by the wind, ' but a prophet whose coming) had been foretold by prophecy. (No man had been greater; declared Jesus, who add ed Ithat the least in the new kingdom would be ' ' greater, however, not in material things but in opportunity and privilege for spiritual truths. ' The unbelieving- generation , was warned. Jesus pointed out that John ' the Baptist had. been stem, austere, uncompromising, and had been re jected; now, He came sociable and free and tthe people accused him nothing, it seemed, would satisfy their ' lack of faith. Folks then, as now, were simply so busy with accumulat ing money and seeking pleasure, that - they were lacking in apirtuaC dis cernment, uninterested and more con- cerned With worldly things. "We should consider the doom uttered against . ljhem. v; V i ';? . v'-':: ... V-.';.n, ., ' The wise plan of the Heavenly Fath er revealed truth to simple-hearted, conscientious seekers and denied it to the worldly wise and proud for which Jesus ? expressed his thanks, AH things were revealed to him but not to all men only those to whom be should para It on, depending upon the spiritual growth of the man, for had not Jesns already warned against throwing pearja of ' truth to jrwttneT If man wants truth, he must seek at; if he diligently pursues it, he will find it for. truth is for the seeker. ''It was given to terttmaker and fishermen to see Straths not seen by prophets and kings," says W. L. Wat kinson,, "It was given to a peasant's son to find for Christendom the di vine doctrine it bad lost; it was giv en to a thinker in Bedford to have ;viaions of God, as Isaiah and Ezekiel had; it was gven to 'Wesley's' rag ' ged regiment to see truths of life hid den from the wise arid prudent It was given to Nor Oiairptonshir- cob bler to jseize afiieshi and give practi cal eUHcacy o the magniicen!t truKb of the universality of salvation in ' .JemwriChrist.'',- H . '''' V- Jemis viewed all things from the spiritual standpoint. He 'never' pie- tared his followers as being reward ei nI'1 f--t weah or excecJInj 1 1 T're, iJr these were physical and al values. On the owsr r-ad, - h'J v ri r-f w.s tr!i, a nr to1 ', a t "'" '',n BaatLtitLIe 1 i t !, U tromine tiat i i b for all who . 3 t - . .-11 i rworcan lahsp 0 -, ' "THE WORD OP ' LIFE" TImm M fMdlift UtMt yi jm bUmm u tlMir famciM . MOVBMBBK . ' VI TWkTf PulaM 11 M FrMar PwliMl tl 2t Satudqr ffXm ........111 M In4tr PhIom ....I 1 Uom&t PhIm 1 TuMday 'PmIm M I WadMfd-fPMlM M 4 Than4w iMlih 5 Friday ImM U SaMqiay Mtnbn ... (tl-M 7 tonilr Mfcr ...l-M-n t MoxUr MtttlMW ... :1-U TMMif IWM ...:i-t VriSay PWlli m Btmraiy SiMday 23 Maada U Taaaday 14 Uaivaraat FialalS BiblaSaa.. IS Mwiday Lak M U Taaaday Keataas ........ a If W4iwryRmaaa 11 IS Tkaraaar Bphaaiaa ...... 4 tiaa tl jafca .....lll-U iMiak. ....... H H.krM .. It 14 Wadand'y I CariMhUM IS Chriatou taka S:t-M Far tbaaa wha waat M caatiaaa raadlac tba BlUa darlac tha laat waak af tha yaar, tiMaa mmmm ara racetamaadtd: Dae M, Loka S:tl-SI; Dab 17. Jaha l:l-JI Dk. IS, Matthaw 2; Da. n. fika 14: Da. M. RarfUtUa S; ac. SI. Fala . Waa't yoa aula Blbla raadlac dally oracticar Ask yaar aaiaiatar iar lialaa, writa yaw chuck kaad aoartara for llata ar raquaat aar "Dally . Blbla Baadlaca IMS" iU-l) from th ' tMBBiCAN BIBLS 80CISTT Dtot. 0 4S0 Park Ayaana , Maw York 22, M. Ti ill "What do yon read, my Lord? Polonlas asked the Prince. "Words, words, words I" replied the unhappy Hamlet. Aptly enoagh, Shakespeare espressed the sense . of futility which engulfs men when they seek hope, comfort or escape between the covers of a book. v Books can teach. They can entertain. They can be reservoirs of knowledge, humor, pathos, ro mance. But they have little to offer when we must face "the slings and arrows of ontrageona .. fortune . . . when life seems, as it did to Hamlet, "a sea of troubles," , But ONE BOOK is different from the others The Bible contains not mere words, but eternal truths. Its insight into human problems are divinely accurate . . . its lessons in living are an . inspired challenge ... its promises are the un failing promises of Jesns Christ. ' That more millions tha world over may possess . and cherish this ONE BOOK is the goal of the American Bible society, and of the envrcbes and individuals who taunt uuy support n. Above the confusion of words, words, words they bold fortk TnJE WORD OF UVS. I k .1- ior T. Ortaatfco.. Mab? If . -.HDL m ' bit ay 5,r; -(2 ft iLj Li, Ok, af -lBk0, (4i laadn. CktMarV. !'::sssl ... nr. CiZr'. ar.,k U .... u 11.M '"n""1 rimmtmi.iiinn a k-S.: THIS PAGE MADE POSSIBLE BY THE FOLLOWING FIRMS: Lynch Funeral Home PHONE 1911 HERTFORD. M. C CANNON GLEANERS PHONE 2511 DEPENDABLE SERVICE Simon's . OUTFITTERS FOB THE FAMILY Hertford Livestock & Supply Co. PHONE 2501 HERTFORD, N. C aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Robertson's Cleaners PHONSSm HERTFORD, N. C. Major - Loomis Lumber Company .' HERTFORD. N.C . ' DOZIER'S FLORIST FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS PHONE 4606 TOWE OIL COMPAljlY SINCLAIR PRODUCTS U. 8. TIRES W M. Morgan Furniture Company HOISE FURNI3HINGS ' HOT POINT APPLIANCES Jordan's Barber Shop BILL JORDAN, Prop. Winslow-Blanchard Motor Co. TOUR FCSD DEALER Hertford Banking Company MEMBER F. D. L C Peed Oil Company "!-:, ' Edsd pscDucrs ' Hertford Hardware & Supply Co. PAINTS HARDWARE . BUILDINO MATERIALS ...... .,!,l.,, . To7eY7ebb f.Ictcr Company Cn3YCLr-rLTi:0UTH salts and sryicb -.1 Hertford Furniture Company "MOVED IN TOWN, ITS TRUE, BUT STILL RETAIN LOW PRICES, TOO" I. C C';drd Ct Ccnpany, Inc. The Southern Cotton Oil Company HS3TFOSD. N,C MaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaaaBBaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai Pcrq-niqis tacli Services aMMBBBBBMaTSBBmBBBBBaBBBBBB HERTFORD BAPTIST HURCH ( C W. DaHng, Pastor Sunday School, 9:46 A. M. Morning Worship, UaX o'clock, Evening Worship, 8 o'clock. Mid-week Serviees, Wednesday at 8 P. M. '" BETHLEHEK CHURCH OF CHRIST Jee BrkUieBse. Paster First Sunday 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. BURGESS BAPTIST CHURCH Colon Jackson, Jr, Paster Church services second and fourth Sundays at 11 A. M. Sunday School at 10:00 A. M. Church service 7:45 P. M. seeend and fourth Sundays. PERQUIMANS CHARGE CHURCHES H. M. Jamieson, Paster First Sunday: New Hope Church, 11:00 A. M. Oak Grove Church, 7:00 P. If. Second Sunday Winfall Church, 11:00 A. M. Cedar Grove Church, 10 A. M. Woodland Church, 7:00 P. M. Third Sunday Oak Grove Church, 11:00 A. M. New Hope Church. 7:00 P. IL Fourth Sunday Cedar Grove Church, 11:00 A, M. Woodland Church, 10 A. M. Winfall Church, 7:00 P. M. Fifth Sunday Woodland Church 11:00 A. M. Prayer Meeting eieh Wednds at Winfall Church, 7:00 P. M. ANDERSON'S METHODIST CHURCH R. M, Gradeless, Pastor Church School, 10:00 A. M. Morning Worship, 11:00 A. M., sec ond and fourth Sundays. ." o WOODVILLE BAPTIST CHURCH James F. Burke, Pastor Church Services on second and fourth Sundays at 11 A. M. First and Third Sundays at 7:45 P.M. Sunday School 9:45 A. M. UP RIVER FRIENDS CHURCH Elisabeth White, Paste Sunday School, 9:45 AM. Church Services, 11 A. M. Christian Endeavor. 6:30 P. M. BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Bennie Crawford, Pastor Sunday School, 10 A.M. Preaching first and third Sundays at 11 A. M. Preaching second and fourth Sun day evening at 7:80. PINET WOODS FRIENDS CHURCH D. Virgin Pike, Pastor Church School 10 A. M. Morning Worship 11 A. M. Young People's Meeting 7 P. M. WHITEVILLE GROVE BAPTIST CHURCH Caleb Goodwin. Jr, Pastor Sunday School, 11 A. M., every Sun day except third Sunday. Church, se vices every third Sunday at 8 P. M. . o HERTFORD METHODIST CHURCH A. L. Chaplin, Pastor Church School, 9:45 A. M. Morning Worship, 1J:00 o'clock. Youth Fellowship, 6:45 P. M. Evening Worship, 7:80 P. M. Mid-week Fellowship, Wednesday t 7:30 P. M. BAGLEY SWAMP PILGRIM Coy S. Saunders, Pastor Sunday School, 10:00 A. M. Mornin Worship, 11:00 o'clock. Young People's Meeting, 6:80 P. M. Evening Worship, 7:80 o'clock. Mid-week Services, Thursday t 7:30 P. M. . . ; . 'o " ' 1 . HOLY TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rev. Charles F. Wnlf, Rector. 9:45 A. M., Church School, every Sunday. . . ,, .. . 9:00 A. M., Holy Communion, 1st Son. day. . . ..: s 8:30 A. M Holy Communion, 2nd, 4th, 5th Sundays. ...... . ' 11:00 A. MM Holy Communion, 3rd Sunday. 11:00 A. M., Morning Prayer, 2nd, 4th, 6th Sundays. , 10:00 A. M., Holy Communion, Fri days and Saints' Days. ; BEREA CHURCH OF CHRIST Walker Perry, Pastor 2nd and 4th Sunday at 10:80 A. M. Morning worship on first and third Sundays at ll) A. M. Evening worship first and third 8undaya at 7:80 P. M. CHAPPELL HILL BAPTIST - CHURCH Rev. Ralph Knight, Faster . Sunday School,' 8 P. M. every flret Suiday. . Church Setriee 8 P. U. every bat (Sunday. t , Sunday School at 11 JL TL second, third and tooth Ezzj..

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