Mi WEEKLY 1 x- 3 -iria XIX. Number 43. "Hertford; Perquimans County, North Carolina, Fridayy December 5, 1952. 5 Cents Per Copy !i L - J" 1 . ltd D:c!'.ct In u:::n!:r's Court Ten Coses Disposed Of During Short ; Session A varied docket, consisting of 10 cases, was disposed of by the Per quimans County 'Recorder's Court, in '?. aeon here on .Tuesday morning. , lleag of guilty, entered by most ,of : th defendants, enabled the count to . clear t the,, calendar within- a short 'l'time.-r:.-"f:'-v:: '''f'''r,J.,,:lx.''': ..i'- Costs of court were taxed against Bichard idnthicum who submitted to . s charge of speeding. ' Peggy Jones, Negro, entered a plea at tfuiltv o a chaise of driving wrth- Vout a license. IShe paid fine of ?2S . and costs- v Entering a plea of guilty to a charge i f beta? drunk on the streets of Hert- r- ford, Haywood Goodwin was ordered ' to pay a fine of $2 and costs. Edward Horsch was mined $25 and costs of eourt aftef he had entered plea of guilty to a charge of driv ing without a license. , - Harry. Lee Bushlee and Edward Bazeman, charged -with driving trucks loaded over the limit, entered pleas of guilty to the charges and paid the -court costs. :K-1 - ';.t' -..,V-' ' Elsie Harris, Negro, netered a plea of nolo contendre to charges of temporary- larceny of a truck,- reckless "' driving and hit and run. She was .sentenced to jail for 60 days, the .sentence suspended upon payment of v the costs of court and payment of damages to cars of Tommy IJessup and George Baker, and : further condi tion she be of good behavior for, a -period of six months. , .;, v, :. Reavie White, - Negro, , was found guilty on a charge of assault, and -was ordered to pay "the costs of court. DiLlard Kiddiok was fined $10 and - ' costs afte ?. pleading- pfitft ; charge oJL being drunk on the streets - -of (Hertford. ::' : '"' ' William Qlfiam, 'Negrol. submitted to a charge of driving with improper tne court ocoii Audit Of County Boolis tlcv;;ved " A report of an audit of Pejquimans County books, for the nscai year laoi J2. recentlv completed by iJie R. E. "' Aiken, Jt-u Company ' of Elizabeth -City, was reviewed by the -Board of County ; -Commissioners during its 1 meeting on last Monday. , The report revealed cash balances as of July 1, 1951, amounted to $166,r 899.32 and receipts during the year totaled I341.S51.28 while , disburse- - ments came to J445.631.76. Of this last amount 1180,578.94 was spent as capital outlay for construction' of school buildings- Cash balances on hand as of July 1, 1952 amounted to $02,018.84, much of which was taken into consideration and considered as . aurplus to be applied against appro- 3riafiions for the present' fiscal year, .permitting the tax . levy w remain the ' same as last year, despite a debt ser vice payment of $30,000 to be paid aiext M ay 1. " - ' - As for. bonded indebtedness, the re port shows the county owes $280,000 for bonds issued in 1989, for payment of road and bridge construction, and f 205,000. for .bonds Issue 4 to: repair and bud'schovl buildings. ip0,t)00 of this amottnt is-scheduled to be paid -, May l,:i?53,nj'--!l.,;'::?ft;; V (During the, year the county under spent it budget by a total of J249.42. 1 By departments the p expenditures were listed as follows; ;; County Commis sioners, $3,877.1; Tax listing, 1841.50; Recorder's Court, - $4,635.14, Miscelr ' laneous Civic expenditures, $3340.76; - Court House Grounds and jail, $3,t 266.15; District Health Departmenti , Elections, $629.41; - Home Demonstration Office, $1,770.78; Su perior Court, $3,722.84; Hospitaliia-" tion, -$4,023.17 Farm Agent Office, 4,C Toor Fund, $8,065.02 ; Debt '22; Old Age Assist '.U; Aid Dependent Chil . -.CO; Welfare Department, Servi , : ance, i (dren, f 59; ev.-,ih flwr n on ,1 7 Total t. Is of the i county as 'ef June 80 amour.f:i to $7-2,C"3.7, of which $SS7,CD0 represented fixed as sets such as buildings, furnishings and fixtures, , - i:::t:.:: ' izy i;: lit T' ? Pe sit s Eoard c Iducc ' n ;" -Tt t. or.J v n: fit. v ' 1 t- y ': ! y J. 7. w irs, su- t -f s !""'3: ' 9 r-;.t- Boy Scout Fund Drive.Postponed A Boy ; Scout fund raising cam paign, announced for last week, has been postponed until National Boy Scout Week, (February 8-14, it was announced todav by J. T. Diggers, vice-chairman of the West (Albemarle Scout District Mr. Burgers stated it is hoped, dur ing the coming drive, sufficient con tributions will be. received tor tne District to -wipe out a debt due to the Tidewater Council of Boy Scouts of America. Details of the drive and the local sroal will be announced at a later date. The Hertford Troop of Boy Scouts is sponsored by the lions, Club. TlliS fflS HEADLINES President-elect Eisenhower has com pleted, the job of selecting , his .cabi net, which will direct various depart ments of the-government after Janu ary 20th. Some, of the officials, in cluding: John Foster Dulles and Chan. E. Wilsont Secretaries of State and Defense, are already working closely with the present .administration to smooth out the change over in ad ministrations. (Lat two officials nam ed to the Cabinet were Sinclair Weeks as Secretary of Commerce and Mar tin Durkin, a leader in AIFL, as Secre tary of Labor. r Leaders in Congress are talking about the huge costs of the last nat ional election. Borne estimate the cost ran as high, as 100 million dol- airs. Proposals ' are expected to voe made which will lead to changes in the set-up, paring down the expenditures of political parties, One of these pro posals may be a limit on the length of time devoted to campaigns. ..:.... Governor W. Kerr Scott, this week, appointed Joseph W. Parker of .Wind sor to the ; nosT-of Superior Court Judge, filling the vacancy left when! Judge Hunt Parker moved up to the QnMMfHA fVv , J. 1 VNoiCaW's revenues jominued ltd run '-ahead of 1951, according to a report from Kaieigh on Wednesday, but the gap between the two grew closer as the year neared an end. Dur ing the first five months of the year the state's income was 5 per cent greater than 1951; income for Novem ber had dropped this per cent down to slightly more than one per cent. Herbert Peele Dies From llecrt Attack Friends ' in Edenton and Chowan County were shocked Tuesday morning to learn that Herbert Peele, t 70, founder of the Elizabeth City Daily Advance and owner from 1911 to 1949, and owner of radio station WKSAI, dropped dead from a heart attack on Main Street in Elizabeth City about 6:15 o'clock as be was going to work at the radio station. ' 'Mr. Peele was president of the North ' Carolina Press Association in 194647 and was very well and favor ably known among the newspaper pro fession throughout the state.. Funeral services 'were' held Thurs day and the editor of The Herald has been named an honorary pallbearer to represent the North Carolina Press 'Association. , Noted Publisher To ; Be Rotary Guest ; Dr. W. A. Poe, Associate Editor of the Progressive, Farmer, will- be guest speaker at the Hertford Rotary Club on 'next Tuesday night at the Hotel Hertford, when the local civic organization observes its annual Ru? alUrban Night. - - RuralwUrban Night is sponsored by Rotary as an event to bring closer re lationshfp between residents of the town and county. Twenty five Per quimans .County farmers nave been invited to attend the meeting as guests of the club members in Helping to on serve die program. - i Charles Henc, president of the club, will act as toastmaster at the dinner meeting.-- ; . ; Ovil Service Has Number Of Openings, Civil service examinations for the p Jons of automotive mechanic, and L. -j1 mec4 "-;c and laborer, for in d "iile s"- tment at NAIF, Weeks- vi i and Lii beth City are now open, Jlr.g ta ndrr IielJs, secreUry, ii.oari of U. S. Uivil Service Examv vrt, at tse I iTc t Office.. J 'V ' jala "i i in t'.ing ex. an." . s fr c -3r of Ce?e posi l.i. .1 J. C. 1 Ft.lA fcioatbs FerSotL7d5yP.il Farmers Of County Are Urged To Attend h v Gathering A county-wide meeting of (Per quimans County farmers, for the pur pose of nominating community com mitteemen and delegates to the Coun ty Convention, will be held in the agriculture-building an (Hertford on Saturday,- December 6, beginning at two P. M., it was announced today by Miss Helen Nixon, secretary of the Perquimans , ;PM A Committee. , Milton Dail, chairman of the IP1MA Committee, released the following In formation concerning the elections: "Nominations of farmers to seven positions in each community are to be made at this meeting. ' These posi tions' are: Three members of each community flPIMA committee, two al ternate members, and a delegate and alternate delegate to the county con vention which elects the county PMA committee on December 19, 1952. I am sure tihat every one will agree that 1953 will be a pretty important year, as far as agricultural is con cerned. There will be a lot of im portant decisions -made. That's why this election means go much to you. These community committeemen and the delegates to the county conven tion are going to. have a lot to do with farming in your community which means that it is very important that you attend this meeting and cast your vote in Ithe election. "The election for this year will be by mail with ballots mailed to all eli gible voters in each community. The closing date for returning the bal lots will be December 17, 1952." w Jury Selected For ...Thirty-eight .-Cei'otiimans: "County residenta have been .selected to.serve as jurors at the January term of Su perior Court The list was drawn from file Jujry box at last Monday's session; of County Commissioners. .; v Named for jury duty were Luther a. sitterson, Charles E. Payne, Wil liam W. Corprew, Xoh E., Copeland, J. T. Harris, Charlie L. Copeland, Elric Caddy, Gordon L. Winslow, Na than Sawyer, Mrs. Lizzie Eure, Geo. Kiddick, Jr., John Nelson Lane, L. R. Gay, W. J. Saunders, Julian R. Mat thews, J. B. Basnight, Seth Long, Jr.. C. T. Rogerson, Sr., W. D. Perry, Sr., J. Eugene Winslow, J. V. Roach, Les ter Baker, Noah Stallings, John T. Lane. Jr., Emmett Landing, Mrs. J. H. Satchwell, Earl J. Riddick, Wat son Small, John A. JBillups, Rolla P. White, Claude N. Rountree, W. M. Wood, Lon Stallings, Milton Dail, Jr., Seth Long,; Sr. Lucious E. Winslow, L. E. (iLuke) Butt and V. L. Proc tor. v ' -Vrt' New Auto License Tags Now On Sale 1955 license plates for automobiles went en sale December 1, and Motor venicies v officials advise motorists who failed to receive renewal cards to contact the Department and ask for one. Current plates are valid until mid night January 31, 1953, but officials urge car owners to buv earlv and avoid the usual last minute rush and plates, :-i-y- '..; Color schemes for the 1953 plates will be bjack with orange numerals and letters.: The 1953. mate will have a tiny slot cut into the lower right hand comet' officials explain it was Placed there so that a date tab, like those used during World War XT may be attached in the event of a steel shortage or other emergency. Fires Keep Local Department Busy IWith the ' advent of cold weather here during last week-end the Hert ford Fire Department was called out three times on Sunday to fight fires. The home of Annie Dail, pf Route one, burned to the ground and calls were also made to the residence of J. B. Eure on Route three and the Church of Assembly, 6n Grubb Street . DAIL LANGDON .The engagement and. approaching marriage of Dorothy Elizabeth Lang don to Thomas Alexander Dail has been announced by her parents. (Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. ILangdon of Hunt ington, West Virginia. Mr. Dail is the son of Utj and Mrs. John B. Dail of (Route one, Hartford..' The cere mony will take place January E, 1953 in ll'Jswn B- rtist Churchj Hunt i" ' a. Or, Norman R, (Lewis t will ojCEte. ' January Court Term Dql!5is To l!cM Lirjd Rdy On r 'sxt Monday f iht Annual Rally Scheduled In Elizabeth City on Monday Night The well balanced program for the annual M" Night rally of the Train- lng Unions of the Chowan Baptist Association is to be cMmaxed with the inspirational address by Dr. R. Stuart Gnzzard, popular minister of the First Paptist Church in Norfolk. His subject is 'That AH May Learn." Dr. Grizzard'S message will bring to a close the annual "M" Night meeting held with the Blackwell Memorial Baptist Church in Elizabeth City, Monday night, December 8th, at 7:i o'clock. Other features of the interesting and helpful program are a screen projetaon uearn From Me, special music by the Youth Choir of the First Baptist Church of Elizabeth City and a demonstration conducted by Miss Jennie Lou Newborn, educational di rector of the First Baptist Church in Elizabeth City. Miss Carol Jean Biz zell, minister of music at the Black well Memorial Baptist Church in Elizabeth City,, will lead the singing and J. G. Newbold, Training Union director of the Blackwell Memorial Church, will conduct the period of devotion. During the psriod of roll call and recognition, the attendance banner will be awarded to the training union hav ing the largest percentage of its en rolled members present. However, it Is the desire of all Concerned to have non-members of the training union at tend. With this in mind a special in vitation is extended to non-members and the members of churches without training union work. District Officers - Two Perquimans County men; Chai Henc of Belvidere and Jack Kanoy of Hertford, were selected as district officers of the Wildlife Federation in a reorganization meeting held recent ly at Edenton. ; To provide greater local activity in connection with the operation of the Wildlife Resources Commission, the Federation of Wildlife Clubs were reorganized into 18 districts, whereas formerly there were nine. Mr. Henc was chosen chairman of the new district which is Comprised or . Dare, Currituck, Camden, Pas quotank, Perquimans, Gates, and Cho wan counties and Mr. Kanoy was elected as vice-chairman of this dis trict;'.. - Much enthusiasm is beinjr shown by members of the Wildlife. Clubs over the reorganization of the Federation and the opportunity of irreater parti cipation in the activities of commis sion. It is believed that under this new set up each community will equal ly share, in the distribution of funds for the advancement of wildlife re sources. , . Layden Funeral Conducted Monday Funeral services for Jame Herbert Layden, 68, of Hertford, who died Sunday morning at 8:30 in the Albe marle Hospital, Elizabeth City, after a brief illness, were held Monday af ternoon at 2 o'clock at the Lynch Funeral Home in Hertford. The Rev. C IW. Dulimr, pastor of the Hertford Baptist Church, officiat ed and the church choir sang "Rock of Ages" and 1Abide With Me," with Mrs. Elue White at the organ, v vt ,r The pall was of red and white carl nations with white gladioli. ) - Pallbearers, all nephews of the de. ceased,, were: James Layden, Clyde' Layden, Sidney Layden, Wallace Lay. den, Dick Layden and Emerson, As-m.- :-:-,x, ,-: .Burial was made J in ' the ; lAsbeJl cemetery at Belvidere. Survivors are' one daughter, . Mrsl Thomas Morgan, RJFD. 2, iHertibrd: one son, Jasper Layden.) of Newioort News, Va. two brothers, T. P. Lay den ox Hertford and-JUphonso Lay den of Baltimore. . . ' BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wood, Jr. an nounce the birth of a son, born No vember 19, at Albemarle ; Hospital. ; PIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT ) . ..Mr. and -: Mrs Joe TunneH an- nounce the birth-of a daughter born Jfrtday, November 28. at the Albe marle Hospital in Elisabeth City. ; BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT " Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Keaton an nounce the birth of a son born Sat- yrday, November 29th at the Afte- marie Hospital In Elizabeth City. ; County Men Elected County Officios Assumed Hew Duties On Monday, Commissioners Reorganized Teacher Resigns From H.S. Faculty George S. McRorie, teacher of En glish at Perquimans High School, has tendered his resignation of that po sition, effective December 19, it was learned this week. Mr. McRorie, who joined tfhe local school faculty last September, gave notice of his leaving to the Board of Education last week, and stated pres sure of peraonel business forced him to submit his resignation. Jackets Top Indians Football Contest The 0I3 "jinx", seemingly present at the annual Perquimans-EIizabeth City football game, loomed up again on Thursday of last week when the Jackets won a onenpoint decision from the Indians by a score of 13-12. Perquimans ouMayed Elizabeth City, rolling up greater yardage "from scrimmage but was unable to cdnvert the Rains into scores. The Indians had 12 first downs to seven for the Jac kets. Neither team scored in the first quarter bult Perquimans definitely showed superior ability, stopping a Jacket, drive on the four yard line, then moving steadily to the Jacket 38 yard line as the period ended. Perquimans scored midway of the second period when John Morris pass ed to Eugene White for a TD. The score was set up when Morris in tercepted a Jacket pass and Williams ran the ball, from scrimmage to the five yard line stripe. Try for extra point failed and the half ended with Perquimans leading 6-0. . Elizabeth City started, the. third quarter with a rush, and rolled up three first downs while the Indians collected only two in this quarter. A recovered fumble gave Elizabeth City the big break of the eame and set up fhe Jackets' first touchdown play. The Jackets "were stalled on their 46 yard line and kicked to the Indians' 20, re covering the ball after an Indian fumble. The Jackets moved to the four and smashed through from that point for a TD. They converted and the score stood 7-6. The Jackets scored again in the fourth period when a penalty against Perquimans gave them the ball on the Indians' 16-yard line. A pass moved the ball to the five yard line and the Jackets drove through for the score. iPerquimanii' roared back from this, receiving the- kickoff and with Wil liams smashing the Jacket line for good gains, the Indians moved to the Jackst 49. A pass from Morris to Carver placed the ball on the six-yard line and Williams went over for the TD. Try for extra point failed and Elizabeth City held the edge 13-12. Thanksgiving Day Damages to the amount of $10,000 or more is estimated to have been caused by fire which destroyed a barn and work shop of E.-L. Jennings, of Route three, Hertford, located near Woodville, on Thursday of last week. It was reported the loss is only par tially Covered by insurance. , Jennings was .in the back of the shop, working on a tractor when the fire started.. A backfire of the trac tor, it is reported, set fire to a pan of gasoline and the flames quickly spread to. other parts of the building.. - The Elizabeth City Fire Department was called to the scene and prevented the fire from spreading to other build ings and moved a 300-gallon. tank of gasoline to a place of safety. Street Decorations f Going Up This Week Holiday street decorations in Hert ford are being distributed this week by employees of the town, Mayor V.. N.' Darden reported today. It had been planned to put up the multi-colored lights at the beginning of the month but Inclement weather did not permit. Mayor - Darden stated the lights will be turned on, at night, just as soon as installation is completed. - SUTTON . COBB ' Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Cobb of Hertford announce, the engagement of their daughter, Gaye, to Sammi'e Sutton, "on of M. and Mrs: Saramie Sutton of xierxxora. t MASONS TO MEET I The Perquimans Masbmc Lodge, Nol 107, A. F & A. M. will meet Tues- flaw in4i. alt T.OO in IjwTam in the Court House. . ' Heavy Loss By Fire Appointive Officers Are Named; A. T. Lane Board Chairman In a reorganization meeting, held Monday afternoon, a new board of County Commissioners elected A. T. Lane as chairman, and appointed C. C. Banks as clerk of the Recorder's Court; S. M. Whedbee as County So licitor and County Attorney, and Jul ian C. Powell as County Tax Super visor. Members of the new board of Com missioners are A. T. Lane, William C. Chappell, E. B. Hollowell, R. L. Spi vey ,nd Warner Madre. Other new officials assuming duties of office last Monday were Julian C. Powell, Register of Deeds, and D. F. Reed, Jr., Treasurer. Chas. E. Johnson succeeded himself as Judge of the Recorder's Court. All of these officials were sworn into office by W. H. Pitt, clerk of court. Two meetings were conducted by the Board of Commissioners, the old board met during the morning and trans acted all unfinished business which in cluded reviewing an audit of the county books. It approved the pur chase of an oil burning heater for the Welfare office and passed a motion granting an increase in salary for the Judge of Recorder's Court and So licitor. Each of these officials will receive $150 per month, a raise of $25 over the old salary. uunng tne meeting of tne new Board, on Monday afternoon, in ad dition to filling the appointive offices, the Commissioners were also town ship tax listers, who will begin list ing property for taxes on January 2. Named as tax listers were Percy Rogerson, Hertford Township: Julian Long, Bethel; Mrs.,T. C. Perry, Bel videre; Ray Elliott, Parkville, and Carson D. Spivey, New Hope. The .Board will hold a special meeting with the list takers on Monday, De cember 15, at which time the list taki ers will be instructed as to their dut ies. . r i Outgoing officials were J. Wt Ward, who served as Register of Deeds for 20 ), years 'and CommiAsionsrjarX A. Turner, wfio represented New Hope township during the past two years, and Roy S. Chappell, representing Bethel Township for several terms. Jaycee Minstrel To Be Presented On Friday Night Perquimans High School audiltorium will be the setting for the 'Hertford Jaycees' annual minstrel' on IFriday night, December 5, beginning at 8 o'clock, it was announced today by Jarvis Henry, chairman of arrange ments committee. The minstrel, planned, produced and directed by the members of the Hert ford Junior Chamber of Commerce, is composed of a cast of home-talent ac. tors. It promises to provide a full evening of entertainment for all at tending the show. .1 Talmage Rose will act as Interlocu tor with Francis Nixon, George 'Fields, Charlie Skinner and IBilly White fill ing the roles as end men. IA number of special acts are .also included in the program. rickets are on sale by all members of the Jaycees and may be purchased at the door. Proceeds from the min strel will' be used by the organiza tion in carrying out civic betterment programs selected by tne Jaycees. Local Car Dealers Receive Awards iL, N. Hollowell of Hollowell Chev-, rolet Company, Inc., and C. C Wins low of Winslow-JBlanchard Motor Co., received the "1952 Highway Safety Award" presented by the North Car olina Automobile Dealers Association in Raleigh on Wednesday," December'' 3, it was announced by Association President Fred H. Deaton, of States ville. - , The presentation took place at a special luncheon given by the Asso ciation in honor of these ' men and the other Tar Heel dealers who have , loaned new cars free of charge to high schools for use in the driver education program. Patrolman Guthrie Transferred On Monday ' CpL Ernest Guthrie, a member of the State . Highway Patrot who has been v stationed in Hertford for the past year, was transferred to Jackson- -ille, effective last Monday. ' - . Mr. GUihrie,. an able officer, made; many friends in his short stay in this ' community, who regret his leavir3